Looking for interesting Native American research topics? Here, we will explore the vibrant cultures and contributions of Indigenous peoples in North America. Choose a Native American essay topic to delve into the profound impact of colonization on Native American societies, their resilience, artistic expressions, and challenges.
💥 TOP 7 Native American Research Topics
🏆 Best Native American Essay Topics
- The Navajo Indians: Native American StudiesThe Navajo Indians are Native Americans who live in states such as New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. In early history, the Navajo were hunters and gatherers.
- The Native American Pipe Ceremony Then and NowThe Native American Pipe Ceremony is the heart of the spiritual and cultural life of the native people of North America, particularly the Sioux or Lakota.
- Cherokee Music and CultureDifferent tribes had different kinds of music for different purposes, but they were all brought together by two characteristics; togetherness and drums.
- The U.S. Treatment of Native AmericansThe topic of the U.S. attitude toward Native Americans is essential to discuss. Three examples of harmful attitudes will be provided in this paper.
- European vs. Native American SocietiesWhen the Europeans started to arrive in the New World, they discovered a society of Native Americans, or Indians, which was fundamentally different from their own.
- Alaska Natives Diet: Traditional Food Habits and Adaptation of American FoodstuffsThe Alaska Natives have retained their culture up-to-date in spite of their interactions with the wider American society.
- Native American Tribes’ Customs and PoliticsThe west region, north region, and northwest coast region are all part of the Native American culture. These are among the regions that the indigenous people of the United States.
- Native American Music of the Cherokee Indian TribeSeveral scholars have studied and documented the rich music history and the place that music occupies in the life of the Cherokees.
- Europeans vs Native Americans: Why the Conflict Was Inevitable?As soon as Indians began refusing to do what colonizers asked of them, the latter started taking brutal measures.
- Relationships Between the European Settlers and the Native AmericansThis essay aims to examine the places of worship as a sphere of encounter for Europeans and the Indigenous people of America.
- Education for Native Americans: DifficultiesThis study focuses on the difficulties that Native American students experience in mastering educational programs related to information technology and computer science.
- Natchez Tribe: History, Kinship, and Governance StructureThe Natchez is a Native American ethnic group that initially lived in the Natchez Bluffs area in the Lower Mississippi Valley, which is the present-day town of Natchez.
- European Trade Goods for Native AmericansThe use of European trade goods changed Native Americans’ lives while providing them with more opportunities to succeed in supporting and protecting their families.
- The White Mountain Apache People: Culture, Traditions, and Historical SignificanceTo reveal a cultural landscape of White Mountain Apache people as well as their attitudes towards their lives, it is essential to pinpoint some core definitions used in the reading.
- Healthcare Challenges in Native American Communities and Cultural Competency NeedsCulturally competent healthcare is the right mind-set to have in order to deliver cost-efficient service to members of the Native American population.
- European-Native American RelationsThe exploration in Americas allowed the development of cultural contacts and cultural exchanges among representatives of different societies.
- The Native American Women’s Reflections in Johnson’s Poem “Quill Worker”The paper discusses the Native American women’s reflections as expressed in Johnson’s poem titled “Quill Worker.” It pays tribute to the women of the Sioux tribe.
- European Encounters With Native Americans: Colonial PerspectivesStep into the world of Columbus and Cortes as they navigate encounters with Native American societies, offering both admiration and condemnation.
- How Native Americans Were Impacted by European ExplorationThe coming of European explorers caused harm to Native American cultures and lifestyles. It resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans from their ancestral lands.
- Native American Identity and RaceDefining North American indigenous people as a race would be distinctively Eurocentric and scientifically unjustified.
- A Program of Mandatory Assimilation of Native AmericansThe US authorities considered the only way to guarantee its prosperity and security was to forcibly integrate all Native Americans and remove them from their land.
- The Negative Effects of Boarding Schools on Native AmericansNative people experience a spectrum of difficulties integrating into the modern American environment. It is because of pressure from the authorities.
- Psychoeducation Group for Native Americans with TraumaThe purpose of the psychoeducational group is to assist Native American individuals with trauma in the provision of high-quality therapy.
