Banner Health: The US Non-Profit Organization


Banner Health is a non-profit organization that was started on September 1, 1999, by merging Lutheran and Samaritans Health Systems. They offer nursing care, hospital care, laboratory, surgical and rehabilitation services. Besides, the organization provides health-related educational and community-based social services programs. It owns and leases nursing homes, clinics, hospitals, home health agencies, surgery centers, ambulance services, and other healthcare-related services (Banner Health, 2022). The company operates in Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, and California. It operates via a network of different medical centers University Medical Center Tucson, University Medical Center Phoenix, Casa Grande medical center, behavioral health hospital, Community Hospital, and North Colorado Medical Center.

Banner’s Organizational Readiness

Banner health organization provides subsidized healthcare services for Americans who cannot afford expensive healthcare. The staffing population that the company has is not enough to cater for future health needs. It is estimated that in the next decade, there will be an increase in patients who need healthcare services as the number of “baby boomers” reaching 65 years will increase significantly (Galvani et al., 2020). The more quality healthcare is provided in the US, the more nurses can save people with chronic diseases. This means thast in the future, the number of aged people with chronic diseases will have doubled (Galvani et al., 2020). For Health Banner to meet the demand of this new population with special needs, it must develop a new strategy. In addition, the demand for quality services will increase; hence the new strategic plan will help implement plans to meet these emerging challenges.

The Strategic Plan

Network Growth

Banner Health has to expand its services and operations to accommodate the increasing demand for quality health services and the rising number of patients in the US over the next decade. Banner Health has adopted an open policy to mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships (Banner Health, 2022). It has been planning facilities to connect to a health network anchored to an academic medical center. In the company’s recent growth, it merged with Olio Health to expand post-acute care management services. This will help Banner Health to grow its network because the services will be given to states where the companies are based.

Nurse Staffing

The success of health organizations is primarily based on the staff members. Banner has 50,000 employees with a significant number of nurses (Banner Health, 2022). The demand for healthcare services will increase in the next decade, requiring the organization to hire more nurses. By 2030, the US will need 1.1 million new nurses nationwide (Banner Health, 2022). The company has set aside benefits that help them to attract more nurses. Some benefits the company is employing are nursing compensation, career development, professional development and competitive salary packages. Due to the shortage of nurses in the USA, these strategies will help the company attract more nurses, solving the challenge of increasing demand. This ensures they provide patients with quality services using the latest critical review practices.

Resource Management

Banner Health has to ensure that they utilize resources effectively so it can offer services at affordable costs. The organization has a set of policies that ensure that they do not waste resources, such as regular audits and looking for waste loopholes (Banner Health, 2022). On the other hand, Banner Health will require additional resources for the new staff they hope to have in the next decade. The organization is building more facilities to accommodate patients and provide other amenities. For instance, they are building a four-story hospital in Buckeye, Arizona, which is expected to be complete in 2024. The 330,000 square feet hospital will be able to cater to the health needs of 100,000 people (Banner Health, 2022). Once this project is completed, it will provide more space for research and patient care. Besides, the company plans to increase its financial income by lobbying for more well-wishers.

Patient Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is one of the main determinants of quality health outcomes. Banner Health’s primary aim is to ensure that all patient’s needs are satisfied. To provide patient satisfaction, the organization must offer quality products within the shortest time possible. Some conditions require quick medical attention, such as Stroke; thus, the organization’s facilities should be able to provide timely services (Banner Health, 2022). The company has addressed this issue by ensuring its teams are well-equipped and prepared for quick service delivery. In addition, the company has prioritized conditions to ensure those who need quick services get them first.

Current Potential Issues within the Organizational Culture

One of the main potential issues for Banner Health is the lack of enough nurse staff. This has caused challenges to the organizational culture because it alters how nurses work and relate. Nurses who feel overworked will most likely produce poor performance because of diminished morale (Banner Health, 2022). This organizational culture of nurses feeling that they are being overworked has an impact on the strategic plan. It is difficult to achieve patient satisfaction with inadequate nurses because quality services will not be promptly offered.

The other organizational culture issue that the organization faces is resistance from employees. The employees have developed a resistant culture to change because they fear being given more duties or work (Banner Health, 2022). The employees have protested severally due to low pay compared to other organizations. However, the management is lobbying for more financial assistance to give their employees a competitive salary and all the required benefits. In addition, the fund will help them get more staff, reducing resistance.

Theory or Model for Supporting the Implementation

The systems management theory would be effective in the implementation of his strategic plan. According to this theory, just like humans have multiple components that work harmoniously together, an organization has different departments that have to work together (Joullié & Gould, 2021). For the company to achieve the strategic plan, it must support the four crucial elements: network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. The theory states that for a company to be successful, it has to depend on interdependence, synergy, and interrelations of the different subsystems (Joullié & Gould, 2021). However, employees are the most important subsystem of any organization; therefore, the organization should prioritize them. Banner Health should work on the four elements but ensure that nurse staffing is given priority. This theory is best because it outlines the four factors an organization needs to succeed and the ones that should be prioritized. This is because, without enough staff, all the other three remaining strategic plan elements cannot be well utilized.


Healthcare is essential in the US in the next decade due to the high number of aging “baby boomers.” Banner Health is one of the largest non-profit healthcare providers in the US, and they have to prepare for this influx in the number of patients and complications expected. Thus, the organization has a strategic plan based on four subsystems: network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. Banner Health faces the organizational issue of low morale caused by inadequate staffing. Finally, the company should use the systems management theory to implement and prioritize the plan.


Banner Health. (2022a). About. Web.

Banner Health. (2022b). Strategic partnerships | Diversity & Inclusion. Web.

Galvani, A. P., Parpia, A. S., Foster, E. M., Singer, B. H., & Fitzpatrick, M. C. (2020). Improving the prognosis of health care in the USA. The Lancet, 395(10223), 524–533. Web.

Joullié, J.-E., & Gould, A. M. (2021). Theory, explanation, and understanding in management research. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 13(2), 234094442110124. Sagepub. Web.

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