🏆 Best Essay Topics on Political Science
🌶️ Hot Political Science Essay Topics
- Political Science: Tax Cuts in America: Are They Good?Americans argue about the increases in taxes. Some believe that tax cuts to all income brackets help to stimulate economic growth.
- Political Science. Canada’s Dependency on the United StatesThis essay discusses the level of dependency of Canada on the United States and how this issue is affecting the two countries.
- African-American Political Science: 14th AmendmentThe significance of the 14th Amendment and its different interpretations is clearly seen in the trial Plessy v. Ferguson of 1896, which became a landmark event in American history.
- Political Science on Parties: Democracy, Polarization, and PowerPolitical science believes that political parties “created American democracy out of a small experiment in republicanism by drawing the masses into political life”.
- Taiwan’s Political Status: Examining Belonging to China in Contemporary ContextThe official name of Taiwan, which is an independent state, is the Republic of China. This paper shows how the Republic of China belongs to China, not only politically, but also geographically.
- The Case Against Public Gun Use: Safety and Mental HealthUsing guns in public should be illegal because it is a threat to public safety and can cause mental disturbances such as trauma to people who experience bloody gun incidences.
- The Impact of Montenegro’s Independence on Global Self-DeterminationThis author claims that the declaration of Montenegro an independent state in 2006 triggered other stateless territories to demand their sovereignty and separation.
- Key Differences Between Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism in Political ScienceAuthoritarian regimes are those that dictate and citizens have no say in national matters. The dictator says and everyone has to follow the dictate without question.
- Gun Control Should Be Tightened Across the United StatesThis paper underlines the reasons why gun control should be tightened across the United States, because allowing increased access to guns means increased damage to society.
đź‘Ť Good Political Science Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Five Limitations: Political Science Applied to the Non-West
- Nothing Succeeds Like Success: The Past and Future of European Political Science
- American Government and Political Science
- Political Science: Analyzing the Persian Gulf Crisis Between Iraq and Kuwait
- Estimating Dynamic Panel Data Models in Political Science
- Aristotle’s Definition of Political Science
- Europe and European Studies in Crisis: Inter-Disciplinary and Intra-Disciplinary Schisms in Legal and Political Science
- Modern and Classical Theories in Political Science
- History and Political Science: Why the United States Was Able to Defeat England
- Thomas Hobbes and the Philosophy of Political Science
- Between New Political Economy and Political Science: Convergence and Divergence of Disciplines
- Love: Scientific Method and Political Science
- Frankfurt School and Political Science on Totalitarianism
- Political Science in the United States: Past and Present
- Chinese History and Political Science
- Structural Power and Political Science in the Post-crisis Era
- Effective Strategies Against Terrorism in Modern Political Science
- Political Marketing: Lessons for Political Science
- Gendered Citation Patterns across Political Science and Social Science Methodology Fields
- Factors Influencing the Development of Political Science in Canada
- Political Science Tools for Assessing Feasibility and Sustainability of Reforms
- Coevolving Relationships Between Political Science and Economics
🎓 Most Interesting Political Science Research Titles
- Exploring the Fundamental Purpose of Political Science
- What Political Science Can Contribute to the Study of Law
- Political Theories of Political Science
- Spanning Exit and Voice: Albert Hirschman’s Contribution to Political Science
- Aristotle’s Political Science Writings
- Flexible Causal Inference for Political Science
- The Relationship Between Health Promotion and Political Science
- Political Science and Contemporary World Politics
- How Political Science Influences Society
- Public Choice and the Development of Modern Laboratory Experimental Methods in Economics and Political Science
- Literature and Political Science vs. Political Philosophy
- Political Science and Public Choice: 1950-1970
- Canada and Political Science Perspectives
- Political Science: Charges Against Political Parties
- New York State Public Officers Law Code of Ethics and the American Political Science Association
- Relation Between Sociology and Political Science
- Goals and Uses of Political Science
- Political Science and the Quest for Scientific Ideal
- Elite Theory and Democratic of Political Science
- Sociology and Political Science in the Patrimonial Society: Implications of Piketty’s “Capital”
- Paul Peterson and Clarence N. Stone on Political Science
- History and Political Science: Filibustering Males and Manifest Destiny
âť“ Political Science Research Questions
- Is Political Science a Behavioral Science?
- How Do Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science Complement Each Other?
- What Is the Origin of Political Science?
- What Is Society in Political Science?
- How Does Political Science Influence Policy Outcome?
- What Is Called the Branch of Political Science That Focused on the Interaction Among States?
- What Are the Goals of Political Science?
- Who Were the First Proponents of Political Science?
- What Is the Legal Approach in Political Science?
- Who Claimed That History Offers the Third Dimension of Political Science?
- Why Is Political Science Not an Exact Science?
- What Is Group Theory in Political Science?
- What Is the Relationship Between Political Science and Politics?
- How Does Political Science Influence Our Society?
- What Are the Subfields of Political Science?
- How Do Political Scientists Measure Political Ideology?
- What Are the Functions of Political Science?
- How Is Law Applied in Political Science?
- What Are the Sources of Power in Political Science?
- Who Began the Systematic Study of Political Science?
- Is Political Science Considered a Social Science?
- What Is the Relationship Between Political Science and Business Administration?
- What Is the Relationship of Political Science to Psychology?
- Where Did Political Science Originate?
- Why Do Geographers Study Political Science?
- What Is the Difference Between Civics and Political Science?
- Why Does Political Science Use Both Applied and Interdisciplinary Orientations?
- What Is the Definition of a State in Political Science?
- What Scope Does Political Science Have in the Future?
- Why Do We Study Political Science and International Relations?