108 Prejudice Essay Topics & Examples

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on Prejudice

šŸ‘ Good Prejudice Essay Topics to Write about

  1. Racial Prejudice Against Africans
    Throughout Western civilization’s acquaintance with the African people, there have been unfounded beliefs about the intellectual superiority of Whites over Blacks.
  2. Prejudice and Discrimination Against Muslim Americans
    American perceptions of Muslims in society are influenced by the discourse that pits Islam and Western ideals against one another.
  3. The Discrimination, Prejudice, and Racism Concepts
    This paper discusses the concepts of discrimination, prejudice, and racism, their relationship with each other, and how they affect society.
  4. The Social Neuroscience of Prejudice
    The situation where a new child gets left out of the group activities by other children represents the consequences of prejudices and stereotyping within the group setting.
  5. Transgender People: Prejudice and Discrimination
    Transgender remains a stereotyped sexual identity, and these individuals face prejudice from critics, religious leaders, and the vast majority of society.
  6. Discussion of Prejudice: A Learned Behavior
    Prejudice is a social phenomenon, a range of attitudes and opinions not based on experience or logical reasoning and can result in an unwarranted negative judgment.
  7. Prejudice as a Learned Behavior
    This essay hypothesizes that prejudice is a learned behavior due to the impact of home life, peer groups, and school curriculum on individuals.
  8. Cultural Appropriation and Prejudice Against Its Representatives
    Cultural appropriation is often present because it lets people express love for the culture and prejudice against its representatives.
  9. Prejudices in People From Authoritarian Families
    Despite the possible peer influence that may alter the worldview, the foundational perception formed during early childhood often has a more substantial impact.
  10. Racism and Prejudice: Peopleā€™s Experiences
    The existence of prejudice and racism in present-day society shapes people’s experiences in a negative way and reduces their life chances of well-being.
  11. Prejudice Reduction Strategy ā€œThe Fast Friendsā€
    Chose prejudice reduction strategy was “the fast friends,” which implies strangers asking one another questions that allow them to develop closeness.
  12. Overcoming Personal Biases, Prejudice, and Stereotyping in Healthcare
    Patients should be treated with the utmost respect and equality irrespective of their race, gender, class, age, or any other characteristic.
  13. Influence of Beliefs, Prejudices or Biases on Profession
    Although the biases, prejudices, and beliefs influence most of the responses and actions, the callersā€™ misjudgment is most influential.
  14. Orientalism, Prejudice, and Discrimination
    The people living in the Middle East in countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc are known as Arabs. The word is somewhat ethnic.
  15. Prejudice Against Welfare Mothers
    The statement in question is about the discrimination towards women who receive welfare as their primary means of sustenance or supplement to their individual or family income.
  16. Prejudice-Based Decision-Making in Fruitvale Station
    The movie “Fruitvale Station” is an example of how racial prejudice and social discrimination could take human lives, and true criminals avoid punishment under the guise of law.
  17. Formation of Prejudices Among Schoolchildren
    Teachers need to pay attention to arising prejudice since the formation of children’s views on the world around them lies precisely in the field of responsibility of the teacher.
  18. Defining Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
    Stereotypes and prejudices are common in every society, but it is a sense of superiority that pushes people toward discriminating against others.
  19. How Prejudices Develop in Children
    This paper reviews an article on the issue of prejudicesā€™ appearance in children and considers some factors that influence the development of intimate relationships between people.
  20. Social Prejudice Kills LGBTQ Community Representatives
    Society must change its attitude and liquidate prejudice among the LGBTQ community members, as the consequences of these attitudes are disastrous.
  21. Representations of Chavs: Stereotypes and Prejudices
    Further, even where working-class students are well-educated, further barriers exist for entry into many professional careers.
  22. Hip-Hop and Commercial Culture Relationship
    The relation between hip-hop and commercial culture may be viewed from the point of view of the aims they pursue and the differences and the social status of the cultural workers involved.
  23. Racial Prejudices: Reflection on Readings
    Three works have been read about the theme of advantages of the White and disadvantages of the Black. This idea is central in articles by McIntosh, Tatum, and Dalton.
  24. Substance Abuse, Lack of Treatment, Prejudice and Incarceration – A Community Health Problem
    Substance abuse and poor mental health form some of the biggest concerns of society. People of all ages especially the young are influenced by substance abuse.
  25. The Psychology of Prejudice
    The present paper discusses the cognitive patterns, associated with politicians, tattooed person, feminists and senior citizens.
  26. Disliking Others: Racial Discriminations as an Outcome of Racial Prejudices
    Prejudice is the thought and discrimination in the outcome, prejudice is a hostile attitude towards a particular group, discrimination is the expression of thought or attitude.
  27. Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices
    To meet the needs of the elderly and provide them with decent care, one should focus on the typical health concerns that the specified demographic has.
  28. Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination
    This work explores why stereotypes are difficult to change, describes Devineā€™s two-step model of cognitive processing, and defines prejudice and its difference from discrimination.
  29. Social Psychology: Prejudice and Stereotypes
    This work defines prejudice, explains how do stereotypes and discrimination contribute to prejudice, and describes ways to reduce prejudice.
  30. Motivation Levels Among the Staff Members
    Promoting the concept of multiculturalism and creating an environment with prejudice-free decision-making is one of the primary goals of a modern organization.
  31. Scapegoating Theory: Socio-Economic and Political Problems in WWII
    A critical analysis of events during WWII demonstrates that anti-Semitism was an excuse that was used by some of the European powers to eliminate people they considered outsiders.
  32. Prejudice and Disease Protection: A Psychological Investigation
    This paper justifies Huang et al.ā€™s argument that ‘prejudice evolved to protect us from disease and be reduced with public health measures’.
  33. Stereotypes and Prejudices in Human Resource Industry
    Group influence is important in determining how individuals behave in a society or at workplace. In a group, individuals regard each other as one and share collective influence.
  34. African American Racial Discrimination: Historical and Modern Perspectives
    From the 16th century, African American people were facing racial discrimination. As they had a different color of skin, they were treated unfavorably and even violently.
  35. Prejudice in Organizations: Understanding Rights and Procedures
    Prejudice is on an incline in the current organizations and society because people fail to understand their rights and lack a definite procedure to channel their problems.
  36. Prejudice and Discrimination: Understanding Their Impact
    This paper focuses on the price of prejudice and discrimination. The paper explores the costs that are often suffered by individual or institutional discriminators.

