90 Donald Trump Essay Topics

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on Donald Trump

āœļø Donald Trump Essay Topics for College

  1. Lessons from Trumpā€™s Election on Power in America
    This paper focuses on Trump’s election and the events in his administration that showed the role of racism, white supremacy, populism, sexism, polarization, and identity politics.
  2. American History in the Entirety of Trumpā€™s Speech
    The paper explores how Trumpā€™s inauguration speech reflects the end of the New Deal Coalition and the increased popularity of the Conservative Consensus.
  3. Donald John Trump’s Biography and Career
    Donald John Trump is a globally renowned individual whose major spotlight was when he served as the 45th President of The United States of America.
  4. Impact of Trump’s Decision on Cyberattacks
    Cyber security is one of the most imperative components of national security, as many individuals spend much of their time online.
  5. Capping on Refugees During Trump’s Tenure
    Wars and crises are among the factors forcing people to flee their home countries. The US plays a leadership role in ensuring that refugees are allowed to start their lives again.
  6. Presidents Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson
    When it comes to the discussion of the U.S. presidency, with the election of every new president, his policies are compared to those characteristics of other presidents.
  7. Watergate Scandal and Impeachment of Trump
    The Watergate scandal was similar to Trump’s first impeachment. Both were related to abuse of power to win the elections but different in the approach of the two politicians.
  8. Has the Trump Presidency Been Good or Bad for the Country and the World?
    The latest US president, Donald Trump can be considered one of the most controversial characters in the history of American presidency.
  9. Obama’s vs. Trump’s US National Security Strategy
    The U.S. National Security Strategy 2010 provides definitive ideologies on what contributes to global security, national security, and homeland security.
  10. Bush, Obama, and Trump: Healthcare Policy
    The following reflection will discuss how Bush, Obama, and Trump addressed the issues connected to AIDS and HIV.
  11. Grand Strategy in the Early Years of Trump Presidency
    The selected articles maintain that President Trumpā€™s foreign policy centers around a nationalist, neo-isolationist approach
  12. ā€œTrump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike down Affordable Care Actā€ by Stolberg
    ā€œTrump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Strike down Affordable Care Actā€ by Stolberg narrates the ultimate goal of the President Donald Trump government.
  13. Trumpā€™s Responsibility for the Charlottesville March
    The article discusses the march of far-right ideologies in Charlottesville and the role of Trump’s rhetoric in promoting Nazi views.
  14. Federalism in the Context of Immigration and Trump’s Presidency
    The key element of American federalism is the power of individual states to determine their own political structure and the policy to influence the central government bodies.
  15. Trump: Elections and Presidency
    The purpose of the paper is to describe the process of Trump’s election and governance, as well as his defeat in the current election.
  16. Will or Wonā€™t: Trumpā€™s Re-Election on November 3rd
    Pre-election surveys and poll opinions from diverse groups play a critical role in determining the possible winner in every election.

šŸ‘ Good Donald Trump Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Donald Trumpā€™s Twitter and Free Speech
    America is a democratic state, its citizens have the right to express their thoughts freely. According to this position is illegal that the President block people on Twitter.
  2. Donald Trump’s President Impeachment
    Considering the impeachment accusations Donald Trump has made a plethora of questionable decisions and actions which led to doubt concerning his legitimacy as a president.
  3. Donald Trump’s Qualities of the Best President
    The qualities that make Donald Trump the best president are confidence, negotiating skills, and clear priorities.
  4. President Trump and the Special Coronavirus Taskforce
    The pandemic might cease and the situation may normalize or there may be a rebound in the fall, but Trumpā€™s political ambitions remain unscathed.
  5. ā€œAmerican Patients Firstā€œ by Trump
    This article describes the “American Patients First” US health care policy developed by the Trump administration to reduce drug prices and health care costs out of pocket.
  6. Trump Administration and Transgender Discrimination
    The paper reviews one of the recent issues that caught the public eye and media attention is the Trump administrationā€™s treatment of transgender peopleā€™s healthcare rights.
  7. Donald Trumpā€™s Supporters and Their Victims
    Trumpā€™s supporters experience a great moral decadence if their opinion is expressed through sending numerous death threats to individuals who disagree with Trump.
  8. D. Trump vs. R. Branson and D. Hubbard vs. Jeff W. Griffith
    This paper seeks to compare and contrast two successful entrepreneurs and analyse the characteristics they possess as individuals that have enabled them to succeed in the business world.
  9. Have the Trade Policies of President Donald Trump Increased the Competitiveness of the USA?
    Donald Trumpā€™s presidency is marked with a number of contradictory policies, some of which concern trade. This paper will analyse whether Trumpā€™s trade policies have increased the competitiveness of the USA.
  10. Donald Trump’s Policies of Poverty and Human Rights
    One of the events related to an acute social issue of poverty in the United States involves the U.N. report on extreme U.S. poverty and human rights in the context of Donald Trump’s policies.
  11. Trump’s Campaign Promises and Actions
    In his campaign, Trump expressed a radical decision to ban all Muslims who enter the U.S. until the commission on radical Islam was established.
  12. Ethical Conflicts of Obama and Trump Healthcare Reforms
    The healthcare reforms advanced by President Obama in 2010 have a number of similarities with the recent reforms introduced by President Trump.
  13. Affirmative Action and the Trump Administration
    Affirmative action is a positive and necessary tool in the United States with regard to admissions for higher education because it allows everyone to have equal access to education.
  14. Canada Preparing for the Trump Presidency
    Within the past six decades, Canada had a strong economic and political bond with the US. But, the victory of Trump to become president might have implications for the nation.
  15. Trump Presidency: Immigration and Climate Change
    Donald Trump was elected the President of the United States on November 8, 2016. Trump has repeatedly changed his views on various elements of the political agenda.
  16. Donald Trump: Our Unpresidential President
    Nowadays, there are many people worldwide who are eager to discuss the behavior of the current US President, Donald Trump.
  17. Donald Trump Won the Presidency: How and Why?
    In the President Election of 2016 in the US, while the majority of participants in polls seemed to support Clinton, the rivalry ended with the victory of Trump.
  18. Donald Trump’s Rise, Its Causes and Effects
    Donald Trump is currently the 45th president of the United States. It is without doubt that many global citizens are appalled and shocked by this unimaginable fact.
  19. Inaugural Speech of Donald Trump and Other Republicans
    This work compares inaugural addresses of Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, with the main accent on the latterā€™s speech.
  20. President Trumpā€™s Inaugural Address
    Political speeches appear to provide gripping material for analysis. One of the recent speeches is Trumpā€™s inaugural address.
  21. What Did Trump and Putin Tell Each Other?
    The general theme of the article “What Did Trump and Putin Tell Each Other?” is that it was not a wise decision for President Trump to initiative this meeting with President Putin.

