135 Brain Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Brain

✍️ Brain Essay Topics for College

  1. Intervention for Communication Impairments in Traumatic Brain Injury
    The Western Aphasia Battery is a standardized test used to assess language and nonlinguistic abilities commonly impaired by aphasia in adults.
  2. Understanding Brain and Learning Conncetions
    One of the main functions of the brain is connected with the process of learning. This organ is responsible for acquiring different skills, for example, language learning.
  3. Teenage Brain and Thinking Processes
    The processes in the human brain have a more significant impact on the way teenagers behave rather than their upbringing or personality traits.
  4. Family-Centered Practices in Early Childhood Intervention and Brain Development
    Because family-centered practices are vital in early childhood intervention, they empower families to support brain development and foster a child’s growth.
  5. Neural Plasticity Following Traumatic Brain Injury
    Cognitive impairments are one of the most prevalent and debilitating results of traumatic brain injury (TBI), and they can have a substantial impact.
  6. The Marijuana Impact on Biopsychology of the Brain
    The influence of marijuana on the neurobiology and biopsychology of the brain is one of the critically significant issues in the field of biological psychology.
  7. Drug Addiction: The Brain Disease
    Drug addiction acts similarly to neurological diseases. Substances directly affected the brain, with addiction being the most acute phase of substance use disorder.
  8. The Brain Tumor Description
    A brain tumor is an incompletely studied disease, which, nevertheless, is dangerous for people. The tumor itself represents the formation of cancerous cells inside the brain.
  9. Language Acquisition and Brain Development in Children
    This paper overviews the recent academic literature to understand how contemporary scholars perceive the issues related to language acquisition and brain development.
  10. Applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Innovations in Neuroscience
    The paper overviews the technology behind brain-computer interfaces and their current applications: educational and training, entertainment and socializing, etc.
  11. Exploring ADHD: Genetics, Environment, and Brain Changes
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most prevalent child behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
  12. The Implications of Brain Plasticity
    The effects of brain plasticity throughout life have been significant in professional life since they have improved the ability to memorize and recall information.
  13. The Brain Asymmetry Laboratory
    Researchers have discovered that the right half of the brain is responsible for spatial relations and creativity, while the left side is responsible for language and thought.
  14. Medical Error: Permanent Brain Damage After Heart Surgery
    Between 210,00 to 400,00 patients die each year because of medical error, compared to about 600,000 annual deaths due to heart disease or cancer.
  15. The Influence of Neuromodulators on the Human Brain
    Dopamine effects are interrelated with life experiences and the rewards we gain. It has been beneficially impacting humankind’s traits for centuries.
  16. Neurobiology: Recent Exploration of Brain Functioning
    Research in the field of neurophysiology has led to the conclusion that during learning, plastic changes occur in the neural network of the brain.
  17. “Your Child’s Brain Development: Age One” by Gross
    In Your Child’s Brain Development: Age One, Gross touches on several topics related to the upbringing of babies.
  18. How Digitalization of Society Affects the Human Brain
    Technological development has transformed society by making information the basis for various areas of human activity.
  19. The Marijuana Use Impact on the Brain Activity
    Marijuana exposure has a severe effect on the structural parts of the brain, transforming the functioning of receptors and changing the natural work of individual parts.
  20. The Brain Structure and Cognition Relationship
    The critical article examines the relationship between the physical structure of the brain and the study of cognition.
  21. Impact of a Stroke on the Brain’s Arteries
    A stroke affects the brain’s arteries and occurs when a blood vessel ruptures or the blood supply is blocked, killing brain cells.
  22. The Marijuana Use Effects on the Human Brain
    This paper explores the theory that marijuana use causes structural changes in the human brain hemispheres, amygdala, and hippocampus.
  23. The Brain of a Patient with Aphasia
    it is possible to compare the brain of a healthy person and a patient with aphasia to understand which functions are damaged or incorrectly functioning.

