Winthrop’s Improvisation Evaluated With Well’s Model

Introduction John Winthrop commenced bible study at a tender age and served the community to become a fully-fledged puritan. He was a seasoned scholar who cascaded his academic knowledge with religion to elaborate God’s word. Winthrop improvised the biblical message into five acts, the creation, the fall of man, and...

Middle Adulthood Development: Fifty-Four-Year-Old Male

Middle adulthood development does not differ in significant changes in human behavior, but rather is characterized by the final installation of the model of their life. Analyzing this stage of human development, it is important to take into account such aspects as cultural, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. In...

Joe Biden’s 2021 Speech: Rhetorical Analysis

Purposes of the Speech Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, gave a speech on the coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2021. According to the Political Discourse reading, an address has various purposes, including inspiration, motivation, amusement, information, and persuasion. Joe Biden’s speech sought to inspire, motivate, inform,...

“The Shark Tank” Businesses Compared

The economic and business world is at a new level following the consistent technological evolution. Organizations worldwide have developed programs and projects through the internet to dominate the specific venture, while others use the platforms to expand and acquire new business. The Shark Tank encompasses various epiodes involving entrepreneurs and...

Nestlé’s Costing System and Financial Statements Improvement

Cost assessment is crucial for a wide variety of purposes, as it helps to determine the profitability of products and create an optimal product mix. According to Savić et al. (2019), selecting the correct costing systems is crucial to estimate the profitability of a product correctly, as it may affect...

The Ice-Cream Cone Project Marketing

The purpose of the marketing researcher is to produce insight to support the marketing manager’s decision-making. In order to discover and identify marketing challenges and opportunities as well as to create, enhance, and evaluate marketing activities, marketers do marketing research (Kotler & Keller, 2016). This activity establishes a connection between...

The Halifax Harbor Explosion: History of the Atlantic Region

The world has witnessed a few incidences where explosions caused by the human race have claimed many lives and caused wide-scale destruction. The Hiroshima bombing is recorded as the largest man-made explosion of all time. Before this incident, in 1917, the world witnessed the first largest-ever explosion. It happened in...

Global Value Chain and Sustainability in the Case of EVs

The global value chain describes the full range of activities that firms engage in to bring a product from its conception to its end use and beyond. This includes design, production, marketing, distribution, and support to the final consumer (Science Direct, 2017). On the other hand, the global value chain...

The Cold War: Background and Impact

Introduction The Cold War, while being a notion highlighting geopolitical tension rather than direct aggression, was the phenomenon that impacted the current world. Namely, two great world powers, the United States and the Soviet Union were both interested in having the most significant influence on global nations. However, the differences...

The History of the Modern Feminist Movement

Introduction The modern feminist movement owes much to its godmother Mary Wollstonecraft and her classic treatise written at the very end of the 18th century. The main idea of Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) was that women should receive the same education as men. A woman is perceived as a secondary person...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare as a Human Right: Addressing Access Disparities

The healthcare system in the United States faces several challenges, including inequalities in access to care and health outcomes. Although the system is complex and multifaceted, many citizens struggle with receiving the medical care they need. Given the limited resources available to the American healthcare system, it is essential to...

Photography as a Cultural History

Pictorialism is often called photo-impressionism, as long as effects on photos, which were achieved thanks to back lighting, and shooting in mist or under a rain, and with the help of soft-focus lenses, as well as with the help of further manipulation, reminded about. A famous American photographer Emerson created...

Food Safety and Information Bulletin

The health-conscious consumer looks for nutrient-packed salad bars, natural foods, rare meat, and raw seafood at meal time but the microbes in fresh foods or in foods processed with minimal heat pose greater health risks than the nutrient loss that occurs in cooking or the chemical additives and pesticide residues...

Role of Gender in Society

Introduction Gender is a set of unique character traits which create a clear distinction between male and female notions; in most cases, these two concepts are differentiated as man or woman, and boy or girl (Gender roles, 2011). Gender roles refer to a set of socially shared and behavioral patterns...

Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development: Scholarship Application

My life is full of numerous challenges, adventures, and emotions, this is why I can hardly agree with the opinion supported by people that it is impossible to get education, bring up a baby, and make the cherished dreams come true. Though it is hard to follow personal interests and...

Immanuel Kant’s Morality and the Film “Sleepers”

Sleepers is a criminal drama film, based on Lorenzo Carcaterra’s novel. The film tells the story of four childhood friends who were put into complex and abusive conditions that influenced all their further life. The question what is right and what is wrong is constantly raised as the story goes....

Confucius and Other Philosophers Role in China

China is among the countries that is enjoying the fruits of ancient civilization. The reason behind this is because it has an extended and inexplicable history of around 5000 years ago. This duration contributed a lot in the growth of the country and the expansion of its territories. China been...

The Detroit Auto Industry Reviving

Introduction The American auto industry has suffered a severe drought in terms of sales and production over a period of time. In particular, several reasons have contributed to the program. The Detroit auto sale economy is one of the hardest hit. First, it is worth noting that the emergence of...

Effective Team Leadership’s Keys

Although the importance of teamwork has been well documented in management literature, many organizations are yet to achieve the positive outcomes associated with it due to their incapacity to form and foster effective teams (Crother-Laurin, 2006; Jasawalla & Sashittal, 2000). In this paper, I aim to not only analyze the...

