Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

The topics raised in the article by Shonkoff, Boyce and McEwen are very significant and important nowadays. The research of the work is focused on finding the roots of the development of common adult diseases and addressing these roots at the early stages. The researchers are examining the idea of...

Determining the Flow Rate with Venturi Flow Meter Tool

Experiment Description Introduction Identifying the flow rates of liquid in a specific environment is a complicated task. However, the adoption of the Venturi Flow Meter contributes to acquiring rather accurate results. Purpose The purpose of the experiment is to understand the principles of flow measurement and to learn to apply...

The Role of Social Media as a Tool in Modern Marketing Strategies

Introduction Over the past few years, many companies have adopted social media as a platform for online marketing. Companies utilize social media platforms for product promotion, reputation management and profile development. This has made social media an important component of any company’s marketing strategy (Groeger, 2011). Organizations use social media...

Unrest in the Arab World: Jost’s 2013 Perspective

The Arab Spring was started not only as of the change of the political regimes but also as a change in the public consciousness regarding the ideas of civil and political rights. Such viewpoints are promoted in work “Unrest in the Arab World,” which was written by Kenneth Jost in...

Florida’s Flooding Crisis: Natural Dunes vs. Man-Made Barriers

Introduction Florida has been known as a tourist destination and the epicentre of the U.S. agricultural growth for quite a while (Hodges, Rahmani, & Stevens, 2013). However, the recent changes in the environment, particularly, the rise in the sea levels and the subsequent threat of its most attractive and useful...

Diaspora: Definitions & Applications in Modern Context

Introduction Although the term Diaspora applies to diverse transnational formations, there have been contentions regarding to its exact meaning. Sociologists, journalists, public, political scientists and anthropologists have applied the term differently depending on the circumstances of their perception and application. One view of the term diaspora means transnational groups that...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender in Hospital

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the healthcare system should comply with numerous factors of a different kind to provide proper adherence to treatment and medication for every individual who is seeking help. However, it also evident that it is difficult to provide an equal amount and quality of...

Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation

The article “Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation” aims to investigate the effectiveness of nursing-initiated interventions. The authors are the nursing professionals from different fields and with varying degrees of experience working in the universities of Michigan and Oxford. The research article addresses nurses’ efforts to help patients in smoking cessation....

Persuasive Business Messages for Product Marketing

Introduction Marketing a new product is often associated with significant risks as the product can be unpopular or even go unnoticed, the target audience can remain indifferent to it, and so on. However, the benefits of developing and marketing new products are also unquestionable as the ability to market them...

Texas v. Johnson: Flag Burning and Free Speech

Abstract The case Texas v. Johnson explores the scope of protection that the First Amendment can grant to citizens. During a protest, Johnson burned an American flag and was later convicted. He appealed the decision and won which prompted Texas to send the case to the Supreme Court. The court’s...

Global Social Media Use: Marketing, Behavior, & Regional Trends

Introduction Social media became an integral part of life globally. They are used not only for communication but for business purposes as well. However, despite their global character, peculiarities of social media use differ from country to country. This literature review summarizes research findings and data from reports about the...

Failed Fortune 500 Product: Bandai Pippin

Introduction Bandai Pippin is one of the epic failure projects to have ever been undertaken by Apple Inc. According to Baker (2013), Pippin was expected to be a major project that would allow Apple Inc. to make an emphatic entry into the gaming market. After brief market research, Apple Inc....

Social Research Methods and Common Mistakes

Introduction Identifying research questions and subsequent hypotheses may present difficulties for researchers, especially for those who do not have sufficient experience in scholarly investigations (Wollman 2013). The most common mistakes made during this process are related to the scope of the research problem. The first type of difficulty is mistaking...

The Mindfulness Effects on Chronic Pain Management

The effects of mindfulness on chronic pain management have been studied extensively, with numerous results of the studies available in the academic literature. However, the quality of evidence is inconsistent, with many studies utilizing methodologies that do not comply with the scientific standards. The following literature review explores the standing...

Social Economy and Leadership: Case Study of Miziwe Biik

Introduction In the introductory part, it is planned to give general explanations of the social economy and its role in the business world. It is necessary to underline that people cannot stop improving their skills, introducing new activities, and evaluating the already achieved results. The work of Polanyi serves as...

