Medical Emergencies in Dental Setting

Introduction A medical emergency refers to a disease or harm which is acute and presents a great risk to the life of an individual or the long-term health. These emergencies might need help from personnel who must be appropriately and ideally qualified to carry out the exercise, though some of...

Somatic and Dissociative Symptoms in Adults

Abstract Somatic and dissociative symptoms are associated with the past traumatic experience. Preliminary evidence suggests that their consideration should include a variety of individual factors to provide high-quality treatment to such patients. The importance of this study is conditional upon the fact that the failure to efficiently address these symptoms...

Evaluation of Reddy’s Claim “Racial Identity Is Often Simplified and Distorted”

Racial identity is considered one of the most important issues in a culturally diverse country like the US. This issue brings up many controversial debates. Some believe that racial identity is based on blood percentage and others believe that it is a sum of the physical, cultural, and social characteristics...

“Rizzo” Family Case Analysis

Introduction Family-oriented treatment differs from individual therapy and requires more involvement and participation from the therapist. In a family visit, the therapist simultaneously takes on the role of moderator, judge, empathic listener, and role model. This paper aims to analyze the case of the “Rizzo” family, applying the theory to...

Female Agency in 19th and 20th Century Literature

Introduction The problem of female agency and the constraints that patriarchy has placed on it became particularly prominent in the West in the late 19th-early 20th century. Due to the pressure of sociocultural, as well as socioeconomic and sociopolitical changes, the opportunity for women to add potency, urgency, and convincingness...

Ischemic Stroke: Advances in Diagnosis and Management

Overview A stroke usually occurs due to decreased or interrupted blood supply to the whole or part of the brain, which prevents the brain from getting enough nutrients and oxygen. When this is not corrected immediately, brain cells begin to die within few minutes. A stroke is considered a medical...

The Online Dating Services Benefits

Top five online dating services The most popular online dating services include Yahoo Personals, PerfectMatch, eHarmony, and Yahoo Personals has a large diverse membership base and an online dating magazine that offers tips on dating. It also has multiple options for communication. PerfectMatch has around 4 million members...

Mental and Heath Disorders in Medical Practice

Introduction Mental health refers to a good performance of necessary cognitive functions. Desirable cognitive function results in productivity alongside good interaction with the environment. The wellbeing of a person is an essential determinant of one’s daily interaction and ability to contribute to societal progress. Psychological illnesses are essentially known to...

Leadership: The Case of Hillary Clinton

Introduction Leadership is a crucial part of every society, influenced by personal attitudes, traits, and experiences. Leadership is demonstrated at various levels, with each level requiring a set quality of leadership. Some leaders are shaped by their experiences from childhood, relationships, and personal ambitions. It is also possible to find...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Culture Industry by Adorno & Horkheimer

The 1944 book “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception” was co-authored by Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer. Adorno and Horkheimer, in during, 1999/1944, p. 32, say that ‘Culture now imposes the same mark on everything” The Culture Industry, according to this article, uses a variety of media to...

Immigration Policy: Impact on Nursing

Identification of the Underlying Issue In July 2014, two American citizens named Dr. Paul Gingrey (a retired obstetrician and gynecologist and a former member of the congress in the United States) and Linda Poon (a staff writer at CityLab Bloomberg) have both illustrated their perspective on the healthcare policy in...

Black Women’s Life Experience in Alice Walker’s Stories

Introduction This essay compares Alice Walker’s two short stories with a recurring theme about black women’s experience in contemporary life. The first story is Everyday Use, and the other one is The Temple of My Familiar. The two stories are similar in that the author shows the exclusive women’s journey...

Workforce Planning: Recruitment and Selection

The causes of workplace conflict between the city’s firefighters and city management Poor communication between the city management and the firefighters’ representatives. The mayor ordered for employment of new firefighters, a total of twenty-five rookie firefighters. According to the firefighters, such a decision that lacked bearing from their representative’s side...

Master of Public Administration and the Career

Introduction The “Master of Public Administration” (MPA) focuses on public provision or non-profit administration. MPA programs prepare learners for executive and management roles at state, local, and federal levels in different segments, including education, government service, community supervision, non-profit establishments, and other subdivisions (Lee, 2020). This memo reflects on my...

Is the Threat of Global Warming Real?

Increases in Earth’s average temperature over an extended period are called global warming. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere have recently increased. This study will examine whether global warming is a genuine phenomenon or a theory. Greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide are the primary contributors to climate change...

The Aircraft Brake Ethical Scandal

Introduction The Aircraft Brake Scandal is one of the most popular cases for moral and ethical research. This is the story of a valiant man who was not afraid to challenge the corporation to protect himself and bring justice. The case can be considered from the point of view of...

Kindergarten Critical Episodes Analysis

Introduction Kindergarten is one of the basic institutions that are present in any educational system. It serves to cultivate the societal values in children, developing their social integration, and most importantly forming their academic base. The main interaction in these institutions is between teachers and students, with the student-student interaction...

