110 Equity Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Equity

✍️ Equity Essay Topics for College

  1. Employment Equity and Equality: Research Planning
    Recently, there has been a significant interest in exploring the factors affecting employment equity and equality. These two concepts have become the cornerstone of work ethics.
  2. Marks & Spencer: Detailed Equity Report
    The report focuses on Marks & Spencer’s economic condition and sales and deals with financial statements, cash flow, balance sheet, and P&L accounts.
  3. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Equity Theory
    The paper reviews 2 motivational theories: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (needs motivate actions), the equity theory (sense of fairness leads to staff’s motivation).
  4. Effective Compensation Program: Competitiveness and Equity
    An organization must fairly compensate its workers by providing incentives that reward their effort, expertise, competence, determination, and skill.
  5. Gaps in Equity Related to Mental Health Access for Veterans
    This paper has identified a lack of awareness and inadequate resources as the main barriers to veterans’ health services.
  6. Using Social Media to Support Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity
    Web-based media has changed this reality and carried inclusivity to everybody, and now everything is treated with a similar weight, regardless of the recipient’s gender.
  7. Equity Literacy: The Main Advantages
    Equity literacy enables educators to make decisions that affect every student similarly. Equity literacy focuses on the life of an educator as a whole.
  8. Health Equity Monitoring: New Analytical Approach
    The paper highlights how a new analytical approach can be used to integrate health equity into healthcare quality assurance using a sample from the UK.
  9. Kalser’s More Employers Addressing Pay Equity Article Review
    Kalser’s article “More Employers Addressing Pay Equity” examines the expanding pattern of companies addressing pay equity and closing wage discrepancies between employees.
  10. Accounting Standards for Equity Investments in 2023
    Both the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the International Accounting Standards Board give a guide on how to account for investments in debt and equity securities.
  11. Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity
    Social determinants of health are non-medical factors that can significantly affect the incidence of the population. These factors include education and employment.
  12. A Federal-Backed Equity in Home Ownership
    The paper states that the government should introduce a mortgage product at no extra cost to first-time homebuyers who cannot have access to high down payments.
  13. Geography and Healthcare Equity in the U.S.
    The insurance coverage, accessibility to treatment, functional capacity, standards of healthcare, and care costs in the U.S. health system vary widely by geographical location.
  14. The Social Model of Disability: Equality vs. Equity
    In modern society, the social model of disability is most closely associated with such terms as equality and equity.
  15. Managing Equity in Campus Funding
    There is a rising concern about the cost and value of college, given that college education is expensive to both students and the government.
  16. Digital Divide and Path to Equity for Students
    The digital divide generally refers to inequities in technology access among students. It is a highly relevant problem that affects approximately 16 million students.
  17. An Equity Markets Software Company Proposal
    The paper states that learning how markets work and where to begin may seem intimidating, but this is where IT software like StarEquity is helpful.
  18. White Paper: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Government Institutions
    The under-representation of particular population groups in the public sector workforce diminishes the opportunities for a diverse society to develop.
  19. Minority Business Development Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs
    Minority Business Development Agency was founded to help in the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.
  20. Civil Rights Equality and Equity: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
    The paper analyzes 1960’s epitomize the civil rights struggle in the United States which were headed by two men: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
  21. COVID-19 Health Equity Data Reporting in Canada
    It is more appropriate to utilize quantitative analysis with a specific set of data-gathering methods to collect data and evaluate the success of a project proposal.
  22. Cultural Competency: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
    Intercultural contacts at various levels are more intense. Cultural competency is necessary to build an honest, open, diverse, and open-minded society.
  23. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Implementation
    Integrating DEI concepts in the company can lead to many positive implications, including increased workers’ performance, positive publicity, and customer satisfaction.