Canada-United States Security Partnership

Introduction The land border between the US and Canada is the longest in the world. Its total length is 5,525 miles, including the section between Alaska and the two adjoining Canadian territories, British Columbia and the Yukon. However, the amount of petrol and surveillance seems to be small for such...

Cultural Competence in Nursing Mental Health Care

Abstract The quality of nursing care depends not only on the professional training of junior medical personnel but also on the extent to which these specialists observe cultural norms in the process of work. Further, the specifics of rendering assistance to people with mental disabilities will be examined from the...

Nursing Care Models: Team Nursing vs. Nursing-Managed Care

Introduction In acute care wards, there is a continuous need for specialists that want and able to work together as a team, because coordinated interventions save lives. In that setting, a team nursing care delivery model was observed. Developed as a substitute for a fragmented and poor-performing functional approach, team...

Inpatient and Outpatient Surgical Site Infections

Surgical site infections are common complications caused by surgical interventions, where a patient gets infected due to the surgical openings and weakened immune system. However, the main reason why such a clinical question exists is the fact that there is a difference in rates of surgical site infection occurrence between...

The Importance of Rock Cycle

Importance of Rocks: Introduction One of the most important substances found on earth is rocks. There are different types of rocks and each one can be used to serve different kinds of purposes. Rocks can be used as a building material, to build tools, to enhance the beauty and utility...

Protagonist Roles by Mark Twain, J. Austin and C. Potok

Today’s world is full of so many flashy, noisy, and sometimes even rumbly forms of entertainment that it seems boring to spend a great deal more time and energy trying to read through the lengthy pages of a book. Reading has no sound, no pictures, and no possibility of shake...

The Problem of Leadership

Introduction Leadership is the socially influencing effect that one person has in the form of aid and support on others with the aim of achieving a common goal. Kouzes and Posner (2007) say that leadership is all about creating a path for people to put in their ideas for the...

Code of Honor in Calderon’s Life is a Dream

Something that seems to have died out of the world today is the strong sense of honor depicted in many of the plays and other literature produced in numerous countries throughout the past several centuries. This code of honor that has been passed down to us through many different mediums...

Food Safety Issues and Standards

Introduction Food hygiene standards are perhaps the most important for any country to observe due to the damage which the food of poor quality may bring to the health of the population. In the light of the health problems caused by sub-quality food, new strategies started to be worked out...

American Fighting Style During the Revolutionary War

Introduction History is rich in descriptions of wars and prominent historical moments. The past centuries were characterized by changes that necessitated war or periods of peace. Nations entered into treaties, trade and other major relations with the increase of colonization whereby powerful nations took control over the weaker nations for...

Business Code Evaluation of Ethics by Shell Company

Introduction Professional integrity and dignity are the foundation of an employees’ reliability in an organization. The consistency in the organization is obtained by the implementation of the code of ethics. A Code of ethics is the set of principles, values, policies and standards of conduct within an organization that directly...

Marketing Analysis: Nike Air Force One Shoes

Macro-environment The key principles of macro-environmental analysis are involved in the PESTLE matrix. Hence, considering the environment of Nike in general and Air Force One, it should be emphasized that the environmental perspective of this production is far from perfect, however, the product is highly demanded. (Lorat, 7) Political Actually,...

Deterring Juvenile Crime. Bullying and Delinquency

Delinquency can be defined as a crime committed by a minor; in the recent few years, cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise, and this explains why the issue has given birth to controversy among psychologists, criminologists as well as sociologists. The issue has ignited a debatable topic...

Review of Vitamin A Assay Methods From 2006 to 2009

Introduction Vitamin A has for a long time been considered to play a crucial role in the normal biological and metabolic functions of the human body. It can be introduced into the body in form of supplements such as cod liver oil which contains the “cis” form of vitamin A,...

Unmanned Control Aerial Systems Review

Introduction Unmanned vehicles have grown in popularity, especially because of their versatility in use. These autonomous vehicles are used in multiple areas such as monitoring disaster areas, an inspection of projects and infrastructure, military operations, and spraying of agricultural chemicals, among others. The unmanned vehicles are also equipped with cameras,...

