Aspects of Communication Exchange

At the time of my freelance work as a copywriter, I received an order to evaluate the issues of the contemporary world. The customer left written guidelines for the order on the platform, so it was written communication. The word count for the order was relatively small, and the customer provided a list of issues with research materials on the topics. Consequently, I chose the issue that I felt most comfortable explaining and dedicated the whole article of 400 words to it. This action was a miscommunication as I failed to understand that a customer wanted to receive a short article evaluating all issues. The reason for that was most likely the arrogance based on the experience built up from my work. Nevertheless, the customer received my first attempt and demanded a revision, to which I responded positively and rewrote the order.

The communication was ineffective due to the overconfidence in personal abilities. On the other hand, it is also the truth that the customer did not specify what exactly he wanted to see in the article and gave ambiguous directions for the order. Nevertheless, it would remain my fault for not asking for clarifications and proceeding to the writing process with a misguided sense of confidence. Primarily, the impact of this event had an enormous negative effect on me.

This event affected my evaluation score on the platform where I was working. Thus, it had a direct impact on the price cut of my services and earnings. Fortunately, the customer was satisfied with the revised work, and I finished it before the agreed deadline. However, there could have been a chance that a customer would have liked to demand compensation for faulty work. Moreover, the headache from the stress I experienced at the time diminished my concentration and organization. As a result, several plans for the next day failed, and I could not focus on my studies.

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