Criminal Justice, Race, and Ethnicity Debates


The essay presents a summary of my interview with my neighbor on the criminal justice, race, and ethnicity topic. As our opinions on the subject differ vastly, it creates a broad field for discussion. Additionally, my neighbor has real-life experience and likes discussing his past, therefore, his viewpoint on criminal justice is supported by various examples collected throughout his lifetime.

Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System

According to my neighbor’s opinion, the USA’s criminal justice system is a controversial feature that can both make right and fair decisions and be prejudiced against certain groups of people. In his mind, sometimes police officers or detectives follow the easiest leads and are selective about the evidence which they often proceed as divided pieces of information but connected. Sometimes due to some private issues or experience they are too involved in the case or too emotional about it. My interviewee thinks, that in such situations the effectiveness of the performed actions decreases as critical thinking is substituted with emotions. Additionally, he states that such an approach applies to the whole criminal justice system as the human factor is always a barrier to a fair judgment. Based on this experience he concludes that police do not fulfill their obligations properly and fairly, as well as the courts are often paid for falsifying the sentences.

Race in the Criminal Justice System

My neighbor considers race to be one of the most important factors in the criminal justice system as people with bad genetics or “bad blood” should be treated more strictly due to their crime predisposition. He thinks that African Americans are underestimated and should be paid more attention. According to his viewpoint, the criminal justice system seems to be indifferent to race, ethnicity, or nationality which is a wrong approach. However, the existing justice system may be considering redoubling their vigilance over the Negro community to make society safer.

Race and the Police

According to my neighbor’s opinion, the majority of police officers and detectives look for the suspects or express their suspicions regardless of race and ethnicity which is also an inappropriate attitude. He appreciates police workers who share his opinion of the high predisposition of the Negro community to illegal activity, however, not many guardians support this idea. The interviewee states that the police are not strict enough when applying the law to non-white ethnicities, however, some recent situations showed improvement regarding the question.

Race and Terrorism

My interviewee claims that race is the core element that influences terrorism rat in the United States. For example, African Americans or Middle Asian ethnicities from Iraq, Iran, and Syria are more likely to commit terrorism than white Americans and other white nationalities (Walker, Spohn et al., 2016). According to his claim, the nations’ past impacts their actions, temper, and predisposition to crime commitment. He thinks that the representatives of the Negro community are bad-tempered, emotional, and belligerent, therefore, armed protests, terroristic attacks, or threats come form their side.

Recommendations for Change

My neighbor gives some recommendations on the improvement of the American Criminal Justice System. They include toughening laws concerning crime commitment by representatives of the Negro community, conducting research on predisposition to illegal acting based on race and ethnicity. In his idea, these measures will lead to the prevention of a bigger number of African Americans from criminal actions and terrorism as strict rules are the only way of crime rate control. He also recommends “mix colors” which means that a black policeman or judge cannot investigate or be somehow involved in the case with an African American as the main figure. My interviewee states that lawyers, police officers, judges, detectives from the same ethnicity will share the suspect’s feelings and alleviate the verdict.


In conclusion, I think that my neighbor persists in toughening rules for other ethnicities because of his experience. He states that terrorism and high crime rates in certain regions are conducted by African Americans. The interviewee thinks that representatives of the Negro community are predisposed to illegal acting. Additionally, the Criminal Justice System is not fair and strict enough to be considered trustworthy or reliable.


Walker, S., Spohn, C., & DeLone, M. (2016). The color of justice: race, ethnicity, and crime in America. Cengage Learning.

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