132 Communism Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Communism

✍️ Communism Essay Topics for College

  1. The People’s Republic of China: Impact of the Communist Revolution
    The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949 following the Chinese Communist Revolution, which had a profound impact on China’s political, social, and economic spheres.
  2. Communism Economic System in China
    The communist system has led to mixed reactions among Chinese and diverse views on its impact on China’s relationship with other countries.
  3. “The Communist Manifesto” Book by Karl Marx
    The work “The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx, depicts the bourgeoisie and the proletariat and how their lives are affected by the domination of the former as a ruling class.
  4. Communism and Fascism Ideologies of the 20th Century
    Communism and fascism became the two defining ideologies of the last century. People became adherents of one direction or another and were ready to defend it.
  5. Stance Against Communist Russia After World War I
    After World War I, US President Woodrow Wilson took significant steps toward establishing a strict regime of non-acceptance of Soviet ideology and political isolation.
  6. World War II and Communism Impact on the US
    Over the decades, the central economic policy that contributed to the significant growth index in America has been capitalism.
  7. Different Opinions of Communism From Clara Zetkin and Slavenka Drakulic
    The paper argues communism and feminist have variant ideas about women’s liberation of their rights and freedom.
  8. The Chinese Communist Party’s Economic Adaptation
    The Chinese Communist Party has been surprisingly flexible in its economic policies in 1949 – arguably more so than any other Party claiming adherence to communism.
  9. The Rise and Fall of Communism After World War II
    Czechoslovakia’s communism was flawed and destined for failure, being devoted to the Russian paradigm and unsuited for a better-industrialized society.
  10. American International Policies to Thwart Communism Expansion
    The United States used the domino theory, which held that if a single country fell under the influence of communists, the surrounding countries would inevitably follow.
  11. Poland: Democratic Nation vs. Communist Country
    Differences between people living in a democratic nation and a communist country are apparent by looking at Poland before and after communism.
  12. Transitology in Post-Communist Societies
    Transitology is a unique theoretical direction that explains the transition from authoritarianism to democracy.
  13. Communism, Fascism, and the Outbreak of the Second World War
    The two important ideologies of the first half of the 20th century are communism and Fascism. Despite certain similarities between the two, they are strikingly different.
  14. Communism in Europe and America After World War II
    A review of the factors leading to communist growth in Europe and its failure in the United States is valuable for understanding this critical historical period and its outcomes.
  15. McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns: The Role of Senator McCarthy’s Speech and Red Scare
    Senator McCarthy’s speech was of significant impact in America through his allegations of communist support among citizens and leadership of the country, leading to the Red Scare.
  16. Karl Marx’s Communism Manifesto
    Karl Marx who was a political theorist alongside another German called Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto with the aim of improving the relationship among people.
  17. Proletariat and Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
    This paper will describe the situation of the proletariat and the solution proposed by Marx to the problems of this class.
  18. Marxism: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels
    The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels can still be regarded as relevant to the nowadays political social and economic situation; however, there is no more class struggle.
  19. Communist Manifesto Relation to Other Writers
    Manifesto of the Communist Party by K. Marx and F. Engels is within the concepts of communism, the decline of capitalism, the class struggle, and the ability of the working class.
  20. Revisiting Marx and Engels’ ‘Communist Manifesto’: Key Insights
    The relationships between freemen and slaves are frequently discussed in modern society to find out the roots of social inequality.

đź‘Ť Good Communism Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Paranoia & Rhetoric: From McCarthyism to Anti-Islam Sentiments
    One of the bright examples of such manipulation is the cultivation of the irrational fear of communism during the Cold War by Senator Joseph McCarthy.
  2. McCarthy’s “Enemies from Within”: Cold War Rhetoric and Fear
    The speech was a direct attack on President Truman’s foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department.
  3. McCarthyism’s Anti-Communist Rhetoric and Its Impact
    Joseph McCarthy was famous for his anti-communist rhetoric that resulted in the emergence of a trend called McCarthyism.
  4. McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns
    Within his speech in the State Department, Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations as a significant threat to the United States.
  5. Communist Revolutions in East Asia: Historical Impact & Cold War
    This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the historical significance of communist revolutions in East Asia, especially in China and North Korea.
  6. The Fascist Regime: Origins, Ideology, and Impact
    Depending on the different criteria there may be distinguished several kinds of the political regimes. These kinds are presented by the wide range of the political methods of power.
  7. Communism vs. Socialism: Ideological Differences in Focus
    Revolutionary communism and democratic socialism are examples of political ideologies that were byproducts of Marxism.
  8. Marx and Engels’ Communist Manifesto: Theory & Impact
    The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in late 1847 and published in February 1848. It contains a summary of the Communist values and aims.
  9. Stalin’s Industrialization and the Collapse of European Communism
    This paper discusses the progression of industrialization using the speeches of Stalin, and the changes in Europe that brought the power of communism to its end.
  10. The Role of the Communist Revolution and the Cold War in East Asia
    This paper looks into the historical significance of the Communist Revolution in East Asia. It also discusses the context and outcomes of the Cold War in East Asia.
  11. Communism as National Paranoia: Examining Its Historical Context in the U.S.
    Because of the desire to keep the integrity of the American society, the fear for the Red Plague, as known as the communists, has been cultivated in the United States for decades.
  12. History: The Communist Revolution in East Asia and the Cold War
    The collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War de-legitimized the system and removed the rationale that initially had underpinned the global economy fragmentation.
  13. Anti-Communist Campaign and Film Industry
    The American society has for a long time been enchanted by reconstructing history on film. Filmmakers in the country have always tried to convey their translations of history through films.
  14. Capitalism in Communist China: Current Status and Future Challenges
    In the current paper, the author reviews some of the important factors needed for a capitalist economy to produce wealth. The discussion will be made in relation to DeSoto’s arguments.
  15. Communism: Theory and Reality
    Communism presupposes the economic equality of all members of classless society. The paper aims to find and explain the differences in theory and practice of Communism.

