Benefits, Limitations, and Environmental Costs of Wind and Solar Power

Renewable energy is seen to be crucial for enhancing energy security by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emission. Wind and solar have been established as effective renewable energy sources. According to Powering Texas (2019), Lubbock, my current location, is a good fit for wind and solar energy. This is because of its strategic placement within the expanding wind resource and abundant sunlight, and access to Texas Tech University’s industry-leading wind research.

Solar and wind power have various benefits over other energy sources because they are renewable. This means that these two sources are readily available and plenty. Therefore, capturing or utilizing them cannot deplete the natural resources. Moreover, wind and solar sources provide clean energy that does not pollute the environment compared to fuel sources (Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, n.d.). This makes them ideal for urban settings like Lubbock. Furthermore, the operating costs associated with obtaining wind and solar power are low, making them cost-effective and efficient.

However, solar and wind power have limitations, such as high initial costs of installation and purchase of equipment. Additionally, they are both weather-dependent; hence energy production may not be constant. For instance, solar energy production and efficiency drops during rainy and cloudy days, whereas wind energy’s production and efficiency constantly decreases when the wind’s speed is not constant. In this case, low-speed wind results in lowered kinetic energy that transform to reduced energy output (Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, n.d.). Moreover, solar power storage is expensive since it requires large batteries, which are costly to purchase and maintain.

On the other hand, solar and wind energy come at a price to the environment. Every year, wind turbines kill bats and birds at alarming rates. Solar panels, windmills, and turbines may take up vast swaths of desert, which is formerly a home to wildlife (Fitzner, 2018). Furthermore, faulty solar panels and batteries release dangerous chemicals into the environment. This pose health dangers to animals and humans alike resulting in increased health risks to Lubbock inhabitants.


Fitzner, Z. (2018). The environmental impacts of solar and wind energy. Web.

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. (n.d.). Advantages and challenges of wind energy. Web.

Powering Texas. (2019). Texas America’s leader in wind energy. Web.

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