Marketing Definition and Importance in Business

Introduction The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process, institutions and activities that create, communicate, exchange offerings and deliver value to clients, partners, consumers or society in general. Additionally, the latter group believes that at the center of marketing is the need to satisfy individual or organizational goals. This...

Is Ibsen’s “A Doll House” a Marxist, a Feminist, or a Psychoanalytic Argument?

Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House was an influential and to a certain degree shocking literary work, as it challenged the traditional roles of men and women in society and depicted the poor outcomes of gender discrimination. The major female characters of the play are definitely bold and determined women,...

The Uniqueness of the Eight Fold Step

Buddhism is a religion that is based on the Eastern Philosophical faiths with their origins being traced in South Asia. Buddhism is against the Vedas authority and built independent textual traditions that are based on the teachings of the founders of the religion that later led to the development of...

B.F. Skinner Operant Theory and Practice

Introduction Burrhus Frederick Skinner is renowned figure in the field of psychology for his theory of operant conditioning. Indeed, this theory constitute a major contribution to the school of Behaviorism. Operant Conditionning puts forth that the environment shapes significantly the lives of people and the way they behave through reinforcement....

Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials Reflection

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) offers its perspective on the essentials that a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education should take into account. The resulting document can be employed as an evaluation tool for one’s preparedness to fulfill the role of a DNP (Gerard, Kazer, Babington,...

Drugs in Perspective: Models of Addiction

The Moral Model of Addiction Needless to say, the moral model of addiction is a notion that has very little in common with the biological or genetic components of addiction. The genetic and biological explanation sounds more scholarly, whereas when talking about the moral model of addiction the prior feature...

Structural Empowerment and Leadership

Introduction A leader has leadership roles to play. In this case study, Ted is charged with the responsibility to motivate, empower, communicate, and develop his employees. This essay looks at how he can act as a team builder, manage cultural diversity, and give a plan he can use to create...

Support for Patients and Communities Act: Review of a Bill

The opioid crisis in the United States caused significant concern in legal and healthcare systems. Various measures were taken to investigate the issue; however, the death rate kept increasing. The government signed Support for Patients and Communities Act in 2018, which provisioned increased access to the opioid treatment and implemented...

Assignment on Cardiovascular Disease

Prolonged chest pain is a symptom that can indicate different conditions and requires immediate attention from a healthcare professional. Charles Bennington experienced a severe case of crushing chest pains that did not resolve after forty minutes. Additionally, the patient reports dyspnea, dizziness, and nausea when unloading his truck, which can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Outsourcing to Low Labor-Cost Countries

Outsourcing is widely practiced by a range of companies of different sizes and types, which includes trade-offs between certain inputs, such as labor, materials, and supplies. Companies can exchange capital for materials and overheads to save on costs. For instance, a manufacturing company can outsource the production to a low-labor...

Activism and Social Theory: Inequality

These days, the issues related to equality have become central to the U. S. social, political, and economic agendas. In fact, the entire world is still undergoing tremendous changes shifting towards decolonization, although this process is often associated with a certain resistance, misunderstanding, and disappointment. The second half of the...

Why Government Needs Drug Control Policy?

A drug can fit in various descriptions depending on the function intended in the body, mode of delivery, and the form taken. Generally, when drugs are taken they modify the normal biological homeostasis of the body anatomy. For a drug to be considered so, it has to be introduced from...

The Tech Temps Company’s Stock and Bond Valuation

To describe the stock and bond valuations that Tech Temps Company should invest in, it is essential to comprehensively analyze the factors affecting such valuations. This begins from their respective definitions of the individual terms and how the companies’ current financial status and objectives will influence buying specific stocks or...

Aquifer Depletion: Origins and Sustainability Plans

The water resource is one of the basic necessities of life as it is included in the same league with food, shelter, and clothing. As such, its use and sustainability must be safeguarded at all costs. But in recent times, the opposite seems to be the case as the vital...

Religion and Colonialism in the History of the USA

The desire by European powers such as Britain, French, and Spanish to spread religion led to the colonization of America. The three colonial powers were initially in the same political camp and ironically used religion as a weapon to strengthen overseas colonies. It was also evident that these colonial masters...

“Why Summer Makes Us Lazy”: Rhetorical Analysis

Summer is traditionally considered the time of year associated with rest, vacations and recovery, and the last thing you want to do in summer is work. It is the theme of the relationship between summer and people’s productivity that the author explores in his article. Throughout the text, the thesis...

