128 Essay Topics on Moral Values

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Morality

✍️ Morality Essay Topics for College

  1. Mystery, Morality, and Miracle Plays – “Everyman”
    In the Medieval Ages, mystery shows lasted several days; they opened with a colorful procession that consisted of citizens of all ages and social groups.
  2. The Morality of Freedom in Novel “Sula”
    This paper will seek to explore the concept of freedom exemplified by Sula and whether the actions reflect amorality.
  3. Relationship Between Morality and Happiness
    The role of morality in relation to happiness is essential. It defines the core principles and values of a person.
  4. Money and Morality: Children Reward
    Parents and teachers should be able to distinguish the thin line that exists between offering a reward and bribing a child.
  5. Slave Morality and Master Morality: An Argumentative Essay
    Friedrich Nietzsche’s (1844-1900) works had a tremendous impact on the development of the entire philosophical current of the XX century.
  6. Morality Play: Everyman
    This paper discus Everyman, a morality play performed during the medieval ages. The morality plays are also known as allegory essays.
  7. Aspects of Crime Against Morality
    The paper states that crime against morality is an offense of exiting moral values, moral basis, and views shared by the majority of society.
  8. Morality Concepts Analysis: Theories and Principles
    Some psychologists argue that morality is not inherent and neither is it enforced by society as suggested by proponents of moral absolutism and universalism.
  9. The Morality of Nursing Decisions
    Nurses can still possess moral integrity and make choices of their value but not when they contradict their patients’ will.
  10. Kant vs. Fuller on Rule of Law: Morality and Governance
    This paper analyzes the views of Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, and Lon L. Fuller, an American legal philosopher, on the relation between law and morality.
  11. Euthanasia and Morality Debate
    Euthanasia may be defined as the assistance provided to people who deliberately want to die due to suffering too much pain because of being terminally ill.
  12. Kant’s Moral Principle and Nietzsche’s Slave Morality
    This paper explores the possibility of viewing Kant’s moral principle as an expression of Nietzsche’s slave morality.
  13. Application of Utilitarian Theory of Morality
    One of the founders of the utilitarian theory of morality, John Stuart Mill, states that pleasure and the absence of pain are the central values desired by the human mind.
  14. Dance Activities and Morality in Bangladesh Society
    This article explores the connection between dance activities, morality, and social context in Bangladesh society.
  15. Interaction in Cyberspace: Impact on Morality, Personality, and Behavior of People
    People’s morality and behaviors have been negatively influenced by cyberspace and Internet communication technology, mainly due to the non-strictness of the rules.
  16. The US Constitution: Morality, Knowledge, and Religion
    The values of religion, morality, and knowledge combined in the US Constitution allowed people to be free to hold any beliefs and practice any religion.
  17. Nursing Ethical Dilemmas – Balancing Morality and Practice
    Nursing is a very delicate profession, almost every day nurses have to deal with ethical dilemmas, which require prompt decisions.
  18. Morality: Interpreting Good and Evil in Beowulf
    Delve into the nuanced portrayal of morality in Beowulf, examining how perceptions of good and evil shift across different societal and historical contexts.
  19. The Non-Identity Problem: The Issue of Morality
    The role of the non-identity issue following Brocks’s concept entails making adults obligated not to allow children to experience a severe impairment.
  20. Morality and Ethics: Philosophical Theories
    Philosophical theories such as the deontology of ethics and utilitarianism are used to define morality by assessing the motives and outcomes of an action.
  21. Choi and Storr’s Idea of Higher Morality of Markets
    The paper states that Choi and Storr think that market countries have a higher morality than societies without markets. It is of interest to economists.
  22. Capitalism and Socialism Systems’ Morality
    The paper focuses on the capitalistic views as more moral due to the opportunities for individual freedom and open markets that support the development of society.
  23. Morality in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor
    This research paper focuses on the consideration of the theme of morality and incorrect principles in the short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor.
  24. Exploring Peter Singer’s Ethical Concepts in “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”
    This paper analyzes Peter Singer’s article “Famine, Affluence, and Morality”, examines the principles, concepts presented by Singer in the context of practical ethics and charity.
  25. Relationships and Christian Morality
    Infidelity is a destructive force, especially when it is revealed to the other member of the couple. Love in a crisis relationship fades.
  26. Morality of Stealing and Funding Life-Saving Research
    Utilitarianism evaluates actions based on their positive and negative value to individuals and society, implying that the ends might justify the means.
  27. A Non-Skeptical View of Morality
    Morality is a philosophical view concerning the distinction between right and wrong behavior. This paper explores a non-skeptical view that supports moral ideas indefinitely.
  28. The Morality and Politics Correlation Analysis
    Political and moral opinions are complex; how a person comes to hold them depends on a bizarre concoction of their upbringing, society, and intrinsic propensities.
  29. The Morality of Selective Abortion and Genetic Screening
    The paper states that the morality of selective abortion and genetic screening is relative. This technology should be made available and legal.
  30. Patriotism in Relation to Morality and Politics
    When relating morality with politics, terms found helpful in this and considered, as per my evaluation, would be patriotism and political conspiracy.
  31. The Morality of Migration Reading by Benhabib
    In the modern world, the morality and legality of migration are becoming global problems affecting the level of employment.
  32. Morality and Rationality of Capital Punishment
    The discussion of the morality or rationality of capital punishment may be conducted from different perspectives.
  33. Principles of Morality and Happiness
    Numerous thinkers contemplated ever-lasting principles of morality and happiness: David Hume, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, Aristotle and Immanuel Kant.
  34. British Army Against the Northern Ireland: The Morality of Murder in Wartime
    The paper sets the task of investigating the question of the morality of murder in wartime. The confrontation of the British Army against the Northern Irish was taken as a basis.
  35. Critique of Ellin’s Position on Professional Morality
    Even though Ellin argues that deception is morally acceptable, Kant, Bayles, and Gorovitz more convincingly show that these tactics only hurt clients’ trust or limit their basic rights

