116 Realism Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Realism

đź‘Ť Good Realism Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Realist Theory View on World War II
    From a realist theory perspective, the outcomes of World War II were successful since, over the course of it, the two competing powers, competed for national interests.
  2. Realism in Today’s International Relations
    In today’s international relations, the views that have been adopted are those of realism which continue to dominate the politics in the international arena.
  3. External World Philosophy: Realism, Idealism and Phenomenalism
    Due to its emphasis on the principle of the existence of real objects perceived through the human five senses, realism presents a more plausible theory than both idealism and phenomenalism.
  4. Life in the Iron Mills by Davis: Realism and Sentimentalism
    In Life in the Iron Mills by Davis, the possible function of mixing two modes of fiction is to highlight the moral importance of the story for readers.
  5. Local Color Realism: Twain vs. Jewett
    Local color realism is a writing style derived from presenting the characteristics and features inherent to a specific place and its inhabitants.
  6. What Is Realism and What Is Wrong With It?
    Realism is a theory of international relations that claims that states and nations are greatly motivated towards a goal and action more for attaining military and economic power.
  7. The Elements That Achieve Realism in Moore’s Poem
    Although Marianne Moore does not use explicit language to describe the poem’s theme, it enhances the more in-depth understanding of the work and its relation to reality.
  8. Italian Neo-Realism: An Exclusive Film Genre
    The given paper provides information about Italian neo-realism movies and discusses what made it an exclusive film genre.
  9. Realist and Impressionist Paintings in 1850-88
    Five pieces of art have been used to illustrate period between 1850 and 1888 while placing each work firmly within its social and historical context.
  10. The Common Sense Realism Concept: Thomas Reid Views
    Reid, a Scottish philosopher, held that common sense (sensus communis) should be the foundation of all modes of philosophical inquiry.
  11. Compare and Contrast Essay: Magical Realism
    A striking example of the works of this genre is the works of Nikolai Gogol, The Nose and Mikhail Bulgakov Master and Margarita.
  12. Idealism and Realism in Classical Athenian Society
    This research paper has provided various conceptualizations of the idealism and realism of classical Athenian society.
  13. Realism as the Dominant Approach in the World Politics
    This essay describes Realism as the dominant approach to world politics in the post-war period in the 20th century.
  14. Realism Philosophy in Teaching Literacy
    The paper considers the realism context of teaching literacy and explains why North American teachers should follow this philosophy and how it differs in other regions.
  15. Judges Decisions: Realism and the Law
    The case of Mr. Kass is an example of a court proceeding where the judges had to consider several facts in reliance on the principles of the law.
  16. Currency War by Rickards: A Realism Perspective
    Currency Wars, published in 2011 in the aftermath of the Great Financial Meltdown, contends that the competitive weakening of currencies is a serious national security issue.
  17. Realism on Whether Weapons Are to Blame for War
    A weapon is not dangerous and does not cause wars. For legitimate owners of firearms who comply with the rules of their operation, its dangerous properties are useful.
  18. International Law Critique From Realist Perspective
    This paper discusses the popular theoretical perspective of realism in the context of international law and analyzes the weaknesses of political realism.
  19. Romantic and Realism Literary Periods in Britain
    This essay discusses the aspects of the romantic and naturalism/realism literary works, giving examples of some of the period’s literary works.
  20. Realism as a Convincing Theory of International Relations
    Political realism is a convincing theory of international relations. Principles of realism work in many countries, supporting their courses of action.
  21. Idealism versus Realism in International Politics
    The idealists believe in selfless human character, the likelihood of improving culture. Realists deem that ethics and virtues are a barrier to the quest for state power.
  22. Realism and Naturalism in Spanish and French Literature
    It might be stated that both realism and naturalism played a substantial role in the history of Spanish literature.
  23. Realism and Liberalism in Syria
    Realism is a school of political thought that sees states as independent actors in an anarchic world system. The situation in Syria serves as a demonstration of the of realism.
  24. Marxist Theory, Realism and Liberalism
    This paper examines Marxist theory in fiction using the example of “Heart of Darkness”, and also discusses realism and liberalism in the case of Georgia.
  25. Physical Realism and the Mind
    There are many things Simone de Beauvoir wanted for future generations. However, as long as a concept of patriarchy exists, women will not be completely free as de Beauvoir wanted.
  26. Postmodern Ideas and Realism in Works of Fiction
    Postmodernism is a broad academic term that came into the limelight in the mid- 1980s. It refers to certain aspects of works done after the Second World War.
  27. Realism From a 21st Century Perspective
    Sharp perception, increased sensitivity, dignified calm, and devotion to loved ones are the feelings that characterize this Civil War man before his death.
  28. Traditions of Magical Realism in Juan Rulfo’s Short Novel Pedro Paramo
    Juan Rulfo’s short novel Pedro Paramo is one of the most eminent Latin American works in literature, along with novels by Marquez and Borges.
  29. Left Realism Theory Analysis
    Left realist theory originated from critical criminology in reaction against the perception that, left failed to have a practical concern in day-to-day crime.
  30. Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism: Guided Art Tour
    It is quite remarkable that the essential aspects of artistic continuity can be located even in the art pieces that belong to different areas of art.
  31. International Realism, Pluralism and Structuralism
    Realism, pluralism and structuralism are all the conceptual frameworks used in the international political economy and social research in political science.
  32. Realism vs. Liberalism: Analyzing Sino-American War Perspectives
    Realism is the most used theory explaining international relations. It provides the most influential insight into the state of war between countries worldwide.
  33. Thomas Reid’s Ideas on Common Sense Realism
    This paper discusses Reid’s arguments about sense realism and analyses Dooyeweerd’s criticism of his arguments.
  34. Social Roles of Women within the Critical Realism Framework: A Closer Look
    In the “Work-family conflict” research, Faiz employs the qualitative research methodology to address issues associated with females’ experiences and beliefs.
  35. Neo-Realist Literature: African Diaspora’s Struggles and Empowerment
    Neo-realist literature represents some significant changes in the consciousness of African diaspora. This paper shows how this literature helped African people embrace their past.