Facial Recognition: A Modern Campus or Persona Non-Grata

Facial recognition is one of the undoubtedly amazing technologies of modern times, combining established hardware (cameras) with highly complex innovative software (programs that allow for various actions such as tracking). The technology has significant applications, the consequences of which are not year clear given the technology’s infancy. However, it is...

The Global Citizenship Concept

Introduction The concept of global citizenship represents the idea that an individual can possess extensive knowledge revolving around what goes on in the wider world. Therefore, sustainable and equitable action is taken by global citizens to improve the wellbeing of all people across the globe (“Globalization at a crossroads,” n.d.;...

Online and Offline Museums in Correlation with Crime

Summary Museums educate people by preserving humanity’s social, cultural, and scientific history in a form that allows visitors to learn about people and how they behaved and reacted to the world around them in the past. Museums are beginning to adjust their programs and displays to accommodate a new generation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Camping Rushbrook Provincial Park in Ontario

Introduction: Place and Activity A recreational activity that I have taken into consideration is camping. It happened two years ago when we were in Canada. The campsite is called Algonquin Provincial Park and is 230 km from Ottawa. More precisely, we stayed on the shores of Canisbay Lake, located near...

Customer Choice in Buying Sustainable T-Shirts

Fashion trends arise and die, making society value sustainable advertisements. Indeed, the advertisements make the society gain characteristic beliefs and cultures that have evolved to fit in new trends. The nature of changes in the fashion industry cannot be projected with ambitions because they are evocatively designed to fit in...

How Technology Has Affected Communication

Introduction Communication is an important part of the social, economic, and cultural aspects of human society. There is a need for a proper exchange of ideas, facts, and emotions between different parties for human development to existing. Communication is a great facilitator of collaboration in any community. The way people...

The Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratio Policies

The nurse-to-patient staffing ratio is a critical subject for delivering healthcare services to patients. The ratio determines the outcome of the clinical services, and it makes it easy to weigh the model in which healthcare services should be regulated (Griffiths et al., 2018). Some legislative models empower nurses to create...

Sports Team Relocation Assignment

Introduction Team relocation refers to moving a professional team between different geographic areas for various reasons linked with opportunities conducive to financial success or access to infrastructures. Despite promising larger profits, relocations are also fraught with challenges and resistance. Relocations have various positive and negative sides pertaining to owners, fans,...

Corruption in South Africa’s Healthcare Sector

Introduction Corruption is the abuse of power entrusted to an individual or organization for undue financial, physical, or non-physical gains. Sadly, the healthcare sector is susceptible to misappropriation of resources, authority, trust, or power leading to dire consequences (Mackey et al., 2018). Developing countries such as South Africa have massive...

Amazon: Information System Analysis

The top online shopping destination in the world is The organization oversees businesses in practically every economic sector and sells products from various manufacturers. The potential for a large audience to shop from home ushered in a new era in marketing history. The company’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, has identified...

Sustainable Strategic Initiative: UNIQLO

This case study reviews a Japanese-founded company UNIQLO, which launched the All-Product Recycling strategic initiative over 15 years ago, which embraces reusing and recycling. Customers may drop used clothing off in local stores, which then distribute it to people in need or recycle it (RE.UNIQLO, n.d.). The scope and commitment...

Parenting Experience of a Mother of Two Children

Introduction Parenting experience is different for each person responsible for caring for their biological, foster, or adopted children. Most people have happy and sad emotions after receiving newborns. I interviewed a thirty-year-old mother of two called Lilian (pseudonym). Particularly, she had an eight years old girl and a 4-year-old boy....

The Kingdom of God in Christianity

The Kingdom of God portrays the rightful society ruled by God, where each member dedicates to their moral and spiritual development, and the principle of righteousness and virtue is dominant. According to Christian beliefs, people fell from God’s grace thousands of years ago, being seduced to disobey His orders, after...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Statistics: Pricing Issues for Real Property Values

Introduction This research report discusses pricing issues for real property values for Canada’s detached houses. Data were obtained from census metropolitan areas in British Columbia and Ontario in 2017, and a sample of twenty values was generated for statistical analysis. The analysis includes the use of descriptive statistics tools to...

