109 Prostitution Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Prostitution

🔎 Essay Ideas on Prostitution

  1. Drug and Prostitution Issues in the Local Community
    The present scenario concerns a patrol officer assigned to a truck stop near a major highway encountering crime and disorder problems.
  2. Prostitution: The Non-Deviant Social Phenomenon
    The key reason why prostitution should be reclassified as non-deviant is to provide people involved in the job with protection, equality and reduce social injustice.
  3. Prostitution: The Non-Deviant Behavior
    Prostitution should be considered a non-deviant behavior due to the many reasons connected with cultural and moral aspects.
  4. Sex Trafficking and Prostitution in Tennessee
    Similar to any part of the world, sex trafficking in Tennessee is not unusual. Being illegal, it may be provided in places, such as massage and therapy parlors and nail salons.
  5. The Damage in Permitting Prostitution
    There are many risks for women who practice prostitution which include STD and AIDS, unplanned pregnancy, physical violence, rape, and mental trauma, among others.
  6. Addressing Juvenile Crime: Understanding Sexual Offenses, Prostitution, and Domestic Violence
    It is vital to address juvenile crime by understanding sexual offenses, prostitution, and domestic violence, emphasizing education and intervention needs.
  7. Teenage Prostitution in Canada: Legal and Social Insights
    Teenage prostitution in Canada presents significant legal and social challenges. This article delves into its causes, impacts, and potential solutions for addressing the issue.
  8. The Chicken Ranch, a Prostitution Facility
    The Chicken Ranch was a well-known prostitution facility in a small Texas hamlet, managed by a woman named Miss Jessie.
  9. Human Trafficking and Prostitution: Religious Perspective
    The implementation of an ideal religion is possible in the context of human trafficking and forced prostitution.
  10. Human Trafficking and Forced Prostitution
    Human trafficking and its connection with prostitution remain a controversial topic, as do their perception and possible remedies.
  11. Prostitution vs. Human Trafficking
    Many people believe that making prostitution a legal activity will help raise the status of prostitutes and promote their protection.
  12. Deviant Behavior and Prostitution
    This provides an annotated bibliography of the six articles which aim to discuss the topics of deviant behavior and prostitution.
  13. Prostitution as a Social Behavior
    In terms of social disorganization theory, many women have no possibilities to escape prostitution because of low-class location and lack of education.
  14. Prostitution in the United States
    The paper discusses the causes of prostitution in the United States. Prostitution is a situation whereby a woman decides to practice sex with the aim of being paid in return.
  15. Legalization of Marijuana and Prostitution
    Every state should develop ways of controlling the influence of selling marijuana and prostitution before establishing a conclusion on legalizing it.
  16. Is Prostitution a Victimless Crime or Not?
    Because victimless crimes involve two contentious issues of morality and liberty, the legalization of this category of crime is always disputed on many grounds.
  17. Radical Feminism Explains Prostitution
    Radical feminists reject the idea of mental differences but see prostitution as social and economic oppression only.
  18. Prostitution Legalization in Canada
    Although legalization reduces the attractiveness of prostitution, in reality it motivates men to overindulge in the procurement of sex in a socially acceptable setting.
  19. Various Dimensions of Child Prostitution in Thailand
    An in-depth analysis of various dimensions of child prostitution in ‘ Baan Nua’ a slum community of Thailand. Some of the areas explored include economical and social problems
  20. Senate Bill 5: Change Penalties for Promoting Prostitution
    This paper aims at analyzing the Senate Bill 5 that will be enacted in Ohio and discuss its objectives, implications, and main concepts.
  21. The Implications of Decriminalizing Prostitution in Canada: A Societal Overview
    The paper discusses the negative effects of prostitution and provides an insight into the advantages of decriminalizing prostitution in Canada.
  22. Legitimization of Prostitution
    There are many reasons why people enter prostitution and some of them are age, early home leaving, childhood sexual abuse, drug abuse and poverty.