šŸŽ“ Most Interesting Prejudice Research Titles

  1. Social Conformity and Prejudice Toward Immigrants
  2. Stereotypes Prejudice and Sexism in School
  3. Health Care Delivery and Gender Prejudice Against Women
  4. U.S. Policing, Racial Prejudice and ā€˜The War on Drugsā€™
  5. Ethnicity, Modern Prejudice and the Quality of Life
  6. Hidden Racism: The Prejudice of Choice for the New Millennium
  7. Prejudice and Gender Discrimination Against Women and Minorities
  8. Discrimination and Prejudice Against the Elderly
  9. The Hardships and Prejudice Faced by the Gypsy People
  10. Sexism, Prejudice, and Discrimination Against Women
  11. Race, Ethnicity, Prejudice: White Australia Policy
  12. Can Multiculturalism Reduce Prejudice
  13. The Biblical Antiquity and Prejudice Towards Women
  14. Hiring Practices and Gender Prejudice
  15. Discrimination, Prejudice, and Stereotyping From a Sociological Perspective
  16. Gender Prejudice and Labor Law
  17. Examining Prejudice and Discrimination in Singapore
  18. The Links Between Different Forms of Prejudice and Their Effects on Society
  19. Difference Between Racism Stereotype and Prejudice
  20. The Stigmatization and Prejudice Around Islam

šŸ’” Simple Prejudice Essay Ideas

  1. Prejudice and Gender Differentials in the U.S. Labor Market in the Last Twenty Years
  2. Sexism, Prejudice, and Discrimination Based on Sex
  3. Prejudice and Discrimination Against Australian Aboriginal
  4. Feminism and the Prejudice Men
  5. Historical and Contemporary Prejudice Against Native Americans
  6. Prejudice Against Muslims and Islamic Fundamentalism
  7. African Americans: Prejudice Today
  8. Prejudice and Unfair Treatment on Inter-Racial Relationship
  9. Adolf Hitler and the Barbaric Acts of Prejudice
  10. Defining Prejudice and Racism
  11. Activities and Strategies for Reducing Racism and Racial Prejudice
  12. Democracy and the Discrimination and Prejudice in America
  13. Prejudice and Discrimination Among People Across the World
  14. Arab World and Prejudice
  15. Men Will Rise From the Dark Depth of Prejudice to the Majestic Heights
  16. Traditional Values Encourage Prejudice and Discrimination
  17. The Prejudice and Discrimination Against the Gypsies in Hungary
  18. Workplace Prejudice and Transsexuals
  19. Religious Prejudice and Bias: Shapers of Major World Events
  20. Europe and Prejudice Regarding Age and Race

ā­ Stellar Prejudice Essay Examples: How to Find

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In the age of AI, it takes work to come across a high-quality, original essay. Are you looking for an inspiring sample paper? No worries, we got you.