Rapid Response Nursing Teams and Patient Care Outcomes

Summary of the Study The article effect of rapid response nursing teams on the outcome of patient care by YekeFallah et al. (2018) aims to identify the importance of rapid response teams in improving patient healthcare outcomes. According to the authors, rapid response teams play a huge role, especially in...

Occupational Hazards of Musicianship

Introduction Musicians and other artists encounter multiple health problems that are unique to their lifestyle and occupation. Their level of risk varies considerably depending on several factors, including the features of individual performers, the kind of music that they play, and whether they use instruments in their performance. Many complaints...

Intensive Care Unit: Evidence-Based Practice’ Environment

Workplace My workplace is a mixed Intensive Care Unit or ICU. It is a relatively large unit with 12 beds. The unit stations high-risk, low-risk, and rising-risk trauma, medical, and surgical patients. The unit has three central nursing stations, two separate utility rooms (one clean and one dirty), and two...

Inaugural Speech of Donald Trump and Other Republicans

An inaugural speech is an important part of the presidency. It allows tracking the major directions that a newly-elected president is likely to follow. This work aims to compare inaugural addresses of different Republican presidents, namely Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump,...

VEGA Medical Center: Detection of Depression

Practice Problem Petrosyan et al. (2017) report a macro-level issue: they state that the detection of depression is currently not very effective, which they attribute to the fact that the clinical guidelines are rarely followed in practice. For example, a needs assessment at the VEGA medical center reports that the...

Epidemiological Studies and Public Health

Introduction The wellbeing of humans is a state of health that is subject to various determinants of health and diseases. Often, most epidemiological studies present risk factors as individual non-independent elements due to complex interactions and synergistic associations in practice (Fletcher & Fletcher, 2012). These health-associated conditions naturally fall into...

Sculpture During Paleolithic, Neolithic, Iron Age

Paleolithic Title: The Venus of Tan-Tan Location: The artifact is kept at the Museum of Natural History in Austria Place of origin: Tan-Tan, Morocco Materials: Quartz rock; ochre paint A website where you found the picture and the information about the image: The period of origin: 200,000-500,000 BCE (“Venus...

Employee Unionization and Recruitment Process

Why the Nursing Staff May Want To Unionize The quest to unionize could be informed by the desire to get better pay. In support of this statement, some nurses in The Saga of Truly Good Hospital were complaining about low salary increments. The desire to get proper remuneration is highlighted...

Self-Appraisal in Manager’s Skill Development Plan

Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses While evaluating the strengths and weaknesses, specific reference has been made to subjective analysis of the level of skills. Nevertheless, answering the proposed questions implied a certain note of objectivity and, therefore, it was easy to define certain advantages and disadvantages in my knowledge...

Role of Cultural Diversity in Public Administration

Nowadays, an increase in cultural diversity is a reality in most societies, first of all, because of the process of globalization and growing migration rates. It is also reflected in educational settings, such as colleges and universities. There is a need to approach cultural diversity to give students a sense...

The Future of Nursing: Solutions and Opportunities

Introduction The Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” is an attempt to resolve a multitude of problems that have arisen in nursing practice. It discusses the range of essential functions performed by nurses in health care settings, as well as challenges that arise...

Religious and Cultural Aspects of Arab Women

Women in the Arab world have had a lot of difficulties in the way they relate with others. This is because discrimination was the order of the day. They have been deprived of their rights and freedoms which had their basis on religious beliefs and more so on cultural aspects....

A Letter From the Buddha to a Follower

My friend, in experiencing the world, you have no doubt stumbled across the problem of suffering, which is ever-present. All have experienced suffering and have seen its toll on the outside world. What is it that causes suffering and pain? The answer is desire. Desire for material goods, for social...

The Christians Book of Houston Smith and Lewis

Introduction Houston Smith wrote his book on the World’s Religion in 2004. He grew up in a Christian background but has gone ahead to study various religions that are in the world. He has written many other religious books that are still studied today. Most of his work is based...

False Confessions in the US Criminal Justice System

Introduction False confessions present a major issue in any criminal justice system. The situation becomes even more complicated when the system is so decentralized as in the USA. In every state, police traditionally rely on psychological pressure as a leading interrogation technique. Suspects suffer from innumerable threats, hours of sleep...