Benefits and Disadvantages of Prone Positioning in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress: Article Critique

Introduction The selected article describes the major challenges and issues encountered by nurses while providing adequate care to patients with severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The authors of the article identified that “earlier trials to provide proper support to patients with ARDS did not show the targeted benefits and...

Human Genetics: Multifactorial Traits

Introduction Multifactorial traits refer to the physical and behavioral differences in human beings. Such traits include height, skin color, fingerprints, physical weight and height, behavioral conditions and tendencies, and eye color among others. Some traits are inherited while others are acquired depending on the environmental conditions of one’s upbringing. According...

How Car Emissions Affect Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is experienced when the earth’s surface heats up and this causes the average temperature of the earth to rise, the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans also rise. The sea level also rises with the increase in temperature of the globe and this affects the weather...

Foundations in Professional Healthcare Practice

Introduction According to Seedhouse 1993, health can be defined as means through which people are enabled to participate fully in society hence finding means through which they pursue their goals. According to World Health Organization 1995, good health could best be defined as the state of complete physical, mental and...

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in Parents

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) is a condition where a caregiver induces mental and physical health problems to their patients. The condition is based on pure deception, with the caregiver in question even exaggerating the extent of pain and discomfort that the patient feels. Initially, the first thought that comes...

Criminal Justice System: Juvenile Correction

Introduction Within the realms of American laws, the criminal justice system comprises of the law creators (legislative), courts (adjudication), and correctional facilities such as probation, parole, prisons, and jails. American criminal justice system comprises of the jurisdictional, normative, functional, and institutional components. These components work simultaneously in defining the goals...

“Trump’s Takeover” the Documentary by FRONTLINE

Summary The documentary titled “Trump’s Takeover” delves into the political intrigues that characterized President Trump’s first year in office. It was marked by unparalleled disorder that risked the stability of the Republican Party (GOP). Trump waged covert rivalry with the party’s leaders, made inflammatory remarks about politicians that aimed to...

Strategic Management Accounting and Balanced Scorecard Application

Introduction A strategy is a plan of action by an organization on how it intends to achieve its goals with the aim of profit maximization. It could happen due to the events or the happenings in the market. The emergence of a strategy might be as a result of interaction...

How to Create a Successful City Branding

Introduction A brand is a name, graphic, or sound that distinguishes a company’s products from those of the competitors. Branding traditionally has its application to commodities. However, research by Hankinson (2001) concludes that “the branding of places and locations is not impossible” (p.1). Many people, irrespective of whether they consume...

The Effect of Investing in Tourism Sector on the National Oncome of Saudi Arabia

The tourism sector of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is among the most prospective and potentially lucrative sectors of the nation’s economy. Although the country is the largest oil exporter in the world, it is important to point out that such a heavy reliance on one source of national income...

Capital Structure: Modigliani & Miller’s Theory

Reasons why Modigliani & Miller’s propositions were initially misunderstood Modigliani and Miller’s propositions were initially misunderstood because of the irrelevance of the propositions that were proving to be irrelevant, still raising hackles in academic circles. The criticism revolving around M&M’s failure to recognize the great importance of adhering to taxes...

Importance of Getting Immunized

Introduction Human body functions properly when it is in a good state of health. The body has mechanisms within itself that help it maintain a good state of health by defending it against attacks from diseases and infections. The white blood cells are known to defend the body against such...

How Social Influence Affects Consumer Behavior

Abstract Consumer behavior is affected by numerous things. For example, it can be argued that a consumer’s purchasing behavior can be affected by his or her access to disposable income. This can change often based on whether someone has a job and, at times, even with the increase in responsibility...

Internal Analysis: Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earbuds by Beats by Dre

Introduction PowerBeats pro wireless earbuds are aesthetic products that are highly comprehensive. Their usage is reserved in silence, although they do not come cheaply. Moreover, they are enclosed in cases associated with gigantism as they appear in an indulgently chucky box. PowerBeats are designed for new generations and are subtly...

Urban Sprawl in Portland: Advantages, Disadvantages, Net Effect

Introduction Urban sprawl refers to the loss of a land’s rural characteristics due to the geographic expansion of cities and towns or spatial footprint. Urban sprawling is caused by the need to accommodate an increasing urban population and fulfill residents’ desire for increased living space and residential amenities. The European...