- The Rite of Sun Dance: Ancient Native American PracticeThe rite of the Sundance is an ancient Native American practice by the Lakota Sioux. It is a ceremonial dance done during summer at a Sun Dance gathering.
- Native American, European, and Black Women in North AmericaThe position of Native American, European, and Black women has changed a lot, giving them more opportunities, but also retaining certain limitations.
- Influence of Spaniards on Native AmericansAfter considering the Spanish actions, one can understand how they changed the lives of the Indians. Spanish ships were anchored at the port of Monterey’s Bay to control the shore.
- The Relationship Between Native Americans and White SettlersThe relationship between Native Americans and white settlers, as well as the perception of it, were more complex than often portrayed and should be explored.
⚖️ Native American Argumentative Essay Topics
Writing an argumentative essay is a wise decision when you should present your point of view on a specific issue. Here are some fresh topics for your argumentative essay on Native Americans:
- Indigenous communities have the right to secure their cultural legacy.
- Should there be stricter regulations on Native American casinos?
- Relocation programs for Indigenous families have lasting negative impacts.
- The history of Native Americans is not sufficiently covered in the educational system.
- Should Indigenous tribes have greater autonomy over their lands?
- Native students should be allowed to wear sacred eagle feathers at graduation.
- Stereotypes about Native Americans should be destroyed.
- Native American representation in media should be more accurate.
- Does the NAGPRA effectively protect Native Americans’ sacred objects?
- Archaeological study of Native American sites should be sponsored by the government.
📍 Native American Topics to Write About
- The Impact of European Colonization on Native American Communities.
- The Role of Native American Sovereignty in Contemporary Society.
- Cultural Appropriation and Its Effects on Native American Traditions.
- The Repatriation of Native American Artifacts: Ethical Considerations.
- Native American Mascots: Promoting Stereotypes or Cultural Appreciation?
- The Ongoing Struggle for Land Rights and Resource Management.
- The Importance of Preserving Native American Languages and Oral Traditions.
- Tribal Gaming and Economic Development: Balancing Progress and Tradition.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Challenges in Native American Communities.
- Environmental Activism: Native American Perspectives on Conservation.
- The Impact of Boarding Schools on Native American Identity and Culture.
- Indigenous Rights and the Fight Against Pipeline Construction.
- The Role of Native American Women in Traditional and Modern Societies.
- Treaty Rights and Their Significance in Upholding Sovereignty.
- Reproductive Health and Healthcare Disparities in Native American Communities.
- Addressing Food Insecurity and Nutrition Challenges in Indigenous Populations.
- The Effects of Historical Trauma on Native American Mental Health.
- Tribal Justice Systems: Strengthening Cultural Practices and Community Accountability.
- Native American Education: Bridging the Achievement Gap.
- Sacred Sites and Religious Freedom: Balancing Cultural Preservation and Development.
- The Role of Native American Veterans in U.S. Military History.
- Native American Activism: Strategies for Advocating Indigenous Rights.
- The Role of Native American Literature in Resisting Assimilation.
- The Impact of Climate Change on Native American Communities.
- The Erasure of Native American Women from Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) Discussions.
- Access to Healthcare and Health Disparities in Tribal Lands.
- Native American Identity and Racial Identity in the United States.
- The Impact of Federal Policies on Native American Reservations.
- The Role of Native American Languages in Educational Curriculum.
- Addressing Substance Abuse in Native American Youth: Prevention and Treatment Strategies.
👍 Native American Essay Examples
- The Representation of Native Americans in FilmsThe development of the representation of Native Americans in films has been uneven, with early movies featuring the population quite amply, while making obvious mistakes.
- Native American Renaissance in PoemsIn the 1950s, the culture of Native Americans experienced a phenomenon known as the Native American Renaissance.
- New Perspective on the Enslavement of Native AmericansThe work shows a new perspective on the complex topic of Indian enslavement in the United States, which was overlooked before.
- Native American’s Oregon RecipeNative American recipes are techniques used by early American tribes to prepare foods rich in nutrition. In this case, the main discussion will focus on the Oregon native recipe.
- Historical Trauma in Native Americans and African AmericansComparing and contrasting the historical trauma of Native Americans and African Americans provides an opportunity to see similarities in their life experiences.
