Saputo Inc. Cage Analysis: Humanities and Social Sciences

Saputo Inc. is a Canadian company that produces milk products and sells them in over 40 different countries under a variety of brands. It is among the largest dairy producers in the world, with massive production and sales volumes. Saputo’s facilities operate in Canada, the United States, Argentina, Australia, and...

An Analysis of the Affordable Care Act

New acts in the spheres of healthcare always entail both considerable challenges and opportunities for all stakeholders. As a result, every new act, especially those which imply major changes, gets subject to criticism. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) enacted in 2010 became significant legislation which, to a large extent, reformed...

Why to Prefer STEAM Over STEM Educational Tool?

Introduction STEM is a consequence of the emergence of education transformation tools; STEAM is a deepening of the method of combining technological and humanitarian disciplines. For the first time, the word ‘STEM’ appeared in response to the need to change math education standards: American children were losing in math competitions...

Aspects of Normative Virtue Ethics

Introduction Utilitarianism and deontology are relevant moral theories that guide people’s actions. However, fewer scholars acknowledge virtue ethics as a normative rival of these traditions because it primarily focuses on the agent instead of the action. The core concept of virtue ethics is that the action that a virtuous agent...

The Play “King Lear” by William Shakespeare: Marxist Approach

Among the core insights of the Marxist theory is that the class struggle has characterized the history of societies’ development. Because art, both literature and theater, does not exist separately from society, it has become a crucial aspect of the historical process and people’s comprehension of the world. Thus, it...

Resistance to Change in Aviation Industry

Introduction Regarding business operations and using current and emerging technology, the aviation sector has some distinct hurdles compared to other sectors. This is due to several factors, including past interactions between major airlines and governments, sector regulations, regulatory challenges, and safety concerns. This means that the promise of strategic undertakings...

The History of the Opioid Epidemic

Introduction From 2019 to 2020, there were nearly 30 percent more people dying from drug overdoses, which is a quintuple increase from 1999. An opioid was involved in nearly 75% of the 91,799 deaths caused by drug overdoses in 2020 (Li et al.). There were significant shifts in opioid-related death...

News Values and Today Media Culture

Introduction In today’s media culture, most news consumers prefer to watch the news on TV rather than listen to news broadcasting on the radio. The reason for this shift is because of the visual elements that accompany the news bulletin. As a result, most TV stations have lost the focus...

Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health Conditions

Introduction Social media usage has become widespread in the last ten years globally. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are popular with the majority of individuals. Anxiety and depression among teenagers are on the rise, which can be blamed on an increase in the time spent on the...

Difficulties Management Faces with the Millennial Generation

Abstract As a rule, management prefers hiring experienced employees who have already worked in the sphere for many years. Still, any organization also needs to work with the most junior population of millennials who have different values, experiences, and educations. Professionals tend to notice that they are more entitled and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Imaginary Invalid” by Stephen Campanella Drama

Classic plays are extremely hard to stage, mostly because they have already been performed a number of times to the point where they seem to have nothing new for directors to explore. However, every new staging of any Moliere’s play reveals new depth in the author’s genius and provides the...

Globalization Essence by M. Steger and N. Bisley

Globalization is probably one of the most difficult and controversial issues to deal with. A number of attempts were made by sophisticated researchers and philosophers in order to understand how to treat the process of globalization and whether it is possible to investigate it from different perspectives. However, not all...

Starbucks Company: Business, Culture and SWOT Analysis

Brief History The first Starbucks’ coffee store was opened in 1971, and the company has chosen the Seattle’s Pike Place Market as a historic location (Schultz & Yang, 2012). Nonetheless, the idea of the creation of the original coffee place started in 1983, when Howard Schultz (the Chairman and the...

“Managing Transitions” by William Bridges

Introduction Throughout a lifetime, people experience a great number of events that can change their perspective on the world. The process of transition that starts when such an event occurs can be difficult for the person, but by the end, a new way of life can begin. This transition process...

Influenza and Community Health Nurse’s Role

Introduction Influenza is a viral infection that is caused by the influenza virus. It affects the respiratory system and causes complications such as bacterial pneumonia and dehydration. There are three types of influenza viruses. They include Type A, Type B, and Type C. Types A and B are very common...

Medication Errors’ Sources and Prevention

Introduction Healthcare institutions monitor the experiences of their clients to identify new methods that can improve the quality of care available to them. Nurses cooperate with patients whenever providing care to them. Patient experiences are greatly impacted by the skills and obligations of nurses. Various environmental factors in every healthcare...

Special Purchase and Resale Agreements

Introduction A competent distribution of financial resources is an integral component of the successful economy, and corresponding procedures determine some possible ways of money investment. Various treaties and agreements that are regularly concluded among different entities are the mechanisms of the business sphere and are controlled by the banking authorities....

Meta-Paradigms in Nightingale’s Nursing Philosophy

The core concepts of metaparadigms of nursing are the person (patient), health, nursing, and environment (Zerwekh & Zerwekh Garneau, 2014). There are various nursing theories and philosophies, but the four metaparadigms are present in each of them. Every theorist outlines particular concepts and propositions in his/her own way. However, any...