Night by Elie Wiesel: A Memoir About the Holocaust Experiences

Children normally are the centerpiece of society. They are treated with love and lots of affection as they are the originators of joy in the families. At this tender age, a child is meant to learn the ways of society which in most cases constitute the norms and virtues of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Role of Evil in the Novel “Night” by Elie Weisel

Various reasons why Moishe was not believed and whether modern journalism has eliminated the problem of complacency In the novel “Night” Moishe, the Beadle warns the residents of Sighet that all was not well in the world and that they were in a lot of danger. Moishe’s warnings went unheeded...

Leadership Aspects in Nursing Practice

Changes in Health Care Delivery and Nursing System New approaches to the service delivery introduced the well-developed systems to monitor the performance. In this instance, the nurses have to be well-organized to provide services and expand the area of their operations. In turn, the new approaches of leadership improve the...

Workplace Diversity Input to Business Improvement

Introduction Diversity in an organization is a required condition for efficient development within the industry, referring to global trends. Nowadays, diversity in the workplace is defined as respect for people’s differences, focusing on their age, gender, race, culture, or religion, among other characteristics. In this context, the inclusion can be...

Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy and Its Levels

Introduction Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theoretical model in psychology that explains human motivation using a framework of five consecutive levels. The model was proposed in the twentieth century by Abraham Maslow and has since been adopted in many domains, including sociology, management, and nursing, among others. The following...

Vegetarian Diet and Animal Testing Theory

Is a vegetarian diet ethically preferable? Explain why or why not using ethical theories to support your position To answer the question whether a vegetarian diet is ethically preferable, one should consider a number of theories. It is vital to point out that different ethical teachings recognize various spheres of...

Understaffing in Nursing and Related Interventions

Various problems and issues that are relevant to the nursing field can often be corrected through a detailed analysis and effective interventions. One of such problems is understaffing in nursing as in many hospitals patients are inconvenienced because the management cannot provide the required number of junior medical personnel. This...

The Statistical Test of Defective Goods Production

Introduction Analyzing the rates of defective goods production in a company is an essential step towards improving the company’s quality standards. The firm in question has been delivering rather unsatisfactory results; however, the manager claimed that the staff does not produce more than seven defective items per week. The application...

Heart Disease in American Women: Raising Awareness

Heart disease is a serious health problem that poses a significant danger to the population. In this paper, the issue of heart disease among women in the U.S. is considered, and some ways in which the situation can be improved are discussed. The problem of heart disease among women is...

Maria Gonzales: Manipulation with the Reported Earnings

The case of manipulation with the reported earnings exposes an ethical problem of alternative accounting methods. In this situation, Gonzales makes a number of decisions that cannot be considered appropriate. First of all, the choice to create a situation where the reported income is even higher than the real one...

Access of Healthcare: Factors Affecting the Access of Care and Barriers

What is access of care? Access of care within healthcare is associated with the availability of medical services, providers and institutions. Therefore, it determines whether patients and communities can use healthcare services when necessary. Access of care is often determined by such factors as “availability, price, and quality of resources,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Master’s-Level Nursing Education and Practice

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing provide a framework for all master’s degree programs in the field of nursing regardless of what sphere of performance a student may choose after graduation (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). In the following paragraphs, the important curricular elements, as well as...

“The Queen of Sheba: Behind the Myth” Documentary

The Queen of Sheba is a mysterious and powerful female in numerous stories and myths. She is depicted in the sacred texts of ancient world cultures and religions. The Queen has had a profound but mystical presence in the regional folklore. However, the origin and sources of evidence to support...

Children Assessment and Interviewing Specifics

It has been established that working with children requires specific assessment and interview techniques that differ from those employed with adults. It is true for multiple disciplines, including psychiatry (Smith & Handler, 2015), which is my specialty. At the same time, successful, accurate assessment is required for successfully establishing the...

JDA Software Company’s Services

Sustainable distribution practices, particularly the management of carbon emissions, have become increasingly important. What role have channel captains such as Wal-Mart played in this process? In the case under consideration, JDA Software is the company that demonstrates good results in developing services in such fields as manufacturing, retailing, wholesale distribution,...

Public Administration Studies and Its Role in the US

Citing the text, discuss the rationale behind creating a separate discipline of public administration and the creation of graduate schools of public policy For years, public administration has been considered a sub-field in the political science discipline. However, scholars observe that it should be made a disciple because of various...

Utilitarianism: Moral Ideals and Practical Ethics

Every person regularly has to make choices of the moral character. While the law clearly defines, what is right or wrong, life does not seem to be that uniform. In fact, the laws are written as a representation of the current moral views. The easy example is slavery, which used...

Transformation in Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis”

The theme of transformation is one of the most prominent ones in The Metamorphosis. Franz Kafka implemented various literary devices to illustrate how the central characters changed throughout the novella. Yet, the key aspect the author tried to convey is that Gregor’s physical metamorphosis led to everyone’s psychological transformation, including...

Child Observation and Developmental Problems

Introduction By applying Piaget’s theory of cognitive-developmental stages, one can say that Arron has reached the pre-occupational stage. At this level, an individual should be able to use simple logic, take the viewpoints of other people, and classify various objects (Sandwell). At this age, a child should also have well-developed...