European Invasion and Agriculture in the Caribbean

Introduction The Caribbean is considered as one of the first regions to lose the aspect of indigeneity due to the massive immigration of people from Europe, North America, Africa, and the Far East since the early 1600s1. The erosion of the indigenous Caribbean culture emerged from the intrusion of the...

Romanesque vs Gothic Styles Comparison

Gothic vs Romanesque Architecture: Introduction Throughout the ages, architectural designs have progressed gradually in different regions. Architectural designs incorporated art to develop what we see today in the world’s cities and towns. Buildings are curved with unique and incredible styles and profiles. Most of the buildings in big cities possess...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Capital and Minorities Education

The Issues of Diversity Modern society is getting increasingly diverse by the day. A recent census report indicated that two in eight students trace his or her origin to the ethnic background of a minority. Their proportion is expected to increase with the gradual onset of globalization and their achievements...

Nursing as an Art and a Science

Introduction The question of whether nursing is an art, a science, or both is not easy to answer. In this work, I have examined each of these versions to find what arguments can be found to support them. I have identified factors that evidence that nursing is a science, as...

Innovative Leadership Reflection

An Example of a Good Leader Moving a company forward and ensuring its strong position in a target market, is a challenging task due to the necessity to motivate employees and foster loyalty to the firm among them. Apart from providing directions and building plans for the future development of...

The Problem of Tobacco Use in the United States

Introduction Tobacco use remains a major challenge in the United States. Smoking is one of the risk factors for lung cancer and premature death. Young individuals view the misbehavior as a ritual to adulthood. This paper seeks to analyze the issue of tobacco regulation and how some of the existing...

Racial Stereotypes, Identity and Intersectionality

How oppositional dichotomies of race define racial stereotypes During the centuries, there have been developed racial stereotypes. Thus, dividing people into different races (according to color) we can assume that every race has its “characteristic features”. The racial stereotypes consider different aspects of life, appearance, and behavior, such as interpersonal...

Stream of Consciousness in Joseph Conrad and TS Eliot Literature

Stream of Consciousness Essay Introduction Stream of consciousness is a popular trope predominantly used in the twentieth century fiction. It is essentially a narrative mode that pens down the protagonist’s thought processes either in the form of a monologue or by connecting with his or her actions. Scholars believe that...

Rhetoric of “Virtual Promise” by Claire Giordano

Online courses are becoming more and more popular in the contemporary world because of rapid technological development. Claire Giordano, a student, wrote a persuasive essay, “Virtual Promise: Why Online Courses Will Not Adequately Prepare Us for the Future,” where she discusses the pros and cons of taking online courses. She...

Self-Control Theory: Are Our Parents to Blame?

A century ago, most behaviorists theorized that the environment greatly influences criminality. This theory ignores a person’s genetic predispositions, and for the most part, blames social influences for the molding of a criminal or at least a delinquent. From this theory, an opposing theory, called the self-control theory, came to...

Nursing Philosophies and Health and Care Theories

The philosophy of nursing has to begin with a prayer in memory of the famous Florence Nightingale whose rich heritage and writings made the profession an indispensable one in society (Kim and Kollak, 2006). Theories and philosophies are creative products of various nursing researchers. The theories which have been classified...

Wal-mart Food, INC: Management Accounting Concepts

Introduction This would involve a short picture of Wal-mart food, Inc… It is the earth’s largest vendor it functions, in the course of an enormous foundation of Wal-Mart supplies, supercenters of Wal-Mart, etc. The main purpose of the Final Project is to apply the concepts and techniques of the module...

Effect of Internet in the Gambling Sector

Introduction Many vices are practiced in society, most of which have been said to be illegal. There are however some of which have been legalized and as long as a person is above the required age then he/she can participate in this vice. Gambling is one of them. Gambling is...

Transportation: Connecting Communities

Transportation is considered to be among the major industries around the globe. It is one of the most expensive and burdensome areas not only for citizens but for the government as well. Nevertheless, it is well known that dependable transportation allows people to travel throughout the country and to live...

Strategic Approaches in Managing Elderly Patient

Introduction Elderly people have special needs making them prone to devastating consequences at times of disasters. These special needs are in terms of both physical and cognitive aspects. The elderly face many challenges and they need help in carrying out simple things such as eating, taking a shower, cleaning, dressing,...

Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis Pathophysiology and Management Comparison

Introduction Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the two main conditions that occur under the umbrella of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Both diseases involve airflow obstruction, which interferes with the normal breathing process in the lungs. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are the most important diseases of COPD. According to the...

Racism: Ku Klux Klan Case Study

Introduction The Ku Klux Klan is considered as one of most racist and anti-Semantic group in the US. It employs all forms of techniques to achieve its interests. It is not surprising that the group employs violence to achieve its wishes and desires. It is comprised of whites and its...

Can One Will Their Own Freedom Without Willing the Freedom of Others?

