Analysis of Apple’s Operations

Apple focuses on the production of technology, which includes modern communication devices (cell phones), playing music (headphones), and other computer operations. It was founded quite a long time ago and has gradually occupied the largest niche in the production and distribution of technology. People use at least one Apple product, which makes the company one of the most successful on the market in this industry (Momin). Apple’s success is justified by its highly effective products that are in line with current technology and meet the needs of consumers.

Apple’s Use of IT

IT is one of the leading areas of Apple, as the company constantly needs to stimulate interest in its products with high-tech offerings. Through IT, the company implements programs such as Apple ID and AirTag, which make products easier to use. In addition, the artificial intelligence ideas it has acquired have allowed it to expand the functionality of computers and phones, which has allowed it to capture even more users (Apple at Work). Apple is also using IT to work and connect with staff by electronically tracking the supply chain and creating smart features.


A SWOT analysis is a tool to evaluate a company’s performance, which allows for a comprehensive examination of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the company.

Table 1. SWOT-Analysis of Apple

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Continuous financing of the IT segment and supply chain Incompatible with other devices (Momin) Stimulating green business and the development of green supply Users leave for competitors
Improved and optimized product performance High price forced into the luxury category Attracting new partners to integrate related IT technologies Monopoly policy leads to barriers to integration
High tech performance compared to competitors Lack of marketing budget Expanding AI features in handheld devices Reputational damage due to employment policies
Market prominence Falling sales in major countries A free field for creating new products for the smart home Decrease in income for current customers

Works Cited

“Apple at Work”. Apple, Web.

Momin, Abdull. “Apple SWOT Analysis 2022”. PESTLE Analysis, Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Analysis of Apple’s Operations." June 18, 2023.

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