Human Cognitive Development and Group Decision Making Process

Human Cognitive Development The 2-years-old Charlie will use his senses and motor movements to play with flour while imitating what others are doing when mixing the flour in what is termed as acquiring direct knowledge of the world through trial and error learning. Owing to the fact that Charlie is...

Marketing, Sponsorship and Fundraising Activities

Please list 8 possible reasons a company might want to sponsor an event or an organization The major reasons why companies sponsor events or organizations include: To benefit from continued media coverage and exposure. To increase the perceived brand image (Lynn, 2011). Ensure the brand is recognized by more people....

Entrepreneurial Mindset and Its Characteristics

Introduction The so-called entrepreneurial mindset is a popular idea that is used both in the field of business and other spheres, in which proper teamwork is required. The term in question involves a wide range of abilities and behaviors that increase an entrepreneur’s chances to achieve success. The key components...

American Democracy and Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Introduction The origins of American democracy date back to1776, when the Declaration of Independence was first issued. 1778, the year when the Constitution was ratified by the states, was another important historical turning point. However, the real birth of American democracy did not happen up until 1794 – the year...

Kindergarten Program of Ontario Analysis

The kindergarten program sets out and details the basic principles of elementary education in Ontario. It is aimed at teachers, parents, and officials who are expected to implement this program, in reality, to provide high-quality learning to children. In this paper, the key propositions and pedagogical aspects of the document...

Muja’s Poultry Farm’s Business Plan

General Description Muja’s Poultry Farm is a farming enterprise located in Houston, Texas. The farm raises domesticated birds in order to harvest them for meat, eggs, and feathers to be used in other types of production (Mountney 119). The farm’s stock consists of chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. The farm...

Nurses Debates: the Case of Ms. Robaczynski

Do you think Ms. Robaczynski killed Mr. Gessner? Why or why not? Nurses are now frequently involved in heated debates on the topic of withholding or withdrawal of treatment, and the case of Ms. Robaczynski clearly demonstrates how controversial and multidimensional the issue is. I would not state dogmatically that...

Strategic Shared Leadership and Organizational Dynamic Capabilities

Introduction The article being reviewed is Strategic Shared Leadership and Organizational Dynamic Capabilities by Christos N. Pitelis and Joachim D. Wagner. It was published in volume 30 of The Leadership Quarterly journal in 2019. Its purpose is to analyze literature and concepts regarding strategic decision-making in the context of shared...

A School as a Young Child Might See It

A school is a place where people go to learn and become knowledgeable. Young children have different perception of a school. Some may see it as a better place to be while others see it as the worst place to be. The children who perceive school as a better place...

“Never to Be Forgotten” by Beatrice Muchman

The book Never to Be Forgotten is written by Beatrice Muchman and is an evocative and moving narration of a Jewish child’s life in Belgium while it was occupied by the Nazis. Beatrice Muchman and her family had come to Belgium from Germany after Hitler’s rise to power. In 1943,...

Social Interconnection and Influence

People are social beings according to their nature but sometimes this social factor becomes dominant in the life of people and they begin to be influenced by the society is a great way. Such influence is often observed in the life of teenagers when they begin to copy the style...

Futuristic and Real World in the Gattaca Film

The film Gattaca has a futuristic setting; it involves issues that are happening in the world today. Such a case can be depicted in the form of the new DNA programming where children can be tested to know what they will be in future, their strength and weaknesses. This in...

Blood Diamond Film by Edward Zwick

Blood Diamond is an adventure drama film directed by Edward Zwick. The film was nominated for Academy Awards for the Best Actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Djimon Hounsou. The film goes back to the event of 1996-1998 when Sierra Leone Civil War took place. In that period, the country experienced the...

Collaborative Bandwidth and Transfer of Training

The relationship of these two terms is also illustrated by the assumptions they hold. Coaching is a transformation process believing that people have the ability to change from one character to another. This also applies in mentoring where it is assumed that humans are capable of transforming. Therefore, an individual...

Mathematics in Liberal Arts and Sciences Education

It can be argued that when speaking about mathematics, the general conception of the public is that it is a discipline of numbers. With such belief being true, to an extent, it can be stated that the significance of such field in the digital age, being related to digits as...

Electronic Health Record Trends: Technological Progress

Introduction The speed of technological progress is dramatic. The numerous technical facilities and gadgets are designed to make the human’s life simpler. But do they really simplify the everyday life? It seems that not as much as it was expected. In particular, the healthcare is one of those areas that...

Cultural Background in Perceiving Medical Care

Introduction All cultures have certain beliefs that they use to explain what lies behind illnesses, as well as how those can be cured. Some societies see diseases as a result of an evidence-based condition, while for others they are the results of supernatural phenomena. Cultural beliefs affect the way people...

The Woman Suffrage Movement and and Its Victory

Event Description The activism supporting American women’s right to vote spanned many decades having occurred before the Civil War along with the anti-slavery movement. The convention in Seneca Falls in 1848 led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton marked the crucial moment in the initiation of the movement for women’s rights. After...

Marc Mauer’s Philosophy on Mass Incarceration

Introduction Incarceration is a conventional way of managing criminal behavior, and both private and public prisons offer their services to the government. However, the conditions in private and public prisons vary greatly, and male and female inmates are treated differently. This paper will discuss the conflict between private and public...