đź‘Ť Good Brain Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. “The Teenage Brain” by Somerville
    In her article “The Teenage Brain: Sensitivity to Social Evaluation,” Somerville explores adolescents’ responses to social scrutiny.
  2. Anoxic Brain Injury: Causes and Effects
    Anoxic brain injury refers to a type of injury that constitutes the result of the reduced supply of oxygen to the human brain or a limited cerebral blood flow.
  3. Brain Mechanisms Involved in Emotions
    The essential functions of the key parts of the brain that cause an individual to experience emotions will be described and discussed in this paper.
  4. Brain Plasticity in the Elderly
    Researchers and the general public recognize that their cognitive abilities decline with age. This paper was written with the aim of studying brain plasticity in the elderly.
  5. Is the Mind Identical to the Brain?
    The paper discusses how dualists and monists argue for and against the connection of the mind with the brain and try to find a consensus.
  6. Finding Intelligent Genomes in People’s Brain
    The experiment found 52 genomes connected with intelligence. Even though this disclosure is critical for humanity, scientists cannot apply this information to the present.
  7. Human Aging: Age-Related Changes in the Brain
    Over time, age-related changes in the brain are more noticeable, and people remember and concentrate worse, study slower and make mistakes more often in everyday affairs.
  8. COVID-19 Influence on the Brain and Learning
    In severe cases, patients with COVID-19 experience a cytokine storm, which could alter neuroplasticity, memory, and learning.
  9. Analysis of How Brain Makes Decisions
    Decisions are made depending on what personality traits are prevailing, which are then the result of core memories influenced by experiences from super important events.
  10. Eating Habits, Brain’s Role and Advertising Impact Analysis
    Although some unhealthy eating practices may be developed deliberately to match the schedule, others are controlled by the brain’s demand for hormones.
  11. The Brain and Its Abilities: Lara Boyd’s TED Talk
    The brain’s abilities are much more extensive than everyone used to think. And the study of the phenomena of the brain is not yet very developed and is only at the beginning.
  12. Brain Stimulation in Neurophysiological Treatment
    The survey analyzes utilising electroencephalography as a research apparatus and physiological biomarker to distinguish neurophysiological disorders.
  13. Good Night’s Sleep for Brain Function and Waste Disposal
    The paper concerns the connection between sleep, the brain, and waste disposal. The body’s biological system processes create the problem of waste disposal.
  14. Cognitive Psychology: Processes of the Brain
    This essay concentrates on how the information travels in the three components and on how the brain process the information. It discusses the prototype theory of categorization.
  15. Basic Neural Units of the Brain
    Neurotransmitters are specialized cells that function to transfer information from one nerve, gland, or muscle cell to another.
  16. Effective Teaching Methods to Use with a Brain-Injured Individual
    The purpose of this article is to review several methods used by physicians to educate patients with traumatic brain injury.
  17. “Better Brain Health, DW Documentary”
    The primary reason people have limited access to healthy foods is the fact that humans’ food choice is influenced by business models that promote unhealthy products.
  18. Brain Music System: Standardized Brain Music Therapy
    Changes of normal sound in tone, note, time durations, etc. create the melody. Each brain state is represented by brain waves named Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.
  19. Brain Disease: Bipolar Disorder
    The selected topic for this essay is bipolar disorder. This discussion gives a detailed analysis of this brain disease affecting a large number of people across the globe.
  20. An Analysis of Erin Brockovich: Brain Tumors
    Erin carries out the research with the purpose of helping the victims get justice. She is not happy with the prevalence of brain tumors that arise from the contamination of water.
  21. Comparison of Brain Disorders: Mental Disorders vs Behavioral Disorders Annotated Bibliography
    The articles contained in the annotated bibliography correspond to human mental disorders and behavioral disorders.
  22. Media’s Effects on the Human Brain
    This topic involves studying the effects of the continued use of digital technologies and social networks on the human brain.
  23. Memory and Awareness: Training One’s Brain
    This paper considers that memorization is a natural phenomenon that one cannot prevent, but improve; and it is essential to understand which techniques work specifically for you.
  24. Mental and Behavioral Brain Disorders Comparison
    This paper seeks to compare mental disorders and behavioral brain disorders by highlighting various conditions under them.
  25. Medical Ethics: Brain Dead and Its Technical Aspects
    Brain death creates a conflict between the traditional views of identity and autonomy since if a person has been declared brain dead then rights as a liberal individual are restricted.
  26. Sleep Stages, Brain Waves, and the Neural Mechanisms of Sleep
    The paper reviews information on sleep stages and neurons operating sleep inside the human body, and the relationship between brain waves and dream structure.
  27. Consciousness and Your Brain
    Modern technologies allow scientists to study the ongoing processes in a living brain, which makes a precise mapping of its regions and their functions possible.
  28. Brain Death, Consciousness, and Organ Transplantation Problem
    The articles reviewed in the paper touch upon the problem of dead/dying brain and the ethical question of organ transplantation from brain dead patients.
  29. Brain Development in Early Adulthood
    Although many people believe that a human brain stops to develop after childhood, it continues to evolve throughout one’s lifespan.
  30. Brain Damage Potential Effects
    This paper is focused on exploring the effects of injuries to the Amygdala, Hippocampus, Broca`s area, and Cranial Nerve VIII.