Marketing Mix and Its Importance for Brand Loyalty

Introduction The proposed study is aimed at examining the role played by various element of the marketing mix in creating and sustaining brand loyalty. In particular, it is necessary to focus on price, promotion, place, and distribution. This study should answer the following research questions: What elements of the marketing...

How to Become a Straight-A Student by Cal Newport

Reading the book, How to become a straight-A student: the unconventional strategies real college students use to score high while studying less by Cal Newport has made me surmount my poor study habits. Before reading the book, I found my studies overwhelming since I often complained that I never had...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Managerial Competencies and Work Culture

The first importance of knowing my ideal work culture is that it would enable me to treat employees with respect. It is important for employees to be accorded reasonable treatment because this motivates them to contribute positively towards achievement of organizational goals. The second importance is that knowledge of my...

The Process of Socialization

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that socialization is one of the essential and very complex processes that define the personality of an individual. From the sociological perspective, a person is not born as a fully developed and functioning social actor, but he or she has to go through a...

Klezmer Musical Tradition in Jewish Communities

Introduction The Jewish culture is unique, which is reflected in the Klezmer music tradition. This genre emerged in the 9th century, and during the 16th and 17th centuries, klezmer musicians were widely known as musicians playing at weddings. After the Second World War, this genre was forgotten by the general...

“The 360 Degree Leader” by John Maxwell

Introduction Leadership skills development is essential for any person who wants to succeed or even fit in modern society. When thinking about leaders’ roles, people tend to focus on the ability to influence others and make them follow. However, in his famous book, John C. Maxwell unveiled the value of...

The Evolution of the Nursing Practice Role

Presentation The role of nursing has shifted significantly in the last decades, enabling nurses to become critical and leading professionals in the community and healthcare systems. There is an increasing need for highly trained and well-educated nurses with critical thinking skills. They must be able to manage complex health issues...

Nurse Leader in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit

Leadership is one of the critical competencies that nurses should have as they prepare to advance their careers. Nurse leaders play an essential role in determining the quality of care given to patients as they carry the vision of the facility where they work. In addition, such individuals act as...

Symbolism in Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

Symbols have a special significance in Death of a Salesman. Recurring images of the rubber hose, diamonds, and stockings help to convey the play’s main message. This essay studies the symbolism in Death of a Salesman and uncovers the meaning behind the imagery used by Arthur Miller. Symbolism in Death...

Psychological Effects of Cocaine

As the sun sets in the small city of Espanola in New Mexico, parents stay worried as their kids come home completely drugged and in a sorry state. They look upon the government to help salvage them from this terrible situation of rampant drug abuse that has engulfed them like...

Adult Learning in the Company

I guess that organizational learning is one of the most important aspects of organizational development as it helps modern companies to improve their performance and introduce knowledge management initiatives. Organizations learn when they increase their knowledge of action relationships by obtaining information that they recognize as being potentially useful. This...

Capitalism: A Love Affair. Positive and Negative Impacts

Introduction Capitalism and its negative impact on the American society are taboo subjects. Not many people will have the courage to advocate for the overhaul of the system, given that it benefits the few while the majority continues to suffer. Nevertheless, this is not the case with Michael Moore, one...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Special Event Security: Planning and Managing

In America, Europe, Asia, or elsewhere there are festivals, concerts, election rallies, sporting events, small or large gatherings, at any time of the year. Special events usually include many participants, to the tune of thousands. These participants might include politicians, civic or community groups, government bodies, social and cultural movers...

The US, Japan, and Germany in the 1940s

Introduction The period between 1940 and 1949 forms one of the pillars of the modern world history. As a matter of facts, the period is associated with numerous and renowned events that goes down as remarkable occurrences in the world’s historical books. For instance, the world most famous war i.e....

Description of Art Pieces Design

Christmas card Designs In order for a non-theoretical product to sale, such as images that need a lot of critical thinking to understand the inner meaning, there are certain factors that need to be considered in the mind of the producer, especially during the Christmas session where business do well...

Decrease the Disparity Between Rich and Poor Solution

Human society has long been separated under the influence of the economic factor: while a small group of the elite has been enjoying prosperity, the majority of people have been suffering from continuous shortages and disorders. Today, over one billion people in the world subsist on $1 a day or...

What Are the Reasons for Violence?

Violence is one of the primary reasons for human death, along with life-threatening diseases and acute medical conditions. If the latter is out of social control, the former should be eradicated to reduce the death toll and improve life quality. Moreover, many people suffer from others’ destructible behavior and cannot...

Minimum Wage Policy and Its Impact: Controversy

Introduction The minimum wage is the lowest amount of money for which employees can legally sell their labor. Minimum wage legislation was introduced in the USA in 1938, and in 2009, it was set at its current rate of $7.25 per hour (Congressional Budget Office, 2019). The proposal to increase...

Studying Migraine From a Qualitative Perspective

Introduction Among diseases causing chronic pain, migraine is known quite well among general audiences, yet the awareness about its identification and treatment remains quite low. Nonetheless, the phenomenon has been studied meticulously by multiple researchers exploring different ways of reducing the painful experiences and alleviating them (Voicu et al., 2019)....

“Antecedents of Severe and Non-Severe Medication Errors” by Chang

Introduction In the world of constant dangers for medical support, people are trying to be more conscientious about the appropriate medication without the drawbacks of the personnel. In other words, the idea of medicine should contemplate the idea of professionalism and the constant process of qualification improvement. The problem of...

