How Religion Affects Our Lives

Religion can significantly impact an individual’s daily life by influencing their values, beliefs, and practices. Many people find that their religious faith provides them with a sense of purpose, direction, and meaning in life. However, the impact of religion on daily life can vary widely depending on an individual’s religion, and the extent to which they choose to incorporate their religious beliefs into their daily routines. The following discussion is based on three articles describing three different religions and their impact on people’s everyday lives.

The first article discusses Hinduism’s role in shaping daily life, mainly in India. Verma (2021) describes Hinduism as one of the world’s oldest influential faiths that originated about 3,000 years ago from the ancient Vedic civilizations in India. The article states that religion impacts daily life and people’s social connections via various Hindu-inspired events, creative works, and temples. The second article discusses Islam’s role in the daily lives of Muslims by explaining how religion shapes and guides their behavior. Huda (2018) discusses the Five Pillars of Islam and how they are practiced daily. The Five Pillars provide a framework for how Muslims should practice their faith every day, as they are derived from the Quran. The Five Pillars of Islam include Shahaadah (profession of faith), Salaat (daily prayer), Zakat (giving in charity to the poor), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage). Even as the Five Pillars have not been expressly outlined, they are dispersed throughout the Quran and emphasized in importance through repetition.

The third article discusses the role that Jewish law plays in shaping the daily lives of Jews. Bell (n.d.) explains how Jewish rituals and religious observances are grounded in Halakhah, meaning “the path one walks”. She states that the Jewish law governs religion and daily life by describing how to dress, what to eat, and how to help the poor. It is believed that observance of Halakhah shows gratitude to God, provides a sense of Jewish identity and brings the sacred into everyday life.

In conclusion, religion affects the daily aspects of life, including family structure, social customs, and personal beliefs. It plays a significant role in shaping people’s everyday lives by influencing their social interactions, cultural practices, and personal opinions, and it is an integral part of their identity. The daily routine of religion helps to shape the worldview of people under different religions and guide their behavior.


Bell. (2021). Jewish daily life and rituals. Jewish Lives. Web.

Huda (2018). What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Learn Religions. Web.

‌Verma, S. (2021). Hinduism in India: World’s oldest significant faiths. Times of India Blog. Web.

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