Child Abuse and Health of Nation: Cause and Effect


Children are the future of the nation as they are expected to enjoy the best things humanity has, acquire all knowledge it possesses, and contribute to the formation of a new, better world. For this reason, their upbringing, education, and health are the primary concerns of adults and parents. Unfortunately, there are still many problems in these areas that precondition severe issues in the future. For instance, domestic violence is a stressor that affects children negatively and preconditions critical alterations in their mentalities.

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The fact is that today, regardless of multiple attempts to create a beneficial environment for children, many of them experience various forms of domestic violence. For instance, parents might use too severe measures and punish children physically, causing them pain and preconditioning the development of mental problems. Moreover, in problematic families, or in households where adults suffer from drug abuse, children might also be beaten or experience other forms of violence, including psychological or sexual ones. It causes severe mental problems that lay the basis for the new flaws in the future.

One of the adverse effects of domestic violence is the overall deterioration of the health of the nation. Individuals who were raised in complex conditions and suffered from manifestations of various abusive or aggressive behaviors might also have issues with their own children as they do not know the appropriate way to educate young people. It stimulates the appearance of new generations with even more complex problems.


Altogether, domestic violence aimed at children remains of the significant causes for the deterioration of the health of the nation and its degeneration as it shapes mentalities in inappropriate ways. It is critical to devote attention to this issue to ensure that its rates will be decreased and children will be able to enjoy one of the best periods of their lives.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 6). Child Abuse and Health of Nation: Cause and Effect.

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StudyCorgi. "Child Abuse and Health of Nation: Cause and Effect." July 6, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Child Abuse and Health of Nation: Cause and Effect." July 6, 2021.

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