Managing Large and Small Groups: Best Practices


Before the session commences, I must ensure I have informed the participants on the length of time necessary during the process helping to deter some people within the group not to use too much of the “air time” when the time for asking and answering questions comes. This will also enable one to manage the discussion process of the group in a positive way. So, each time one plan for the group discussion, the main thing to bear in mind and to take care of is the group size (Corey, 2010).

For example, if you are managing a larger group it will take more time to accomplish the group activities than when dealing with a smaller group. I must also identify the purpose of the group by allowing the members to clarify their own values and goals by appropriately making their choices on what is essential for the group (Corey, 2010).

These are some of the concerns that I must ensure are put into effect; I should know and clearly identify the fact that people retain more when they see, hear, discuss, and put into practice what is being studied. During the group process, I must ensure that I become alert to answer every question from the group participants (Gottlieb, 2003).

Working in a group I must also be able to know how to manage bigger and smaller groups. In this case, some members might be quiet and do not utter a word for a long time and they can only become active if they are put in smaller groups. So, it is my responsibility to ensure that I organize them into small groups in order to make a quick summary when dealing with big groups. In some circumstances since this is group work, one member might be very disruptive and as a leader, I need to pay much attention to having in mind that I use the scheduled guidelines for the entire group discussion. The guidelines are very essential when it comes to managing the situation (Gottlieb, 2003).

I should also be capable of answering questions in order to show them my ability and a wide range of thinking. This makes them have complete trust in me as far as my knowledge is concerned. I should also be able to confess that I am unable to answer a particular question without pretense and thus giving out incorrect and inappropriate answers. I must promise that I will tell them the answer in the next sitting and as a result, I should be able to explore the questions in order to provide an appropriate answer. I can also let the question be directed to one of the members who are knowledgeable (Madison, 2007).

Different Learning ways

Many people prefer taking notes in their notebooks or notepads. I should be able to know that even if someone is not involved in the discussion, it does not really mean that he is not concentrating. I must be able to know how different people learn, some people if asked questions are always able to answer appropriately. Some people may be rude, for example, during the discussion period; they read magazines or doing other things that are linked with their jobs; I should be willing to engage in discussion with them after the session has come to an end so that we may reach an amicable solution.

This type of misconduct is not appropriate since it might affect others in one way or the other. I should try to walk around the room in order to keep the participants focused. Standing in a fixed position will make partakers doze during the discussion time (Webne-Behrman, 2006).

The primary focus of group management


The primary focus of the leader in a group is to identify how activities are proceeding within the group. I should be able to help the group to achieve maximum and appropriate results. I must be able to utilize strategies that will facilitate the group in every activity being carried out.


I should be able to focus on helping the participants to carry out immediate actions and at the same time providing the support that might need to be accomplished quickly (Webne-Behrman, 2006).

While attending an individual or a group assignment, I should ensure that I give out clear directions or tests to know the level of knowledge of the participants as well as for them to know what they are required to do. It does not matter how exactly I might be able to quote the notes from the participants’ manual notebooks because at times it might not be clear to the groups thereby further explanations are necessary.

On the same note, I have to be sure that the participants are listening to my guidelines not concentrating much on the assignment itself. Before the end of the discussion, I must be capable of asking whether an individual or the entire group has questions to ask before I make an attempt of ending the discussion. If there are questions, I should be able to repeat the parts not understood (Webne-Behrman, 2006).


Corey, M.S., Corey, G., & Corey, C. (2010). Groups: Process and Practice (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

Gottlieb, M. R. (2003). Managing group process. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Madison, D. (2007). Process Mapping, Process Improvement, and Process Management: A practical guide to enchanging work and information flow. S.l: s.n..

Webne-Behrman, H. (2006). The Practice of Facilitation: Managing Group Process and Solving Prob. Greenwich: Information Age Pub.

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