- European-Native American Encounter After ColumbusAfter Columbus, due to the forced ways of life, the Natives had to change their thinking methods to make possible fruitful interactions with the Europeans.
- Native American Tribes Before and After European InfluenceThe paper examines why there were so many tribes, the development of the Native American cultures, the role of the environment, and the impact of Europeans.
- Native Americans: The Value of Environmental and Cultural HistoryThe history of Native Americans involves the environment in which they lived before being colonized. Native Americans have been silenced and deprived of their environment.
- Indian Boarding Schools and Native Americans GenocideThe primary aim of the schools was to provide ample educational opportunities for Indians. In fact, children were prone to bullying and cultural stigmatization.
- British Colonists Attitude Toward Native AmericansThe ways British colonists regarded Native Americans, and black apparently was not identical, which determined the unequal positions of those in the newly created society.
- Native Americans in Schools: Effects of RacismDespite the improvement in educational policies, racism against Native Americans is still a problem in the education sector.
- Vine Deloria on Native American ActivismWhen describing Indian Activism, Deloria emphasizes the concept of restoring sacred lands as one of the central ideas of the activist movement.
- Social Work With Native American PopulationThe Native American or Indigenous population has historically been challenged by severe oppression ever since the European population’s first arrival in the Americas.
- Who Discovered America: Native Americans, Vikings and ColumbusAt the end of the 15th century, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, with his expedition, reached North America’s shores, mistakenly believing that he had arrived in India.
- Native American’s Trail Trees MarkersA trail marker tree is a landmark used by Native Americans to tell directions they should follow when traveling.
- Native American Myths and American LiteratureThe most attractive works for attention in the canon of American literature were those that seemed to illuminate the entire diversity of American culture.
- Native North American Art and the Indigenous CulturesThis paper intends to compare the art pieces and cultural practices of the two regions of North America to identify existing similarities and differences.
- The Colonization of America as a Native American GenocideThis paper argues that the colonization of America can be classified as the genocide of Native Americans as it features the goal of destroying the group.
- Aspects of Native American CultureWith his writing, Franklin explores some aspects of the Native American culture, such as the transition of knowledge between Indians, and their attitude towards the White people.
- “Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit”: Old Tales in the Lives of Native AmericansThe current essay intends to examine how “Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit” reveals the role of old tales in the lives of Native American tribes in Yellow Woman.
- Cultural Competence Concerning Native AmericansNative American communities have religious beliefs, community and family factors, and secondary determinants that affect cultural competence.
- Religion and Europeans’ Attitude to Native AmericansThe paper examines how religion affected the attitude of the Europeans towards Native Americans in their initial contact and what factors contributed to this approach.
- Native Americans: Annotated BibliographyThe annotated bibliography of the articles related to the studies about modern Native Americans and their relations with non-Indians.
- Native Americans: Impact of European ColonizationDepriving Native Americans of their land, culture, and freedom, European colonialism virtually annihilated their community, agency, and, ultimately, their lives.
- Chief Joseph as a Famous Native AmericanChief Joseph was a leader in the 19th century, of a tribe called Nez Percé, he converted to Christianity after he failed in negotiations with the current Americans.
- Healthcare System for Native and African AmericansThis paper discusses historical events contributing to mistrust of the health care system and steps to reduce health disparities among Native Americans and African Americans.
🖊️ Native American Writing Prompts
Stuck on writing a paper on Native Americans? Keep calm! We have prepared some helpful prompts!
Impact of Westward Expansion on Native Americans
You can write an essay about the root causes of westward expansion and its socioeconomic consequences for Indigenous peoples. Besides, you can dwell on scarce positive aspects of the westward movement, including increased cultural preservation efforts and a stronger sense of pan-Indigenous identity.
Native American Tribes
More than 9 million Native Americans live in the United States. They represent hundreds of tribal peoples with different languages and traditions. If this topic fascinates you, consider writing about the history and origin of various Indigenous tribes. Describe the process of their migrations, their traditions, and beliefs.