Vegetarianism. Literature Review

In recent years, vegetarianism and veganism, especially its stricter form, have been gaining popularity around the world. Some people adhere to a vegetarian diet for ideological reasons, whereas others feel its effectiveness and are exceptionally healthy. This is due in part to the possible benefits of this diet and growing...

Conflict in Nursing: Conflict Resolution in a Healthcare Setting

Introduction Conflicts that occur within professional settings are commonplace, including the sphere of nursing. While there is a broad range of definitions of a conflict, it is characterized by either perceived or actual objection or contradiction in views, values, interests, or needs between two or several parties, which results in...

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections Risk Prevention

The Methods of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Change Evaluation is a very fundamental component of change management because it measures the performance of the new system or process (Acheterberg, Schoonhoven, & Grol, 2008). The implementation plan proposed three evidence-based solutions to prevent and reduce the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract...

Aspects of Nursing Faculty Shortage

Introduction The shortage of nursing faculty is one of the trends that have significant implications for medical schools, hospitals, and ultimately patient care. In particular, one should discuss the lack of those educators that have Master’s or doctoral degrees because these people are more prepared to teach students. These professionals...

Creation of Natural Products: Pathway-Specific Activators

Streptomyces Bacteria: Overview Belonging to the actinomycete family (Aigle & Corre 2012), streptomyces bacteria have a very peculiar morphology (Jani et al. 2015). Among the key species that comprise the streptomyces bacteria population, Streptomyces coelicolor, Streptomyces ambofaciens (Laureti et al. 2011), Streptomyces lividans, Streptomyces albicans, Streptomyces griseus and Streptomyces plicatosporus...

Practice Change Using Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model

Introduction There is a high rate of patients’ readmission to health facilities soon after being discharged which is rather expensive. Avoiding unnecessary hospital readmissions is imperative for patients, payers, families, as well as health care providers. The proposal entails the use of Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model for change. The proposal...

Direct and Non-direct Care Providers

Abstract Direct and non-direct care providers have specific core competencies. The definition of these competencies and their successful implementation ensures effective teamwork of the care providers and qualitative health care service as a result. Both direct and non-direct care providers should be competent in theoretical and clinical knowledge, communication and...

Health Care Delivery and Practice Assessment

Health Policy Paper Health Care Delivery and Practice Assessment The quality of healthcare delivery in the United States is often influenced by a range of socio-cultural, economic, legal, and ethnic disparities. The distinction gives birth to inequalities, which hinder a status of the health-care policy. Specifically, according to the health...

DNA Analysis: A Crime-Fighting Tool or Invasion of Privacy?

Introduction The 21st century has witnessed a technological explosion that has led to the great advancement to man and monumental improvements for the human civilization. However, these great advancements have also made it possible for crime to become more prevalent and sophisticated as criminals utilize technology to engage in their...

Rising Heights Program for HIV

Principles of Economics for Evaluating and assessing the need for the Public Health Initiative The principles of economics underlying the evaluation and assessment processes for the Rising Heights Program for HIV Care premise on the concepts of cost-benefit analysis and cost-effective analysis. The cost-benefit principle hinges on understanding the economic...

The Notion of Physician-Assisted Suicide

In the course of medical practice, physicians are frequently forced to face the dilemma of saving one’s life when the patient is rationally willing to make choices in favor of death. To cope with such cases, practitioners came up with the idea of giving doctors the right to intentionally end...

The Tailgate Community’s Potential Health Risks

Introduction This paper is a windshield survey of Tailgate community, Kansas. The community exists in a public space, which makes it easier for outsiders to observe its characteristics without many inhibitions (Rabinowtiz, n.d.). It consists mostly of buildings, as opposed to open areas, because most of its architectural landmarks are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Will the New Communication Technologies Bring a New Age of Democracy?

Introduction Communication technologies are an essential part of the realities of the modern age, where every aspect of human life is directly impacted by the digital world. It is obvious that all kinds of technologies, such as social media, the Internet, and other online communication tools, have brought a wide...

The Development of Modern America After WWI

World War I did not impact the American continent, and the country suffered no mass destruction or loss of life. A new stage of American development started at the beginning of 1920, due in large part to the automobile industry. The increase of the U.S. share in international economic relations...

The Power of Using Nuclear Energy

Introduction The majority of the world’s population cannot imagine their lives without electricity. Energy for daily consumption by individuals and organizations is produced in many ways, including nonrenewable sources (fossil fuels and gas) and renewable ones (solar and wind power). However, one type of energy production – nuclear fission –...

Main Benefits of the Nuclear Power

Introduction For many years, the topic of nuclear power has been approached carefully and with contention from some quarters. Arguably, the notion of nuclear power may send chills down the spines of many who are familiar with the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These incidences have created fear over...

Historical Changes in Society of the 21st Century

The history of the development of civilization on the planet has gone through many complicated stages. Human ancestors went through phases of inequality, crisis, and hunger to build stability for future generations. Many social activists are tied to achieving changes in society at the cost of their lives. For example,...

Project vs. Program: Explaining the Differences

Introduction Project management is a vital part of the governance structure and is actively used in South Africa in science and defense development, information technology, and construction. Many project management methods and techniques have been directly and successfully applied in the administration and public sector, while the terminology can still...

