127 Biology Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Biology

✍️ Biology Essay Topics for College

  1. Biology and Social Influence
    Genetics plays an indispensable role in facilitating inherent-acquired behaviors, while others claim the environment contributes to shaping an individual’s personality.
  2. Cell Biology: Cell Sizes, Types, and Theories
    The Cell Theory propounds that all organisms are made of cells, the cell is the basic unit of life and all cells descend from older cells.
  3. Transcription and Translation in Molecular Biology
    The Central Dogma describes the basic principles of genetic information transfer: transcription and translation. The paper distinguishes these two processes.
  4. The Egg White Denaturation as a Concept of Biology
    Denaturation is the process of breaking down the secondary and tertiary structures of a protein by external factors such as temperature.
  5. Discussion: Cell and Molecular Biology
    Colonic epithelial cells have been shown to exhibit SCFA transporters in both the lumen-facing apical membrane and the serosa-facing basolateral membrane.
  6. Biology: The Concepts of Chemistry
    Knowledge of the chemical processes that occur in living things, which are necessary for maintaining life, aids in the understanding of how life works.
  7. Significance of Major Discoveries in Modern Biology
    Cloning may significantly benefit life on Earth with sufficient regulation in place and can impact people by changing the world around them.
  8. Scientific Investigation of Sleep: A Biology Lab
    According to the experiment, sleep is a critical component of human well-being. Adequate sleep refreshes a person’s mind, body, and heart, minimizing stress.
  9. Organismal Biology: Succession and Its Characteristics
    Succession is an ecological phenomenon during which a successive change of biological communities occurs in a particular territorial area over time.
  10. Biology and Culture of Gender Color Stereotypes
    This paper attempts to answer this question and determine whether the indicated color genders are biologically based or culturally embedded.
  11. Homologous and Analogous Structures in Biology
    Homologous structures are found in organisms with a shared origin, while analogous structures have the same function but in organisms that do not share a common ancestor.
  12. Human Biology and Culture Connection
    The paper states that it is anthroposociogenesis that explains the dichotomy between biology and culture and the connection with human evolution.
  13. Atoms and Molecules as Concepts in Biology
    Atoms are the fundamental building block of chemical elements and the smallest unit into which matter can be divided.
  14. Molecular Biology and Its Central Dogma
    The central dogma of molecular biology is a principle describing the transfer of molecular information in the Nucleus of the DNA.
  15. Herbert Spencer – Scientists of Biology
    Herbert Spencer is one of the outstanding scientists belonging to the sphere of biology, sociology, and anthropology.
  16. Human Biology Review Essay of Our Body, Every Cells
    The collection of like cells that have an identical origin that carries out a definite function together is what I am.
  17. Is PCR the Most Important Invention in Molecular Biology to Date?
    This essay provides different reasons that have made the PCR technique a significant invention in molecular biology to date.
  18. Biology: Aspects of Fruits
    The paper discusses fruits. A fruit is the fleshy and sweet part of a tree or any flowering plant that contains seeds. Some fruits are poisonous while some are edible.