The Article “Blue-Collar Brilliance” by Mike Rose

Introduction In the article, Blue-Collar Brilliance, Mike Rose examines the assumptions about intelligence, vocation, and socioeconomic status. The author uses his family to illustrate how hard-working, intelligent people with skills that match those found in white-collar jobs. He stresses that the blue-collar workers are the unsung foot soldiers driving the...

Agitation against Social Ills: Call for Action

Growth in and access to social media has made it possible for people to agitate against social ills. Social media has provided a platform for everyone to exchange information about some of their issues and, in a way, call for action both within and beyond their country’s borders. Individuals from...

Economic Factors Which Affect Senior Citizens

The older people are individuals whose age almost reaches the average lifespan of humans. Traditionally, they have always been the custodians of the authority and dignity of the family. Today, however, they are becoming economically, physically, and mentally inactive, making them more dependent on their children. They are commonly faced...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Ransomware Attack on Cruise Line and Its Customers

In the automated world that is highly dependent on the Internet, it is becoming easier to access personal information. Hackers use sophisticated techniques to breach the systems of big industrial firms and impose threats on businesses. The estimated financial loss for companies for 2015-2016 caused by cybercrimes accounts for about...

Fatty Acid Analysis by Gas Chromatography

Introduction Biological systems contain a wide range of fatty acids in cell membranes and stored fat. In particular, the cell membrane of microbial organisms consists of a bilayer of glycerophospholipids in which the fatty acids are esterified to glycerol (Carlsson 1973, p.288). Microbial fatty acids are unique from one species...

Google vs. Oracle Executive Summary

Google v. Oracle case is the current federal trial in the United States. About six years ago, Oracle, namely Oracle America, sued Google for “patent and copyright infringement … over Google’s use of Java Application Programming Interfaces (“APIs”) in its Android Operating System” (Alam, 2019, p. 39). The case was...

The Film “Cabaret” by Bob Fosse

The plot of the film Cabaret had passed several stages from The Berlin Stories by Christopher Isherwood and I am Camera by John van Druten to the musical movie we can watch nowadays. Still, the movie does not only present some eternal values which are topical even nowadays but it...

Caring Meets Technology: Health Information Technology

TIGER Usability and Clinical Application Design Collaborative The Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) aims to align nurses’ workflow with information needs. If nurses experience challenges in accessing and applying clinical data, then this could correlate with reduced patient care outcomes (Schlotzer & Madsen, 2010). The TIGER Usability and Clinical...

The Effects of Gender on Child Obesity

Introduction Child obesity has been defined as a condition where children’s wellbeing or health is affected negatively as a result of excess body fat (Cornette 2008, 140). Because the procedures of determining body fats directly have proved difficult, obesity has been based on Body Mass Index (BMI). Childhood obesity has...

Cyclothymic Disorder: Article Critical Review

Abstract This paper highlights the symptoms of cyclothymia and the challenges it imposes in health centers. Cyclothymia is prevalent, impairing bipolar spectrum disorder included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders formed in 1982. Whereas Sub-threshold bipolar is a cyclothymia-related disorder common in young individuals. The relation of...

How Many People Died by Euthanasia

Euthanasia can be defined as the intentional or deliberate intervention of killing a person to relieve pain or agony or in case of a terminal illness. This is particularly done by physicians under the patient’s approval or consent and is considered humane euthanasia. Euthanasia could either be non-voluntary, which is...

Social Media and Issues Regarding the Use of Social Media

A person can use various social networks to reach an audience. However, it is advisable to establish the sites that the targeted population mostly uses. One of the best ways of determining the most appropriate site is to try different types, identify the ones with the most number of users,...

Social Media Nature and Influence

Recently, there has been computer systems progress, and human beings have developed communication means to make the world a global village. Scientists have succeeded in ensuring networking has become international. This mission revolves around the internet and the networks people use to access each other. Social media has become a...

Ethical Issues in Social Marketing

The moral principles of marketing can be described as clearly established ethical norms and rules of conduct of a company on the market, which must be followed by the employee of the organization and for which there are no exceptions. According to Serrat, “social marketing involves changing seemingly intractable behaviors...

ADHD Awareness

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a disorder characterized by excessive activity and difficulties with regulating emotions and focusing on specific tasks. Recently, there has been a lot of debate about whether ADHD is a disorder or a different cognitive ability. Indeed, ADHD causes behavioral problems in children and...

Functional Currency: Case Study

The fund custodian, Shady Rest, prepared the fund’s books in Euros, since it was a country fund that invested solely in securities listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange. However, this decision is very detrimental because of several reasons. The custodians could have chosen an appropriate functional currency that could have...

Effectiveness on Policy Making

Introduction Constant sociopolitical, economic, and environmental changes characteristic of the modern world necessitate the development of effective policies. The main goal of contemporary policy making is “to address or solve societal problems or improve policy outcomes through a deliberative process” (Mukherjee & Bali, 2019, p. 104). Since instruments for addressing...

Transformational Leadership and Empowerment by Ismail

Introduction This paper will provide a critique of the article “An empirical study of the relationship between transformational leadership, empowerment and organizational commitment” by Asman Ismail et al. to determine its value and validity. The authors recognize the problem with the lack of in-depth examination of the stated relationship and...