🎓 Most Interesting Communism Research Titles

  1. The Truman Doctrine and America’s Control of Communism
  2. Difference Between Socialism and Communism
  3. Link Between Income Inequality in the US and Communism and Oligarchy in Turkey
  4. The Better Things That Happened After the Fall of Communism in Europe and the US
  5. Costs Outweighing Benefits From Communism in the 20th Century Leading To a Negative Society
  6. Conflict, Communism, and Fascism in the Weimar Government
  7. Gorbachev and the Fall of Soviet Communism
  8. Communism and Its Role in Changing the Political Culture of Its Time
  9. Relationship Between Communism and Fascism
  10. 19th Century America and the Effects of Communism
  11. Peaceful Transition From Communism in East-Central Europe
  12. America: Clash With Communism
  13. Communism and Capitalism Led to Cold War
  14. Marxism Philosophy and Modern Communism
  15. Chinese Peasants and Communism
  16. Communism and Its Impact on the Postwar World
  17. Contrast Between Capitalism and Communism
  18. Communism and Marxist Ideologies and the Soviet Union
  19. Chinese Communism and Women
  20. The Truth About Communism and Totalitarianism in George Orwell’s Novel 1984
  21. The Factors That Contributed to the Fall of Communism in Russia
  22. Pope John Paul II’s Influence on the Fall of Communism
  23. Differences Between Capitalism, Communism, and Socialism
  24. China’s Historic Transformation From a Dynasty to Communism
  25. Communism, National, Liberalism and the Outcome of World War I
  26. Democracy and Communism During World War II
  27. Cold War Ended Due to the Failure of Communism
  28. The Hunt for Communism During the McCarthyism in America
  29. Communism, Capitalism, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, and the Korean War
  30. Chinese Philosophy and Communism

đź’ˇ Simple Communism Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Government, Militarily, and Communism in Greek Sparta
  2. The Late 1940s and Early 1950s on the Communism
  3. Individual and State Roles in Communism According to Marx and Engels
  4. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Communism in America
  5. Vietnam War: The Product of Capitalism and Communism
  6. The Difference Between Socialism and Communism
  7. Corruption and Bad Economy in Cee Countries as a Result of Communism
  8. Cuban Doctors, Communism Versus Socialism, and North Korea Versus India
  9. Communism and Its Effect on Society
  10. Karl Marx and the Rise of Communism
  11. Communism and the Anti-Communist Rhetoric
  12. War Communism and the New Economic Policy
  13. Soviet Communism and the Soviet Union
  14. Between Communism and Capitalism: Long-Term Inequality in Poland, 1892-2015
  15. Applied Communism Gave the Power to Vote to Citizens Over Eighteen
  16. Communism and Cold War Tension Assignment
  17. History, the Bourgeoisie, the Proletariat, and Communism
  18. The U.S. Contained Communism in Vietnam
  19. Communism and Starvation During 20th Century China
  20. The Russian Revolution Overthrows the Stronghold of Communism
  21. New Regimes Taken Siege After the Demise of Communism
  22. Communism, Mind Control, and Acts of Rebellion for Freedom
  23. Anti-communism and American Foreign Policy: 1945-1970
  24. Ethical and Social Aspects of Communism Compared to Capitalism and Democracy
  25. Life Before and After the Fall of Communism in the Czech Republic
  26. Political Changes Gave Birth to Communism in Russia
  27. America’s Communism Scare and the Hollywood Blacklist
  28. The Clash Between Confucianism and Communism
  29. The Propaganda of the Communism in the United States
  30. Communism and Its Effects on the United States

âť“ Questions About Communism

  1. What Are the Main Differences Between Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism?
  2. How Did the Cold War Stop Communism?
  3. Why Is Communism Good for the Economy?
  4. How Many Types of Communism Are There?
  5. Why Did the US Prevent Communism?
  6. Did the US Succeed in Containing Communism During the Cold War?
  7. What Happened During the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe?
  8. How Did the US Fail to Contain Communism in Vietnam?
  9. What Factors Led to the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe?
  10. Does Communism Have a Government?
  11. Why Was the Fall of Communism in East Germany Significant?
  12. How Did Truman Stop the Spread of Communism?
  13. Which Factor Contributed to the Fall of Communism in the Soviet Union?
  14. Is Fascism a Reaction to Communism?
  15. Where Does the Word “Communism” Come From?
  16. What Is Karl Marx’s Theory of Communism?
  17. How Does Communism Affect the Economy?
  18. Was the United States Successful in Containing the Spread of Communism?
  19. How Did the End of Communism in the Soviet Union Differ From Communism’s Demise in China?
  20. What Are the 5 Main Characteristics of Communism?
  21. Does the Berlin Wall Relate to Communism?
  22. How Did a Threat of Communism During the Cold War Affect the United States?
  23. What Was America’s Response to Communism?
  24. How Does Communism Affect Society?
  25. In Which Way Are Communism and Fascism Alike?
  26. How Does Communism Affect Social Classes in “Paradise of the Blind” and “House of the Spirits”?
  27. What Was the Ideological Goal of Communism?
  28. How Did Communism End in China?
  29. Why Did Communism Start in the Soviet Union?
  30. How Did Karl Marx Influence Communism?

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