The School-Aged Child: Developmental Assessment

Developmental assessment involves specific techniques that allow for evaluating whether a child has reached significant milestones in terms of physical and psychosocial development. Since children’s capabilities and skills vary greatly depending on their age, developmental assessment techniques should also be adjusted to the child’s age. Apart from knowing which methods...

Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview: The Role of Graduate Education

Introduction The lack of specialists with graduate education in the nursing profession is a problem that undermines the prestige and effectiveness of the trade (Cherry & Jacob, 2016; Darbyshire & McKenna, 2013). Moreover, it affects job satisfaction as less educated nurses earn poor wages and are prone to dislike their...

Researching Modernity and Modernism

Summary Christopher Crounch, defined modernity as a period in the history of mankind that shows a transition of their life from traditional agricultural practices to the industrial revolution, through individualism way of living and finally, whereby a state achieves economic stability. It basically shows the changes in terms of intelligence...

The Parinirvana of Siddhartha Sculpture and Its Religious Aspects

One of the fundamental aspects of Buddhism is meditation. It allows people to concentrate on the current moment and notice the tiniest details of what is happening around them. This is a complex skill that requires patience and time, but its development allows people to be more balanced and conscious...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Listening Skills Importance in the Working Environment

Introduction Communication occurs when two people can internalize what each of them says or implies. For this to happen, the communicators must listen to each other and provide the expected feedback. Being attentive to what others say is critical in both organizational and individual development. However, listening has been neglected...

Engineering: Power Management Techniques for Energy Efficiency

Introduction In many engineering applications, there is a need for efficiency. Power management is an elemental strategy for improving efficiency. The idea is to reduce power consumption to the least possible value while ensuring performance is okay. In the design of digital logic, power scaling is a major way to...

Romeo and Juliet: The 2019 Version Play Review

Romeo and Juliet is one great historic story that is set on tragic romance. The 2019 version of the original play depicts much energy and character amongst the cast. This is seen from the onset of the play where the trapdoors burst open and from underneath the first two performers,...

Effects of Nutrition on Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Control

The high prevalence rate of cancer and heart disease, even among the military personnel, has necessitated the need to underline not only the use of drugs in the military personnel, but also the role of nutrition in eradicating cancer and heart disease. This has been attributed to the fact that...

Deviant Behavior Questions

Introduction Many world leaders acknowledge that terrorism is a threat to respective national security. Perhaps that is the reason why countering it remains one of the biggest challenge. First, it has not been an easy task to establish the causes, motivation and determinants of people masterminding acts of terrorism. In...

Leadership and Management in Criminal Justice

The concepts of leadership and management in policing are often misunderstood. According to Kingshott (2006), “the role of the modern police management is to impart on the individual officer the management and leadership skills necessary to exercise their discretion responsibly” (p. 121). Nowadays, “police aim at problem-solving instead of crime...

Environment and Health Relationship

According to Carson (2002), it is evident that the environment has a close link to health. Notably, the publication gives a powerful framework that describes how the world used to exist in harmony until the time when man began to use excessive toxic chemicals. The author asserts that the advances...

The Six Major Elements of a Food Safety Plan (FSP)

Food Safety Plan A Food Safety Plan (FSP) is a way that identifies and prevents safety hazards from occurring during and after food production. The risks can be seen right from receiving raw materials to when products are dispatched to the market. A good FSP must be designed to follow...

Factors Affecting Health and Related Indicators

Health is a state of being physically and mentally sound and free from infirmities. Many countries’ health and well-being have gradually improved in the last decade due to heavy investments in the health sector. Unlike before, they do not only address physical diseases but also campaign for mental health awareness....

Gender Roles in Married at First Sight and Other Media Sources

Summary Gender roles refer to the behaviors and attitudes that individuals learn as acceptable to their biological sex due to the prevailing cultural norms. Every society and culture has different gender role expectations, which are likely to change over a given period. Gender role definition occurs under various aspects such...

Drugs and Social Life in Iceland

Demographics overview Iceland is a small Northern European country with a total population of 366 425 people, who primarily live in two cities — Reykjavik, the capital, and Akureyri. With a population density of only 3 inhabitants per square kilometer, Iceland is the least crowded country in Europe. According to...

Comparison and Contrast of the Websites Discussing a Multiple Sclerosis

This assignment compares and contrasts two websites discussing a similar topic to different audiences: technical and non-technical. The memo will examine the strategies employed by the websites to communicate to the target group. After the upcoming paragraph, the next sections will analyze and provide the details available on each website...

