Christian Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Christian and Postmodern Relativism

From a Christian perspective, the nature of spirituality and ethics revolve around the teachings of the Bible. Human beings should appreciate the ideas and concepts that God has given them. This knowledge should guide all participants in healthcare to respect their patients and provide them with the best experiences and care (Pfeiffer, 2018). They need to feel empowered since they are part of God’s purpose or plan. Medical professionals should understand that God exists and His actions are beyond human comprehension. When pursuing science, people need to apply this perspective as the true source of guidance.

This kind of approach differs significantly from postmodern relativism in the field of healthcare. Such a philosophy indicates that the truth is non-existent and human beings form the foundation of the universe. The concept guides people to decide how to treat or analyze ethical dilemmas. They apply ethics sparingly and impartially depending on their thoughts. Within healthcare, this focus might be erroneous and contradict the religious aims of different stakeholders (Potgieter & Van der Walt, 2015). The model goes further to allow professionals to rely on the available truth and make decisions that meet the demands of the majority. This standpoint is based on science and human knowledge to deliver high-quality medical care.


The emergence and development of science have led to divergent views that have the potential to influence the health care sector. Scientism is one of them and it denotes any form of expression, idea, or thought that arises from the power of human techniques and scientific knowledge (Gasparatou, 2017). The field seeks to promote scientific inquiry as to the only tool for addressing philosophical and ethical values. The first opposition against this concept is that it has increased chances of becoming an ideology, thereby attracting more followers. Such an outcome will be problematic since it will undermine the teachings of religion and make it impossible for more people to achieve their spiritual aims in life. When individuals consider this approach, chances are high that most of the modern ethical values and concepts will become irrelevant.

The second opposition is that scientism has unique weaknesses that make it ineffective when explaining most of the challenges affecting humanity today. For example, the concept cannot describe the true origin of the universe and human spirituality. This weakness is associated with the fact that it is based on human experimentations and thoughts (Gasparatou, 2017). These issues make such an ideology inappropriate or incapable of addressing the major challenges human beings experience in their lives.

Personal Perspective and Worldview

My perspective of life borrows much from the Christian worldview. I follow it to address epistemological and ethical issues that I might encounter in life. The notion of ultimate reality revolves around the idea that God is the creator of the universe, He is all-knowing, and transcending (De Vries, 2015). He remains unchangeable and encourages people to follow His teachings to become part of His eternal Kingdom. Those who embrace this form of understanding will find it easier to pursue their goals in life.

The universe is complex and represents God since He created every object and creature in it. He presented orderliness and put everything in its right place. Human beings need to protect the universe while being part of it (Pfeiffer, 2018). The choices all people make need to protect them and continue to glorify God and His creation. The unfolding nature of the system means that God has a new purpose for us every single day. The important duty is for me to worship and follow His mission for the universe.

God created all human beings in His image. This aspect makes people a reflection or replica of God in the world. They have unique characters and understanding that exhibit God’s knowledge. Human beings have a natural form of dignity that they need to protect (De Vries, 2015). However, a person’s life is short and has to be lived positively. Those who fail to follow God’s teachings will eventually face God’s wrath during the Day of Judgment. On the other hand, followers who take His ideas seriously will eventually achieve their goals and become part of His kingdom.

Knowledge emerges as a powerful attribute that makes it possible for human beings to know what is right and wrong. They need to follow God’s teachings to expose their inner abilities and be in a position to address most of the challenges they might encounter in life. This form of knowledge is not constant since people can expand it continuously by reading the scriptures and relating positively with others. The basis of knowledge is God’s decision to create human beings in His image (Orr, 2015). People need to apply this ability wisely and eventually protect the environment for posterity. They should also be ready to empower, guide, and transform the experiences of others. Such a strategy will make the world a better place for all human beings.

Ethics is a meaningful concept that encourages people to do right and consider how they can transform the experiences of others. Personally, the Bible is the source of my ethical philosophy and morality. First, I rely on it to understand how to relate effectively with my colleagues and friends. Second, the Bible presents numerous guidelines about empathy and sympathy, and how individuals can apply them to meet the needs of others. Third, different teachings in the Bible explain how Christians need to address some of the ethical dilemmas they might face in life, such as abortion, murder, and euthanasia. Those who focus on the Bible will be ready to protect life, relate properly with others, and consider moral actions (Orr, 2015). Fourth, the combination of these attributes with the gift of knowledge can guide me to be aware of the nature of the universe and how I can address most of the challenges I experience in different situations. These attributes have worked synergistically to support the establishment of a powerful philosophy of ethics that will guide me always.

Finally, my perspectives and worldview guide me to have a clear purpose for my existence. I believe that God created me to make a difference in the universe and leave it much better for human posterity. I live to change other people’s lives and improve myself continuously. I achieve such an objective by remaining ethical and doing what is right always. I work hard to leave situations much better than how I found them (Pfeiffer, 2018). I make the relevant decisions depending on the existing problems while engaging others. In my personal life, I have a role to guide and make it easier for others to achieve their aims much faster. My professional purpose is to transform my patients’ experiences.


De Vries, R. (2015). Good without God: Bioethics and the sacred. Society, 52(5), 438-447. 

Gasparatou, R. (2017). Scientism and scientific thinking. Science & Education, 26(3), 1-14. 

Orr, R. D. (2015). Incorporating spirituality into patient care. American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, 17(5), 409-415. 

Pfeiffer, J. (2018). Strategies Christian nurses use to create a healing environment. Religions, 9(11), 352-364. Web.

Potgieter, F., & Van der Walt, J. (2015). Postmodern relativism and the challenge to overcome the “value-vacuum”. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 1(1), 235-254. 

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