911 Evolution: Computer-Aided Design for Personal Safety


USA emergency service relies heavily on the speed of reaction and allocation when interacting with people in need. However, the lack of funding and logistical management issues often lead to inefficient service provision and consequent victims. Every year, over 10,000 Americans die due to the outdated 911 system (Reynolds, 2017). The problem of comparative inefficiency persists despite the implementation of NG911.

911 Dispatcher: Job Description

They receive a wide range of complaints, from automobile accidents to active criminal actions, and coordinate the delivery of appropriate emergency personnel.

The methods of communication utilized in this line of job change, together with the latest advancements, satisfy the need for urgent linking appropriately.

Introduction: CAD/CAM

CAD/CAM software is used to design a product as well as program manufacturing processes, such as CNC machining. CAM software generates toolpaths that control machine machines to transform designs into actual components using models and assemblies produced in CAD software like Fusion 360 (Simon, Taylor & Todd, 2019). Prototypes, final parts, and production runs are all designed and manufactured using CAD/CAM software.

What Is CAD/CAM?

The phrase “CAD-CAM” refers to the software that is used for designing, machining, and manufacturing with a CNC machine. Computer-Aided Design is abbreviated as CAD, and Computer-Aided Manufacturing is abbreviated as CAM.

CAD software is used to design and sketch models, which are then assembled using geometric forms. Not every produced item, however, needs to be created as a solid 3D model.


Modern CAD software enables the design of components for CNC machining on 2, 3, 4, and 5 axes. As planned parts are transmitted to CAM for programming the machine side of the production process, CAD software is a vital aspect of the manufacturing process.


Before a CAD model can be converted to this machine language, the CAM software must be set up to calculate the cutting routes that the tools will take to remove superfluous material and create a component.

CNC Milling, CNC Lathe, and CNC Router are the most common applications. However, component programming for CNC Water Jets, Plasma, Laser, and CNC Burning machines may also be discovered.

Workplace Background

With the advancement of contemporary endosseous implant design and better surface technology, new restorative procedures have been developed that reduce the overall treatment duration for patients. We are able to produce personalized dental restorations with great accuracy and flawless precision of fit by utilizing the latest scanning, CAD/CAM, and manufacturing technologies.

About the Job: Surgical Technologist

Surgical technologists work under the supervision of a surgeon to ensure that invasive surgical procedures are carried out safely and effectively, ensuring that the operating room environment is safe, that equipment is in working order, and that the operative procedure is carried out in a manner that maximizes patient safety.

Surgical Technologist: CAD/CAM Use

The traditional procedure necessitates a time-consuming and costly logistic chain. The workflow of directly milled surgical guides was assessed in a pilot study. These surgical guides were created using a combination of optical impressions and radiological information.

Current Technological State

At the moment, 911 has experienced yet another period of involuntary modernization.

Some of the police stations are pushing against further technological implementation, but it is required to optimize the performance of each individual unit.

Contribution to 911 Services

CADCAM-based security solutions provide a full package of services included in a singular software application.

The computer-assisted 911 vehicle dispatch program includes vehicle dispatch, call dispatch, resources deployment, instruction and protocols, and status modification (Lum et al., 2020).

Optimization of the vehicle dispatch and the coordination between them would allow the security services to be there for many people around Dublin.

CAD/CAM Disadvantages

Hand sketching can be used to divide data into different transparent overlays. Different overlays for structural, electrical, and plumbing components, for example, may be included in a construction plan (Renydols, 2021). In CAD, layers are similar to transparent overlays.

Layers like overlays can be shown, modified, and printed alone or in combination. One may name layers to make it simpler to remember what’s on them, and you can lock layers to prevent them from being modified.

Computer processing power is frequently used by CAD applications. This necessitates the purchase of expensive high-quality computer hardware. CAM necessitates the use of costly, sophisticated production equipment. The high cost of hardware is a key drawback of CAD/CAM and a major impediment to their widespread adoption.

CAD software is becoming more versatile and adaptive as time goes on. This, however, comes at the cost of increasing the software’s complexity. This intricacy makes learning the software more challenging for new users. This intricacy, when combined with the cost of educating employees in CAD/CAM technology, is another drawback of CAD/CAM.

Maintenance of the computers and equipment required for CAD/CAM is required, which can be a strain on available resources. When computers or gadgets fail, it results in costly downtime, which is inconvenient for everyone concerned. Maintaining a preventative maintenance program can be beneficial, but breakdowns are unavoidable, which is a negative.

CAD/CAM Advantages

The capacity to produce extremely precise designs; drawings that may be generated in 2D or 3D and rotated; and other computer programs that can be integrated into the design software are just a few of the benefits of CAD (Nath, Ray, Basak & Bhunia, 2020).

Before one begins sketching using manual drafting, one must first identify the scale of a view. This scale relates the real size of an object to the size of a paper model.

One of the benefits of CAD/CAM is that design modifications may be done quickly with CAD software. A design modification would have required a draftsperson to entirely redraw the design to the new standard before using CAD. One of the advantages of CAD in textiles is that it allows designers to play with designs and make tiny adjustments on the fly. It may also be utilized in software to replicate the design’s behavior. CAD software may be used to simulate the airflow around an engine, for example. This gives the software development process more freedom.

Rapid prototyping is another benefit of CAD/CAM. Designers may use rapid prototyping to build tangible prototypes during the design process. Various parts of the design may be tested using these actual prototypes. If the objective is to create a steel item, for example, a prototype constructed of clear acrylic can be used. Designers can see the pattern of stresses and strains within the product because of the transparency of the acrylic sample. This gives the physical design and development process more freedom.


Although CADCAM technology is most well known for its role in physical goods manufacturing and retail, the 911 security system could definitely take advantage of its advertisement survey.

Its automation-focused options are a great fit with the current persistent inefficiency of time I have not been here in a few months.


Lum, C., Koper, C. S., Wu, X., Johnson, W., & Stoltz, M. (2020). Examining the empirical realities of proactive policing through systematic observations and computer-aided dispatch data. Police Quarterly, 23(3), 283-310., Web.

Nath, A. P. D., Ray, S., Basak, A., & Bhunia, S. (2018). System-on-chip security architecture and CAD framework for hardware patch. In 2018 23rd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) (pp. 733-738). IEEE. Web.

Reynolds, M. S., MacGregor, D. M., Barry, M. D., Lottering, N., Schmutz, B., Wilson, L. J., Meredith, M., & Gregory, L. S. (2017). Standardized anthropological measurement of postcranial bones using three-dimensional models in CAD software. Forensic science international, 278, 381-387. Web.

Simon, M. A., Taylor, S., & Tom, L. S. (2019). Leveraging digital platforms to scale health care workforce development: the career 911 massive open online course. Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action, 13(5), 123., Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "911 Evolution: Computer-Aided Design for Personal Safety." April 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/911-evolution-computer-aided-design-for-personal-safety/.


StudyCorgi. "911 Evolution: Computer-Aided Design for Personal Safety." April 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/911-evolution-computer-aided-design-for-personal-safety/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "911 Evolution: Computer-Aided Design for Personal Safety." April 2, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/911-evolution-computer-aided-design-for-personal-safety/.

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