Freedom is defined as the right or the power to act, think, and speaks as individual desires. Humans tend to fight for freedom collectively, especially if the most influential individuals trigger its influence. An analysis of human psychology indicates that people act independently and always strive to abide by the...

Affordable Care Act and Double Patient Service Standards

Abstract Based on insured and private patients, a double patient service standard has been a significant concern over the years. Private patients are given an advantage over the insured ones in many hospitals because the uninsured tend to pay independently and without delay. Hospitals and the government must place regulations...

How Do Culture and Christianity Relate to Each Other?

Christianity is often claimed to have a significant influence on Western civilization and culture. Some scholars even consider Christianity the creative force that shaped the world into its current condition. For example, Lobkowicz (1991) argued that “only a culture with faith in one transcendent God had the capacity to demystify...

Who Showed Greater Resilience: Oedipus or Hamlet?

Introduction People normally experience crises, problems, losses, adversity, trauma, and other challenges at some point in life. However, there is always the possibility of recovering and return back to the previous position. Resilience is the capacity to recover from difficult or challenging life events and is considered an important characteristic...

DHL Company’s Strategic Challenges Analysis

Introduction Organizations need constant growth and development, which makes it necessary to respond to strategic challenges. DHL is an international logistics and transport company that provides road, air, and sea delivery services (DHL, n.d). The organization pays special attention to the use of the sustained potential for long-term development in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Privacy Protection Online in Real-World Examples

Websites must take privacy seriously in order to keep their users safe. It is imperative that they include some form of privacy protection to guarantee their customers’ confidentiality (Lin, 2018). Confidentiality is vital as it helps to build customer confidence in the company, thus boosting loyalty. Various popular websites will...

Soccer in the US, Its Development and Popularity

Introduction Soccer is one of the most popular sports globally because of the high number of individuals participating. Many countries and other individuals have invested a significant number of resources towards ensuring effectiveness in the sporting sector. Soccer is one of the major sports in which individuals have invested their...

The Utilitarianism Argument for Public Policy

Introduction Utilitarianism holds that an action that is morally right should result in the most good. The theory of Utilitarianism refers to a type of consequentialism, which indicates that actions are understood based on the consequences produced. A Utilitarian view aims to maximize the overall good of others as well...

The Role of Computers in Our Life

Introduction It is true that computers have created a revolution in the life of human beings and have simplified the way in which we live. But is the computer really helping humans or just adding more work? Are humans becoming more addicted to computers? The aim of this paper is...

“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kessy Literature Analysis

Introduction Written by Ken Kessy, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a masterpiece that relates closely to Kessy’s experiences with mentally sick people. Several themes come out clearly and they expound America’s unrelenting efforts to root out communism and despotism around the globe. For instance, themes of individuation and...

East and West Teachings’ Concepts Differences

Karma, Samsara, and Nirvana In Buddhism, Samsara refers to the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Human beings undergo a series of rebirths in various forms until they can escape this routine (Moore & Bruder, 2013). Karma imprisons the individual in the wandering. Karma refers to the chain of causes...

The Unlicensed Assistive Personnel and Registered Nurses

Introduction Conflict is a process that occurs as a consequence of differences between common goals, values, actions, and beliefs of two or more individuals (Higazee, 2015). It is a highly volatile situation that can halve either positive or negative result for all involved parties. Conflict is an inherent feature of...

Stereotypes in “Moonlight” Film by Barry Jenkins

Introduction Moonlight chronicles the life of a queer black boy singled out for being too soft and feminine, but eventually transformations himself to a menacingly muscular drug dealer with gold teeth grills accentuating his maleness. The movie segregates the journey of an adolescent boy into manhood into three chapters. Initially,...

Effective Business Messages and Channels

Introduction There is no doubt that the preferences of the global audience have a significant effect on the success of companies trying to propel their activity in the market to the next level with the help of new goods and services that meet with the ready market sale. Making a...

Ancient Egypt: Head of Colossal Statue of Ramesses II

Formal analysis The head of a Colossal Statue of Ramses II is a bust of Pharaoh Ramses II, one of the most successful kings of the ancient Egyptians. It is one of the series of colossal objects that were used to decorate the front part of several rectangular pillars making...

Cancer Care, Diagnostics and Complications

Introduction Cancer is “a health condition characterized by abnormal growth and enlargement of different body cells” (Bohkenkamp, LeBaron, & Yoder, 2007, p. 1). The condition is also known as malignancy. Oeffinger and Hudson (2004) believe that there are hundreds of malignancies affecting humankind today. The common types include prostate, skin,...

Films Comparison: “Psycho” by Gus Van Sant and Hitchcock

The film version of Gus Van Sants Psycho in 1998 put out of temper practically everybody who has seen this movie. This reaction was predicted. In this particular case there was proposed a unique by its arrogance experiment, aiming to reproduce in details all the techniques that had been used...

What Is Public Relations?

Introduction My future profession of choice is public relations. Public relations professionals are charged with the responsibility of planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating information as well as communication strategies to clients, members of the public and other stakeholders on behalf of the organization (Edwards & Hodges 2011, p. 77). In...