Central Nervous System: Parts of the Central Nervous System

The nervous system is made up of two main parts: the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). For the purpose of this paper, the discussion will revolve around the central nervous system— an essential part of the human body that controls most functions of the body...

Probability Sampling Importance for Successful Research

In the academic setting, the ideal for any study is a reliable and high-quality procedure that produces results that effectively represent objective reality. In other words, scenarios in which a statistical experiment was initially based on an incorrect, unrepresentative approach to measuring the quantity sought should be eliminated. For this...

Organizational Strategic Planning for Profit and Nonprofit Organizations

Strategic planning is important to any organization regardless of size or sector of operation as it realizes effective corporate governance and enhanced ability to compete favorably in the market. However, having a strategic plan is not a guarantee that an organization will achieve success; rather, success lies in the successful...

Mario Vargas Llosa: Latin America’s Outstanding Novelist

Mario Vargas Llosa, who is considered one of Latin America’s greatest novelists, was born into a middle-class family in Peru in 1936. He was brought up by his mother and always thought that his father had died, until in 1946 when he appeared and wanted to take Llosa away; indeed,...

Leadership Development in the US Army

Introduction As the world is changing, there is a growing need for leadership development strategies that reflect the transformations. Professionals in all spheres, from education to business to the military, strive to improve the effectiveness of their teams. Therefore, long-term investment into research is required for the efficient management of...

Researching of the Roman Roads

Pažout, Adam. 2017. “The Roman Road System in the Golan: Highways, Paths and Tracks in Quotidian Life.” Journal of Landscape Ecology 10 (3): 11-24. Web. Adam Pažout is an employee of the Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa. He has several works in scientific publications on topics related to...

Market Structure of Limited-Service Restaurant Industry

A low concentration ratio of the limited-service restaurant industry demonstrates that there is no monopoly in this market. It denotes that many firms have relatively the same shares in the market, and evident dominant players are absent. This information allows for supposing that pure competition is found in this industry,...

Aspects of Crime Against Morality

Men’s rea can be described as a mental element of a crime or conscious planning or intent (Dressler 23). Actus reus is the guilt act prohibited by the law (Dressler 23). Every criminal offense should have both actus reus and men’s rea as two critical components comprising the given phenomenon....

Is British Museum Storing Stolen Artifacts?

Introduction Artifact theft is an interesting topic for me, as it is rather confusing and ambiguous from a criminological perspective. In this situation, it is necessary to take into account many social and political factors to find a solution. Through a brief reflection can one realize that in the described...

The “Get Out” Film by Jordan Haworth Peele

Get Out film should be considered as social history versus other approaches learned in class. The reason is that the film has focused on discussing specific concepts about human interactions and stereotypes that have been evident in society concerning a given group of people. In the film, the audience can...

Mark Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson – Challenging Stereotypes

The whole plot of Twain’s novel is based on racism and the hypocrisy around white supremacy. David Wilson is a qualified lawyer; when he moves to Missouri, a small town in Downs landing, he is denied equal chances to practice his law skills. The whites view him as a less...

Ancient Sumerian Society in “Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction Folk art, especially of the epic genre, doubtlessly is among the most reliable sources of knowledge about the worldview that is peculiar to a certain culture. The works of such a kind normally embody the values of the storytellers, which makes them a bright illustration of the ways those...

Life of Jews in Eastern and Western Europe

Eastern Europe The Jews population in Eastern Europe was the largest. For example, it counted approximately 3,000,000 Jews in Poland, 2,500,000 in Russia, and 1,000,000 in Romania. The unique feature of Eastern Jewish communities was their desire for autonomy inside their countries. At the dawn of the 20th century, Jews...

Deep Frying and Pan Frying: Fats and Smoke Points

The deep-frying process takes only two minutes; it is very convenient when used in public catering. Deep-fried oil is used many times; it is periodically filtered and poured a second time. To prepare food, it must be completely dipped in the deep fryer using a special spoon. Food with this...

Journalism: Impact of the Internet and Technology

The advent of the internet pioneered the way for significant transformations in the media industry. Initially, the news was disseminated using traditional media, including print, recorded, conversational, sound, and pictures. Traditional news followed a centralized, top-down fashion and faced various problems, among them is censorship. The internet paved the way...

The Information Technology Business Analyst Job Posting

As the selected job posting for a promotion, it is feasible to emphasize the posting for an IT Business Analyst at Seneca Resources. Concerning the specific qualifications that are required for the job, it is possible to highlight several notions. Mainly, according to the job description and the initial information...

ABC Manufacturing: Analysis of the Budget Case Report

Budgeting is essential for large companies’ strategic decision-making, recourses allocation, and determining risks and opportunities. Income and expense estimation enables the teams to set priorities, adjust their operations, and initiate activities that affect every employee (Schmitz, 2020). In the ABC Manufacturing case, budgeting addresses the general aspects, such as expenses,...

The Postmodern Techniques of Family Therapy

In the article “A Both-And Approach: An Application of Narrative Interventions from a Modern Perspective” (2021), Hoss and Hynes study the changes in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). The research is motivated by the fact that therapists have to adjust their treatment accordingly on the verge of...

