Computers: Macs Vs PCs


This research paper aims to describe Macs and PCs. The paper will make familiarize the reader with Macs and PCs through examples. Apart from this research paper includes comparison and contrasting of both Macs and PCs.

By example

There are lots to consider in mind while thinking about Mac and PCs. Both Macs and PCs have got some differences that everyone needs to be very aware mainly at the time of buying. This paper is going to discuss this issue by taking an example from both sides. It is said that “Macs are more expensive than PCs in terms of the price range. The cheapest Mac laptop is the MacBook, which retails for $999” (Nicholas). The price mentioned here is without taxes and if taxes are included then prices will be some higher. In the case of the MacBook Pro, the prices range from $1,199 to $2, 499. If the product is MacBook Air then its price range falls from $1,499 to $1,799. When it comes to the case of PC the price range is very less while comparing with Mac and a PC would cost nearly $500. “But, it would not have as good of specs as a MacBook.” (Nicholas). It is said that PCs’ prices are much below Macs while considering the overall price range. There is no problem for one to buy a PC from Best Buy for $400. As in the case of Dell Inspiron laptop having the same kind of spec as MacBook costs only $700. These are major concerns regarding Mac and PCs by different examples.

Comparison and contrast of Macs and PCs

There are some similarities between Mac and PCs. “Mac vs PC comparison has always been like comparing apples and oranges. Both have their fan followings, but both are very different in the way they approach the market. Similarly, both OS-X and Windows are operating systems, but both are built on two different foundations” (Mac or PC: Who Will Win the Bout?). However, there is a slight difference in the price of these computers the hardware used in both Mac and PC is similar. In a Mac computer, it can also run windows with the use of a particular program named Virtual PC. “Running Windows on a Macintosh is cheaper than buying two computers. With a laptop, it can be more convenient, too. If you’re torn between a Mac and its seamless hardware/software integration and the universality of Windows, you can have your cake and eat it too, albeit at a steep price” (Apple Laptops and Desktops: Full Report).

All the functions which the PC can perform and support can carry out by the Mac computer also. It does not signify that both computers are operating in the same way but there is nothing impossible by the Mac which the PC does. Both computers can browse the internet, share and download files, make use of e-mail, and so on. Moreover, the Mac and PC can be networked simultaneously that is PC to Mac, Mac to Mac and PC to Pc, etc. Both these computers are excellent each one has its benefits. If there is any negative point in PC compared to Mac in some other case PC will be better than Mac. So the choice of buying these computers is to depend on customer’s wish and need.

Even though there are some similarities between Mac and PC, both computers have a wide variety of differences. Macs have been produced by Apple whereas PCs were first produced by IBM.

“The difference between a Mac and PC can be summed in one sentence: “Macs and PC’s operate and work differently.”The biggest difference between Macs and PC’s can be summed up by different “thought” processes and philosophies. Macs think more like humans, while PC’s tend think to the opposite of humans” (What is the difference between Mac and PC?). An example is that a Mac will read a number in the same way read by humans but a PC will reverse the number and read. “Macs are traditionally classified separately from PCs because they are based on the PowerPC architecture from Apple/IBM/Motorola instead of the traditional Intel-based microprocessors that have powered PCs for decades. A great deal of software is also compatible with either Mac or PC, but not both” (The Difference between a PC and a Mac).

Macs can run a Macintosh operating system, whereas a common PC cannot. The soft wares used in a Mac and a PC are different. The PCs often come installed with Windows operating system. But a Mac is made up of UNIX operating system which is less prone to viruses and other malicious soft wares. Thus a Mac has less chance of virus attack than a PC. Macs are more efficient and simpler than PCs. They have a user-friendly interface. Any hardware part can be customized using a PC. But a Mac provides options for only fewer hardware customizations. Macs offer better support to the customers. In terms of price, PCs are cheaper than Macs. There is also a difference between the icons of both of them. All these differences make Macs and PCs unique from each other.


This research paper has discussed the Macs and PCs in various aspects. Differences coming at the price of Mac and PCs are explained by giving suitable examples and in the comparison and contrast section it is found out that there are lots of differences and similarities are there among Mac and PCs.

Works cited

Apple Laptops and Desktops: Full Report. Consumersearch. 2009. Web.

Mac or PC: Who Will Win the Bout? The Times of India. 2010. Web.

Nicholas. Buying a Mac or Notebook – Which to Choose? Bright HUB. 2010. Web.

What is the Difference between Mac and PC? Yahoo Answers. 2010. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, February 9). Computers: Macs Vs PCs.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Computers: Macs Vs PCs." February 9, 2022.

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