“Dove Chooses Beautiful” Advertising Campaign

In 2015, Dove launched its new Dove Choose Beautiful advertising campaign, writing a new chapter to one of the most successful marketing campaigns ever, the Real Beauty campaign that started in 2004. The campaign was groundbreaking: its purpose went beyond promoting its commercial products but aimed at drawing people’s attention...

Chapters 1-5 of “Diversity in Families” by Zinn et al.

Chapter 1 This chapter is about images, ideals, and myths related to families. It teaches the develop a new framework for understanding families. In society, there are different ideas about what an ideal family should be, and the characteristics attributed to a perfect family differ. Some emphasize the traditional aspects,...

H&M, Zara, Benetton Firms Supplying Fast Fashion

Introduction Fashion has become incredibly fast-paced. The ability to mass-produce numerous articles of clothing and make them available and affordable to the general populace has increased consumerist tendencies across the globe. Changing clothes every season has become the norm for upper and middle-class customers. As such, the most successful fashion...

Telidon: A Canadian Initiation of Dial-Up Art

The truth is that many modern people cannot imagine their life without the Internet. When a question arises, a person takes a smartphone, surfs the web, and finds an answer in a matter of seconds. Such progress should not be ignored and must be used properly. However, it is important...

Teaching Experience in Disaster Management Among Teenage Students

Summary of Teaching Plan The significance of the role that a nurse plays in disaster management (DM) is often overlooked yet is crucial to the safety and security of community members. Particularly, the promotion of safe behaviors needs to be mentioned as the primary goal of a community nurse in...

Ecofeminism, Pluralism and Environmental Pragmatism

The life of each and every being in the world is very valuable and at the same time nature is a treasure house for all beings and because of this reason no one has the right to diminish the richness of nature. Eco feminism, pluralism and environmental pragmatism are some...

Compatibilism: Philosophical Meaning and Application

What Is Compatibilism? Compatibilism is often given the name of soft determinism. In its application, it is used to refer to the theory that expresses the views that voluntary choice and predestination or God’s exhaustive sovereignty is dependent. In short, it can be put that there exists an amount of...

Strategic Management: Definition and Value for Managers

Introduction Strategic management can be defined as either an art or science of business management strategy that helps to formulates, implement, and evaluate some specific decisions that prove very critical in reaching the organizational objectives (David, 2007). This definition, therefore, means that strategic management is a type of management inclined...

Christopher Columbus and 16th-Century Imperialism

Introduction Imperialism refers to the process by which powerful nations control weaker nations by influencing or controlling their culture, politics, and economy (Meltzer, p.4). There are various factors that contributed to imperialism but the main cause of imperialism is economic expansion. In ancient times, powerful nations could send armies to...

Consumer Behavior, Issues, Challenges and Analysis

Introduction This paper presents a dynamic model on the consumer behaviour on the real world marketing issue. It will further discuss the marketing and industrial experiences encountered daily in everyday business life, in addition is the Consumer behavioural issues and consumer analysis or recommendations. Research studies has argued that industries...

Comparison of Two Articles About Issues of Leadership and Management

The First Article Purpose and Scope The research in question was explorative in nature, so the authors instead of arguing produced several hypotheses and tested them in order to uncover new information about the topic. Their purpose was to investigate the leadership preferences in representatives of different nationalities in contrast...

The Play “The Merchant of Venice” by W. Shakespeare

Introduction The play The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare contains distinct elements of comedy although it depicts issues of grave importance in the society today. For this reason, some scholars consider it a tragedy while others regard it as a tragic-comedy. However, the comic aspects present in the play are...

William James – the American Philosopher

The Nursing Profession during William James Era William James was an American philosopher and a psychologist. He was considered the founder of the pragmatism school of thought and functional psychology. He was born in a wealthy family in January 1842. William James made a massive contribution to the field of...

Terror and Religious Belief System

Terror attacks such as the bombing of Oklahoma City, the Sarin Nerve Gas Attack on the Tokyo Subway system and the use of suicide bombers by both Islamic and Jewish Terrorist groups provide clear indications that contemporary fourth wave terrorists justify their use of violence through the theological and moral...

How Black Lives Matter Became a Successful Movement?

Introduction Black Lives Matter is a movement that protests against police brutality and violence that targets the African American community. Although the initiative started in 2013, it has become centralized and received national and international recognition in 2020, during the George Floyd protests. They were caused by the tragic incident...

Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely…” vs. Arnold’s “Dover Beach”

In I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, Wordsworth describes a persona traipsing and discovering daffodils by a lake only to reminisce over and derive great pleasure and comfort from the experience when loneliness, boredom, and restlessness later strike. Conversely, Arnold’s Dover Beach dissects the reality of a new world detached...

