England’s Economic Potential and Political Issues

England is one of the most powerful countries in the modern world. It was a great empire up to the 20th century and this has some effects on modern life (Robson 547). The country has close ties with many other countries in the world. These ties contribute to the economic development of England. England is an industrial country that also focuses on the development of technology. English economy is healthy and it almost recovered from the world financial crisis of 2008 (Lynn). The country has great economic potential and researchers state that England will have a period of economic growth in the nearest future and will become the leading country in Europe (Lynn).

Apart from economic stability, it is possible to note that the English political sphere is also stable. Queen Elizabeth II rules the country but the monarch does not have real power as the parliament has all the power. There are two major rivals in the political life of England, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Now, the Conservative Party is in power and this means a focus on business and less money on different social programs. The country is a member of the European Union but it is not in the Eurozone (Lynn).

The population of England is more than 50 million people and more than seven million were born abroad (Casciani). It is important to remember that England has a very diverse population and immigrants from all over the world contribute to the region’s cultural, economic, and political development. The economy of the region is developing fast as many international investors are attracted by the stability and safety of the English economy.

Nevertheless, the country also faces different challenges. For example, one of the recent challenges was the risk of losing Scotland as a part of the UK. IT could lead to many problems in England that have very close ties with Scotland. As for present challenges, immigration is a controversial issue as the English have a negative view on this process. English people think that immigrants take their jobs and negatively affect the economy. This leads to some tension in the society.

There are also some economic issues. The rate of unemployment is quite high and the English economy has to compete with such potent competitors as Germany and France (Lynn). Of course, it is also important to remember about such countries as China that is becoming one of the strongest economies in the world. English products are famous for their quality but the price makes them less attractive in the international market.

As for future issues, it is possible to focus on economic challenges. The chances that England will have a strong economy are very high. However, the government should make a lot of decisions to help the economy develop. Business people should have the support and some social programs may be shut down. However, many people are not ready for such measures. They will try to make the government spend on the social sphere and this may lead to economic issues.

In conclusion, it is necessary to note that England is a multicultural country that has a strong and stable economic and political spheres. People from many countries come to this region to travel to do business or work. All of these people add diversity to English society.

Works Cited

Casciani, Dominic. “Migrant Population ‘Rose 565,000 since 2011’.” BBC News. 2015. Web.

Lynn, Matthew. “Why Britain’s Economy Will Overtake Germany’s.” The Spectator. 2013. Web.

Robson, B.T. “The Years Between.” Historical Geography of England and Wales. Ed. Robert A. Dodgshon and Robin A. Butlin. London: Elsevier, 2013. 545-571. Print.

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