Food Insecurity Health Issue: How to Mitigate It

Introduction Health is one of the basic needs of humans, and being in a state of good health contributes to an individual’s overall happiness. Maintaining good health is not just a role for medical practitioners; individuals, communities, and governments should actively participate in good health practices. One of the easiest...

The “Different Colors” Song by Lucky Dube

How the Song Related to General Systems Theory Lucky Philip Dube, popularly known as Lucky Dube, is a South African reggae musician considered to be one of the most influential artist in that genre. His song ‘Different Colors’ is one of the most popular songs in the African continent and...

The Ethical Principle of Dual Relationships

Introduction Most ordinary people and professionals from various spheres are aware of the need to keep their relationships entirely formal, not allowing any additional circumstances or connections to interfere with them. Nevertheless, it may happen that the relations between a social worker and their client become dual. In other words,...

Natural Disasters and Their Effects on Supply Chains

Introduction Natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes experienced in China, Thailand, and Japan affected not only people’s lives but also world businesses. A supply chain is the circulatory system of any company (Canis, 2011). It links the manufacturing and distribution departments of an enterprise to the world. In this era...

Network Neutrality

What is network neutrality? Why has the internet operated under net neutrality up to this point in time? Network neutrality is used to refer to the nature of equality internet service providers’ accord to the customers. Such services encompass equal access to content and applications, regardless of the source or... Company Strategy and Overview of the Organization’s Leader

Overview of the Organization is a web design firm in Georgetown. The firm specializes in Drupal development, web design, and internet marketing. The company boasts of a competent web development team. The company supports its customers using powerful modules, themes, and interactions. Inclind has been producing admirable Drupal websites...

Physical Activity Role in Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are the prevalent diseases in the world. Researchers pay much attention to studying the numerous therapies and techniques which can lead to reducing the risks of developing these diseases. Physical activity is among the actively discussed factors to influence the development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes....

Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World

Introduction Income inequality is a perennial problem that characterizes societal growth in many countries. It refers to the unequal distribution of wealth across different social and economic groups. The concept connotes different social indicators such as social opportunities, life expectancy, and equity (among others). People have varied opinions about its...

Environmental Health and Health Effects: Improvement Strategies

Abstract The paper deals with the environmental health and health effects of the environmental change. The world has changed dramatically during the last century. Unlimited human activity in the sphere of industry and lack of protection of the environment caused a number of problems, such as greenhouse effect, global warming,...

Natural Disasters Effects on the Supply Chain

Introduction Natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes experienced in China, Thailand, and Japan affected not only people’s lives but also world businesses. The supply chain is the circulatory system of any company (Canis, 2011). It links the manufacturing and distribution departments of an enterprise to the world. In this era...

Multicultural Teaching Strategies: Curriculum Design

The curriculum design is implemented in a secondary classroom setting in the US state where multi-race students are able to get their education and improve their level of knowledge. The teacher described the majority of her students in class as “disinterested” in mathematics and that there are distractions in learning...

Freedom in American Countryside and Agriculture

Introduction The article portrays how freedom has been eliminated in the countryside by the state agriculture department. The issues discussed in this article are further enhanced by the book “The Constitution of Liberty,” which was written some years ago. This book has discussed the organization of labor, socializing, the spectrum...

Law and Morality Relationship: Kant vs. Fuller

Introduction The law is considered one of the most important building blocks of our society. Modern law covers almost every aspect of life, ranging from the most basic concepts such as the protection of life, health, and private property, to regulating trade, formalizing marriage, and assigning penalties for misconduct. The...

Labor Laws Violations by American Companies Abroad

Abstract Enforcing conduct between employers and employees is necessary when it comes to minimizing the likelihood of economic inefficiency for organizations. The US has established labor laws at federal and state levels to ensure that employers adhere to the minimum wage regulations. Besides ensuring that employers remunerate workers appropriately for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Obesity Problem among the Adult Population

Obesity in adults (particularly parents) is not only likely to have an impact on them but also sways the possibility of obesity in their children due to common genes or environmental aspects (Simmonds, Llewellyn, Owen, & Woolacott, 2016). The perception that obesity runs in the family has been backed by...

“Black Lives Matter Because America Tends to Forget”: Article Critique

Lives of all people matter to the society, but some people believe that they are treated differently. The attitude of white people towards African Americans is often questioned not only by the minorities but also by representatives of the general public. The issue of inequality starts to be discussed with...

European Influence on the American Culture and Society

European influence on American culture is best described as omnipresent. It can be seen everywhere, including culture and traditions and even the Constitution. This essay will take a look at the European influence on American culture and examine it in detail. European Influence on the American Culture: Introduction American culture...

Counterterrorism and American Presence Overseas

Introduction Ever since the attack on the World Trade Center, the American government has been pursuing a proactive approach to counterterrorism. Besides gathering intelligence and preventing terror attacks on American soil, various agencies, including the CIA and the FBI, work to identify, study, and eliminate terrorist threats outside the country....

Attraction-Selection-Attrition and Social Cognitive Theories

Introduction Personality determines the different forms of human behaviors and abilities; hence, it is important for success in an organization. Personality is the most important element that human resource managers consider in the recruitment process. Different roles require disparate kinds of skill sets and aptitudes, all of which are attributed...