Air Travel Business Plan: The Real Cost of Training

Prior to the analysis and the implementation of potential solutions, it is vital to assess the underlying issues that are contributing to the current excessive costs of travel. Currently, the total expenses of seven executives contribute to $75,000 in ticket costs and $15,000 in additional fees for services such as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Applying Leadership to Enable Staff Achievement

Applying Leadership to Enable Staff Achievement The systematic development of influential leaders is crucial to the long-term success of an organization; however, this aspect is frequently neglected or approached randomly. Management has been viewed as the technique through which an individual sets orientation, exerts influence over a team, and guides...

Langston Hughes’ Biography

Introduction Langston Hughes was a Black American born in 1901. He was popularly known for his art that incorporated poetry, prose, autobiography, drama and essay writing. Hughes focused on highlighting existing stereotypes, which rendered Blacks vulnerable to discrimination. Even though he had the political inclination, he failed to publicly declare...

Rise of the Islamic Empire

There was a great number of different interesting and bright moments in history of our world. Rise and fall of the Roman Empire, Napoleonic Wars and great tragedy of the WWII. Each event changed greatly development of our word and society. Moreover, these events left a great landmark in culture...

Art and Community Participation and Interaction

Introduction Artists supersede the adage that your reward is what you spend your money to purchase. Artists remain underfed and cities are losing their ballet, opera, and other artistic works to crows that pick up cultural remnants. A contribution to creativity in art is the evolution towards contemporary art (Markusen...

Conflict Resolution in Healthcare Establishments

Introduction Conflicts are not uncommon among nursing personnel due to the challenging working conditions and the dynamic nature of the field (Kleinpell et al., 2014). However, their occurrence can be prevented or even turned into an advantage by applying proper leadership skills and techniques after the conflict is properly identified,...

Why Vocabulary Lessons Should Be Taught?

Learning vocabulary is a very important aspect in our growth and development of both our written and spoken language. It helps the students to understand the meaning of words and be able to use them in an appropriate way in development of factors such as oral/written use of the language;...

Gender Identification in Coed Dormitories

Nowadays, in the dormitories of the American University, the implementation of effective policies and norms plays an important role. The point is that students from different parts of the world are allowed to live in American dormitories and free to develop their personal needs, religious interests, political persuasions, incomes, and...

Statistics: Dummy and Orthogonal-Coded Regression

Introduction The current paper provides the results of two multiple regressions performed on the same data but using different types of coding of dummy variables: dummy coding and orthogonal coding. After the description of the data file and after testing the regressions’ assumptions, the research questions, hypotheses, and the alpha...

Students as Sheep: An Exploration of Governance in Education

Introduction Governance is one of the most critical issues in philosophy since it illustrates a conflict between people’s right to freedom and their willingness to live in an ordered society. Peter Cave’s chapter “Man or Sheep” discusses this concept in great detail, exploring the benefits of centralized governments and their...

Understandings of “Asia” and “the West”

Perhaps the most important question to ask ourselves when trying to re-recognize Asia as both a territory and a mindset is to establish why we are doing so in the first place. Over centuries many have tried to ‘pin down’ Asia to a single ideology so that it can be...

Ireland and the Irish Rebellion of 1798

Background In 1791, the United Irishmen were born in Belfast and Dublin. At first, the organization’s aim was demanding democratic reforms, among them Catholic liberation. The British government was at that time ruling over Ireland. The government granted some of the reforms the Irishmen demanded. However, the period of reform...

The Feasibility of Transforming Iraq into a Democratic Nation

America’s involvement in Iraq has often been called by some strategic experts as the worst strategic decision since the Vietnam War. The continuing U.S. efforts to transform the authoritarian, multi-ethnic, and religiously divided Iraq into a liberal, democratic, capitalist, and secular nation-state is facing considerable difficulty and this essay aims...

Benito Mussolini’s Rise and Fall

Abstract This research paper looks critically at the life and times of Benito Mussolini. The paper begins by discussing how by 1919 most Italians had turned their support to the socialist and the catholic party in the hope that it would solve their problems. The paper discusses the early life...

Thomas Jefferson’s Actions and Thoughts

Introduction Thomas Jefferson is an extraordinary figure of the political and social scene of the United States’ history. He has retained many different public offices during his life starting from ‘the bottom’ until reaching the ‘highest’ possible. His career has been an excellent one in politics, one that every politician...

Family Nurse Practice Promoting Patient Safety

Abstract Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) should get the best education in clinical practice. These practitioners possess powerful skills and concepts that can improve the nature of nursing. This essay gives a detailed description of this advanced practice role. The essay explains how FNPs can promote patient safety. The essay also...

Temporary Aid to Needy Families: Policy Analysis

Introduction Racial inequality has been a topical issue in the United States across centuries due to its systemic nature. Structural racism affects many people, but families in need, especially their children, are particularly vulnerable. Welfare policies aim at assisting such families, and the Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) block...

Theodore Roosevelt’s Most Outstanding Achievements

Theodore Roosevelt (TR) is documented as one of the best world leaders and most influential presidents of the united states of America. He was a renowned author, historian, and naturalist considered to have contributed immensely to the development of America. Teddy is most recognized for his ideologies of foreign policy....

