76 Hispanics Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Hispanics

✍️ Hispanics Essay Topics for College

  1. Challenges Faced by Hispanic Immigrant Population
    The purpose of this article is to briefly describe the problems faced by Hispanic immigrants and suggest ways in which you can help them.
  2. Food and Family in the Hispanic Culture
    The notion of family is crucial to the Hispanic culture due to its encouraging idea of interdependence and belonging. The food became an integral part of family gatherings.
  3. Transcultural Nursing and Hispanic Patient’s Outcomes
    This paper discusses how the Application of Madeleine Leininger Transcultural Nursing Theory may contribute to improve hispanic patient’s outcomes.
  4. Hispanic Cuban Americans’ Cultural Heritage and Traditions
    The Cuban American’s culture and traditions are a blend of Spanish customary practices, different homeland Cubania heritages, and the US lifestyle.
  5. Health Disparities Among Hispanic Patients
    The cultural aspects of the Hispanic community contribute significantly to the health disparities experienced by Hispanics as an ethnic minority.
  6. The Hispanic Cultural Group Healthcare
    The Hispanic cultural group is diverse and dynamic. The Hispanics have divergent views about the causes of diseases in the community.
  7. Epidemiology of COVID-19 Among Hispanics in the US
    Discriminatory factors that lead to the extreme epidemiological situation among Hispanics in the United States reflect the general social, economic, and racial inequality.
  8. Inventing Hispanics: Labeling a Diverse Minority
    It is widely believed that a Hispanic employee can have lunch for two hours, or their five-minute breaks will last for half an hour.
  9. Alcohol Use Amongst Hispanic College Apprentices
    The results showed that less assimilated Hispanic percent of boys in the buffer zone could be at greater risk of alcohol addiction than Hispanic masculine apprentices.
  10. The Hispanic Unemployment Issue in the US
    A Hispanic person in the US is more likely to be unemployed than an average American. People of color have historically been one of the most discriminated groups.
  11. Depression in Hispanic Culture
    There are different ways in which culture or ethnicity can impact the treatment of the development of mental health disorders.
  12. Latinos and Hispanics: History of Migration to North America
    Throughout history, and even in modem times, Hispanic and Latino immigrants have often relocated to North America to seek better opportunities.
  13. Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes Among Hispanic Males
    Diabetes is a disease with a very high prevalence of 19% among Hispanic males. It is more common among Hispanics than all other races.
  14. Health Status of Hispanic Americans
    The US is populated by numerous ethnic groups, including non-Hispanic whites, Alaskan Natives, Asian and African Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Hispanics.
  15. People of Cuban Heritage: Hispanic Americans v. Cuban Americans
    The highest proportion of Hispanic Americans is in New Mexico, California, and Texas. The largest proportion of Cuban Americans is in Florida, New Jersey, California.
  16. Mental Health in Adolescents Ages 15-18 of Hispanic Culture
    Latino youngsters face many challenges, such as the risk of behavioral issues like drug use, unplanned pregnancy, and low education levels.
  17. Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Hispanic Male
    Nicolá˝±s, 27 years old, is a Hispanic male who reports three years of anxiety attacks. Thus, the complete diagnosis is Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
  18. The Problem of Hispanic Interracial Crimes
    Hispanic on Hispanic crime is more prevalent than Hispanic on non-Hispanic crime. In summary, most offenders commit crimes against people of a similar race or ethnicity to them.
  19. Hispanic Obesity in the Context of Cultural Empowerment
    This paper identifies negative factors directly causing obesity within the Hispanic people while distinguishing positive effects upon which potential interventions should be based.
  20. Researching the Hispanic Community in El Paso, Texas
    The Hispanic community is an ethnic group residing in El Paso, Texas, on the border with Mexico. The community is dominant in the city as of the approximately 680,000 population
  21. Obesity in Hispanic American Citizens
    The issue of obesity anong Hispanic Americans occurs as a result of poor dieting choices caused by misinformed perceptions of proper eating.