State Intervention in Australian Employment Relations

Introduction Relations between employers and employees have always been characterized by considerable fluctuations across the globe as these two groups often have conflicting interests and are reluctant to compromise. State regulations were regarded as one of the ways to ensure workers’ rights and wellbeing, but strict supervision and regulatory measures...

Climate Concerns in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Introduction Climate Change is a complex issue of the current time, and individuals are reaching a tipping point. Climate change’s repercussions are worldwide and unparalleled in scale, ranging from altering weather events that jeopardize food security to increasing sea levels that raise the likelihood of devastating floods. Greenhouse emissions happen...

The Bracero Program and Exclusion Policy

The Bracero Program guaranteed Mexican immigrants to the United States decent working conditions in the agricultural sector during the Second World War. In general, this program aimed to expand short-term legal migration for Mexicans and maintain production in the U.S. agricultural industry. However, in the 1950s, this program caused discontent...

Preparing Fried Vegetable Rice: Ingredients and Procedure

Introduction Rice has been in existence for decades now, documented to have been first grown around the Asian continents; Thailand, China, and Japan. Its preparation has evolved with time concerning cultural diversification and practices among communities in the world. Vegetable rice, for instance, is said to have been invented in...

Inflation: Causes, Problems, Impacts on Economy

Introduction Inflation measures how expensive a particular category of goods and services has become in a certain period, usually a year. It is a rate of increase in commodities prices over a certain period. It is usually measured broadly, such as the increase in the cost of living or the...

The Early American Colonization

Modern America is regarded as a nation of opportunity and wealth. This was also true for Europeans throughout the early days of the New World. In order to achieve dominance in Europe, the expanding powers sought for land in America. Because it was so far away from Europe that direct...

Response to Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”

The idea of advanced technology simplifying the process of interacting with information as something to be aware of has been around for centuries, creating a divide within communities. Thus, the pushback that innovative digital technology received at the time of its conception and introduction into the market was to be...

Critical Analysis of Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Methodology and data analysis are some of the most crucial processes that constitute a research paper. In the research done by Xiao and Shailer (2022, p.2) to investigate stakeholders’ perception of the factors affecting credibility of the sustainability report, methodology and data analysis were used accordingly to achieve the objective...

Physical Education, Its Types and Benefits

Article 1: Swimming Topic: The effects of a 6-week core exercises on swimming performance of national-level swimmers. Authors: Karpiński, J., Rejdych, W., Brzozowska, D., Gołaś, A., Sadowski, W., Swinarew, A. S., Stachura, A., Gupta, S., & Stanula, A. The article discusses how physical activities could influence the performance of athletes....

Patient Assessment Data and Advanced Practice Nurse’s Decision

Introduction Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) use such information as psychological, lifestyle, history of trauma, and suicidal ideations obtained from the patient assessment data to recommend either cognitive (CBT) or dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). Nursing evaluation is a fundamental step in providing healthcare services and plays an influential role in selecting...

The Skolkovo Project Development Failure

Introduction The construction of the so-called technological town is becoming increasingly widespread in the modern world of development. These territories are intended for the concentration of various kinds of specialists, who are provided with convenient and beneficial conditions for productive activities and creating a contribution to the country. Henceforth, the...

Diary of an Enslaved Woman: Personal Experiences

The diary excerpt is from the perspective of one enslaved woman who was forced onto a boat. It will help a reader better understand the slave trade, the daily lives of enslaved people, and the events that led to emancipation. The story is based on personal experience and may not...

Influence of Federal Government Policies

Introduction The question of how much the political factor (which is primarily the federal government) can be present in the economy is controversial. This influence can be both positive and negative. Command of the economy with the help of directives results in the growth of the shadow economy, deficit, and...

Outdated Traditions in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Short stories such as Jackson’s “The Lottery” often deliver the point of view of their authors regarding a particular issue or topic due to the pace of their narration and the intended moral of the story. Jackson’s work presents an excellent example of the impact of foreshadowing on a reader’s...

The Impact of AI on Strategic Planning in Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review

Introduction In today’s world, technology takes an increasingly more critical role each day. It affects many areas of human life, including the medical field. The critical factor in such a crucial field as healthcare is the readiness to accept and adapt to new challenges using the most effective tools, including...