“Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers” Article Review

The chosen article is an overview of a study combined with the interview findings retrieved upon communicating with the author of the discussed research. As the article illustrates, a large-scale survey was conducted among 1.44 million people from the USA and Europe. The goal was to identify the association between the frequency of leisure physical activity with the risks for developing any of the 26 types of cancer (Wade 8). The survey results indicated that the people who are more physically active and complete more than a minimum of recommended exercises regularly “lowered their risk in 13 of the 26 types of cancer” (Wade 8). Among cancer types, the risk of which was shown to reduce due to exercise, liver cancer risks reduced by 27 percent, lung by 26 percent, and esophageal by 42 percent.

As the survey findings indicate, physical exercise is particularly important in maintaining health not only for reducing risks of heart disease but also for cancer. While there is a high level of inherited genetic influence in the development of cancer, lifestyle modifications can help increase the chances of eliminating the risks. Importantly, increased physical activity regularly helped diminish the effect of other risk factors for cancer. For example, participants with obesity and smoking habits, which are known to be determinants contributing to cancer development, were less likely to have cancer if they stayed active (Wade 9). The researchers explain the association between exercising and reduced risks of cancer by the positive effect of physical activity on sex hormones, insulin, and metabolism-involved proteins. Thus, the more people exercise, the healthier they are, and less likely their chances are to develop cancer.

Work Cited

Wade, Patrick. “Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers.” Kinesiology Today, vol. 9, no. 3, 2016, pp. 8-9.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) '“Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers” Article Review'. 9 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "“Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers” Article Review." March 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/exercise-shown-to-reduce-risk-in-13-cancers-article-review/.


StudyCorgi. "“Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers” Article Review." March 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/exercise-shown-to-reduce-risk-in-13-cancers-article-review/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "“Exercise Shown to Reduce Risk in 13 Cancers” Article Review." March 9, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/exercise-shown-to-reduce-risk-in-13-cancers-article-review/.

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