đź‘Ť Good Hispanics Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in Hispanic Elderly People
    This paper shows that pressure ulcers will continue to increase in severity and costs if the current situation persists and becomes worse than the current situation.
  2. Roberto Clemente as a Hispanic Hero
    Roberto Clemente was also a humanitarian and a powerful source of inspiration, overcoming the discrimination that was prevalent at the time and helping others.
  3. Cultural Assessment in Healthcare Setting: Hispanic Americans
    The research claims that certain health care issues affect Hispanic clients more than non-Hispanics due to their unique social, economic, and environmental factors.
  4. Increasing Diabetes Infections Among the Hispanic Populations
    The article’s objective is centered around establishing whether chronic stress makes US Hispanics more susceptible to diabetes.
  5. Hispanic Community: Alcohol & Substance Abuse Among the Female Gender Population
    This study will focus on alcohol and substance abuse among the female gender population proportion (12-20 years and 25-45 years) in the Hispanic community in California.
  6. Hispanic Americans Cultural Care: Background and Beliefs
    Culturally respectful treatment can make healthcare for Hispanic people less stressful and more common, lowering the risk of chronic illness and improving the community’s health.
  7. Impact of the 2008 Election on the Hispanic Population
    The 2008 presidential election can be considered a major historical event, as the percentage of the Hispanic population that voted for Obama was the highest ever.
  8. Children’s Obesity in the Hispanic Population
    The purpose of this manuscript is to examine nurses’ knowledge concerning the major risk factors of obesity in school-age Hispanic population.
  9. Hispanics as Vulnerable Population
    Children, women, the elderly, the poor and immigrants are main social groups considered to be vulnerable population.
  10. The History of Florida and Hispanics in It
    This paper looks at the history of Florida and Hispanics in it, and their social diversity; looks at Hispanic contribution in the political arena, social life and economic sector.
  11. Pregnant Hispanic Girls Despite Available Birth Control
    Girls who are sexually active are at risk of getting unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
  12. Ethnicity Studies: Hispanic American Diversity
    The Hispanics do not have differences across their cultures except for the fact they came from different locations.
  13. Hispanics in the United States
    It is clear that all Hispanics are not natives of the US; they have Spanish as their primary language which actually form the basis of their name.
  14. Hispanic American Diversity: A Comparison of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Chileans
    This work analyzes the main similarities and differences in social, political, and cultural conventions of Hispanic ethnic groups live in the U.S.
  15. Hispanics in America: Culture, Traditions, and Challenges
    The essay describes occurrences of several common elements in culture, that serve in uniting the Hispanics from varied backgrounds.
  16. Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Hispanic and Latino Community
    Such primary health problems of young Hispanics as STDs, HIV, heart diseases, and cancer are imposed by excessive alcohol consumption as a moderator of acculturative stress.
  17. Hispanic and Mexican Heritage and Health Beliefs
    This paper demonstrates a compare and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between Hispanic American, Latino American, and Mexican heritage.
  18. The Hispanic Community in Miami: Cultural and Social Dynamics
    The Hispanic community of Miami is the most dominant in the city due to large-scale migrations that occurred during the 1920s.
  19. Healthcare Approaches for Hispanic and Cuban Communities
    The aim of this research paper is to present the main characteristics of such cultural groups as Hispanics and Latinos.
  20. Hispanic, Latino Americans and Mexican Heritage Culture
    Hispanics/Latinos are the largest minority cultural group, while Mexicans form the largest socio-cultural group among the Hispanic/Latino constituency.
  21. Analysis of Hispanic Society and Bryant Park’s Online Presence
    Both the Hispanic Society and the Bryant Park sites comply with the existing standards for websites in terms of information provision.
  22. Hispanic Communities and Policing Plans
    This paper is a literature review that seeks to examine whether or not the characteristics of the Hispanic communities affect the community-oriented policing plans.

