FruitRich Private Limited’s International Marketing

FruitRich Private Limited to be established in Australia is manufacturing natural fruit juices in different flavors. “FruitRich” juices are ultra-premium nutritious fruit juices, 100 percent natural sold in attractive 250 ML, 1Litre, 2 Litres, and 3 Litres pet bottle containers. The word “Fruit” in the brand name of the product indicates the 100 percent natural factor and the word “Rich” indicates the richness in nutritional value. The product is positioned mainly for home use intended for health-conscious consumers who are keen on quality than the price aspects. Initially, the product range includes Orange, Pineapple, Apple, Apple& Mango Pineapple & Orange juices ( Juices are made from natural fruits and not from concentrates like many other juices available in the market.

Having been successful from 2006, the year of its inception in Australia, FruitRich now contemplates marketing the products at the international level. The final choice of entering the international market is through England. The objective of entering the UK market is to ensure a sustained sales growth and market share by catering to health-conscious consumers through the supply of “FruitRich” – a genuine quality product rich in nutritional value. The product will be positioned as a lifestyle brand offering utmost satisfaction to health-conscious consumers that can be consumed without adding water or sugar. The product will be categorized as an ‘ultra premium’ range with its nutritional value as the USP. Product differentiation will be done through catchy advertising and attractive packing. Based on the demographic information people falling under the age group of 25-34 constitute 14 percent of the total population of England and the people in this age group constitute the target market for “FruitRich”. With this background the international marketing plan will consider the following topics among others::

Executive Summary

  • Background of the company
  • Mission Statement
  • Products
  • Financial Feasibility

Strategic Focus and Environmental Analysis

  • Mission/Vision/Values
  • Objectives
  • External Environmental Analysis
  • Internal Environmental Analysis

Market and Product Focus

  • Marketing Objectives
  • Target Market
  • Marketing Communications

Marketing Plan

  • Product Positioning and Strategy
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Promotion Strategy

With the above overall contents, a detailed and innovative marketing plan will be presented for the introduction of “FruitRich” juices in the international market.

Works Cited Products. 2009. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "FruitRich Private Limited’s International Marketing." November 1, 2021.

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