A Mother of Neonate’s Phone Interview

The phone interview with Maritza, a 49-year-old mother of a neonate, was a preferable type of interviewing due to the COVID pandemics. The woman shared her experience during her pregnancy and the first months after the delivery. The pregnancy was unplanned, and, above that, the woman had undergone a pregnancy prevention procedure, so she and her husband could not believe she could be pregnant. The woman reports that she noticed some changes but associated them with her menopause and age. She also had diabetes and hypertension, so she often felt excessively tired. She went to see a doctor in the sixth month of her pregnancy, so she had not received any neonatal care prior to that point. Due to certain economic issues, Maritza decided to give her child to adoptive parents, although her husband did not support that idea. When the child was born, Maritza understood she could not give her baby away. She reported that she loved the baby once she saw him. She also stated that although they had not expected such tremendous changes in their family, the child came just at the right time.

The first months were hard as the family had to adapt to the new schedule and take up new responsibilities. The interviewed mother stated that she could start working soon as she could have a different shift, and her family helped with the chores related to childrearing. The woman had assistance with all tasks, including feeding, changing diapers, comforting the child, and other activities. The woman noted that her three older children and her husband seemed to be glad to help and were supportive.

Based on the interview results, it is possible to gain some insights into the way the child is likely to develop. It is clear that the newborn has a set of characteristics that are hereditary. A bright example of this concept is the child’s appearance. The mother stated that the baby looked like his father, which was one of the reasons for keeping the child instead of giving him to adoptive parents, which was the initial plan. Of course, some physical and mental peculiarities are becoming apparent and will be manifested in the course of time. At the same time, it is already clear that the child is likely to develop properly due to the care he receives from all family members. According to the mother, all immediate relatives take care of the baby and address his needs, which is likely to be that way in the future.

The mother thinks that the child has come to this world for a reason, which may be the idea shared by the entire family, so they will be supportive and loving. These are the premises for a healthy environment that has a positive influence on a person’s development. Family is regarded as one of the most influential factors affecting an individual’s development, which is specifically relevant during their early years. Being born to a loving family tends to result in healthy growth and transformation into an adult person who can become an active and successful member of society.

On balance, it is possible to note that the interview provides valuable insights into the factors affecting people’s development. The woman who had not expected to have a baby decided to keep the child in the family. All family members are supportive and helpful, so an environment of love and understanding is created, which helps the children (four of them) to grow and obtain all the necessary skills to satisfy all their needs in their adulthood.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, February 21). A Mother of Neonate’s Phone Interview. https://studycorgi.com/a-mother-of-neonates-phone-interview/

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StudyCorgi. "A Mother of Neonate’s Phone Interview." February 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-mother-of-neonates-phone-interview/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "A Mother of Neonate’s Phone Interview." February 21, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/a-mother-of-neonates-phone-interview/.

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