đź‘Ť Good Equity Essay Topics to Write about

  1. Apple Returns on Equity (ROE) Concept
    Investors are most likely to gain more insight into stakeholder power and make their decisions based on that particular factor.
  2. Health Equity and Health Disparities
    It is now common to use the terms “health equity” and “health disparities,” but they rarely have explicit definitions.
  3. Why Celebrating Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Is Important
    By creating a diverse and inclusive environment, all members of society can benefit, especially those who belong to traditionally marginalized groups.
  4. Direct Foreign Investment, Long-Term Debt, and International Equity Markets
    Based on the understanding of the types of investment, the paper focuses on the reasons for direct foreign investment and the immunization of a balance sheet for the foreign asset.
  5. Public Administration and Social Equity Example
    Privilege favors and benefits the majority groups, and it works by refusing to share a space with dissonant views.
  6. Understanding Equity, Inclusiveness and Diversity
    It is crucial to comprehend all the associated aspects of implementing the strategies that adhere to the ideals of inclusiveness, equity, and diversity.
  7. Comparison Between Debt And Equity
    The purpose of this paper is to seek to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of raising capital through equity and debt.
  8. Private Equity in the Business World
    The current paper seeks to develop an understanding of private equity by illustrating an example of the same in the business world.
  9. Equity and Debt in Economy
    The fact that the domestic economy is recovering from the recession means has put a strain on the company’s ability to fully meet the demand of the products among the customers.
  10. Enacting Stronger Employment Equity Laws in Canada
    In Canada, laws have been enacted to guide the labor market. The following paper seeks to investigate the need to enact stronger employment equity laws in Canada.
  11. Issue of Social Equity in Public Administration and Criminal Justice
    The concept of social equity in public administration is based on race and gender issues in terms of employment, democratic participation, and service delivery.
  12. Concepts of Debt and Equity Relations
    Financing decisions are significant decisions that a company’s management must make. There are two sources of capital for any company: debt and equity financing.
  13. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt and Equity
    To start and develop a business, people need to have specific financial resources. There are different ways to get them: borrowing from a bank or cooperating with investors.
  14. “Health Care Reform and Equity” by Fiscella
    The given article review will primarily focus on two main domains, which are access and national quality strategy informed by research.
  15. INTEC: Strategic Skills Analysis and Pay Equity
    This paper analyzes relationships among KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities), job analysis, organizational strategy, and HR activities.
  16. Apple Inc.’s Stockholders’ Equity Analysis
    The given memo will analyze Apple’s stockholders’ equity and make recommendations on whether the company should issue the common stock and convertible bonds.
  17. Health Equity Issues & Solutions for Addressing Disparities
    One of the main healthcare policy issues that are currently in need of addressing is health equity (HE) (American Public Health Association).
  18. Addressing Pay Discrepancies in Medical Assistants’ Salaries
    This paper explains the influence of total compensation strategy on the organization’s ability to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.
  19. Public Administration: Employment Equity
    The paper will examine responsibilities of employers to accommodate designated groups in workplace settings. Additionally, the paper will discuss employment equity.
  20. Comparative Analysis of Capital, Debt, and Equity Financing Options
    The finance managers need to assess the availability of funds and carefully plan business activities to generate a profit.
  21. Importance of Equity in Compensation Practices Across Industries
    Equity refers to fairness, or using the same yardstick to ensure that two or more individuals are treated in the same manner.
  22. Apple Inc.’s Brand Equity on the Website
    Apple’s website indicates that the marketing strategy focuses more on future endeavors. The company relies on the existing market demands for technologically advancing products.
  23. Gender Equity and Social Justice in Schoolchildren
    Gender inequality can easily be identified in schools by observing how students tend to micro-interact and aggregate in particular activities or groups.
  24. Global Sense: Female Leadership and Gender Equity
    The case “Global Sense” outlines a unique predicament that continues to affect many working environments. The recruitment of more women is a move that has been met with numerous obstacles.
  25. Lachlin Corporation: Stockholders’ Equity Analysis
    The paper will use the balance sheet for Lachlin Corporation to discuss the items that are recorded in the stockholders’ equity section.

🎓 Most Interesting Equity Research Titles

  1. Accounts Receivable and Debt-To-Equity Ratio
  2. Brand Equity and Corporate Social Responsibility
  3. Capital Inflows, Equity Issuance Activity, and Corporate Investment
  4. Allowances for Corporate Equity in Practice
  5. Combination Notes: Market Segmentation and Equity Transfer
  6. Brand Equity and Shareholder Value
  7. Brand Imitation and Its Effects on Innovation, Competition, and Brand Equity
  8. Business Development and Evaluation of Debt and Equity
  9. International Equity Diversification Between the United States and Brics Countries
  10. Equity Capital, Bankruptcy Risk, and the Liquidity Trap
  11. Decentralization, Duplicity, and Minimal Equity
  12. Book Values and Market Values of Equity and Debt
  13. Low Fertility, Socioeconomic Development, and Gender Equity
  14. Define Brand Equity and Describe the Four Major Factors
  15. Australia’s Equity Home Bias

đź’ˇ Simple Equity Essay Ideas

  1. Audit Quality and Cost of Equity Capital
  2. Dividend Policy, Agency Costs, and Earned Equity
  3. Country Risk and the Cost of Equity in Emerging Markets
  4. Dispersive Equity and Social Risk
  5. Management Control, Employment Equity and Skills Development
  6. Connecting Optimal Capital Investment and Equity Returns
  7. Consumption Risk and the Cost of Equity Capital
  8. Bank Equity and Macroprudential Policy
  9. Crowdfunding for Equity Law in the United States
  10. Longevity, Retirement and Intra-Generational Equity
  11. Dividend Yield and Common Equity
  12. National Culture and International Differences in the Cost of Equity Capital
  13. Brand Equity and Country of Origin Relationship
  14. Circuit Breakers and the Tail Index of Equity Returns
  15. Brand Key Performance Indicators as a Force for Brand Equity Management

âť“ Equity Research Questions

Need help with research questions? Try our Research Question toolkit:
  1. Can Climate Finance Contribute to Gender Equity in Developing Countries?
  2. What Is the Difference Between Equity and Equality?
  3. Are School Vouchers Associated With Equity in Education?
  4. How Does Health Equity Impact Quality?
  5. Why Is Social Equity a Critically Important Value for Public Organizations?
  6. Does Competition Induce Hiring Equity?
  7. Can Equity and Efficiency Complement Each Other?
  8. Have Law and Equity Influenced Each Other?
  9. How Does Equity Benefit a Business?
  10. Are the Distinctions Between Debt and Equity Disappearing?
  11. Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to Strengthening Brand Equity?
  12. How Do Cultural Identity and Understanding Influence Health Equity?
  13. Why Is Equity in Healthcare Important?
  14. Does Microfinance Enhance Gender Equity in Access to Finance?
  15. What Does Equity Mean in Healthcare?
  16. Does Tax Simplification Yield More Equity and Efficiency?
  17. What Is Home Equity and How Does It Work?
  18. How Can Health Care Equity Be Improved?
  19. Why Are Social Workers Required to Achieve Equity?
  20. Is There a Difference Between Justice and Equity?
  21. How Does Equity Fulfil the Common Law?
  22. What Does Equity Mean in Social Work?
  23. How Do Local Health Departments Work Towards Health Equity?
  24. Why Is Equity Growth Important?
  25. What Is the Difference Between Social Justice and Social Equity?

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