Social Media Tools in E-Commerce

Different social media are used as tools for effectively implementing e-commerce activities. The social media tools that are commonly used by or could be used by the e-commerce people include Blogger, WordPress, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, GoogleGroups, GoogleDocs, Anyvite, Flickr, and Skype. All these tools are free (10 free social media...

“Odyssey” and “Troy”: Compare and Contrast

Introduction Odyssey is an epic poem on the adventures of the Greek hero Odysseus as written by Homer. Odysseus was the son of Laertes and Anticleia and he married Penelope the daughter of Icarus, who was the cousin to Helen of Sparta. They had a son named Telemachus. Odysseus fought...

Promotion of Islamic Financial Products by Digital Media in Kingdom of Bahrain

Introduction Islamic financial products have become common all over the world. The media has been significantly influential in promoting these Islamic financial products. Some of these products include Musharakah which refers to a joint venture, Mudharabah which is profit sharing, Ijar (leasing), and Hawala, which is an international fund transfer...

Factors Influencing Risk Perception

Risk perception depends greatly on a worker’s experience and personal traits, both characteristics being rather vague and difficult to assess. Yet, risk perception appears to influence safety performance, which makes it a part of the risk management process. The two articles considered in this work attempt to determine the factors...

Diagnosis of an Obese Patient: Case of Mr. C

Clinical Manifestations Present in Mr. C. Mr. C. is morbidly obese with a BMI of 47.9 based on the height of 68 inches and weight of 134.5 kg, which is one of the major predisposing factors to high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and various heart diseases. He also has...

Applying Psychology to One’s Life: Memory and Behavior

Memory Memory is the ability to recall information that a person has remembered. According to the Atkinson-Schiffrin model, the process of memorizing things goes through three distinct phases (Coon, et al., 2018). Incoming information is first encoded in sensory memory, which holds it for a few seconds, before being encoded...

Axe and Bermuda Triangle Overview

Among numerous contemporary writers, Carmen Boullosa occupies a specific place due to her fascinating use of metaphors and textual objects to convey deep underlying meanings. She is famous for many novels dedicated to the pressing problems of Mexican and American society. Still, she admitted in her interview that she had...

Film “Sybil” by Joseph Sargent: Plot Summary and Analysis

The television film Sybil was directed by Joseph Sargent and released in 2007. Jessica Lange and Tammy Blanchard played the two leading roles in this drama. The film was based on the true story of Shirley Ardell Mason, who developed multiple personality disorder and served as the inspiration for the...

What Is a Definition of “Hero”?

Introduction The word “hero” is associated with different views and definitions. The application of this word in various situations or settings is a practice that many people pursue without thinking deeply or analytically. Fictional stories and fairly tales are known to portray courageous individuals or characters who manage to overcome...

The Analysis of the Studies on Cannabis Dependence

Marijuana accounts for a significant fraction of illicit drugs used worldwide. The addictive qualities of cannabis are often debated and compared to the similar effects of nicotine and alcohol. This topic has received a significant amount of attention recently, as many states consider legalizing the recreational use of the drug....

Bioinformatics of Plant-Based Therapeutics

Cereals are significant basis of protein for human nutrition. These have little worth due to the limits in the quantity of vital amino acids like lysine. Such insufficiencies emerge from the little levels of amino acids in the prolamin storage proteins. Genetical production techniques to raise both total protein content...

Pharmacogenomics Impact on Individual Drug Effectiveness

This paper is a critical review of a position statement that discusses the impact of pharmacogenomics on individual drug effectiveness, specifically addressing the validity and sustainability of individual genotyping. The position paper identified three key issues regarding the validity of developing individual genotyping for drug effectiveness and a further four...

Drug Release: Ethical Dilemma in Pharmaceutics

Introduction A moral issue has emerged as to whether a pharmaceutical company has to release a new drug or not. This drug is thought to be an effective treatment of chronic and severe depression for thousands of people suffering from the condition. However, the company is confronted with a dilemma...

Organizational Culture in a Healthcare Facility

Introduction The topic that I selected for the research is organizational culture. The development of an organization is based on the credibility of its brand name. The entire process of selling is determined by the popularity and loyalty that a brand name has achieved (Alvesson, 2013). In perspective, the organization...

Electronic Health Records: A Critique of Two Papers

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) play a critical role in any healthcare setting. The two papers presented dwell on issues surrounding the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in primary and tertiary health care. For that reason, this critique will use EMR and EHR interchangeably. The first paper, Electronic Health Records...

Beowulf as a Tragic Hero of the Old English Warrior Culture

Beowulf is an old English story drawn from their native oral literature. Though the author is anonymous, its influence is still felt up to today in many of the works of contemporary writers. The protagonist exhibits all the character traits of a tragic hero as defined by Aristotle. According to...

Vacation in Mexico City: Worth Visiting Sites

Introduction From early childhood, traveling and interest in various splendid sights of our wonderful world was my genuine and, occasionally, all-consuming passion. However, before visiting a particular place, I always spare no effort for adequate preparation and thoroughly explore all essential information, especially about local culture and traditions. In this...