👍 Good Morality Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Assisted Suicide and Its Morality Aspects
    Assisted suicide or euthanasia used to be allowed. This paper aims to debate the pros and cons of assisted suicide and its morality or immorality.
  2. Peter Singer’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality
    Peter Singer’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality is a philosophical stance on how modern society may and should reconsider its definition of moral obligation.
  3. Thought Experiment: The Morality of Human Actions
    A thought experiment aimed at assessing the morality of human actions motivated by divine punishment or reward raises the question of morality and religion correlation.
  4. Genealogy of Morality by Friedrich Nietzsche
    This paper will consider the well-known theory of Friedrich Nietzsche, which describes the morality of slaves and masters.
  5. Drones: Technologies and Morality
    Drones are crewless aircraft that operate with various degrees of autonomy. Sometimes the morality of the usage of these technologies is questionable.
  6. Peter Singer’s Perspective on Global Suffering
    The author considers famine, refugee crisis, and ways to combat these issues from a philosophical point of view.
  7. Kant’s Morality and Utilitarianism
    Morality is impossible without freedom, since if a person’s actions are determined by the will of God or the laws of nature, then one cannot speak of morality or morality.
  8. The Morality of the Abortion Case
    Abortion is perceived as a morally incorrect action. This paper investigates the morality of the case and which action is supposed to be right or wrong.
  9. Justice and Morality: “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave”
    This essay will discuss how justice and morality intersect in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.”
  10. Morality Obligation vs. Aspiration Comparison
    Moral duty is an obligation that an individual owes and should fulfill, although it is not legally required. A charitable endeavor is an example of a moral commitment.
  11. Morality Policy Making: The Relationship between Politics and Morality
    This paper discussed the nature of morality policy making as a popular tool amongst certain political factions, as well as its ethically flawed outcomes.
  12. Discussion of Morality in Auschwitz
    The paper review “Survival in Auschwitz” which author depicts the failure of morality to instil empathy and a moral compass in his life.
  13. An Overview of the Driving Forces of Morality
    This essay aims to analyze the driving forces that direct the vector of people’s worldview to recognize elements as moral and socially significant.
  14. “Law, Morality, and the Freedom of Expression”: Relationship Between Morality and the Law
    The paper discusses the types of relationship that exists between morality and the law based on the writing “Law, morality and the freedom of expression”.
  15. Fetus Abnormality and Morality of Abortion
    There are various theories that have been used to determine the fetus’s moral status. Each of them has a significant impact on the choices taken by people.
  16. The Controversy Around Morality of Abortion
    This essay argues that abortion is a necessary evil as while being ethically wrong, it does provide value and present advantages to society.
  17. Investigating the Relation Between Law and Morality
    There is an obvious inconsistency between law and morality, with these two concepts being to some extent corresponding.
  18. Morality and Happiness: Philosophical Concept
    Moral phylosophy considers the moral principles of people and their interaction with the environment. The purpose of this paper is to identify its main components.
  19. Same-Sex Marriages: a Question of Legality or Morality
    The existence of same-sex relationships and the eventual legalization of such marriages have been controversial in different societies around the world.
  20. Ethics, Morality, and Legality Relationship
    Ethics plays a crucial role within the healthcare field, as it regulates all the patient-doctor and staff interactions during the clinical care process.
  21. Secularist Counter-Arguments Against Religion Ability to Give Added Meaning to Morality
    Secularist counter-arguments deny the positive influence of religion on morality. They prove the fact that the influence of religion on morality is at least contradictory.
  22. The Ethics of Global Conflict: Violence vs. Morality
    Within a context of violence vs. morality, violence will always end up having an upper hand – the history of mankind is the best substantive of the validity of this thesis.
  23. The Morality of Euthanasia
    Euthanasia is any action directed on putting an end to the life of a human being, fulfilling his/her own desire, and executed by a disinterested person.
  24. Democratic Capitalism and Morality in America
    The problem of the level of the salary in the modern world remains core in economics in the condition of the free market.
  25. Virtual Environment and Morality
    Discussion of the age of information in relation to ethics; Indicators of conformity and non conformity; The impacts and some speculations.
  26. Issue of Morality in “First Impressions” (“Pride and Prejudice”)
    The title “Pride and Prejudice” suits Jane Austen’s novel much better than the original one – “First Impressions”, “First Impressions” would partly reveal the actual plot.
  27. Ethics and Morality as Philosophical Concepts: Definitions According to Aristotle, Dante, and Kant
    The work is aimed to tell about enlightenment according to Kant, Aristotle’s theory of ethics, moral philosophy and the arrangement of Dante’s hell and definition of justice.
  28. Socrates’ Critique: Morality, Democracy, and Political Order
    Socrates is the person to whom many people listen, and it is one of the main arguments against him is the encroachment on political morality.
  29. Morality and Ethics Concepts
    Normative morality refers to a code of conduct that given specific conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.
  30. Moral Theories: From Abelard to Nussbaum’s Social Justice
    It is morally wrong to do anything that is not consistent with the established moral standards of the society. Aristotle argued that moral ethics depends on people’s ultimate objective.
  31. Kant vs. Pascal: The True Purpose of Moral Law
    This paper compares the positions of Kant, Mill, and Aristotle on the nature of morality and its relationship with reason or intellect, and with feelings.
  32. Religion in the Public Sphere: Intersections of Morality and Law in Society
    The current research will deal with the approaches to the religious presence in the public sphere of Millburn J. Thompson, Janet Jakobsen, Ann Pellegrini, and John Courtney Murray.
  33. Law and Morality Relationship: Kant vs. Fuller
    This paper reviews the works of two philosophers, Immanuel Kant and Lon L. Fuller, to describe the relationship between law and morality.
  34. Circumcision: Medical Right vs. Human Right
    The question of circumcision discussed for many decades by numerous scholars. This work explores the issue of the legality and morality of circumcision from various viewpoints.
  35. Understanding Master Morality and the Slave Morality in Philosophy
    Idea of virtue ethics was based on the set of personal traits or virtues that shaped a good individual with proper morals. This understanding is different from the other opinions.
  36. Philosophers Views on Morality
    Morality is a state of the mind and has defects that compel a person to undertake certain activities. Moral defects lead people to do things, which may not be moral.