🎓 Most Interesting Brain Research Titles

  1. How the Brain Learns to Read
    This paper seeks to give an in-depth analysis of the brain and how it controls the learning and reading process.
  2. The Brain and Reading Correlations
    The majority of human being doesn’t bring back much knowledge from memory about learning to talk. It merely appeared to come in a natural or normal manner.
  3. Contextualization: Music and Brain
    This research is carried out in order to explore on “creation of a device that can serve as a tool for communications using EEG waves structurally converted to aesthetically pleasant music.
  4. The Brain, Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain Definition
    The brain acts as a control center for all the vital activities of the body from controlling our emotions to managing our movements.
  5. Increasing Brain Performance and Its Influence on the Learning Process
    The ability of the human brain to change structurally and functionally as a result of learning could be profitable as people can activate this or that part of their brain in a need.
  6. Aspects of Development and Functioning of the Brain
    The article describes the types of intelligence, factors affecting the cognitive abilities of the brain and aspects of its healthy development.
  7. Human Brain. Alcohol Effects on Frontal Lobe Impairment
    In this paper, various ways of influence of alcohol abuse on frontal lobe impairments are considered with special emphasis on direct frontal lobe impairments.
  8. Adolescent Brain Development and Legal Culpability
    Discoveries in neuroscience confirm that the teen years are a period for transition. Juvenile offenders can be influenced by the immaturity in their brains for turning to crime.
  9. Anorexia Nervosa as a Brain Disorder
    Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by an uncontrollable desire to be thin, low weight, food restrictions, and a fear of gaining pounds.
  10. Pronouncing a Brain-Dead Patient’s Death: Yusef Camp’s Case
    At the time of the situation, local legislation had no law to authorize death pronouncement based on brain criteria alone.
  11. Brain’s Negative Bias and Its Causes
    The brain’s proclivity to be biased toward negative information, objects, and people can be explained from evolutionary, scientific, and sociological perspectives.
  12. Developmental Psychology: Full Brain Maturity
    Full brain maturity can be reached when a person is in the ’20s. Rapid achievement of the full capacity can be linked to a direct biological impact of the new environment.
  13. Understanding Atypical Brain and Behavior in Biopsychology
    The ability of psychoactive drugs to alter consciousness is connected to their impact on the brain cells’ activity and on the work of neurotransmitters.
  14. Child Brain Development and Its Connection to Physical Growth Explored
    This report reviews articles about conducted research devoted to the connection between the child’s brain and physical development.
  15. Brain Injury and Social Service Interventions
    This paper examines the brain injury case and considers how the social system treats patient issues from cognitive, emotional, and neuropsychiatric perspectives.
  16. Juvenile Justice System: Impact of Adolescent Brain Development on Legal Policies
    The juvenile justice system is meant to help to transform juvenile delinquents into law-abiding and productive citizens who are playing a critical role in the economic development.
  17. Brain Functions: Hemispheric Specialization to Plasticity
    Hemispheric specialization occurs due to the distinct neuroanatomical and neurochemical features of the two hemispheres, which result in differences in functions.
  18. Brain Disorders’ Effects on Human Health
    Organic disorders are conditions brought about by damage to brain tissues. A psychological disorder refers to a behavioral condition resulting from a disability.
  19. Insights into Teenage Brain Development: A Video Analysis
    This paper analyzes the “Inside the teenage brain” video that discusses adolescent’s brains, what is pruning, sleep patterns of adolescents, and other related issues.
  20. Brain Areas & Language Skills: Localization, Aphasia, and Development
    The ability of the human brain to correlate different aspects of language ability with specific locations in it can be defined as a localization view.
  21. Color Vision and Evolution: Essential for Survival
    While color vision is taken for granted in everyday life, it, in fact, served a crucial role in the progress of the humankind at the dawn of its development.
  22. Brain Tumors and Psychological Disorders: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment
    Some tumors of the brain have been categorized as malignant. Such kind of a tumor is characterized by an abnormal growth of cells that lack evident boundaries.
  23. Insights into Adolescent Brain Development and Its Unique Characteristics
    The prevailing opinion of many researchers has always been connected with the fact that the primary process of brain development is in the first years of life.
  24. Integrity Issue in $20M Arkansas Hospital Negligence Case
    The news clip chosen for the response is linked to a $20 million negligence verdict against Arkansas Hospital for the surgery performed on the wrong side of the brain of the boy.
  25. Brain Development and Memory in Freberg’s Neuroscience
    Chapter 12 “Learning and Memory” of Freberg’s “Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience” provides essential insights on the understanding of brain development and functioning.
  26. Schizophrenia Causes: Genetics, Brain Malfunctions, Environment
    Schizophrenia is mental illness with a genetic basis and its complexity is presents in form of chronic psychosis and the cognitive ability of the individual becomes impaired.
  27. The Relationship Between Sensory Perception and Brain Interpretation: Key Insights
    Common sense organs are used to understand what is happening around through smell, touch, taste, vision and hearing. Data from sensory organs are used to respond accordingly.
  28. How Brain Functions Influence Weight Loss: Mechanisms and Findings
    This research examines brain activation changes associated with the successful weight loss in dieters and bariatric patients in both hungry and fed states.