Drug Addiction in America: Effects and Solutions

The consumption of illegal substances and the development of addiction to them remains one of the primary health-related concerns in the American healthcare setting. The problem has grown particularly noticeably among high-school students, as the recent report by the National Institute of Health (2020) has indicated. Apart from the traditional...

Global Health Issues: On the Border Line

How Serving as a Public Health Administrator at a Border is a Challenge People living across borders often suffer high rates of communicable and preventable diseases (Flores & Kaplan, 2009). Tuberculosis and intestinal infections are some of the common diseases, which affect this demographic. This has been the case along...

Elements of Negligence in Healthcare

Introduction To prove one is solely responsible for expenses means that evidence of negligence has to be produced. Any injury suffered does not necessarily entitle filing a personal injury claim. For the claim to win the monetary award, five elements of negligence, including duty, breach, because, in fact, proximate cause,...

Security Architecture and Design for Enterprises

Derdour, M., Alti, A., Gasmi, M., and Roose, P. (2015). Security architecture metamodel for model driven security. Journal of Innovation in Digital Ecosystems, 2(1-2), 55-70. The authors of this article propose a new approach to working with architecture. They call it SMSA, which stands for Security Meta-model for Software Architecture....

Why Accountancy Is a Worthy Occupational Choice?

Accounting can be a fascinating job, and its scope instills both fear and amazement. It concerns working with an organization’s finances, which involves making constant calculations and reports. Despite the adoption of technologies, accountants remain in demand, as any establishment, regardless of size, requires a person overseeing the financial side....

Post-Literate Generation: Is the Internet Making Us Stupid?

Probably, the most defining characteristic of modern society is the availability and abundance of information. At no other point in history has an average person been able to update their knowledge on current events and receive information as quickly as now. However, there is considerable concern regarding the endless supply...

“Burning Chrome” and “Blade Runner” Comparison

Introduction Cyberpunk is a genre of science fiction set in the future, which is characterized by the development of technology and the decline in living standards. Cyberpunk novels and movies often have a dark and depressive tone: the action takes place only at night, there are rarely any positive heroes....

“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien: Analysis

The nature of war is excruciatingly difficult to understand, being both disturbingly simplistic in its raw violence and unbearably complicated in the multitude of lives that it consumes and the intricate emotional responses that people build toward it. The Vietnam War is one of the best – or, to be...

Importance and Methods Motivating Employees

Motivation is the process through which goal-oriented activities are initiated, guided, and maintained. It has been researched for years, and business executives have utilized numerous surveys to establish their employees’ personality types to predict their behaviours and inclinations better. Furthermore, motivational books are often used to encourage staff to improve...

Moral Wayfinding for Business Manager

Overview of an Article Written by Valentinov and Pérez-Valls in 2021, A conception of moral wayfinding for business managers is an article that explores current business ethics in management and the possibility of enhancing organizational learning and guidance. The researchers define the primary moral obligation of managers as running “corporations...

Rhetoric: “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” by Slaughter

Over the past decades, substantial progress has been made in the realm of female participation in the workforce, yet as more women get jobs, the more problematic the issue of work-life balance becomes for them. In her article “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” Anne-Marie Slaughter states, “The women...

Indian Boarding Schools and Native Americans Genocide

Introduction Indian boarding school experience was one of the most horrifying examples of harmful cultural assimilation. Despite the fact that the primary aim of the schools was to provide ample educational opportunities for Indians, in fact, children and their families were prone to bullying and cultural stigmatization. The use of...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition

The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) marks the first significant revision of this document since 1994 when the DSM-IV appeared. The changes in the DSM were primarily due to advances in the field of neuroscience, and identified problems related to the criteria that...

Marijuana Effects on Risk of Anxiety and Depression

Introduction While research on the combination of weed, depression, and anxiety is positive, research on weed and antidepressants is almost non-existent. Marijuana smoking has a faster action than other drugs and can have an effect in a couple of seconds or minutes and can last from one to three hours...

National Security Planning in Small vs. Larger States

Introduction The accelerated economic, cultural, political, and technological integration has been a major threat to countries’ economic progress and regional stability worldwide. As a result, there has been a need for continuous assessment of the security environment through strategic national security plans. However, the national security planning between small and...

Causes of Employment Discrimination & Strategies to Address Them

Introduction Many people face discrimination when applying for a job. This term, in this case, means a refusal to hire not related to professional qualities (Reskin, 2018). Most often, discrimination occurs based on age, gender, or race. There is also discrimination associated with personal rejection by the employer of other...

Electric Cars as Advances Leading to Sustainability

Introduction Research shows that utilizing electric vehicles is good for the environment because they emit less pollution than cars running on gas or diesel. Thus, this includes both the energy required for their manufacture and operation. The most significant technological advancement for air quality is driving electric cars, and since...

The Problem of Aging in America

Introduction As the baby boomer population ages and the growing shortage of health workers, access to long-term care and palliative care aid promises to remain a significant problem in the 21st century. Today there is increasing dissatisfaction and concern about the long-term care system or even the lack of it...

Hamlet: Shakespeare’s Detective

Written at the turn of the 16th century, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is the longest and one of the most renowned works by William Shakespeare. Right from the start, the author sets the mood for tragedy with the mysterious death of Hamlet’s father, king of Denmark. The...