Honda: Logistics Management

Introduction Honda Motor Co., Ltd., hereafter referred to as Honda, is one of the leaders in the global automotive market operating in all continents. In 2019, the company produced 5,170,595 automobiles in its facilities that are located worldwide (Honda, 2020b). In 2020, the company had rather challenging times, as well...

Cheerios Firm’s Diversification of Energy Sources

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it is great to be here today, and it is my pleasure to see many faces here on a momentous occasion. I am glad to acknowledge people from different countries, organizations, and partners. After all, the launching of our new segment will not be meaningful...

Evidence-Based Policing: Challenges & Achievements

Introduction Evidence-based policing (EBP) is a way of policy-making and tactical decision-making for police departments. Cordner (2020) explains that the concept has its foundations in the larger movement toward evidence-based practices. This approach aims to eradicate unsound or outdated methods that are no longer effective and replace them with more...

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Performance of Multinational Enterprises

Introduction Business invariably responds to the needs and demands of the community within which it operates. In the last several decades, such issues as climate change, pollution, and the impact of business operations on the environment and the public have come to the forefront of the discussion (Ghardallou & Alessa,...

Homeland Security of the US Transportation System

Introduction The transportation system plays a critical role in the growth and development of the country. It is through this system that people and goods are able to move from one destination to the other for various reasons. The transportation system is the means through which international trade, business, and...

Implementation of Community Policing

Introduction Insecurity and crime are some of the problems affecting many societies across the globe. Such challenges have informed the development of criminal justice systems. Such frameworks are designed in such a way that they can detect criminals and crimes. Culprits are usually arrested, tried, and charged by their offenses....

Toys R Us Company: Supply Chain Challenges

Introduction Toys R Us is one of the major toy manufacturers in the world. It operates using a supply chain that has been associated with various challenges. It is currently the only specialised major toy manufacturer in the United States, with Wal-Mart and Target as its major competitors. The company...

Organisational Communication in the UK’s Restaurant Industry

Introduction The main purpose of this study is to analyse the degree to which different management styles influence the quality of organisational communication in the UK’s restaurant industry. This chapter discusses and develops the research methodology of the underlying study, including the research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, population and...

The Phenomenon of Prohibition

Abstract Prohibition is a phenomenon that took place between 1920 and 1933 which was regarded as a noble experiment. It was passed as a law to stop people from consuming alcohol and had a lot of repercussions, some of which are felt even today. Most of the people who suffered...

Brand Identity of Abercrombie & Fitch

Introduction A company’s brand is currently considered as an important marketing tool, which defines the relations of the consumers toward the company. Accordingly, this can be also true regarding sales volume, profit level, and other financial indicators, which are shareholders’ main objects of interest. However, financial indicators are often merely...

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“Globalization, Poverty and Inequality” by Kaplinsky

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