đź‘Ť Good Biology Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Role of Human Biology in Contemporary Criminal Justice
    Focus of analysis of the paper will be on theories developed to explain criminology with a special emphasis on Biological positivism theory
  2. Cancer Biology: Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes
    This paper seeks to interpret the role oncogenes and tumor suppressors play in transformation during cancer formation.
  3. Biology Food Chain
    The body coordination in an organism are carried out in the central nervous system that depends entirely on the neurons conducted from the receptor sites to the effectors’ sites in the body.
  4. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Are Fundamental to the Life Sciences
    Some molecules are often recognized as building blocks for cell formation, implying that they are fundamental to the physiology of humans.
  5. “Genbank” Impact on Modern Molecular Biology Research
    GenBank is the fundamental element of Molecular biology. It is the sequence formed and stored in the database of the entire genome of life.
  6. Conservation Biology and Preservation of the Biodiversity
    The Theory of Island Biogeography is the most significant contribution toward the scientific understanding of both the process and how to measure the rate of species extinction.
  7. Biology Lab: Why Ice Floats
    Ice is usually considered to be a mineral that consists of hydrogen oxide; when ice is frozen at a constant pressure of 1 atmosphere, the resultant effect.
  8. Biology: The Definition of the Genotype
    The paper discusses the genotype. It is composed of a pair of alleles and it is what is manifested as the phenotype or observable characteristics of an organism.
  9. Designing Oligonucleotide Primers in Biology
    Molecular biology tools include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which requires an mRNA template or a cDNA template, polymerase enzyme, and a primer.
  10. Biology: Application of the Holobiont in Humans
    When it comes to the formation of a unique environmental unit, a holobiont can link an individual host to a variety of interactive microorganisms and microbiota.
  11. Biology. Glial Cells and Their Subtypes
    Due to the distinctive features of some glial cells, they are divided into different subtypes, including ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, and microglia cells.
  12. Biology and Happiness: Understanding the Connection
    Human beings engage in numerous activities, establish appropriate relationships, and formulate decisions that can eventually make them happy.
  13. Psychobiology: Biology of Behavior
    This report researches to what extent psychological and physiological factors influence a person’s character, reactions, and behavior using findings of psychobiology.
  14. Dreaming of Becoming a Biologist? Postgraduate Education is Key
    If you want to become a biologist in the future or just want to evaluate the pros of this occupation, this article may become more than useful for you.
  15. Mechanical Signals in Tissue Engineering: Impact on Cell Behavior
    The paper will highlight several control effects of mechanical forces on various cell activities, including early embryonic development, tissue morphogenesis, and organ formation.
  16. Biology as the Branch of Science
    Biology could alter the modern world and introduced numerous innovations that will change the way we live and help us to treat illnesses and diseases.
  17. Cultural Variations in Environment and Biology: AIDS
    The research studies the prevalence of AIDS among ethnic groups in the United States and suggests patient education interventions, which can be performed by nurses.
  18. Cancer Cell Development: Understanding Mutagens and Carcinogens
    The development of cancer cells is associated with the halting of the process of cell generation and decay that may be considered one of the basic aspects of the physical health.
  19. Factors Affecting Drug-Taking Behaviors: A Comprehensive Analysis
    Substance abuse is not a new problem the human society faces. This paper examines different ways biological and environment influences interact and affect drug taking behavior.
  20. Relations Between Biology and Culture
    While biology has much to do with our choices, the social environment shapes them to fit the community’s expectations. This work discusses relations between biology and culture.
  21. Concepts of Biology: HIV and AIDS
    The primary purpose of the paper is to examine the symptoms and the effects that HIV and AIDS have on a human being.
  22. Exploring Happiness: The Interplay of Biology, Culture, and Experience
    It isn’t easy to understand what happiness is. However, it is still possible to identify some factors that are likely to affect the degree of happiness.

đź“Ś Easy Biology Essay Topics

  1. Bringing Culture Into Human Biology and Biology Back Into Anthropology
  2. The Relationship Between Evolutionary Biology and Religion
  3. Cell Biology of Stem Cells: An Enigma of Asymmetry and Self-Renewal
  4. An Intricate Relationship Between Biology and Art
  5. Computing Has Changed Biology: How Biology Education Can Catch Up
  6. Common Ground Between Anthropology and Conservation Biology
  7. The Evolution of Molecular Biology Into Systems Biology
  8. Scientific and Public Functions of Models in the 19th-Century Biology
  9. Biology and Ethics: The Paradoxes of the Natural
  10. Use, Overuse, and Misuse of Significance Tests in Evolutionary Biology
  11. The Autonomy of Biology: The Position of Biology Among the Sciences
  12. Joseph Gottlieb Kolreuter’s Contributions to Biology
  13. Chemical Bridge Between Ecosystem Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  14. The Ethics of Biological Studies With Living Organisms
  15. Biological Function and Teleology: Implications for Biology Education
  16. Adaptationism and the Challenge From Developmental Biology
  17. Quality Assured Science: Managerialism in Forensic Biology
  18. Essence and Natural Kinds in Aristotle’s Biology: Was It Sexist?
  19. The Biological Weapons Convention: Securing Biology in the 21st Century
  20. Molecular Biology Techniques Used in Wastewater Treatment
  21. The Biology of Stupidity: Genetics, Eugenics, and Mental Deficiency
  22. Existentialism and Feminism: The Rhetoric of Biology in the Second Sex
  23. Kant, Blumenbach, and Vital Materialism in German Biology
  24. How the Mind Grows: A Developmental Perspective on the Biology of Cognition
  25. Biology and Society in the Age of Enlightenment