Product Life-Cycle Management and Technologies

The life cycle of an object is one of the essential concepts in modern business management. Although some companies continue to release products without caring about, for example, their future recycling, more organizations are starting to implement product lifecycle management or PLM. The application of this method allows to obtain...

The State of Colorado After the Mexican-American War

Research Question The historical paradigm of the American continent includes a series of political conflicts over land and political influence within countries. Since the US gained independence in 1776, the country began to reconsider its territories and the means to extrapolate influence on the lands of Southern America. A prime...

Performance Report and Recommendations for Florida Re-Entry Subdivision

Ex-offenders often encounter an atmosphere that discourages them from becoming productive citizens when released in the United States. Studies have shown that within three years of their release, 67.8 percent of ex-offenders are rearrested (Astrada 2018). With almost two million individuals jailed in the United States, recidivism damages both convicts’...

The Evolution and Stability Concepts Comparison

The word evolution refers to social changes that are carried out according to general principles. In the evolutionary process, each new state about the previous one appears to be better both quantitatively and qualitatively. Evolution is interpreted as a process carried out by itself and is thus a kind of...

The Workplace Bullying Prevention Policy

The problem of bullying creates a severe issue for the atmosphere of the workplace environment, the mental health of workers, and their performance. Various factors can contribute to the developing problem of harassment. It may be due to the application of incompetent leadership strategies that create the feeling of helplessness...

The Classic Musical Film Grease Analysis

The classic musical film Grease was my choice because of its plot. The plot centers on the meeting and relationship of two young people, Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson which helps me focus on the love portrayed in the film and how it is affected. This is because of the...

The Walmart Firm’s Economic Analysis

Introduction Walmart is a global multi-format company that specializes in retail, wholesale, and e-commerce through the Internet platform and mobile commerce applications. The primary external influence on this company comes from political factors, including government influences at the city and national levels, which reflect the requirements due to the spread...

Interpretation of Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

Flannery O’Connor’s work on the short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” is the best work and most loved out of all the works he has done on matters of literature. Basically, he vividly demonstrates the weird morality that occurs in real life, whereby immoral people exercise integrity...

Epigenetics as the Phenomenon and Its Examples

Epigenetics, or epigenomics, is the study of how the expression of genes that do not presuppose irreversible alterations in the underlying DNA sequence changes due to various factors, including diet, lifestyle, and environmental exposures. In addition, these changes can be passed down through generations. Introduced by Conrad Waddington in 1942,...

Financial Statement Analysis: Seven Crucial Components

Introduction Financial stability of any company helps in creating good reputation that could be considered by banks for future loans. The management team should focus on strengths since this is the core that determines the status of each section of the company. Calculations on financial ratios are basically derived from...

What It Means to Be Successful?

What is Success? Is it directly proportional to happiness or is it simply achieving everything that you ever desired? Success is within the mind of a person and it means different things to different people (Knoch 376). It takes different definitions with different interpretations. Many hold the idea that success...

Women’s Health: Predictors of Postpartum Depression

The article written by Katon, Russo, and Gavin (2014) is focused on women’s health. It discusses predictors of postpartum depression (PPD), including sociodemographic and clinic risk factors. This paper will analyze the research article under discussion in order to prove that it is an authoritative source of information that can...

Antitrust Laws and Competition Regulation

The antitrust laws were set by the United States’ Federal and individual states’ governments to regulate businesses and corporations. These laws were laid down to regulate them from growing too much and eventually oppressing the consumers. Likewise, they were also laid to prevent monopolies from exploiting consumers and therefore, offer...

Revenge and Its Historical and Ethical Consequences

Introduction Earlier, the concept of revenge was considered an object of purely subjective but at the same time well-grounded justice. Attempts to take revenge on an enemy or offender caused serious conflicts that rather often led to wars and bloodshed. In the modern world, vengeance has not disappeared. On the...

The Evolution of Financial Crisis

Introduction The modern world faces numerous problems that could not but impact the state of finances and economy of various countries. Moreover, the aftermaths of the world financial crisis are still significant and slow down the pace of economic development of different regions. Besides, Europe has always been taken as...

“Job Stress and Burnout in Hospital Employees” by Chou et al.

