Hilton Hotel’s Staff Training and Development

With the increasing pace of work, customer expectations tend to grow as well. The hotel industry is characterized by the need for timely and high-quality service to satisfy customers and keep them loyal. In the Hilton Hotel, the customers note that some employees may be unfriendly and inefficient in providing check-in and other services. It should be stressed that the slow performance of employees not only reduces their productivity but also negatively impacts the motivation of their colleagues (Morsy, Ahmed, & Ali, 2016). When a team faces inefficiency, its members can be under the pressure. In this connection, staff training is the most relevant way to identify the source of the problem and address it.

The complexity of working in the Hilton Hotel requires its employees to master communication, relationship-building, and problem-solving skills. Training should be adopted to help the staff to enhance their skills and teach the strategies to handle challenges. The role of the managers is to act as partners, who can set specific expectations and goals. One of the key underpinning reasons for employee sluggishness is that they cannot understand what exactly is required (Padilla-Meléndez & Garrido-Moreno, 2014). Therefore, training should be aimed at revealing the internal communication problems, which can be achieved via building mutual trust and transparency between the employees and management. For example, the team members who are perfectionists can have difficulties with determining what needs to be impeccable and when it does not matter. A range of tasks performed by employees can be systematized and structured as a result of training, which will help in increasing their overall efficiency.

Job engagement is another area that demonstrates the positive impact of staff training on their performance and customer satisfaction. Morsy et al. (2016) state that those employees who are committed to corporate goals are more likely to work effectively compared to those who are not engaged. The results of training also increase the morale of employees, making them aware of the company’s values and mission. There is a range of premises that determine the success of training, including management support, the responsiveness and adequacy of instructors, and the readiness of people undertaking training (Morsy et al., 2016). These factors should be taken into account to communicate the training content effectively. Along with the traditional engagement tools, the reliance on social networking tools can be used. For example, Slack is a platform that promotes faster team communication, where the problems can be resolved within several minutes instead of the hours of email messaging between a manager and employee.

Employee development is the key advantage of staff training, which leads to greater efficiency in the workplace. In the case of the hotel service, the employees who receive training become more focused and committed to their job. Since the Hilton Hotel is one of the most distinct brands worldwide, its staff is expected to correspond to its vision of hospitality and strive to ensure the best quality possible. Today, the mere satisfaction of customers is insufficient since hotels prioritize anticipating their needs (Padilla-Meléndez & Garrido-Moreno, 2014). Therefore, staff training allows the employees of the Hilton Hotel to manage the strategies that enhance the reputation of the hotel by providing a rapid and appropriate response to the emerging complicated situations. In everyday tasks, training promotes clear tasks and outcomes, which would improve customers’ perception of staff qualification and effectiveness.


Morsy, M. A., Ahmed, G. S., & Ali, N. A. (2016). Impact of effective training on employee performance in hotel establishments. International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, 10(1/2), 92-109.

Padilla-Meléndez, A., & Garrido-Moreno, A. (2014). Customer relationship management in hotels: Examining critical success factors. Current Issues in Tourism, 17(5), 387-396.

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