Discipleship Stages and Spheres

Introduction Stages of Discipleship A disciple undergoes a spiritual transformation to match Christ’s image. Through this process, a believer experiences an in-depth growth of spiritual knowledge. Christians consume the “spiritual milk” in the discipleship stages and go through the “Christian walk.” Learning how to become Christ’s disciple is crucial for...

Celebrated Women in History: The Big Five Personality Traits

The Big Five personalities are qualities that people possess. They include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Different people possess different extremes of these qualities, either high or low in the trait. Openness is a characteristic which people high they are creative, open to new experiences, and take up challenges....

How Exercise Programs Decrease Fall Rates in Adults

PICOT Question For adults greater than 65 years of age in the retirement community (P) does an exercise program (I) compared to no exercise program (C) decrease fall rates (O) within one year (Table 1)? Prioritized List of Databases for the PICOT Question The first database that was considered appropriate...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Therapy

Legal Issues in the Case Study The provided claim against a physical therapist raises legal issues pertaining to the case scenario and the prevalence of malpractice issues in healthcare. One of the legal issues is whether it is legal for the PT to leave the patient to get out of...

“George Kennan: An American Life” by John Gaddis

Introduction John Lewis Gaddis provides an engaging and elegant biography of George F. Kennan. In the book, George F. Kennan: An American Life, Gaddis presents a lucid and masterfully researched account of Kennan’s life as a diplomat, policy mover, and a scholar of world history. Gaddis is a professor of...

Co-Mac Company: Business Impact Analysis

Company Overview Co-Mac is a relatively small company that provides specialized building hardware, such as fasteners, latches, construction locks, straps, supports, and more. The merchandise is imported from a variety of suppliers and distributors and is sold in a regional niche market. Being the first to arrive at this specialized...

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?

Linda Nochlin a well-known art history scholar has written many essays on this subject, however, the essay that made the greatest impact on the field of history was “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” (NOCHLIN, par. I). From this idea and the profound question put up by Linda...

Restriction on Ownership and Its Impact on Real Estate Market

Summary of the Article Real estate is a sector that has attracted several investments in recent years. The sector growth has attracted several rules and regulations to protect both private and public interests of its acquisition and usage. The USA government federal rules have to a large extent been duplicated...

The Justice in Megan’s Law Review

Introduction Justice is a concept used worldwide in order to uphold what is supposed to be fair treatment according to the law or the standards of that particular location. Although justice is very common, it is presented in various ways. Nader and Sursock’s Anthropology and Justice, speak on the diverse...

Protective Orders and Domestic Violence Review

Introduction Domestic violence is a serious problem in the contemporary American society (Buzawa). Most of the violence against women is committed by intimate relations of the victims and criminal documentation of the same is not available. Thus a study on the effectiveness of the present prevention and regulatory system is...

Current Economic Recession for USA

Introduction The economic crisis has been defined by the Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research as a significant decline in economic activity which cuts across the whole economy and lasting more than a few months. This decline is seen in economic indicators like employment, production, and real income...

The Reverse Logistics in E-Commerce

Outline This essay describes the reverse logistics in e-commerce. The study deals with how reverse logistic and e-commerce relate and the importance of reverse logistic in the e-commerce sector. It also studies what type of industries will suffer more because of the reverse logistic. Because every industry is producing different...

“Paradise Now” the Film by Abu-Assad

The screenwriter of the Paradise Now and its director, Hany Abu-Assad, created the movie about two Palestinian men that wanted to detonate bombs at the military check point in Israel. Two suicide bombers were to sett of their bombs one after another, to injure as much people as it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill

Introduction Utilitarianism in its simplest form is a theory of ethics that says the fundamental principle of morality is the principle of utility, in other words a person must choose to do something that is most likely to produce the greatest good of the greatest number of people (LaFave, 2006)....

“Promises Aren’t Enough” by Rodrigo Canales

The article Promises Aren’t Enough by Rodrigo Canales, B. Cade Massey and Amy Wrzesniewski has been published on 22 of August 2010 in the Sloan Management Review periodical. Authors of the article, Rodrigo Canales and B. Cade Massey, are assistant professors of organizational behaviour of Yale University’s School of Management,...

Greek Heroic Motifs in “The Iliad”: Agamemnon and Priam

Introduction Greek history is frequently discussed in many literary works, and Homer’s Iliad is probably the most famous and successful story about the Trojan War and its participants. In this epic poem, heroic motifs are determined by harsh social obligations and definite cultural beliefs, underlining the role of gods and...

Immigration Detention Centers in America

Introduction The United States government holds hundreds of thousands of immigrants in its more than 200 detention centers located in different states. The immigrants are detained in these places for entering the US unlawfully, and await processing for legal entry into the country (asylum seekers) or deportation. Detention is conducted...

Accomplishing the Intentions of Meaningful Use Program. Implications and Recommendations

Introduction Accomplishing the intentions of Meaningful Use Program is a very challenging duty to many health care providers (Dowling, 2014). In the health care sector, the term Meaningful Use refers to the processing of population and health statistics into, EHR, an electronic health record. The above process aims to enhance...

