How to Become a Unique Human Being

The question of how to become a unique human being is quite difficult to answer due to the fact that people are individualized. Every human being is unique in physical traits, experiences, memories, and tastes. In other words, every human being has a unique identity. Psychologically, identity refers to the unique qualities, personalities, looks, and expressions that represent a given people or a specific person (Hajialikhani & MohammadMahdi 1). There are types of identity; virtual identity and in-person identity. In-person identity is in the form of identification where the person is presented physically in the place that needs verification. For instance, in-person identity needs documents or cards for recognition and verification. For example, when driving a car, one needs a driving license card; when making a payment, one needs a form of identification (Harrell & Lim 1). In contrast, virtual identity is an interface representing the user virtually using artificial intelligence technology within the virtual world such as video games, virtual commonplace, and chat rooms. Therefore, it is a fact that every human is unique in their own way, but they could be indistinct.

The task of distinguishing a single human from numerous people is more complex in comparison to uniqueness. There are insurmountable amounts of ways that may allow a single person to gain popularity and receive recognition or distinction from other people. These ways may include popularity, skills, influence or authority, wealth, and style. These concepts are intertwined and often integrated into a single formula for gaining recognition. The recognition through popularity is dependent on elevated communication skills. In the contemporary world, popularity is gained via virtual media outlets, social gatherings, and various campaigns that allow exposure to a massive audience. Interaction with the audience requires strong communication skills to sustain the interest or support of the people. At the same time, the prerequisite is that popularity is gained via some action such as display of personal skills, authority to command and influence people, wealth to attract those who would like to follow in one’s footsteps, and many others.

Massive recognition does not mean that it is the only way of distinguishing a single person from others. It is possible to gain recognition from those that one considers special or close to validating one’s unique identity. This could be done simply via respectful social conduct such as helping others, maintaining a good social position, participating in the social life of others, and gaining a prominent role in their lives. This way, it is possible to become popular among a specific group of people. In the process of distinguishing oneself, it is essential to embrace truly one’s persona. Embrace personal flaws because they make humans – human. No one is perfect, and it is normal to have flaws. The flaws should not be recognized as an eternally negative quality. A person needs to recognize them as a balance that helps to recognize the best personal qualities and improve.

Even though every human is unique in the experience, it often happens that some experiences align or become comparingly similar to others. However, broadening personal horizons or expanding on those experiences may allow one to distinguish oneself from others (Marshall). In other words, one may try to eat food from different cultures, read books that are rarely read, and visit places that are scarcely visited to expand upon personal experiences and pursue diverse knowledge.

Works Cited

Hajialikhani, MohammadJavad, and MohammadMahdi Jahanara. “Uniqueid: decentralized proof-of-unique-human.” arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.07583 (2018).

Harrell, D. Fox, and Chong-U. Lim. “Reimagining the avatar dream: Modeling social identity in digital media.” Communications of the ACM 60.7 (2017): 50-61.

Marshall, Brendan. 50 Self-Improving Ways to Actually Be Unique and Stand out from the Crowd. 2015.

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