🌶️ Hot Hispanic Ideas to Write About

  1. Addressing Health Disparities within the Hispanic Community
    Hispanics are an ethnic group that is disproportionately affected by obesity. The health disparity requires the immediate attention of the members of the health community.
  2. Interviewing French, Chinese and Hispanic on Cultural Customs
    The paper discusses a French custom of getting together to have dinner, Chinese weddings, and Hispanic Quinceañeras – celebrating girl’s passage from childhood to womanhood.
  3. Culturally Congruent Care and Hispanic Health
    The paper overviews health promotion beliefs, health needs and concerns, and evidence-based health promotion strategies specific to Hispanic people.
  4. iPhone Addiction in Hispanic Teens: Impact & Concerns
    iPhone addiction among Hispanic adolescents is becoming a major health problem in the United States. The use of phones while driving is one of the leading causes of accidents.
  5. Hypertension in Hispanics: Education & Health Implications
    One is considered to have hypertension if the force exerted by blood against the wall of blood vessels is greater than normal.
  6. Evaluating Educational Programs for Hispanic Patients with Diabetes
    The main goals of this paper are to provide an evaluation plan and discuss the implications for the practice and future research. The research will be carried out in medical settings.
  7. Miami-Dade Obesity Issues: Health Programs & Future Needs
    Miami-Dade County ranks 23 out of 67 counties in the state of Florida. 67.3 percent of the population is Hispanic and encounters several chronic diseases.
  8. Health and Heritage Assessment for Hispanic Patients: A Comprehensive Review
    The Heritage Assessment tool is helpful in evaluating and analyzing the health problems of a particular cultural group.
  9. HIV Risk for Older Hispanic Women: Cianelli et al.’s Study Analysis
    The authors of the article Unique Factors that Place Older Hispanic Women at Risk for HIV: Intimate Partner Violence, Machismo, and Marianismo clearly state the primary purpose of the research.
  10. Risk Factors Contributing to Diabetes in the Hispanic Population of Miami
    Diabetes is one of the most severe health-related threats in the world, as well as the USA. Hispanics develop diabetes due to their eating habits and sedentary life.
  11. Health Promotion Among Hispanic Population
    Hispanic Americans are still an underprivileged group that has limited access to healthcare services. The major health issues are related to healthy lifestyle.
  12. Adolescent Pregnancy Disparities in Black and Hispanic Youth
    This statement defines and explores the problem of adolescent pregnancy in Hispanic and black females and provides a position statement on the issue.
  13. HIV Risk Factors in Old Hispanic Women: Cianelli et al.’s Study
    The current study provides a significant contribution to the existing level of knowledge that involves old Hispanic women (OHW) and the already defined HIV risk factors.
  14. Improving Health in the African American and Hispanic Community
    Assessing the clinical situation in communities such as African American and Hispanic inevitably requires assessing their cultural situation.
  15. Diabetic Retinopathy in Hispanics: Miami’s Public Health Data and Trends
    The purpose of the current paper is to evaluate the health risk related to the timely diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy that is faced by Hispanics/Latinos in Miami.
  16. Hispanic Communities Practice Spanish Culture and Traditions
    The demography of Hispanic communities in the United States demonstrates low economic standards as opposed to other communities.
  17. Addressing Health Issues Affecting African Americans and Hispanics: A Critical Perspective
    Healthcare practitioners should provide adequate care to different members of the community. This exercise examines the health issues affecting African Americans and Hispanics.
  18. Challenges in Caregiving for Hispanic Elderly Patients and Their Families
    In elderly patients with chronic diseases does patient education intervention compared with only medication treatments improve their health statuses?
  19. Educational Inequalities and Obesity Trends Among Non-Hispanic Whites and Blacks
    The primary objective of the reported study was to investigate the connection between education achievements and obesity.
  20. Enhancing Culturally Competent Care for Hispanic Patients: Best Practices and Insights
    This paper seeks to collect information that might be relevant to nurses when they are caring for Hispanic families and patients in clinical settings.
  21. Health Disparities in Hispanic Minorities: A Public Health Crisis
    The following paper addresses the issue of health disparities of the Hispanic minority group through health promotion.
  22. Effectiveness of Telephonic Case Management in Hispanic Heart Failure Patients
    The research problem was based on the realization that the effectiveness of heart failure management programs had not been tested when in Hispanic participants.
  23. Hispanic Vulnerabilities in the US: A VPCM Review
    The paper reviews Hispanic population as a vulnerable population in the US using Vulnerable Population Conceptual Model, and healthcare models in the US.
  24. Hispanic American Cultural Group: Diverse Ancestry & Rich Heritage
    The Hispanic American cultural group is comprised of individuals of different ancestry. The group includes the Mexican, Colombian, Rican, Neomexican, Guatemalan, Cuban, and Dominican.
  25. The Growing Influence of the Hispanic Population in the United States: Cultural and Social Impacts
    The Hispanic population is the largest national-linguistic minority on the territory of the USA, which has a long and complicated history. The Hispanics are the representatives of two unequal groups.
  26. Health and Cultural Practices Among Hispanics: A Comprehensive Overview
    Hispanic Americans originated in Spain and other countries in Latin America. Hispanic Americans are made up of a wide range of other ethnicities.

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