97 Entertainment Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Entertainment

✍️ Entertainment Essay Topics for College

  1. Cultural and Entertainment Activities in Saudi Arabia
    This paper explores the development of cultural and entertainment activities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and their significance for tourism and socio-cultural experiences.
  2. Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?
    It is important to define whether sphere of photography is only for professionals or, on the contrary, for the users of Instagram, travelers, and amateurs.
  3. Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment
    The concept waylays the interrelations on how televised messages are relayed via the dominant system prevailing labor structures and the ideology of the hegemony process.
  4. Startup Idea for Entertainment Industry in Nigeria
    A startup idea for a business in Nigeria is to set up training centers for animation, visual effects, camera work, and other professions in the entertainment industry.
  5. COVID-19 Influence on the Entertainment Industry
    No industry has experienced a complete shutdown like the entertainment industry during the pandemic: theaters, cinemas, musical events were banned entirely.
  6. Global Sports and Entertainment: Internationalization of the Sports Industry
    With the rise in the global sport and entrainment value, the environment of sport has become much more inclusive and accepting of people of different backgrounds and capabilities.
  7. Egyptian Art: A Form of Entertainment or a Source of Purpose
    A continual interest in the secrets of ancient times happens mainly because Egyptian architecture and paintings have always carried a functional purpose.
  8. Development of the Esports Entertainment Industry
    Esports became an increasingly global entertainment sphere that brings millions of users online. It is expected that 500 million people will become involved in esports in 2020.
  9. Intellectual Property Rights in Entertainment. Market Research
    The aim of this research will therefore be to draw a relationship between the use and the ownership of intellectual property rights in the entertainment industry.
  10. Pop Culture, Entertainment and Media Representation
    This paper reviews three articles: Medhurst’s “Batman, Deviance, and Camp,” McBride and Bird’s “From Smart Fan to Backyard Wrestler,” and Kidd’s “Methodology Moment.”

🎓 Most Interesting Entertainment Research Titles

  1. Adult Entertainment and First Amendment Rights
  2. Entertainment and Its Effect on Society
  3. The Reality Television and Its Entertainment Values
  4. How Elvis Influenced and Changed the Entertainment Industry
  5. The Interrelationship between Culture and Visual Entertainment Media
  6. Gender, Violence, and Infotainment: Issues in the Entertainment Industry
  7. Entertainment and Society: Gambling, Porn, and TV
  8. Ancient Rome’s Animal Cruelty for Entertainment
  9. Hollywood and the American Entertainment Industry
  10. Entertainment that Shapes American Culture
  11. How Entertainment Media Affects American Values
  12. Illegal Downloading and Its Effect on the Entertainment Industry
  13. Media and Entertainment Industry in India
  14. The Internet vs. the Television: Which Is the Primary Source of Media Entertainment?
  15. How Technology Changed Our Entertainment
  16. The Future Entertainment and Innovative Technology Industries
  17. Art, Music, and Entertainment in the Elizabethan Era
  18. The Rise and Popularity of eSports Entertainment
  19. Movies and Television: Common Forms of Entertainment in American Households
  20. How Sony Pictures Can Adapt and Remain Relevant in the Entertainment Industry
  21. The Adult Entertainment Industry as a Non-Criminal Deviant Subculture
  22. Reality Television: The New Form of Entertainment
  23. The Most Popular Forms of Entertainment in the 1920s
  24. Music between Religion Worship and Entertainment in Japan
  25. How Violent Entertainment Affects the American Culture

đź’ˇ Simple Entertainment Essay Ideas

  1. Chariot Warfare and Entertainment during the Roman Empire
  2. How Steve Jobs Was Responsible for Reinvigorating the Entertainment Industry
  3. Entertainment: Ancient Rome and Today
  4. Disney’s America: An Ambitious Vision of Historical Entertainment
  5. Hip-Hop Dance and the Entertainment Industry
  6. Communities and the Negative Effects of the Adult Entertainment Industry
  7. How the Media Changed the Entertainment Universe
  8. Leisure Activities and Entertainment in Rome
  9. The Most Popular Types of Entertainment in the United States
  10. Entertainment and Media Industry of Australia
  11. Negative Influence on the Entertainment Industry
  12. Using Violence for Entertainment Purposes
  13. The Line Between Journalism and Entertainment
  14. Reality TV: Harmless Entertainment or Commercial Poisoning?
  15. Entertainment during the Tudor Era
  16. How Entertainment Has Ruined Society
  17. Violence and Cruel Entertainment in the Ancient Rome
  18. The Entertainment Industry’s Standards of Beauty and Impact on Youth
  19. Film Entertainment and Native Americans
  20. Entertainment Tourism and Socioeconomic Structural Space
  21. Theme Parks: The Entertainment of Central Florida
  22. Impact of the Entertainment Industry on the Economy
  23. The Problem with Youth of America and Mainstream Entertainment
  24. Violence and Entertainment during War Times
  25. Why the Entertainment Industry Plays a Vital Role in People’s Everyday Life

âť“ Research Questions About Entertainment

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. What New Forms of Entertainment Have Emerged in Recent Years?
  2. What Is the Average Annual Entertainment Spending in the United States?
  3. Are There Harmful Forms of Entertainment?
  4. What and Who Would Generate Demand and Supply in the Entertainment Sector?
  5. What Would a Free Market of Entertainment Look Like?
  6. How Do Different Forms of Entertainment Shape Society?
  7. What Is Entertainment in Our Life?
  8. How Did the Development of Mass Entertainment Affect American Culture?
  9. What Forms of Entertainment Should Be Prohibited for Children?
  10. What Is Entertainment Journalism?
  11. What Is the Relationship Between Demographics and Entertainment Spending?
  12. Can the Purpose of All Fiction Be Considered Entertainment or Self-Expression?
  13. Is Entertainment Law Related to Business Law?
  14. Which Country Has the World’s Best Entertainment?
  15. How Does Entertainment Differ Between the Young and the Old?
  16. How Are the Hedonic Motives of Entertainment Consumption Manifested?
  17. How Does Technology Affect the Future of Entertainment?
  18. Why Have Video Games Become So Popular in the Entertainment Industry?
  19. What Is the Role of the Entertainment Industry in the US Economy?
  20. What Are the Most Popular Types of Home Entertainment?
  21. How Is Entertainment Marketing Different From Consumer Product Marketing?
  22. What Sort of Impact Do Media and Entertainment Have On Our Perceptions and Values?
  23. What Is the Role of Mass Media in Entertainment?
  24. What Was Entertainment Like in the Middle Ages?
  25. What Traditional Form of Entertainment Survives Up to the Present?
  26. Can Modern Art Be Considered Entertainment?
  27. Why Was Entertainment Important in Ancient Rome?
  28. What Is Branded Entertainment Marketing?
  29. How Did the Entertainment Industry Grow During the Roaring Twenties?
  30. What Needs to Be Done for the Development of the Entertainment Economy in Turkey?

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1. StudyCorgi. "97 Entertainment Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "97 Entertainment Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "97 Entertainment Essay Topics." July 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/entertainment-essay-topics/.

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