Health-Related Sustainable Development Goals

The prevention of healthcare-related issues is one of the significant responsibilities of nurses. The careful analysis of the factors contributing to positive development in society is vital to nurses’ professional development. One of the effective tools ensuring positive health-related changes is the sustainable development goals (SDGs). SDGs are a set of interrelated goals aiming to create a sustainable path of economic development. Various countries try to practice the realization of some goals. Such an experience shows that goals’ implementation should be adjusted to the different areas. Therefore, to ensure the future fulfillment of SDGs, a combination of practical and theoretical research involving strategies based on the particular region’s peculiarities is required.

The SDGs’ implementation is conditioned by countries’ different political, territorial, and economic peculiarities. The practical research exploring the recent experience of developed countries shows that the same goals are achieved by various means (Brandli et al., 2018). The authors of the article reported that “each country will implement the goals depending on political preferences, context-specific challenges, and their own circumstances” (Brandli et al., 2018, p. 849). Even though the general issues which regions strive to solve are the same, the SDGs-evolving activities have significant differences. The successful development of SDGs directly depends on careful preplanning (Azizpour et al., 2020). Thus, research on the differentiating features of different regions in terms of SDG implementation should be held. Brandli et al. (2018) state that only “identifying gaps helps understand how regions should be involved with the SDGs and work towards progress” (p. 849). The careful investigation of the different countries’ opportunities contributes to a more advanced understanding of SDGs for particular regions’ evolving economies, policies, cultures, and other factors.


Azizpour, H., Balaam, M., Dignum, V., Domisch, S., Fellander, A., Langhans, D., Leite, I., Nerini, F., Vinuesa, R., & Tegmark, T. (2020). The role of artificial intelligence in achieving sustainable development goals. Nature Communications, 11(2), 233–243.

Brandli, L., Criebeler, J., Filho, W., & Salvia, A. (2019). Assessing research trends related to sustainable development goals: Local and global issues. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208, 841–849.

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