Probability Theory in Mathematics

Probability Theory In mathematics, probability theory is used as a vast field that studies the laws associated with random events. There are no unequivocal views as to when precisely the foundations of probability theory came into being. According to one version, it originated thousands of years ago when censuses were...

Cause & Effect in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Introduction It is hard to disagree that many literary works are mysteries to some extent, and it may be interesting for the audience to solve them. Reading between the lines is a challenging but engaging process that can provide new views on the writing and interpretations of characters’ lines. Some...

Kantian Ethics Case Application

Ethical practices are crucial for business operations since they promote social and economic growth. Therefore, it is primal for organizations to always consider the welfare of the communities they operate in. Manufacturing and mining companies can expose the community to hazardous materials that are detrimental to their lives. Kantian ethics...

The Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework

Organizational psychology’s field of personnel psychology focuses primarily on hiring, selecting, and evaluating employees and other job-related issues like morale, job satisfaction, and relationships between managers and employees. The Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) framework is used to characterize the kind of individuals who make up a firm, which dictates the nature of...

The Issue of Gun Violence in Cleveland, Ohio

Introduction Cleveland was founded in 1796 and is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie. Cleveland is Ohio’s second-largest city. Manufacturing, financial services, and healthcare are among its economic sectors. Cleveland’s history is replete with lofty achievements, such as the development of the iron, steel, and oil industries and...

Personality Test Reflection

Every person faces many uncertainties and anxieties in the matter of career choice and university studies. When looking for their professional purpose and future employer, employees should understand their qualities and personality type as well as possible. This essay will examine some of the most popular tests to improve this...

Articles on Gender, its Development, and Cultural Aspects

Definition of gender Unger and Crawford (1993, p. 122) argue that the definition of gender becomes clearer when one makes a distinction between gender and sex. In their article, the authors review about five definitions relative to different female and male traits, which are either sex- or gender-oriented. Here, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

V for Vendetta – Film Study

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” (Chocano, “V for Vendetta”) That is one of the arguments that has been presented in the movie V for Vendetta. The movie is engaging and although it might seem unappealing to all those who do...

The Early Education Issues: Development and Importance

Issue: It is known that early education provides a tremendous benefit for the future. Should early education (beginning age three) be mandatory and free? My opinion is that early education is an essential aspect that contributes to the future in a significant way, and that is, should be mandatory and free....

Heart Palpitations and Their Medication Treatment

Introduction The patient is a 36-year-old woman that sought medical aid due to heart palpitations. The patient lives a sedentary lifestyle with significant stress at work. No medical history, diagnostic test results, or other symptoms are provided. The three differential diagnoses, in this case, are arrhythmia, pregnancy, and thyroiditis. Analysis...

Information Technology Trainer Job Analysis

Abstract The organization requires an IT trainer. The position demands flexibility since the occupant is expected to performance IT training duties. The organization uses personality and psychological testing to predict job performance, job related behaviors, and reactions as guides to hiring and staffing. This job requires cognitive testing through the...

Trimethoprim and Tetracycline Pharmacological Effects

Pharmacological Effects of Trimethoprim in the Treatments of UTI and Nursing Implications Description and action of Trimethoprim Used for the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections Precaution for chronic recurrent urinary tract infections Blocking action for the bacterial folic acid synthesis Bactericidal action against susceptible organisms Effective against gram-positive and...

“International Freight Transport” by Lowe

“The International Freight Transport” by Lowe, is a book that analyses the freight transport system at the international level (Lowe, 2005). The book has eighteen chapters and the focus of this essay will only be in chapters 2 to 6. The essay will entail the evaluation of the 5 chapters....

“The Martian Chronicles” by Ray Bradbury

Americans, in the twentieth century, saw wonderful scientific discoveries like the atomic bomb, the space age, and political moves that came as a result of a sense of superiority for America. It elevated America to a nation that was ahead in civilization and development. All these phenomena had a great...

Diary App for Patients with Chronic Pain

Introduction Patients with chronic pain require consistent support from healthcare providers due to the challenges with which the target population has to deal on a regular basis. Monitoring changes in patients’ well-being is imperative since it will allow determining the instances in which the pain that they experience subsides, as...

The Murder in the Play “Hamlet”

Introduction Hamlet is a play with a strong focus on interpersonal relationships. Despite the plot of the play setting events across a multitude of locations, most of the pivotal events revolve around the friends and family of Hamlet, specifically, their involvement in the murder. This journal response will provide ideas...

Hospice Services and Nursing Role

Introduction Hospice facilities help patients suffering from terminal illnesses live a happy and significant life in their last days. Connor (2008) claims that even though hospice facilities offer services that are akin to those available in hospitals, they assist patients as they draw near death. The demand for hospice services...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Salem Witch Trials and Modern Counterparts

What do McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials have in common? It should be stated that these two historical events share several common aspects, on the basis of which they could be compared. First of all, it is essential to observe that both witches in Salem in 1692 as well...

Nursing Resources for Acutely Ill Children

Introduction When conducting nursing research, it is paramount to be able to choose an appropriate methodology so as to do the study properly. In this paper, a nursing article is considered. The methodology used in it is identified, and the likely reasons of its authors for choosing this methodology are...