Compare and Contrast Native American and European Cultures
One of the most striking differences between European and Native American worldviews was religion. So, you can research this key distinction in your essay. For instance, compare and contrast their beliefs in heaven and hell. Alternatively, you can focus on prominent religious figures of these two cultures to find out whether they have anything in common.
Essay About Native American Culture
In your essay on Native American culture, you can focus on exclusive Indigenous traditions and distinct housing styles, dress, and food. You can also dive into their deep connection with the environment and respect for natural resources. Besides, you can investigate their community values and laws.
Native American Art
Indigenous art is a widely studied and celebrated field in global society. An essay on this subject can explore the peculiarities of Native American art forms, including painting, sculpture, weaving, ceramics, jewelry, beadwork, and carving. Also, you can write about the strong connection between Indigenous art and family and tribal ancestry.
🎓 Native American Essay Topics for College
- Indian Land Rights Native American
- Native American Casinos and Their Influence on the Community
- Kennewick Man and the Native American Graves Protection
- Native American Boarding Schools of the Nineteenth Century
- Historical Challenges That Native American Women Have Faced
- Native American Healing and Medicinal Practices
- Integrating Holistic Modalities Into Native American Alcohol Treatment
- Ethically Handling and Reburying Human Remains of Indigenous Native American People
- Gender Roles and Sexuality in the Cultural Beliefs of the Native American Tribes
- Holocaust vs. Native American Genocide
- American Colonialism Still Influences Native American Identity
- Native American Community: Problems With Substance Abuse
- Jainism, Taoism, and the Native American Lakhota Beliefs
- European Misperceptions and Stereotypes: Racism in Native American Society
- Important Native American Historical Dates
- Cleansing and Forced Relocation of Native American Nations
- Manifest Destiny and the Genocide of the Native American Indian
- Ecological World View and Native American Uniformity
- Buddhist Native American Religions
- Native American Culture and Health Care
✍️ Native American Research Paper Examples
- The Lived Experiences of Native American Women Parenting on and off ReservationsThe study will examine the experiences of Native American women living on and off reservations from a qualitative viewpoint.
- The Problem of Native Americans’ ExistenceSusan Power raises the problem of Native Americans’ existence in a modern world and their communication with the dominant society
- The Role of the Natives in the American RevolutionThis essay will provide a short account of the natives in the American Revolution and explain their reasons for siding with either party.
- The Land Conflict Between White Settlers and Native AmericansThis paper aims to examine the background of land conflict between white settlers and native Americans, as well as offer alternative ways of its resolution.
- The Discovery of America: Effects on Native AmericansThe discovery of the New World stopped the independent development of native Americans and laid the foundation for their colonial dependence.
- Photography Impacts on Cultural Identity of Native Americans in AmericaThe photos of Native Americans often turn out to be disadvantageous to the appearance of the indigenous Americans, especially in this era of photography.
- Racial and Cultural Discrimination of Native AmericansNative Americans have to face racial and cultural discrimination and the fact that they had lived here long before this land was first discovered by Europeans.
- Native American Families in the United StatesThis paper gives an in-depth analysis of the Native American society alongside other minority groups in terms of the human capital, time of arrival and demographic characteristics.
- Native Americans in the United States: Literature ReviewThe paper reviews literature works about the native Americans: “What you Pawn I Will Redeem” by S. Alexie, “The Third and Final Continent” by J. Lahiri, “The Shawl” by L. Erdrich.
- Native American Women and ParentingThe purpose of this research study is to review the plight of Native American mothers as well as other marginalized women populations.
- Oban on Native American Indian Culture and ValuesThe bear has always been part of Native American Indian culture and mythology, throughout the story, the traditional beliefs of Indians about bears are clearly articulated.
- Native American Studies: “Fool’s Crow” by Welch“Fool’s Crow” by James Welch is a remarkable book in the sphere of Native American literature. It is a masterful evocation of the Native American lifestyle and skillful reporting.
- Native-American Studies: Quapaw IndiansThis essay will discuss the culture of Quapaw Indians, tracing the history of the Quapaw Indians, their location, economic activities, and lifestyle.
- Native American and African ReligionsAccording to Toropov and Buckles, within the Native American spirituality, all processes whether human or non human (spiritual), are linked.