Discriminatory Traditions Regarding Marriage in Egypt

Introduction Family is one of the fundamental institutions that regulate the functioning the society and precondition its further development. For this reason, marriage as one of the forms of creating families has always been given much attention by people. Since the first stages of the evolution of communities, different forms...

Pyrrhonian Scepticism: Arguments and Beliefs

The sceptic philosophy emanated from the ancient sceptics from Greece. Scepticism emanated from the Greek word scepsis, which means investigation. The sceptics saw themselves as investigators (Machuca, Pyrrhonism in Ancient 11). Sceptics did not propose any ideas or beliefs themselves, neither did they dispute the fact that knowledge could be...

Natural World in Religious and Scientific Knowledge

Introduction Nowadays all people live in different communities, and various religions are spread among the population. During its history, humanity accumulated and explored a significant amount of knowledge about the world around. For people, it is important to learn more about the reality to appreciate it. Moreover, the world around...

Changes in Nursing and Patient Care

Introduction The US healthcare system has experienced huge economic changes in the last few decades. However, there has not been a conclusive and consistent solution to the elementary problem of cost control. The per capita expenses on health increases at about 6% per year, with cost on health care, increasingly...

Data Security Enhancement and Business Ethics

Data security is one of the key points of business success regardless of the company’s size and scope of activities. There is plenty of information that is difficult or impossible to recover or replace in case of loss, including corporate and personal files, payment data, bank account details, and customer...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Amazon Human Resources Strategy

This essay analyzes the HR strategy of Amazon. It’s focused on Amazon HR strategy practices and issues associated with them. It also studies aspects of Amazon human resources strategy, such as recruitment and retention rates. Introduction Being one of the largest and most successful companies in the world, constantly...

The Problem of Nurse-Delivered Patient Education

Identification of the Problem Patient education is one of the concerns of health care with the potential to improve patient outcomes through educating them about peculiarities of their conditions and the necessary care. Some time ago, patient education was the responsibility of physicians. Nevertheless, with the increasing role of a...

Aphrodite and Her Famous Nudity: Art Interpretation

Introduction The cold and emotionless nudity of Ancient Greek statues has become so common to an average viewer that the lack of clothes and the presence of numerous anatomic details on sculptures no longer warrants even a snicker. However, the perception of nakedness in ancient Greece art pieces has experienced...

Sexuality: The Matters of Masculinity and Femininity

Introduction Our viewpoint on the matters of sexuality is mainly informed by the “suppressive hypothesis,” which states that the history of sexuality over the previous three hundred years has been a history of tyranny. Sex, apart from for the aims of reproduction was inviolable. The only way to release the...

Resource Value Effects Territorial Defense by Broad-Tailed and Rufous Hummingbirds

Introduction An animal of a particular species may defend a territory from animals of other species or its own species. Mostly the territories are held by either individuals, a group or mated pair. Food is the overall key determinant for a species to hold the territory. The key factor for...

Eruption at Thera and Minoan Civilization’s Downfall

Introduction The fact is that the matters of the downfall of the Minoan Civilization are the central issues of interest among lots of scholars. The confirmation of a violent end through fire and demolition is clear, but the clues to what caused such destruction have been elusive. It will turn...

Social Security Reforms in the United States

Social Security Trust Fund according to Diamond & Orszag (2004) is ‘the way by which the federal government of the United States (US) accounts for surplus payment from employees and employers to the Social system that are not needed to pay current benefits expenses’ (p. 4). Kollman and Nuschler depicts...

Wuthering Heights as a Gothic Novel

Wuthering Heights is an eminent work by Emily Bronte which was written in the Victorian epoch of British literature. The concept of the novel is widely discussed until now. A huge range of writers who were contemporary to E. Bronte and lived after her admit that the novel is full...

The Value of Lifestyle Analysis

Introduction This speech is intended to provide the audience with total peace of mind, psychological and emotional breakthroughs in their daily life routine. Ladies and gentlemen, at times, we go under very difficult situations like these. I have just lost my husband, such a painful experience, I tell you. I...

“The Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne: Symbolism

Introduction Nathaniel Hawthorne was an outstanding writer of the 17th century and produced several works that took a reasonable place in the world’s classical literature. Judging from the example of his writing piece such as “Young Goodman Brown” one can state that his creative activity was distinguished with thoughtfulness and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Changing the Oil in Your Personal Vehicle

Introduction For most motor vehicle owners, changing g the oil in the family car is a matter of driving up to the local chain store or dealership, then waiting for others to do the job. However, there may be a time when the car owner will need to know how...

Did Christianity or Islam Liberate Women?

Introduction Just as it is true that religion is everywhere, it is equally true that religious popularity has varied over time and from place to place at any one time. Its popularity has been shaped by its response to three cultural sets of beliefs and values that have appeared during...

Challenges Faced by MNC’s in Cross-Cultural Management

Current participation in the global market has brought with it challenges in terms of cross-cultural management. With an increase in the number of multinational corporations, people from a different cultural backgrounds are forced to work together under one roof despite the differences in beliefs and norms. The fundamental intellectual and...