“Play Matters” by Sicart and “Game Design Workshop” by Fullerton

Introduction This essay is a review of two chapters from books by Miguel Sicart and Tracy Fullerton. The first chapter talks about the definition of play, and the second describes the structure of a game. The goal of the review is to find two interesting points in each chapter and...

Extinction Vulnerability in Central European Bees

Introduction The Earth is facing another extinction crisis, an otherwise natural phenomenon that has already taken place before but this time is characterized by the dominant role of the human impact. Bees are undergoing what scientists call a “colony collapse disorder.” Since the 1990s, the bees’ population has been on...

The Tragedy of Revenge in the “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare

One of the most famous plays created by William Shakespeare is Hamlet. The play deals with multiple themes. However, the most dominant theme that overshadows everything else in the play is the theme of revenge. The issue of revenge is questioned from the point of view of violence. This proposal...

Media and Its Impact on American Politics

Introduction In modern society, the news constitutes an important part of people’s lives. The public wants to know as much as possible and has enough information that can determine their present concerns or affect their future lives. There are many opinions and attitudes towards news and its distribution via the...

Care and Critical Transitions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction While often overlooked, transitional nursing (TN) plays a crucial role in providing proper care. The phenomenon of TN involves the set of strategies and approaches used to make the process of transferring a patient from one setting to another as carefully and seamlessly as possible (Brumm, Theisen, & Falciglia,...

Care of Nephrostomy Catheter on Renal Compromised Patients

Introduction A nephrostomy is a form of a catheter that is used to prevent the buildup of urine in kidneys thereby protecting against kidney damage. It is usually inserted through the skin on the back to the kidney. Urine from the kidney drains into a bag that can be emptied...

Nurse Education Design and Planning of Learning

In his Teaching For Quality Learning at University J. Beggs claims: “Through reflective practice, teachers can create an improved teaching environment suited to their own context.” (Beggs 2) Sharing his position the accuracy of which my practice has shown now I will focus on my teaching activities making a reflection...

Sexual Abuse and Harassment as a Deviant Behavior

Sexual abuse and harassment remain prevalent in contemporary society and have a significant influence on the lives of many people. For the most part, these issues affect women, but men may also suffer from them. One of the key problems that emerge in association with sexual harassment and abuse is...

Greatest Challenge Facing Western Civilization

The history and historical development of civilizations pose great challenges to mankind and relations between people and society. It all began with the idea that human beings, by their very nature, have rights. The man said the classical liberals, are born into a state of natural freedom, and his rights...

Lotus-Eaters of Today: Sins of the Lotophagi

Introduction Cardinal Sins, are those which lead to other greater sins. For example, Greed for gold may lead one to steal or even kill to acquire more gold. The Lotus-eaters or Lotophagi was a group of people that Odysseus encountered in his 10-year odyssey to return home. This paper will...

Wuthering Heights: A Medical Case

The mental illness of Heathcliff has its roots from the early childhood. In listing the emotional experience that he had gone through some facts ought to be mentioned. The first major impact in Heathcliff life is the fact that he was an orphan, that fact which might have put forced...

Business Idea vs. Opportunity Comparison

Introduction An opportunity is differentiated from an idea in terms of its marketing possibilities. All opportunities are exploitable for business growth and customer acceptance. Opportunity is profitable for business. But all business ideas are not marketable or profitable for the business firm. Among a hundred ideas only two or three...

Human Rights: Social Relations and State and Citizens Relations

The theoretical literature on the topic of human rights education proves that it is an important and a crucial part in curriculum as it helps young people and adults to understand the problem of discrimination and protection of human rights. The book Human Rights Education for the Twenty-First Century by...

“Selling Poor Steven” by Philip Burnham: review

Native American history (military, public, etc) and other American minorities have been the central focus of freelance journalist/historian Philip Burnham’s work. Authoring several books as well as articles that have appeared in publications such as American Heritage, The Washington Post, Emerge, Transition, and Indian Country Today, his work most importantly...

Roosevelt Corollary in the Light of the “The Monroe Doctrine” of 1823

It is important to understand the stance taken by President Theodore Roosevelt in the introduction of the Roosevelt Corollary, in the light of the ‘The Monroe Doctrine’ of 1823. The Monroe Doctrine was put forth in the year 1823 by President James Monroe, which called for an end of the...

“The Causes and Current State of the Financial Crisis” by Zindi

The ‘written Testimony of Mark Zandi’ is an article which outlines “The Causes and Current state of the Financial Crisis”. In this case, the main aim of this article is to examine the economic effect of the fiscal crisis that had been there for about three months ago. Based on...

Denice Welch on HR in International Business

Introduction The article The place of International Human Resource Management in International Business is written by Denice Welch and Ingmar Bjorkman. It “addresses the issue of whether International Human Resource Management is disconnected from other International Business studies” (Welch & Bjorkman, 2014, p. 303). Main text To support their idea...

“From Living Large” by John Sullivan

Introduction John Sullivan’s article From Living Large dwells on the Confucius’ argument of the small-minded person as well as that of a large-minded person. According to Confucius, these are two possibilities found in the same person. The advice posed by the author is that these people need to recognize times...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Popular Culture via the Lens of Marxism, Postmodernism, and Psychoanalysis

The comparison of different concepts Popular culture tends to reflect social-cultural, economic, and political changes in a way that might seem shallow at first, yet appears to contain hidden layers of ingenuity when examined closer. “The Night of the Living Dead” is eerily similar to “’V’ for Vendetta” in its...