đź’ˇ Simple Brain Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Sleep Deprivation and Its Effects on the Brain and Body
  2. Brain and Central Nervous System Cancers
  3. Social Media and Its Effects on the Developing Brain
  4. Brain and Activities Cerebral Cortex
  5. Music and Its Effect on the Brain in Various Situations
  6. Left Brain vs. Right Brain and Their Effect on Learning
  7. Potential Treatments for Memory Loss Resulting From Traumatic Brain Injury
  8. Brain Development, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
  9. Schizophrenia and Its Effects on the Human Brain
  10. Physical Therapy and Acquired Brain Injury Patients
  11. Brain Bugs: The Glorious Imperfections of Our Brains
  12. Free Will and the Human Brain and Our Emotions
  13. Brain Cancer Increased Intracranial Pressure
  14. Social Deprivation Hurts Child Brain Development
  15. Brain and Spinal Cord Is the Centre of the Whole Body
  16. Factors Influencing Cerebral Plasticity in the Normal and Injured Brain
  17. Brain Development and the Attention Spectrum
  18. Mindfulness and the Aging Brain: A Proposed Paradigm Shift
  19. Brain Disorders, Neuropathic Deficits, and Dysfunction
  20. Game-Based Cognitive Training for the Aging Brain
  21. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Delayed Alteration of Memory Processing
  22. Brain and the Long and Short-Term Effects of Using Cocaine

âť“ Research Questions About the Brain

  1. Is There a Correlation Between Brain Dysfunction and Criminal Behavior?
  2. Do Video Games Affect the Brain?
  3. How Is the Brain Affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder?
  4. Can Ketones Help Rescue Brain Fuel Supply in Later Life?
  5. Why Shouldn’t Non-invasive Brain Stimulation Be Used in Military and Security Services?
  6. Does Child Sexual Abuse Impact the Developing Brain?
  7. What Are the Complications That Come With a Brain Injury?
  8. How Is an Autistic Brain Different From a Normal Brain?
  9. Does Learning Change the Structure of the Brain?
  10. Can Optogenetic Tools Determine the Importance of Temporal Codes to Sensory Information Processing in the Brain?
  11. Does Aerobic Exercise Influence Intrinsic Brain Activity?
  12. Should Defendants With Traumatic Brain Injuries Be Held Accountable for Their Actions?
  13. How Does Chocolate Affect the Brain?
  14. What Does the Study of Brain Injury and Disease Tell Us about Normal Brain Functioning?
  15. Can You Really Train Your Brain?
  16. Does Our Brain Use the Same Policy for Interacting With People and Manipulating Different Objects?
  17. What Do Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Go Through and How They Can Be Helped in Overcoming It?
  18. Does Consciousness Exist Outside the Brain?
  19. How Can Development and Plasticity Contribute to Understanding the Evolution of the Human Brain?
  20. What Does the Brain of Children With Developmental Dyslexia Tell Us About Reading Improvement?
  21. How Does Depression Affect the Way Your Brain Functions?
  22. Does the Brain Know Who Is at the Origin of What in an Imitative Interaction?
  23. Why Does Physical Activity Promote Experience-Induced Brain Plasticity?
  24. At What Age Is the Brain 100% Developed?
  25. Does the Human Brain Make Us Unique?

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