🎓 Most Interesting Biology Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Negotiating the Place of Molecular Evolution Within Evolutionary Biology
  2. Global Change: Increasing the Success of Biological Invaders?
  3. On the Relations Between History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences and Biology
  4. Civic Biology: The Origin of the School Anti-Evolution Movement
  5. Reductionism in Biology: Prospects and Problems
  6. Factors Shaping Ernst Mayr’s Concepts in the History of Biology
  7. Building Simulations: Modeling and Theory in Systems Biology
  8. The Role of Information Technology in Biology Education
  9. What Difference Does Quantity Make: On the Epistemology of Big Data in Biology
  10. Causality, Teleology, and Thought Experiments in Biology
  11. Applying the Principles of Stem-Cell Biology to Cancer
  12. The Moral Impact of Synthesizing Living Organisms: Biocentric Views on Synthetic Biology
  13. Applying Evolutionary Biology to Address Global Challenges
  14. Water as an Active Constituent in Cell Biology
  15. The Importance of Feminist Critique for Contemporary Cell Biology
  16. Marine Molecular Biology as an Emerging Field of Biological Sciences
  17. Trends, Priorities, and Needs in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology
  18. Development of Biology in Aristotle and Theophrastus: Theory of Spontaneous Generation
  19. Why Values Are a Good Thing in Conservation Biology
  20. Biology and Equality: A Perspective on Sex Differences
  21. Recent Advances of Deep Learning in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  22. Bioimage Informatics: A New Area of Engineering Biology
  23. Reflecting on the History of Biology as a Field
  24. Molecular Biology vs. Organicism: An Enduring Dispute Between Mechanism and Vitalism
  25. The Role of Reductionism in the Development of Molecular Biology

âť“ Biology Essay Questions

  1. How Does Biology Explain the Process of Natural Selection and Evolution?
  2. What Are the Principles of Genetics in Modern Biology?
  3. How Does Cellular Biology Contribute to Explaining of Disease Mechanisms?
  4. What Role Does Molecular Biology Play in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology?
  5. How Does Environmental Biology Address the Challenges of Biodiversity Loss?
  6. What Are the Key Differences Between Plant Biology and Animal Biology?
  7. How Does Biology Help Us Understand the Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems?
  8. What Are the Ethical Issues Surrounding Genetic Manipulation in Biology?
  9. How Does Marine Biology Assist to the Conservation of Ocean Ecosystems?
  10. How Does Evolutionary Biology Explain the Diversity of Life on Earth?
  11. What Is the Significance of Developmental Biology?
  12. How Do Biology and Chemistry Intersect in the Study of Biochemical Processes?
  13. What Are the Most Important Discoveries in the History of Biology?
  14. How Does Systems Biology Integrate Different Biological Disciplines?
  15. How Has Molecular Biology Advanced the Field of Personalized Medicine?
  16. How Does Molecular Biology Help Medicine?
  17. What Role Does Biology Play in the Development of Vaccines?
  18. How Does Conservation Biology Aim to Protect Endangered Species?
  19. What Are the Main Focuses of Computational Biology in Modern Scientific Research?
  20. How Do Genetic Mutations Affect an Organism’s Biology and Evolution?
  21. How Does Human Biology Differ from That of Other Primates?
  22. What Are the Principles of Population Biology in Knowledge Species Interactions?
  23. How Does Microbiology Contribute to Progress in Food Safety and Public Health?
  24. What Are the Major Fields of Study Within Modern Biology?
  25. How Do Molecular Biology Techniques Help Identify Genetic Disorders?
  26. What Is the Importance of Fieldwork in the Study of Ecology and Biology?
  27. How Does the Study of Biology Inform Conservation Policies?
  28. What Role Does Forensic Biology Play in Criminal Investigations?
  29. How Does Structural Biology Help in Drug Design and Development?
  30. What Are the Challenges of Teaching Biology in Science That Changing?

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