How Can LEGO Use New Technology?


Successful online marketing requires the ability to deploy digital media tools successfully to establish a strong bond with all types of customers. For the LEGO Group, the specified objective is crucial to the firm’s further success in the global market. Therefore, the LEGO Group will have to incorporate all types of media, including both traditional and new ones such as VR technology, to maintain communication consistent and receive feedback from target demographics (Meister and Bigus 9-10).


A closer look at the LEGO Group will reveal that the company could use a significant improvement in its business operations (Sebastian et al. 198). For instance, information management could be improved to reduce the percentage of defective products. Furthermore, communication with customers has to be enhanced to receive feedback and use it to improve the value proposition and respond to customers’ requests (Oprea).


Social media must be used as the key mean of carrying out direct marketing processes and engaging customers in a continuous dialogue with the company. For this purpose, the organization will have to reconsider its promotion technique as one of the crucial elements of 4Ps of marketing, as well as its marketing mission, in general (Schultz et al. 41). As a result, the company will gain a deeper insight into the nature of consumer behavior and, thus, will be able to deliver the product of the required quality (Hajli 73).

Since LEGO operates in a highly technological environment of the global market, it needs to use IT innovations to execute a tighter control over its production processes, maintain the connection with its customers consistent, and keep product quality levels high (ReVelle 27). The use of the VR technology, in turn, is bound to help introduce new products and attract new customers. Therefore, the integration of IT tools for controlling quality (e.g., quality management software), communicating with customers, and marketing the product (i.e., the use of social networks) is essential.

Works Cited

Hajli, Nick. Handbook of Research on Integrating Social Media into Strategic Marketing. IGI Global, 2015.

Meister, Darren and Paul Bigus. The Lego Group: Building Strategy. Ivey School of Business, 2013.

Oprea, Romanita. “Initiative Is the New Media Agency of the LEGO Group in Romania and Bulgaria.Business Review. 2018. Web.

ReVelle, Jack B. Manufacturing Handbook of Best Practices: An Innovation, Productivity, and Quality Focus. CRC Press, 2016.

Schultz, Don E., et al. Building Customer-brand Relationships. Routledge, 2015.

Sebastian, Ina M., et al. “How Big Old Companies Navigate Digital Transformation.” MIS Quarterly Executive, vol. 16, no. 3, 2017, pp. 197-213.

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