Human Services Ethical Considerations as to Tobacco Addiction

Introduction Although there is no risk related to the issue of tobacco use in the United States, it continues to be one of the leading causes of preventable illnesses and death. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2021) reports that the number of smokers in the country is close...

Social Policies and Equal Opportunities for Minority Groups

Introduction For many years, the disadvantaged and minority groups have been underrepresented in education, employment, and housing. Moreover, the people of color have suffered historical exclusion and have missed several opportunities since the merit was based on race. For example, considering race as an admission factor in higher education has...

Memorial Hermann Health System (MHHS) Community: Healthcare Initiative

Implementation Plan for Proposed Initiative The new initiative proposed for implementation at Memorial Hermann Health System (MHHS) community is to improve community healthcare through broader use of telehealth services in the Greater Houston area. MHHS community efforts in this area are extensively focused on serving the needs of diverse and...

Discussion of Renewable Energy Resources

Introduction Environmental awareness has recently become one of the key values addressed by governments, corporations, and social capital across the globe. The question of environmental challenges catalyzed by industrialization and overpopulation was first explicitly stated during the United Nations conference in Stockholm (Niankara & Zoungrana, 2018). Since then, various public...

Fortunato in “The Cask of Amontillado” by Poe

In a story as concise and rightly packed as Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado,” every little detail serves to highlight and stress the piece’s main conflict. This certainly applies to the story’s secondary character – the protagonist’s perceived arch-nemesis Fortunato. There are two symbols clearly related to Fortunato...

“The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach”

Introduction In their book The New Christian Counselor: A Fresh Biblical and Transformational Approach, Hawkins and Clinton seek to explain counseling from a Christian perspective. They consider what it means to be a new Christian counselor. Additionally, the book makes a distinction between old Christian counselors and new ones. In...

Problem of Suicidal Ideation in Sexual Minority

Bouris, A., Everett, B. G., Heath, R. D., Elsaesser, C. E., & Neilands, T. B. (2016). Effects of victimization and violence on suicidal ideation and behaviors among sexual minority and heterosexual adolescents. LGBT Health, 3(2), 153-161. The study was carried out to fill the gap in research concerned with the...

How the US Supreme Court Affected Japanese Americans

Introduction Some Japanese Americans refused to relocate to internment camps during World War II, and they also challenged government orders to do so in court. These individuals correctly contended that the government violated their civil liberties by denying them the ability to stroll outdoors at night and reside in their...

Does Life Inform Art? Sui Sin Far and Her Works

Sui Sin Far, also called Edith Eaton, was born to an English father and Chinese mother. As a child, she grew up in North America and Central England. Thus, she obtained an intimate grasp of the complicated and challenging relationships between races, which were entangled with many individual misconceptions and...

Social Work Theories: Application to the Knowledge Base

Social work is centered on promoting the wellbeing of people, families, and the community. The practice is driven by theories that seek to explain, describe, and predict social happenings founded on scientific research and evidence. The theories involve a wide perspective covering philosophy, sociology, psychology, education, and economics, among other...

Effects of COVID-19 on Industries

The epidemic has had a significant impact on the workplace. Aside from the risk to public health, the economic and social turmoil endangers millions of people’s long-term livelihoods and well-being. The pandemic significantly affected labor markets, economies, businesses, and worldwide supply networks, causing major commercial disruptions. The practically immediate economic...

The History of Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Introduction Bugs Bunny, an animated character, was created back in the 1930s by Leon Schlesinger. It gained popularity after featuring in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series released in 1930 and 1931 respectively. For instance, Merrie Melodies started airing in 1931, during the golden age era of American animation...

Chapter 6 of “Advocacy in Practice” by Rempel

Introduction In the book written by Rempel (2017), Advocacy in Practice: Creating a culture of social change in human services, section six is titled “Advocacy stories” and extends from pages 129 to 151. In addition, the book is published by Oxford University Press Canada and covers critical aspects of advocacy...

Obama’s Citizenship, Religion, and His Political Ideology

Introduction If there was one president whose life and leadership has been most controversial is that of the U.S president Barrack Obama. The accusations, rumors, and fallacies leveled against him range from not only his country of birth, but they stroll down to even his presidency. Skeptics of his administration,...

Psychotherapy Effect on Phobic Patients

Introduction Psychotherapy is a technique used to treat mental disorder. This study was conducted to establish effect of psychotherapy on phobic patients. Additionally, the study was conducted to follow up on phobic patients after psychotherapy. The study focused on exploring systematic desensitization on phobic patients. Moreover, the study focused on...

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Knowledge Management Definition and Role

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Suicide Screening as an Evidence-Based Practice

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A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Critique Paper

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Design the Perfect Leadership Development Experience for Yourself

Hiring well-rounded outside consultant personalities and agencies for consultancy functions in leadership skills could provide a whiff of fresh air into the organization and also allow management leaders to think effectively, from a fresh perspective, which surprisingly, could also aid in solving current issues besieging leadership. This is because most...