Introduction This paper presents a critique of the article by Chou, Li, and Hu (2014) entitled: “Job stress and burnout in hospital employees: Comparisons of different medical professions in a regional hospital in Taiwan.” The problem under the study is clearly stated. The authors assert that the work of health...

Red Bull Brand’s Integrated Marketing Campaign

List all the ways that Red Bull’s promotional efforts are unique from the mainstream Sports sponsorship The Red Bull brand has been proactive in sponsoring different sports events across the globe. At present, the brand is associated with sports events such as the Moto-GP, Red Bull Rampage, Red Bull Wake...

Nora’s Decision in H. Ibsen’s “The Doll’s House”

The power of classic literature and dramaturgy is in their ability to withstand the influence of time and remain relevant for society even after years since creation. This assumption might be applied to Henrik Ibsen’s play titled “The Doll’s House.” It was written at the end of the 19th century...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Exxon Mobil: Performance Evaluation

Introduction The financial performance ratios look at how well a company has been able to turn its assets into revenues as well as how efficiently a company converts its sales into cash. (Investopedia) The purpose of calculating and analyzing these ratios is to have an insight into the company’s financial...

Multinational Company in Japan

Statement of the Problem Komatsu Ltd. is a multinational company in Japan that specializes in manufacturing heavy construction equipment. Company revenues reached 989 billion yen in 1993 and target revenue of one trillion through aggressive expansion plans. The major areas in which the company operates are construction equipment, industrial machinery,...

Product Marketing Obstacles and Decisions

Determining What Consumers Want Plumbing the human mind has to be the final frontier in marketing, as in many other social sciences. For the tool that yields unvarying insight into what human beings really want under all circumstances just does not exist yet. This is a challenge that renders long...

Issues and Traditions in Western Religion

Abstract Western Religion is composed of Abrahamic Religions with origin in the ancient Middle East including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Even though the Western Religion constitutes more than Abrahamic religions, mostly used is Christianity as the religion which the Westerners like to identify themselves with. Since their foundations, all the...

Victorian Society, Its Values and Beliefs

The Victorian era, getting its name from Queen Victoria who had a long reign over Great Britain from 1837 to 1901, was a very significant one regarding its bringing about a supreme change in the moral values of people dwelling there. It was distinct in terms of imposing a strict...

Disney Corporation: Company Analysis

Introduction The Disney Corporation is a popular company in the entertainment industry. This report will briefly examine the history of the company and discuss its products and services. The financial position of the corporation in the last five years will also be briefly discussed. This paper aims at presenting a...

Healthcare Quality Improvement Programs and Cost Containment

Across the country, hospital systems tend to face a significant number of severe problems, including cash flow reduction, delays in patient discharge, hospital-acquired infections, preventable medical errors, and clinical variation. Moreover, some people cannot get quality medical care due to various reasons. Quality improvement projects and programs are created to...

A Person’s Life Description and Analysis

The description and analysis of a person’s life is a highly beneficial practice in the field of sociology. It helps to examine the influence of sociological factors on particular events and general life trajectories in a specific context to apply this experience to broader researches in the future. However, before...

The Superiority of Socialism Over Capitalism

In most western countries, capitalism is typically lauded as the most effective way of regulating market relationships, whereas socialism is traditionally frowned upon as a threat to free trade. However, not only does socialism suffer from a prejudiced attitude reinforced by the infamous witch-hunts, but also has a range of...

Nurse Manager’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Workplace conflicts occur in all organizations, requiring managers to develop conflict resolution skills. Conflicts among health care providers pose an especially urgent problem, as they can adversely affect patient outcomes. The causes of conflicts can range from simple misunderstandings and communication failures to more profound clashes of values, personalities, or...

Traffic Accidents and Infant Safety Seats

Numerous countries have become extremely dependent on cars, as most of the infrastructure and the way of life itself imply that people are expected to drive to work, shopping malls, universities, hospitals, and other institutions. Traffic collisions happen too often on the roads to undermine the importance of infant safety...

I Want a Wife’ by Judy Brady

Introduction Judy Brady’s life began in 1937 in San Francisco, California, and became rather famous for having an active role within the feminist movement of the 1960s. In addition to being an author and editor, she also supported a number of political and environmental movements. Brady used to write for...