Physician-Assisted Dying and Its Legitimacy in the Medical Practice

There is a large number of articles written about different aspects of assisted dying. For this work, the article by Malpas & Owens (2016) was carefully examined. The authors discuss the doctor’s role in the physician-assisted dying process and consider the arguments for and against PAD’s legalization (Malpas & Owens,...

Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Introduction Type 1 diabetes is a major problem among young members of the population because they become infringed from their earliest years. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a large group of complex metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia caused by impaired insulin secretion or action, or a combination of these disorders....

Rip Van Winkle and Anton Rosicky: Similarities Between the Two Characters

Introduction The paper focuses on singling out the similarities between two famous short story characters: Washington Irving’s Rip Van Winkle from “Rip Van Winkle” and Willa Cather’s Anton Rosicky from “Neighbour Rosicky.” The main emphasis is made on such features pertaining to the two men as independence, intelligence, and life...

Criminology: USA Patriot Act Overview

Introduction USA PATRIOT ACT was enacted in 2001 in reaction to the September 11, bomb attack on the US. Reauthorization was passed in 2005 by Senate and made permanent most of the previous provisions about to expire in 2005. The Act strengthens and gives more authority to the federal agencies...

Nursing Education Overview and Analysis

Introduction The roles of nurses have considerably expanded during the last two decades. For example, these medical workers should act as educators. Additionally, they often need to coordinate the activities of other healthcare professionals. However, many researchers argue that there is a gap between the education of nurses and their...

Brain Disease: Bipolar Disorder

Introduction The website offers useful information about the common brain disorders and conditions affecting mankind today. The website achieves this goal by listing some of the best health and neuroscience resources. The provided links can equip the reader with new ideas about some of the major brain diseases. The selected...

Simmel’s Stranger vs. DuBois’ Double Consciousness

George Simmel and William DuBois have played a significant role in developing the theories of social science. Their double concepts are among the most known approaches to addressing the idea of consciousness and the stranger. The stranger represents a particular social kind, which is shaped by the inherent traits of...

Analysis of “Finding Fish” by Antwone Fisher

A person’s development largely depends on his or her personal qualities and brain capabilities. However, society and social agents that surround the child have a more significant role in the formation of personality. Antwone Fisher’s memoir Finding Fish provides a prime example of this influence, since the protagonist experiences many...

Brown vs. Board of Education Legal Research

In the middle of the 20th century, the American education system, as well as other public spheres, underwent a number of considerable changes based on the ideas of racial equality and order. To authorize the presence of separate schools for white and black citizens, the concept of racial segregation was...

Confederate Statues Removal

Introduction White racist campaigners protested in Charlottesville, Virginia, on August 21st, 2017, against the removal of a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee. On the same day, James Field, a white supremacist, drove his car into a crowd of protestors, killing one and injuring many. However, the statue was...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Among Children and Adolescents

Introduction Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a prevalent illness affecting more than 16 million Americans. Its commonness among adults is on the rise, but more worrying is the recent recognition of this disease among children and adolescents. Researchers know little about the varying epidemiology, management and etiology of T2DM...

Near Field Communication Technology Application

Introduction NFC is near field communication, which refers to the semantic field of data transfer and payment transactions because this method itself is a form of contactless payment, which should be as reliable and secure as possible. This protocol became widespread in the mid-2000s and is widely used as a...

David Mazzucchelli’s “Asterios Polyp” Analysis

David Mazzucchelli had a rather exciting career in the comics industry. While in the 1970s, most artists and writers dreamed of joining the staff of industry giants, by the age of 20, Mazzucchelli was already drawing one of the most fearless characters at Marvel – Daredevil (Friedenthal 34). David collaborated...

Statistical Study of Alcoholism Among Students

Introduction: Research Question This research paper investigates the relationship between workday alcohol consumption and several characteristics of students’ social, economic, and academic status. In particular, a large set of gender, demographic, and family data allows several research questions to form. Does the number of absences from school affect workday alcohol...

Conquest of Mexico and Yucatan: Fundamentals and Features

Introduction Central and South America became the site of a turning point in a large-scale battle, after which the local tribes came under the control of the Spaniards. In general, it can be conditionally divided into two main campaigns, namely the campaign against Mexico and the Yucatan. As a result...

Is Gentrification Another Form of Segregation?

Introduction Gentrification has no single interpretation; there are anthropological, sociocultural, Marxist, and many other interpretations, all of which have the potential to exist. However, if one tries to describe the concepts, gentrification is a change in the property system when a more prosperous group replaces the poorer groups and invests...

Shaping Singing Behavior with Applied Behavior Analysis

Shaping is a method teachers or therapists use in applied behavior analysis (ABA) to achieve a desired behavior or skill by gradually teaching and reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior. This means the demonstrated approximate desired behavior is reinforced while the other behaviors are not. Analysts may use the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Understanding of Entrepreneurship

This paper is aimed at reflecting on my personal understanding of entrepreneurship before the start of the semester and thoughts on this topic after learning the key theories. Micro and macro views on the theory of entrepreneurship will be considered. Additionally, the paper touches upon the issues of the concept...

Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana?

Introduction Although there have been numerous attempts to make the Federal government to decriminalize the use of marijuana, because of numerous benefits that are associated with this drug, to date, it has maintained its hard stand as stated in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Therefore, because of the power...

