Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) Benefits

The use of applications is an inherent part of one’s everyday smartphone experience. People play games, shop, and complete banking operations using apps, and their quality of speed determines the comfort of users and their desire to open the application again. Thus, it is beneficial for businesses to develop websites and apps that are fast, safe, and functional. The new standards prioritized by Google are the Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) – technologies that reduce web page loading time.

PWA’s main aim is to improve user experience, even if the Internet connection is poor. Moreover, it allows one to use the browser as a platform for increased functionality since PWA is a webpage that replicates the experience of mobile applications (Balog, 2019). It is useful for companies, especially in the field of e-commerce, because it is inexpensive and easy for the customer to understand. An AMP is a page that has faster loading speeds in comparison to regular HTML (Balog, 2019). In my opinion, it suitable for blogs and publishers that prioritize lightweight information (text and images). An AMP does not have the same range of content as HTML, which explains why it loads quickly.

According to Google, PWAs have several benefits for users, businesses, and developers. First of all, this technology is reliable since it loads in the majority of situations and does not display the “down sour” (a message that the internet connection was lost) (“Progressive Web Apps,” n.d.). Therefore, clients of businesses that rely on online operations can be sure that their purchases, transactions, and other activities will be completed. Second, PWAs are fast, ensuring that user experiences are smooth. Finally, they are engaging, mimicking the full capabilities of applications. Google encourages businesses to build PWAs which means that this technology has to be implemented to rank higher in searches and attract more customers.


Balog, N. (2019). Top 8 web development trends of 2019. Coding Dojo. Web.

Progressive Web Apps. (n.d.). Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, June 7). Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) Benefits.

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StudyCorgi. "Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) Benefits." June 7, 2021.


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