👍 Good Prostitution Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. The Nature and Characteristics of Prostitution in Ancient Rome and Pompeii
  2. Badges and Brothels: Police Officers’ Attitudes Toward Prostitution
  3. Causes, Effects, and History of Prostitution
  4. Female Prostitution and Women’s Rights in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century
  5. Economic Challenges and Drug Abuse as the Main Causes for Women’s Remaining in Prostitution
  6. Law Enforcement and the Perception of Prostitution in the United States
  7. Human Trafficking vs. Prostitution: Is There a Difference?
  8. Gender Perceptions and Prostitution During the Victorian Age
  9. Prostitution and Its Long History as a Profession
  10. Decriminalizing Indoor Prostitution: Implications for Sexual Violence and Public Health
  11. Analysis and Cross-Cultural History of Prostitution
  12. Sex and Prostitution Among Troops During the American Civil War
  13. Legal Prostitution: Turkey and Thailand
  14. Christianity and Prostitution in the Middle Ages
  15. Pain and Prostitution: The Evolution of Female Chastity in Ancient and Late Imperial China
  16. Explaining Teen Prostitution Using Sociological Theories of Deviance
  17. Prostitution and the Social Welfare Program for Children Affected by the Illegal Profession
  18. Legalizing Prostitution and the Decriminalizing Illicit Drugs to Benefit All Canadians
  19. It’s Time for Society to Accept Prostitution
  20. The Ashley Alexandra Dupre Story: A Look at Female Prostitution in the Twenty-First Century
  21. Prostitution: The Oldest Profession Known to Humanity
  22. Early Sexual Experience and Prostitution
  23. Local Community Attitudes Towards the Impact of Tourism on Prostitution
  24. Factors Determining Entry Into the Prostitution Lifestyle
  25. Child Pornography and Prostitution: A Question of Economics

🎓 Most Interesting Prostitution Research Titles

  1. Prostitution: How Do the Current Law and Society Treat Women Who Are Prostitutes?
  2. Analyzing Social Behavior: Prostitution
  3. Regaining Independence and Power Through Prostitution
  4. Social Classes, Prostitution, and Jack the Ripper in 19th-Century England
  5. Sociological Theories and the Deviance of Prostitution
  6. Historical and Cross-Cultural Controversy About the Issue of Prostitution
  7. The Benefits of the Legalization of Prostitution
  8. Expanding Global Awareness to Regulate Prostitution
  9. Moving Prostitution Through the United States
  10. Illegal Drug Use, Illegal Prostitution, and Money Laundering
  11. Prostitution: Sexual Intercourse and Strong Religion Conviction
  12. Legalizing Prostitution and Other Sexually Oriented Business
  13. Causes and Issues Faced by Prostitution
  14. Prostitution and Ethical Values Related to It
  15. Decriminalizing Prostitution and Legalizing Brothels in the United States
  16. Factors for the Increase of Prostitution
  17. Child Prostitution and Pornography in Southeast Asia
  18. Organized Crime: Profits From Pornography and Prostitution
  19. Legal Prostitution and Its Effect on Society
  20. Patriarchy and Prostitution: Sex Trafficking in South Korea
  21. Human Sexuality and Abstract Prostitution
  22. Military Prostitution During Japan’s Imperial Rule
  23. Prostitution and Its Effect on Public Health
  24. Introspect Into the Lives of Aboriginal Women: Prostitution in Western Canada
  25. Feminist Theory and Women’s Prostitution

❓ Research Question About Prostitution

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Why Is Prostitution Illegal and Pornographic Films Are Not?
  2. What Was the Protestants’ Approach to Prostitution?
  3. What Are the Arguments in Favor of Legalizing Prostitution?
  4. Is Prostitution a Threat to Marriage?
  5. Does the Country’s GDP Change After the Legalization of Prostitution?
  6. Do Alcohol and Drugs Affect the Spread of Prostitution?
  7. What Is the Status of Prostitution in Us?
  8. What Is Society’s Attitude to Prostitution?
  9. Is Prostitution Really the Oldest Profession in the World?
  10. Should There Be Different Laws Concerning Male Prostitution and Female Prostitution?
  11. What Do You Think About Making Prostitution a Criminal Offence?
  12. What Are the Dangers to Society of Prostitution?
  13. Can Prostitution Be Considered a Profession?
  14. What Are the Dangers to Prostitutes of Not Legalizing Prostitution?
  15. How Can Governments Stop Prostitution?
  16. What Should the World Do to Stamp Out Child Prostitution?
  17. Is Prostitution a Matter of Personal Choice?
  18. Are There Any Benefits to Society of Prostitution?
  19. Why Do So Many Politicians and Movie Stars Get Involved in Prostitution Scandals?
  20. What Are the Different Types of Prostitution?
  21. Is Prostitution a Victimless Crime?
  22. Would Legal Prostitution Better Protect Prostitutes From Violence?
  23. What Is the Difference Between the Decriminalization and Legalization of Prostitution?
  24. Is Legal Prostitution a Legitimate Business?
  25. Should the Government Collect Taxes From Prostitution?
  26. Is Prostitution Psychologically Harmful to Prostitutes?
  27. Would Legal Prostitution Decrease Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
  28. Does Legal Prostitution Lead to Human Trafficking and Slavery?
  29. Is Prostitution Immoral or Demeaning?
  30. Is Legal Prostitution an Aspect of Sexual Liberation?

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