Healthcare Interprofessional Team Members’ Perspectives on Caring


The article reveals the possibilities of applying Watson’s theory of human care among twenty-seven medical professionals. The primary purpose of the described study is to identify the prospect of using the theory in a professional medical environment and to identify the patterns obtained. All conclusions are favorable and confident in the effectiveness of the theory under study. All interviewed participants see the core message of the hypothesis and note positive changes in their self-awareness and worldview.

The Article Introduction and Methods

The article has a clear and precise structure that is easy to analyze. The introduction thoroughly describes the core values ​​of Watson’s theory and its possible positive effects. It reveals the research aimed at collecting and analyzing interprofessional views of the Ten Caritas Processes theory. The background of the study and its core purpose is described in comprehensive detail. The study is presented as a qualitative investigation of demanded content research, which examines how healthcare specialists perceive care for people.

The second part of the paper includes study design, conditions and sampling, data collection, data analysis, and strategies to achieve study rigor. The study was completed at a children’s clinic in the United States between November 2017 and April 2018. The clinicians interviewed were from various domains and teams, which made the study more diverse and inclusive. Two forms of data were collected from all participants: a demographic survey and an interpersonal discussion. The research team designed the discussion questions to collect the most accurate data for the assessment. The primary part of the queries was focused on personal experience and the background of doctors. Study data analysis followed the specific coding categories based on the Ten Caritas processes (Wei & Watson, 2018). To maintain study clarity, the authors followed special guidelines for maintaining the rigor of qualitative studies, including validity, fit, suitability, and confirmability.

Survey Results

The results of the study have a clear structure and rationality. First, the study provides a demographic survey to get acquainted with the age, the field of activity, and the work experience of participants. It is convenient to present the results of the survey in the form of a table, where the criteria for evaluating the respondents’ answers are ten processes of care. It includes embrace (loving-kindness), inspiration (faith-hope), trust (transpersonal self), nurture (relationship), forgive (all), and so on. For each criterion, the are actual response quotations from doctors, further subsequent disclosure, and deeper analysis of scientists. The survey compares the original definition of care and the personal opinion of doctors on this matter (Wei & Watson, 2018). Almost all experts perceive the theory positively and do not doubt its effectiveness. Love and self-care give strength to care for others.

The Effectiveness and the Research Potential of the Study

The study has great potential for further references and deeper exploration of the theory. It reflects the exclusively positive attitude of specialists and can potentially resist skeptics and supporters of negative impact. Given the risk of dehumanizing patient care due to a major administrative restructuring of most healthcare systems, work needs to be done to improve the working conditions of medical staff. Such studies help determine the right way to adapt and analyze the available approaches to identify the most successful ones. The responsibility of doctors and nurses is not limited to these ten points but help develop the right attitude to immerse themselves in the patient’s recovery process. The results of the study show that most specialists comprehend this and successfully implement the theory in practice.


Wei, H., & Watson, J. (2018). Healthcare interprofessional team members’ perspectives on human caring: A directed content analysis study. International journal of nursing sciences, 6(1), 17–23.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 18). Healthcare Interprofessional Team Members’ Perspectives on Caring.

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StudyCorgi. "Healthcare Interprofessional Team Members’ Perspectives on Caring." July 18, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Healthcare Interprofessional Team Members’ Perspectives on Caring." July 18, 2023.

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