🎓 Most Interesting Morality Research Titles

  1. Different Theories That Have Influence People‘s View on Morality
  2. Children and Morality During the Holocaust
  3. Understanding Human Behavior, Morality, and the Notion of Mean
  4. Wartime Policy: Morality and Reality
  5. Art Morality Nature and Spirituality
  6. The Relationship Between Morality and Religiosity
  7. Strength, Morality, and Justice
  8. The Morality and Constitutionality of Slavery
  9. Achieving Morality Through Redefined Values
  10. Sexual Morality and the Catholic Church
  11. Concepts of Good and Evil Morality
  12. The Most Dangerous Game: A Hunt for Morality
  13. Finding Harmony Between Justice, Friendship, and Morality
  14. The Ethics and Morality of the Water Contamination
  15. Evolutionary Ethics and Biologically Supportable Morality
  16. Biblical Law: The Basis of Morality and Ethics
  17. Analyzing the Supreme Principle of Morality
  18. Protecting Our Ethics: The Choice Between Freedom and Morality
  19. Affirmative Action Policies and Morality
  20. The Morality and Legality Issue in the Abortion Debate
  21. Sociology: Morality and Psychological Egoism
  22. Ethics and Morality According to Aristotle in the Legal Defense of a Guilty Man
  23. Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person
  24. The Secret Agent: Human Nature vs. Morality
  25. Virtue, Ethics and Morality in Business

💡 Simple Morality Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Ethics and Morality According to Kant
  2. Homosexuality, Morality, and Human Rights
  3. The Freedom and Reason in Kant Morality
  4. Public Morality: What Are the Limits?
  5. Headhunters Between Duty and Morality
  6. U.S., Social Corruption, and Morality on the Decline
  7. Freuds and Nietzsches Views on Human Morality
  8. The Distinction Between Ethics and Morality
  9. Secular Morality and Religious Morality Inadvertently Influenced One Another
  10. Relation Between Religion and Morality and the Perception
  11. Can Morality Exist Outside Religion
  12. The Connection Between Law and Morality
  13. Time, Money and Morality: How It Helps in the Real World?
  14. Immanuel Kant and the Metaphysics of Morality
  15. Morality and Charles Darwin’s Theories
  16. The Relationship Between Religion and Morality
  17. Russian Entrepreneurship From the Point of View of Christian Morality
  18. The Standard for Societal Morality
  19. Understanding Morality and the Christian View of Morality
  20. The Morality and Social Ethics
  21. Saving Morality: The Implications of Hard Determinism
  22. The Political Morality During the Colonial Times
  23. Religious and Morality Issues of Death Penalty
  24. What Does Morality Mean for the Average Person?
  25. The Ethics and Morality of Stem Cell Research

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