Walmart Enhanced Competitiveness Project Plan

Description Based on initial research and the balanced scorecard, it is apparent that Walmart has an opportunity to expand its competitive advantage and achieve higher performance through enhancing the corporation’s brand, employee satisfaction and offering discounts to the customers. Project Objectives To enhance Walmart’s performance, reputation, and income Operational Step...

Germany Economic Overview

Germany is the largest economy in Europe and among the biggest economies in the world. The current economic condition is on a negative trend due to the outbreak of the Corona Virus. The COVID-19 pandemic led to the closure of businesses and a low in sales of various products, especially...

Air Pollution and Its Consequences

Abstract Air pollution has been an increasingly major problem affecting the economy, people’s health, and the environment. Emission resulting from motor vehicle combustion, industries, bushfires, and dust are the major causes of outdoor air pollution, also known as ambient air pollution. Combustion of these fuels emits carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, particulate...

“The Feminine Mystique” Book by Betty Friedan

Introduction Feminism has its complicated, diverse history with different development stages and influential persons who excited far-reaching social movements of the national scope. One of the prominent feminism representatives was Betty Friedan who gave a powerful push to the onset of second-wave feminism in the USA by manifesting her energetic...

Sexual Health and Identity Analysis

Sexual health and identity are versatile subjects with numerous sides and elements to consider. It concerns the majority of different social groups, from teenagers to older people, and intersects with other fields of human lives. In order to understand its core and view from various sides, the best option is...

Dance Education and Its Influence on Future Career

The article by Katherine Boland is an interview with ballet dancer Carolynn Rowland. Its main topics are the influence of dance or art education in general on people’s future careers that may be not related to the dance sphere. Carolynn stresses the importance of education as it helps expand the...

Freedom in Action via Cultural Relativism

Introduction Although encouraging awareness for cultural diversity, cultural relativism may sometimes be detrimental. At its most extreme, cultural relativism allows no place to criticize other cultures. Essentially, I will analyze the proposals of Savater demonstrated in chapter 6 of The Question of Life regarding freedom in action via applying cultural...

Information Technology Field and Disciplines

Summary The information technology (IT) field may be currently regarded as a rapidly growing sphere that offers respectable and secure positions for people with related academic credentials. In general, it covers the administration, support, and design of computer systems and telecommunications. IT includes system analysis, software programming, computer science, network...

Middle Childhood: The Impact of Television

Middle childhood is a child’s developmental stage that significantly influences the adolescent and adult they will become. Children move into expanding environments and roles in this stage. They begin to spend considerable time at school and various activities and devote less time to their family. This stage allows children to...

Operation Geronimo: Controversy and the Legal Authority

The tragic events of September 11, 2001, have forever changed the American perspective on foreign policies and international security. As a result of an extensive war against terrorism, President Obama approved Operation Geronimo on April 29, 2011 (Marks, 2019). The objective of the mission was to eliminate Osama bin Laden...

Social Media Usage in College Students

Social media presents a substantial portion of life for modern college students. Thus, a significant part of the literature is devoted to examining social media’s influence on college students’ well-being and perceptions as well as academic progress. Conducting a literature review on the subject of social media usage in college...

President Obama’s Actions Regarding Operation Geronimo

Introduction In August 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton declared Osama bin Laden public enemy number one. Then, the CIA began a large-scale hunt for the person, until then considered to be only a significant sponsor of extremists. It was possible to liquidate bin Laden almost in 13 years due to...

Sports Activities, Socialization, and Deviance

Introduction Sports activities have been part of human life since the beginning of the human race, especially among children, teens, and young adults. However, organized sports became popular in the 20th century after realizing that the social environment and everyday activities influenced human development. Games and sports activities were created,...

Starbucks Corporation’s Organizational Culture

Introduction Organizations have distinct cultures that evolve based on combinations of multiple factors. Starbucks is a company with a unique system of processes that have formed in response to several issues. After being founded in 1971, the corporation went public in 1992 as it completed its initial public offering (IPO)...

Aristotle’s Perspective on the Greek Tragedy

Brief Summary Sophocles wrote the tragic drama, Oedipus Rex, around 429 B.C. when it was first presented. It depicts the story of Oedipus, king of Thebes, who is said to have slain his father and married his mother by accident due to a prophecy made to Laius, the previous ruler...