Marriage & Family: Cultural Background Effects

It is quite predictable that the family’s traditions and ideas of orientation as well as cultural background largely affect a person’s worldviews. This phenomenon of influence especially concerns the impact it has on a person’s beliefs regarding such concepts as marriage, family, dating and partner choosing, or leaving alone. As...

Cogito, Ergo Sum (“I Think, Therefore I Am”) – The Fundamental Position of Descartes

Introduction Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the question of whether a person can be sure about anything they know or perceive through their feelings. Rene Descartes, who shared the ideas of rationalism, claimed that the one, certain truth is that every time one thinks he or she exists,...

The Analysis of the Website Myplate

Website Name: The name of the website is USDA ChooseMyPlate U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The address is Web. Date of Last Update: There was no accessible information about the date when the webpage was last modified/updated. Authors: The author of the website is the USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and...

Integration of Health Policy

Becoming a full partner in service development and policy formulation processes can ensure that the right representatives are present in the office. This role requires healthcare providers to become facilitators of service improvements and reform (Higgins et al., 2018). I would take responsibility for identifying problems facing their facilities and...

Microsoft Corporation: Anti-trust Claims

Microsoft Corporation is a popular target for private antitrust claims. The claims increased due to government action against Microsoft (Delta & Matsuura, 2004). The courts of appeal agreed on the government claims that Microsoft had monopoly power in the PCs (stands for Personal Computers) market, its network effects and the...

Risk Management and Safety

Introduction Quality of care is critical in a hospital; therefore, the risk management system should work on identifying and resolving issues to prevent patients from being injured. This paper will identify an issue, discuss related nurse leader competencies, and propose guidelines. Inefficiency Hand hygiene compliance is low, and both staff...

Nurse-Coached Muscle Training in Heart Failure

Written in 2009 by Padula, Yeaw, and Mistry, the article, A home-based nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training intervention in heart failure, looks into a homemade nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training mitigation in heart failure, and it forms the basis of this review. The article considers heart failure (HF) as the most devastating...

Application of L-Alanine

L-alanine is “one of the 20 amino acids common in proteins” (Zhuan-Ping and Wen-Hui, 2012). It is manufactured in the muscles with lactic acid acting as its primary raw material. Consequently, it is converted to pyruvate, an important molecule in the production of sugar (glucose). L-alanine is categorized under the...

Affordable Care Act 2010: Mental Health Illness

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, also commonly referred to as Obamacare, can be termed as the most progressive and inclusive piece of healthcare legislation ever to be implemented by the American federal government since the institutionalization of the Medicare and Medicaid programs in 1965. During its infancy...

Levels of Measurements and Concepts of Validity

Abstract The process of research entails collecting data and making meaningful conclusions from the data. Significant conclusions are influenced by the process of data analysis, which is in turn affected by the type of data collected. Therefore, it is important to decide the appropriateness of data to be collected with...

Moral Hazard in Healthcare Insurance

Abstract Health care insurance is an important facet in one’s life because it increases one’s access to health care. However, individuals tend to take advantage of this fact by seeking services even if it is not necessary, all because it is being catered for by an insurance company: Moral Hazard....

Bradley v. Bradford & Bigelow, Inc.

Facts A non-compete agreement between Bradford & Bigelow, Inc. and Mr. Bradley was signed in 2015. In general, non-compete agreements impose an employee’s obligation to avoid competition with the employer during or after particular employment (Kubasek et al., 2017). It successfully prevented competition between the sides during the next 12...

Common Lung Diseases Overview

The human lung is a respiratory organ made up of secondary lobules and Broncho vascular bundles, alveoli and blood vessels, and an interstitial. The diseases affecting the lungs, a primary respiratory organ in human beings, are called lung diseases. Most fatal lung diseases affect the interstitium. A Prolonged affliction of...

Communication Climate in an Organization

Since communication plays a central role in any organization’s operations, it is essential to ensure the presence of a supportive communication climate to foster employee commitment and satisfaction. As an employee in John Doe Corporation, which is a large international business, I find the climate in my team extremely supportive...

Chester & Wayne Company: Managerial Accounting

The preparation of a cash budget is quite vital for a business. Irrespective of the size and the nature of the business, it is important for a company to prepare a periodic cash budget because it has a number of benefits. The budget helps an entity to ascertain the amount...

Population Health in the United States and Canada

The United States and Canada are considered to be among the most developed countries in the world. They have many connections due to historical circumstances, shared culture, and geographical positions. Therefore, the population health of both states has many similarities. At the same time, it is possible to recognize several...

Events of World History

The League of Nations is the international organization formed as the result of the Paris Peace Conference, which took place on January 10, 1920. The formation of this organization became the end of World War 1. The League of Nations’ main objective was disarmament, prevention of hostilities, ensuring collective security,...

Capital Budgeting Tools Overview

Unlike a company’s short-term operating expenses, calculated as a rule for one reporting period (quarter, year), capital budgeting offers powerful firm tools to analyze long-term investments’ effectiveness. In general, capital budgeting should be understood as a decision-making process through which a firm evaluates the feasibility of purchasing significant assets. Tools...