šŸŽ“ Most Interesting Donald Trump Research Titles

  1. Donald Trumpā€™s Election Was Shrouded in Mystery and Conflict
  2. Why Should You Vote for Donald Trump?
  3. President-Elect Donald Trump Is the End of Liberal Democracy
  4. Watching the Extraordinary Rise of Donald Trumpā€˜s
  5. Donald Trumpā€™s Controversial Campaign
  6. The Media and Journalism Trends and Donald Trumpā€™s Presidency
  7. Donald Trumpā€™s Business Career Before the Presidency
  8. The Call for Presidential Candidate Donald Trump to Step Down From the Race
  9. Emotional Intelligence and Donald Trump
  10. Barack Obama and Donald Trumpā€™s Views on Environmental Policies
  11. Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton Slug It Out on the Topic of Climate Change
  12. President-Elect Donald Trumpā€™s Climate Change
  13. Controversial Businessman and Political Figure Donald Trump
  14. How Media Influence the Rise of Donald Trump?
  15. Donald Trump and Undocumented Immigrants
  16. How Donald Trumpā€™s English Brought Ridiculous Success?
  17. Making America Worse Again by Donald Trump
  18. Donald Trump and the Presidential Election
  19. Presidential Front Runner Donald Trump
  20. Donald Trump Biographical Sketch
  21. The Life and Legacy of Donald Trump
  22. Comparing and Contrasting George Washington and Donald Trump
  23. Does Donald Trump Have an Effect on Public Opinion?

šŸ’” Simple Donald Trump Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. What Will the Future of America Be Like if Donald Trump Is Elected President?
  2. Donald Trumpā€™s Campaign and His Disregard Towards the Environment
  3. The Presidential Elections Since Donald Trump Won the Election
  4. How Can Psychology Help Us Understand the Rise of Donald Trump?
  5. Barack Obama and Donald Trumpā€™s Views on the Trade System
  6. Donald Trump Promotes Classical Liberalism
  7. Presidential Candidate Donald Trumpā€™s Campaign Strategy
  8. Donald Trumpā€™s First Year in Office
  9. Presidential Debate Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
  10. What Immigration Brings America and How Donald Trump Views It?
  11. Donald Trump and Social Media
  12. America Should Think Wisely Before Casting a Vote for Donald Trump
  13. Donald Trump Changed the Countryā€™s Refugee Policy
  14. America First! Donald Trump, the Demise of the U.S. Hegemony and Chaos in the Capitalist World-System
  15. 2016 Presidential Elections Donald Trump Through the Eyes of George Lakoff
  16. How Does Donald Trump Use the Media?
  17. Donald Trump: The Career and Personal Life
  18. Aging Population, Stagnant Productivity Challenge Donald Trumpā€™s Growth Plan
  19. Donald Trump and His Mass Immigration Deportation Plan
  20. The Massive Heroin Epidemic of Donald Trump
  21. Obama and Donald Trump: A Better Fit for the Presidency
  22. Does the Republican Establishment Want Donald Trump?
  23. Donald Trump Should Include in His Agenda To Fix the Immigration System of America

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