Symbolic Retribution in Dante Alighieri’s Works

Concept of Symbolic Retribution The concept of symbolic retribution is largely inspired by the ancient Greek notion of “adikia” (injustice, untruth), which received its classical expression in Aristotle’s thesis: “injustice is not a part of vice, but perversity as a whole.” The idea that a person should be responsible for...

The Poem “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”

Introduction In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the chivalric quest is undoubtedly the literary type most closely identified with medieval literature. It includes themes of the feudal system, heroic fighting, courtship, brave sacrifice, and religious meditation. A literary masterpiece from the Anglo-Saxon era called Beowulf depicts the mythological and...

Human Resource Management in Business World

Introduction Scandinavian Journal of Management written by HR management expert Tortia is chosen for this article. The above article relates to the two topics covered in the first chapter of the Human Resource Management textbook. It explores the viability of human resources, job security, and redundancy in worker cooperatives, a...

Kazuko Itoi Is the Authentic (Japanese) Name of the Writer Monica Sone

Kazuko’s attitude toward the American people during and after her relocation. Kazuko Itoi is the authentic (Japanese) name of the writer Monica Sone, who was born in the United States to Japanese parents, first-generation immigrants. As the story progresses, this balance of the two components of her personality periodically changes...

Information Management Standards in Healthcare

Introduction Information management (IM) is a critical aspect of healthcare organizations, as it involves collecting, storing, and disseminating sensitive patient information. In order to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this information, healthcare organizations must comply with various IM standards set forth by regulatory bodies such as the Joint...

Teen Pregnancy as Public Health Concern

Introduction Teen pregnancy is a significant public health concern that can have long-lasting implications for both the mother and child. In many cases, teen pregnancy can lead to an increased risk of medical complications during pregnancy and childbirth and a higher likelihood of preterm birth and low birth weight. Teen...

The EasySpa Company’s Compensation Management

Introduction The modern approach in the company’s management involves using innovative and intelligent instruments. It is imperative to consider such actions in the context of planned changes in the organization’s structure. This essay will discuss EasySpa and its plans to expand its workforce to become a key regional player. The...

Mid-Semester Project Implementation Process Paper

This project aims to develop nurses’ knowledge, skill, and confidence in treating patients using continuous bladder irrigation (CBI) as a therapy modality to maximize treatment. Bedside nurse education is framed within the framework of the professional advancement model (Benner, 2019). To reform nursing practice, the project relies on three essential...

Nursing Burnout: Causes and Solutions

Introduction The complicated and demanding nature of the nursing profession makes burnout among nurses a risk. Burnout is a state of extended stress and a lack of support, resulting in emotional, bodily, and mental tiredness. Patient safety, the standard of nursing care, and burnout are all impacted. Emotional weariness, depersonalization,...

Spectrum Brands Holdings Inc.’s Analysis

Introduction Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. is a company dealing with home essentials, the purpose of which is to improve their customers’ quality of life at home, including their meals, their appearance, and caring for their pets. The company proclaims that it uses the customers’ insight to further its innovations. The...

Nurses’ Role in Fullfillment of Patients’ Wishes

A significant problem in healthcare is preventing the death of patients. The preventable mortality rate among hospitalized patients is high enough to cause problems in the medical system (Rodwin et al., 2020). In this regard, it is necessary to investigate the factors that may influence the decision-making contrary to the...

Natural History of Peace by Robert Sapolsky

According to Robert M. Sapolsky, human beings feel that they are unique, unlike other species. This has been questioned by studies that have been done on other primates. Theodosius Dobzhansky, an evolutionary biologist, viewed that all species are unique. According to him, humans are unique; thus, they feel more proud...

The Hospital Setting Prevention: Fall in the Elderly

Falls in the Elderly in the Hospital Setting: A Quality and Safety Issue Falls are “the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide” (WHO, 2012, para. 1). In the US, 20-30% of falls in the elderly lead to injuries (WHO, 2012, para. 1). Falls in hospitals remains...

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The UCCO Emergency Clinic Protecting Patient Information

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Comparison of Thomas Hobbes’ and John Locke’s Social Contract Theories

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Successful and Unsuccessful Relationships

Introduction Almost every Christian would agree that building relationships that could be called successful is a critical part of happiness. There are no universal definitions of good and bad relationships, so gaining this information from different sources is an exciting experience. This essay seeks to summarize the author’s findings from...