Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother Photo Review

The story of Florence Thompson and her migrant experience touches many people who see the works of a documentary photographer, Dorothea Lange. The themes of depression, despair, and the necessity to protect her family are perfectly observed in several images. In my attempt to evaluate the offered shots, I would choose The Full View photo, where all family members sit in their tent. I believe that this shot is a good example of how immigrants might live under limited resources and available conditions for several reasons. First, this image allows people to see the land and the environment where Thompson’s family has to live. Second, the number of people underlines the horror of the situation when it is impossible to find a safe shelter. Besides, the age variety of individuals shows that the threat of migration has no boundaries, and any person, either an adult woman or a baby, can be challenged. Finally, although the farthest view prevents a closer look at human faces and the recognition of their emotions, an overall mood is easily traced.

Refugee life is never simple and hardly has a happy ending, regardless of the efforts taken. Thompson’s story proves that the Great Depression was one of the most dramatic periods for millions of people. Her photos become solid evidence of how many difficult and hopeless moments might exist in human life. The Full View is a unique opportunity for modern people to observe a general picture of the situation when refugees have to leave their native homes and follow their desire to find a better place to live or a good job. Many mothers and children are not ready for all those tent-style lives, but they have nothing to do but lie on the ground and have some natural resources for protection and survival. This choice depicts such elements of refugee life as an always packed suitcase and a lack of food and water. However, despite the inability to change something at this moment, this family has the power to look ahead and believe that a better future is waiting for them.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 26). Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother Photo Review.

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