Here are some aspects you need to consider while looking through essay examples:

  • Focus. A stellar essay must be consistent and follow the central theme from beginning to end. There shouldn’t be any unrelated ideas added. The secret is a clearly defined essay topic.
  • Logical development. A good sample paper follows the correct essay structure, with each paragraph supporting the main idea. There should also be enough examples and evidence used.
  • Coherence. The essay should be easy to read and understand. It means the sentences make sense and are put together to create a good flow. The writing needs to have a clear structure with an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Sources. Any academic piece of writing needs to be backed up by reliable sources. Remember to check the references list to ensure they are accurate and complete.

You can find plenty of model essays among the free samples on StudyCorgi. Check them out!

ā“ Research Questions About Prejudice

  1. Can Social Contact Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination?
  2. What Is the Difference Between Racism, Stereotype, and Prejudice?
  3. Does Interaction Between Racial and Ethnic Groups Reduce Prejudice?
  4. Does Prejudice and Discrimination Towards Ethnic Groups Exist in Colleges?
  5. What Is an Integrated Threat Theory of Prejudice?
  6. What Are Some Regional Differences in Anti-negro Prejudice?
  7. What Is the Role of Personality and Group Factors in Explaining Prejudice?
  8. What Is the Psychology of Sexual Prejudice?
  9. What Are Internal and External Motivation to Respond Without Prejudice?
  10. What Is the Influence of Prototypes on Perceptions of Prejudice?
  11. What New Approaches to Understanding Racial Prejudice Are There?
  12. How Is the Development of Prejudice in Childhood and Adolescence Going?
  13. On What Do Personal Religious Orientation and Prejudice Depend?
  14. What Are the Consequences of Prejudice Against the Null Hypothesis?
  15. How Did Prejudice and Discrimination Affect the Development of Human?
  16. How Ethnic, Racial, and Cultural Prejudice Affect Western Society?
  17. How Harper Lee Presents the Theme of Prejudice in “To Kill a Mockingbird”?
  18. How Prejudice and Stereotyping Affects the World?
  19. How You Can Eliminate Prejudice in Our World Today Starting With Yourself?
  20. Which Stereotype and Prejudice Is Presented in the Play the “Merchant of Venice”?
  21. What Is the Malleability of Automatic Stereotypes and Prejudice?
  22. What Is the Development of Children’s Prejudice Against the Aged?
  23. Does Contact Reduce Prejudice or Does Prejudice Reduce Contact?
  24. What Are Gender Differences in Implicit Prejudice?
  25. What Is Prejudice Towards Ethnicity in Human Behavior?

šŸ”„ Tips for Choosing the Best Prejudice Topics

If you need help picking the best essay topic, follow these tips:

  • Stick to the given guidelines. If you received any requirements for the assignment, donā€™t hesitate to consult them. They will likely include information regarding the theme and format of the essay topic.
  • Select the area of your interest. You stay engaged and dedicated to work longer when you’re interested in the topic. It will help you produce a great essay.
  • Narrow it down. The essay topic you choose shouldnā€™t be too broad or too narrow. Itā€™ll allow you to have enough research material to work with.

Some excellent prejudice essay topics can be found in the following research areas:

  1. Prejudice reduction.
    This area studies the ways to decrease negative attitudes and battle stereotypical beliefs.
  2. Aversive racism.
    Aversive racism refers to prejudice that someone shows while denying that they are racist. You can discuss the indirect ways aversive racism shows up.
  3. Jigsaw classroom.
    This research area analyzes how the jigsaw classroom project fights prejudice among students by teaching them to cooperate and work together.
  4. Stereotype threat in classroom.
    If you choose this research area, you can share your thoughts on how the pressure of stereotypes undermines the performance of students in the classroom.

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StudyCorgi. (2022) '108 Prejudice Essay Topics & Examples'. 16 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "108 Prejudice Essay Topics & Examples." January 16, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/prejudice-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. "108 Prejudice Essay Topics & Examples." January 16, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/prejudice-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "108 Prejudice Essay Topics & Examples." January 16, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/prejudice-essay-topics/.

These essay examples and topics on Prejudice were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar, punctuation, style, and fact accuracy. Please ensure you properly reference the materials if youā€™re using them to write your assignment.

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