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

The topics raised in the article by Shonkoff, Boyce and McEwen are very significant and important nowadays. The research of the work is focused on finding the roots of the development of common adult diseases and addressing these roots at the early stages. The researchers are examining the idea of...

Determining the Flow Rate with Venturi Flow Meter Tool

Experiment Description Introduction Identifying the flow rates of liquid in a specific environment is a complicated task. However, the adoption of the Venturi Flow Meter contributes to acquiring rather accurate results. Purpose The purpose of the experiment is to understand the principles of flow measurement and to learn to apply...

Social Media Tool in Modern Marketing

Introduction Over the past few years, many companies have adopted social media as a platform for online marketing. Companies utilize social media platforms for product promotion, reputation management and profile development. This has made social media an important component of any company’s marketing strategy (Groeger, 2011). Organizations use social media...

Kenneth Jost’s Article “Unrest in the Arab World”

The Arab Spring was started not only as of the change of the political regimes but also as a change in the public consciousness regarding the ideas of civil and political rights. Such viewpoints are promoted in work “Unrest in the Arab World,” which was written by Kenneth Jost in...

Example of Semiotic Analysis of Advertisements: Chanel 5

For this semiotic analysis of advertising, we have chosen the fragrance advertisement campaign for the Chanel No 5 perfume. Their posters vary significantly in the intricacy and complexity of execution a good deal and offer an excellent platform for semiotic analysis.  Many questions could be asked. How does the body...

Florida Native Dune Systems’ Ecological Sustainability

Introduction Florida has been known as a tourist destination and the epicentre of the U.S. agricultural growth for quite a while (Hodges, Rahmani, & Stevens, 2013). However, the recent changes in the environment, particularly, the rise in the sea levels and the subsequent threat of its most attractive and useful...

Term Diaspora’ Concepts and Meanings

Introduction Although the term Diaspora applies to diverse transnational formations, there have been contentions regarding to its exact meaning. Sociologists, journalists, public, political scientists and anthropologists have applied the term differently depending on the circumstances of their perception and application. One view of the term diaspora means transnational groups that...

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender in Hospital

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the healthcare system should comply with numerous factors of a different kind to provide proper adherence to treatment and medication for every individual who is seeking help. However, it also evident that it is difficult to provide an equal amount and quality of...

Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation

The article “Nursing Interventions for Smoking Cessation” aims to investigate the effectiveness of nursing-initiated interventions. The authors are the nursing professionals from different fields and with varying degrees of experience working in the universities of Michigan and Oxford. The research article addresses nurses’ efforts to help patients in smoking cessation....

Persuasive Business Messages for Product Marketing

Introduction Marketing a new product is often associated with significant risks as the product can be unpopular or even go unnoticed, the target audience can remain indifferent to it, and so on. However, the benefits of developing and marketing new products are also unquestionable as the ability to market them...

Texas v. Johnson: Flag Burning and Free Speech

Abstract The case Texas v. Johnson explores the scope of protection that the First Amendment can grant to citizens. During a protest, Johnson burned an American flag and was later convicted. He appealed the decision and won which prompted Texas to send the case to the Supreme Court. The court’s...

Social Media in Business Across the Globe

Introduction Social media became an integral part of life globally. They are used not only for communication but for business purposes as well. However, despite their global character, peculiarities of social media use differ from country to country. This literature review summarizes research findings and data from reports about the...

Failed Fortune 500 Product: Bandai Pippin

Introduction Bandai Pippin is one of the epic failure projects to have ever been undertaken by Apple Inc. According to Baker (2013), Pippin was expected to be a major project that would allow Apple Inc. to make an emphatic entry into the gaming market. After brief market research, Apple Inc....

Social Research Methods and Common Mistakes

Introduction Identifying research questions and subsequent hypotheses may present difficulties for researchers, especially for those who do not have sufficient experience in scholarly investigations (Wollman 2013). The most common mistakes made during this process are related to the scope of the research problem. The first type of difficulty is mistaking...

The Mindfulness Effects on Chronic Pain Management

The effects of mindfulness on chronic pain management have been studied extensively, with numerous results of the studies available in the academic literature. However, the quality of evidence is inconsistent, with many studies utilizing methodologies that do not comply with the scientific standards. The following literature review explores the standing...

Miziwe Biik, a Social Economy Organization

Introduction In the introductory part, it is planned to give general explanations of the social economy and its role in the business world. It is necessary to underline that people cannot stop improving their skills, introducing new activities, and evaluating the already achieved results. The work of Polanyi serves as...

Canada-United States Security Partnership

Introduction The land border between the US and Canada is the longest in the world. Its total length is 5,525 miles, including the section between Alaska and the two adjoining Canadian territories, British Columbia and the Yukon. However, the amount of petrol and surveillance seems to be small for such...

Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care

Abstract The quality of nursing care depends not only on the professional training of junior medical personnel but also on the extent to which these specialists observe cultural norms in the process of work. Further, the specifics of rendering assistance to people with mental disabilities will be examined from the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Care Models Definition

Introduction In acute care wards, there is a continuous need for specialists that want and able to work together as a team, because coordinated interventions save lives. In that setting, a team nursing care delivery model was observed. Developed as a substitute for a fragmented and poor-performing functional approach, team...