- Freedom From Beliefs Native AmericansThis essay is valuable to the oppressed since through this, the writer gives them courage to face the struggle.
- Popular Culture: Native American CommunitiesBBC and Reuters, the Times, and the Look portray that low-class location prevents many Native Americans to obtain social respect and opportunities available for the white majority.
- Native Americans and Using of Peyote IssuePeyote or mescaline is a hallucinogen derived from a cactus. A group of Native Americans use this regularly as part of their religious ceremonies.
- Impact of Colonization on Native Americans: History & EffectsThe given work tells us about the native Americans, the history of their lives, problems, and restrictions they were facing.
- Native Americans and Navajo Heritage and Health BeliefsThis paper demonstrates a compare and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between Native American and Navajo heritage.
- Women and Natives in Colonial AmericaDuring the Colonial era of world history, Europeans explored other continents looking for new land, valuable resources, and trade opportunities.
- Native American Culture Before and After ColonizationThis paper discusses the culture of Native Americans and how this population managed to preserve and develop its cultural identity despite it being on the brink of extinction.
- Impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europe and the AmericasAfter the end of the fourteenth century, many European world powers began to explore and discover new regions.
- Native American History and Language: A Deep DiveThe aim of this research paper is to present the main characteristics of such cultural groups as Native Americans and Cherokee Heritage populations.
- Exploring Apache Heritage and Its Significance in Native American CultureThis paper contains presentation about Native Americans as cultural group and Apache Heritage as socio-cultural group using scientific literature, Internet resources, and other sources.
- Native Americans and Navajo HeritageThis paper contains presentation about Native Americans as cultural group and Navajo Heritage as socio-cultural group using scientific literature, Internet resources, and other sources.
- Heroism in Fairy Tales: ‘The Orphan Boy’ vs. ‘The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs’Folk literature is a concentration of wisdom and moral values. Fairy tales open the world where good confronts evil, and good always wins.
- Discrimination of Native Americans: Antecedents, Problems, SolutionsComplexities in the interaction of Native Americans and settlers from Europe in the 15th century and early 16th century led to the establishment of boundaries between the natives and settlers.
- Diverse Older Population in the U.S.: Nursing StrategiesThe purpose of this discussion is to describe demographic and cultural characteristics of Native Americans and present nursing strategies of providing culturally competent care.
- Mental Health Challenges Among Native Americans: Barriers and SolutionsThe aim of this paper is to understand what healthcare needs with regard to mental health Native Americans might have, to reduce the rate of incidents related to mental health issues.
- Dutch Settlers and Native Americans: Trade and Freedom in New NetherlandThis paper will discuss how the Dutch related with the Indians and the spread of Christianity in New Netherland. The paper will consider the position of the Dutch settlers regarding freedom.
❓ Native American Research Questions
- How Did the Environment Affect the Native American Indians?
- Should Native American Tribes Be Allowed to Use Peyote?
- How Did the Native American Removal Compare to the Holocaust?
- Do Native Americans Get Social Security?
- What Made Native American Peoples Vulnerable to Conquest by European Adventurers?
- How Did Manifest Destiny Affect Native American Culture?
- What Do Native American Arts Look Like?
- How Does Native American Mascot Controversy Affect U.S. Reputation?
- What Was Columbus’ Factor in Native American Depopulation?
- How Is Native American Philosophy Unique From Eurocentric?
- What Was Native American Society Like Before European Contact?
- How Were the Native American Indians Driven Out From Their Land?
- When Did the Native American Indians First Meet the European Settlers?
- What Does Sovereignty Do for Native Americans?
- How Sovereign Are Native American Nations Today?
- What Benefits Does the US Government Give to Native Americans?
- When Did Native Americans Lose Their Sovereignty?
- Can Native American Tribes Protect Their Land if They Are Not Recognized by the Federal Government?
- Which President Removed Native Americans From Their Lands?
- Do Native Americans Get Anything From the Government?
- Why Are Some Native American Tribes Not Federally Recognized?
- Do Native Americans Have Sovereign Immunity?
- How Did Native American Society Change After European Contact?
- Are Native Americans Protected by Law?
- Do Native Americans Pay More Taxes?