Developing a Wix-Based Website

Website development seems like an easy task, yet demands step-by-step coordination in order to create a product that would appeal to the client. As a designer, one has to be user-oriented to ensure smooth interaction. This is the major problem that results in low site traffic and financial losses for website maintenance. Nonetheless, for being user-oriented, it is vital to develop a website in accordance with the functional requirements and website creation standards. This project’s purpose is to develop a Wix-based website that will be dedicated to home renovation and property management business.

The home renovation and property management business’s websites typically lack interactivity with the clients and other stakeholders. The proposed solution to this problem would be creating an interactive website with features suitable to any user, whether they are individuals or big companies. For instance, creating the pricing page is indispensable for any client because it will ensure easy access to the home renovation and property management services and their prices. In general, the pivotal strategy relates to building an easily understandable and accessible interface for any device whether it is a PC or mobile phone.

It is necessary to use high-quality services for website creation because they guarantee a high level of security. Moreover, they suggest multiple options for web page design. Providing a unique website layout is crucial because it helps to identify the drawbacks that should be fixed. Therefore, in order to develop an efficient website, the platform will be used. It is an international cloud platform for creating and developing Internet projects, which allows designing websites and their mobile versions. In addition, the platform enables one to implement a variety of sites that are quite complex from a functional point of view at a decent, strong level. It provides high-quality thematic templates, simplicity, and variety of design customization tools, and many useful applications, including Wix code, invoices, and application collection (appointment, etc.) out of the box, SEO wizard, and others.

The process of creating a website takes longer several months. The first draft of the services pages should be ready in 10 days; the second draft will take approximately a week considering the drawbacks that should be fixed. Creating animation features and interaction services will take 20 more days including testing procedures. The pre-test should take approximately 14 days to identify technical faults and fix them. The official launch of the website can be scheduled on the 51st day of the website development. It should be stated that several more months will be needed after the post-launch to fix every fault detected.

The following table discloses the prices for website development and maintenance based on the WIX program (price per year):

Feature Price
Individual website design and development Up to 2,000$
Copywriting and content development Up to 3,000$
Search engine optimization Up to 8,000$
Domain, hosting, and security Up to 500$
Total cost Approximately 13,500$

Additional recurring or maintenance fees may be required.

Hence, the home renovation and property management business website will be constructed within almost two months. During this period, it is vital to work thoroughly on each aspect of the site in order to attract clients and provide a unique customer experience. Such effects can be created by building an alluring interface and providing full information on each section, especially on the pricing one since many customers look for it first.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, September 26). Developing a Wix-Based Website.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Developing a Wix-Based Website." September 26, 2022.

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