Digital Divide. Technology Today

The traditional definition of the digital divide describes it as the gap between people who have access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not (“Mapping the digital divide,” 2015). At the same time, the quality of access should also be considered as it preconditions differences in technologies’ employment. The digital divide affects both categories as there are multiple positive effects for the cohort using the Internet and adverse ones for the group that does not have access to it.

Individuals without access to technology might become isolated in the modern world that is characterized by a high level of digitalization. They might also be deprived of chances to increase their comfort levels by using innovative approaches. At the same time, the absence of the correct understanding of technologies mentioned above causes similar adverse effects of various population groups (“Mapping the digital divide,” 2015). The inability to realize the importance of new devices excludes individuals from modern discourse and also prevents them from acquiring knowledge about these very technologies.

At the same time, access to technology and the presence of all needed skills do not mean that they will be used. Many people might ignore opportunities offered by innovative solutions or possess a poor understanding of their importance, which also indicates the importance of the quality of access. The causes for this denial vary and include an inability to accept new modes of interaction, conservatism, age, or resistance to change.

However, today the correct understanding and use of available technologies are fundamental to become a successful member of society. First of all, these factors are required for effective cooperation, communication, and collaboration with other individuals. Moreover, the Internet grants limitless access to information, which is vital for the modern world. For this reason, it is crucial to possess an improved understanding of technologies today.


Mapping the digital divide. (2015). Web.

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