Literature Review on Human Resource Development

Introduction The first hotel of Ritz Carlton Hotel Company was opened in 1898. A year later, Cesar Rits opened another Carlton hotel in London, paving way to the emergence of a great name in the hospitality industry. The company had gone through many trials and tribulations while spreading its territories...

Persistent Racism in the United States

At first glance, the United States seems to be a relatively monolithic country, but many problems, ethnic, religious, social, and racial contradictions lie in its depths. Using the example of the modern United States, one can see how these moods manifest themselves in the current political situation. The racial issue...

Business Ownership: Corporate Governance

Introduction In any firm, there should be a healthy employee-employer relationship to enhance productivity. It is the interaction among employers and each employee at the workplace that influences productivity and efficiency. Business owners are all parties involved in the overall operation and success of the business. Governance is a process...

Parents’ Role in Young Adult Literature

Introduction Young adult literature is a genre of fiction explicitly aimed at adolescent readers. The target audience for this category of literary works is between 12 and 18 years of age, and the novels focus on problems and issues relevant to the teenagers facing new challenges of adult life. Thus,...

Basic Biblical Christianity Summary

During its stay on Earth, humanity found various gods, and accordingly, books were written that talked about these gods, how to live with them, and worship them. Christianity is one of many religions and also has a book called the Bible. It contains the truth necessary for the salvation and...

Social Media in Moderation

Introduction In terms of the current situation and online environment shaped by the pandemic, the online space has become the most pivotal and influential in working and educational domains. It is a valuable source of essential information to extend the public’s knowledge and help people maintain their work responsibilities remotely....

Covetella as a Business in a Foreign Environment

Introduction The analysis of case studies is essential for business and marketing management students because it shows the challenges and constraints entrepreneurs face running a business. The case study of Covetella’s experience is instructive as an example of a business in a foreign but quite attractive economic environment. Besides, Covetella...

School Library Promoting Reading and Literacy at School

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Suffrage Expansion in the United States

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The “Enrique’s Journey” Book by Sonia Nazario

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Ageing out of Foster Care: Transitional Supports and Programs

Ageing out of foster care entails transitioning from being provided by a guardian to catering for their needs. The process often occurs when individuals reach the age of 18 or 21. Due to this age, the youths are no longer eligible for foster care services and must rely on their...

Continuity Plan for Houston City in the Event of a Terrorist Attack

Introduction Terrorist attacks are as unpredictable as they are devastating. In many cases, they can cause infrastructural damage, deaths, and mass casualty situations that can disrupt typical civilian operations (Søby, 2020). Houston City in Texas is the fourth most populous city in the USA with about six and a half...

The “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” Film by Spielberg

Introduction The early beginnings of 1982’s E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial can be found in various projects that Steven Spielberg was unable to immediately realize. Just after the release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Spielberg announced plans for a low-budget movie entitled Growing Up (McVay, 2022). It was supposed to...

Isaac Newton Scientific Contributions

Isaac Newton is considered a champion of scientific modernity in several aspects. His inventions have not only been historical but have influenced the development in modern life. The historical introductions of scientific methodologies have been used to transform ancient methodology to a new phase of natural intellectual development. Scholars attribute...

“A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” by Bartolome de las Casas

“A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” is a book written by the Spanish Dominican friar, Bartolomé de las Casas, in 1542. The short account describes the events that occurred in the Indies in the fifteenth century. It is about the mistreatment of Native Americans in colonial times...

Hypertension Prevention, Treatment, and Education

Topic Identification and Rationale There is hardly a person who has never heard of someone complaining about high blood pressure. A periodic or continuous high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is detected in 29 percent of the US adult population, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

The Self-Care Deficit Theory by Dorothea Orem

Introduction The modern healthcare sector is focused on the provision of outstanding care to all patients and the improvement of the quality of their lives. It means that health workers should incorporate knowledge from different areas to attain enhanced results and assist individuals in their recovery. Under these conditions, nursing...

Electronic Medical Records: A Wide Range of Options

Nowadays, technologies develop extremely fast, providing a wide range of opportunities for different spheres, including healthcare. Among one of the most commonly discussed innovations are electronic health records (EHRs). They are believed to be extremely advantageous for medical workers because they allow sharing significant patient information with no complications. Professionals...

The Ottoman Empire in the World’s History

Introduction Before the current state boundaries, most of the legislative regions were kingdoms and empires. Unlike the current boundaries that are limited in terms of their geographical extension, the empires and kingdoms stretched far and wide. One of the empires that have had an impact in history is the Ottoman...

“Alien” Short Story by Riley Brett

Introduction Alien presents a short science fiction regarding a strange individual being returned to Earth after supposed abduction by a UFO. Told from the perspective of a blogger that encounters and connects with the man by accident, the short story offers a lighthearted but also tragic narrative of someone being...