Heart Failure: Preventing Readmissions and Repeated Hospitalizations

Literature Review Prevention of readmissions and repeated hospitalizations is a primary task of contemporary healthcare. This issue is related to both the improvement of the quality of care and reduction of costs spent during repeated hospitalizations. Early hospital readmissions occurring within a 30-day post-discharge period are of the greatest interest...

Political Change in the Presidential Transition 2008

Introduction In contrast to most of the nations with parliamentary systems of governments, where the head of state or president is primarily ceremonial, in U.S the President is specifically vested with vast authority and is perhaps the most influential elected official in the entire world. The founders of nation intended...

Inpatient and Outpatient Surgical Site Infections

Surgical site infections are common complications caused by surgical interventions, where a patient gets infected due to the surgical openings and weakened immune system. However, the main reason why such a clinical question exists is the fact that there is a difference in rates of surgical site infection occurrence between...

The Importance of Rock Cycle

Importance of Rocks: Introduction One of the most important substances found on earth is rocks. There are different types of rocks and each one can be used to serve different kinds of purposes. Rocks can be used as a building material, to build tools, to enhance the beauty and utility...

Protagonist Roles by Mark Twain, J. Austin and C. Potok

Today’s world is full of so many flashy, noisy, and sometimes even rumbly forms of entertainment that it seems boring to spend a great deal more time and energy trying to read through the lengthy pages of a book. Reading has no sound, no pictures, and no possibility of shake...

The Problem of Leadership

Introduction Leadership is the socially influencing effect that one person has in the form of aid and support on others with the aim of achieving a common goal. Kouzes and Posner (2007) say that leadership is all about creating a path for people to put in their ideas for the...

Code of Honor in Calderon’s Life is a Dream

Something that seems to have died out of the world today is the strong sense of honor depicted in many of the plays and other literature produced in numerous countries throughout the past several centuries. This code of honor that has been passed down to us through many different mediums...

Food Safety Issues and Standards

Introduction Food hygiene standards are perhaps the most important for any country to observe due to the damage which the food of poor quality may bring to the health of the population. In the light of the health problems caused by sub-quality food, new strategies started to be worked out...

American Fighting Style During the Revolutionary War

Introduction History is rich in descriptions of wars and prominent historical moments. The past centuries were characterized by changes that necessitated war or periods of peace. Nations entered into treaties, trade and other major relations with the increase of colonization whereby powerful nations took control over the weaker nations for...

Business Code Evaluation of Ethics by Shell Company

Introduction Professional integrity and dignity are the foundation of an employees’ reliability in an organization. The consistency in the organization is obtained by the implementation of the code of ethics. A Code of ethics is the set of principles, values, policies and standards of conduct within an organization that directly...

Marketing Analysis: Nike Air Force One Shoes

Macro-environment The key principles of macro-environmental analysis are involved in the PESTLE matrix. Hence, considering the environment of Nike in general and Air Force One, it should be emphasized that the environmental perspective of this production is far from perfect, however, the product is highly demanded. (Lorat, 7) Political Actually,...

Deterring Juvenile Crime. Bullying and Delinquency

Delinquency can be defined as a crime committed by a minor; in the recent few years, cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise, and this explains why the issue has given birth to controversy among psychologists, criminologists as well as sociologists. The issue has ignited a debatable topic...

Review of Vitamin A Assay Methods From 2006 to 2009

Introduction Vitamin A has for a long time been considered to play a crucial role in the normal biological and metabolic functions of the human body. It can be introduced into the body in form of supplements such as cod liver oil which contains the “cis” form of vitamin A,...

Unmanned Control Aerial Systems Review

Introduction Unmanned vehicles have grown in popularity, especially because of their versatility in use. These autonomous vehicles are used in multiple areas such as monitoring disaster areas, an inspection of projects and infrastructure, military operations, and spraying of agricultural chemicals, among others. The unmanned vehicles are also equipped with cameras,...

Benefits and Disadvantages of Prone Positioning in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress: Article Critique

Introduction The selected article describes the major challenges and issues encountered by nurses while providing adequate care to patients with severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The authors of the article identified that “earlier trials to provide proper support to patients with ARDS did not show the targeted benefits and...

Human Genetics: Multifactorial Traits

Introduction Multifactorial traits refer to the physical and behavioral differences in human beings. Such traits include height, skin color, fingerprints, physical weight and height, behavioral conditions and tendencies, and eye color among others. Some traits are inherited while others are acquired depending on the environmental conditions of one’s upbringing. According...

How Car Emissions Affect Global Warming

Introduction Global warming is experienced when the earth’s surface heats up and this causes the average temperature of the earth to rise, the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans also rise. The sea level also rises with the increase in temperature of the globe and this affects the weather...

Foundations in Professional Healthcare Practice

Introduction According to Seedhouse 1993, health can be defined as means through which people are enabled to participate fully in society hence finding means through which they pursue their goals. According to World Health Organization 1995, good health could best be defined as the state of complete physical, mental and...

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in Parents

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSbP) is a condition where a caregiver induces mental and physical health problems to their patients. The condition is based on pure deception, with the caregiver in question even exaggerating the extent of pain and discomfort that the patient feels. Initially, the first thought that comes...