🎓 Most Interesting Realism Research Titles

  1. Differences Between Nave Realism and Representative Realism
  2. Idealism, Realism and U.S. Foreign Policy
  3. What Are the Alternatives to Scientific Realism Philosophy?
  4. Difference Between Realism and Social Constructivism
  5. Structural Realism After the Cold War
  6. The Differences Between Realism, Modernism and Postmodernism
  7. Socialist Realism and Neoconstructivist Objectives
  8. The Shift From Realism to Impressionism
  9. Some Problems With the Conception of the Human Subject in Critical Realism
  10. Critical Realism and Russian Economics
  11. The Syrian Conflict Through the Theories of Constructivism and Realism
  12. Magical Realism Definitions, Etymology & Usage Examples of Literary Term
  13. Contemporary Poetry, Symbolism, Naturalism, Realism, and Romanticism
  14. The Philosophical Debate Between Realism and Nominalism: How They Relate to Species, Genes, and Niches
  15. Whether the Realism School Still Works Today With the Iraq War
  16. Comparing and Contrasting Scientific Realism and Phenomenology
  17. How Realism Caused the Global Financial Crisis?
  18. Difference Between Idealism and Realism in International Relations
  19. Uncertainty and Procedural Rationality: A World of Realism
  20. Scientific Philosophies, Realism, and Antirealism
  21. Realism and Its Effects on the World
  22. Magical Realism: Latin American Literature
  23. Feminism and Magical Realism Across Cultures
  24. The Transition Between Romantic Era to Realism Movement
  25. Magical Realism and Man’s Search for Meaning

đź’ˇ Simple Realism Essay Ideas

  1. The Romanticism and Realism in Art and Literature
  2. Why Realism Fails Counterinsurgency?
  3. Realism Versus Epic Theatre
  4. The Emergence and Spread of Socialist Realism in the Former USSR
  5. Comparing Realism and Impressionism
  6. Realism Versus Idealism: The Fight for Supremacy
  7. The Driving Forces Behind Neoclassicism, Romanticism and Realism
  8. Realism and the International State System
  9. Comparison Between Orthodox and Critical Realism
  10. Evolutionary Debunking, Moral Realism, and Moral Knowledge
  11. War and Realism and Constructivism
  12. Realism, Naturalism, and Symbolism During the Nineteenth Century
  13. Magical and Metaphysical Elements of Magical Realism
  14. Exploring Realism and Romanticism in the History of the American Society
  15. International Institutions and Realism
  16. The Theory, History, and Development of Magical Realism
  17. Understanding Realism and Absolutism in the Case of Greeks
  18. Educational Philosophies: Idealism, Realism, Pragmatism, and Existential
  19. International Relations’ Preferred Model of Realism
  20. Realism and Liberalism Compare and Contrast
  21. Global Politics and Realism’s Strengths and Weaknesses
  22. Realism, Liberalism, and Marxism
  23. Critical Realism and the Austrian Paradox
  24. Idealism Becoming Realism: The Actuality of Revolution

âť“ Questions About Realism

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. What Historical Events Influenced the Realism Period?
  2. Does Realism Still Work in Today’s World?
  3. What Caused the Rise of Realism in Arts?
  4. How Are the Elements of Realism Used to Present Believable Characters to the Audience?
  5. What Are the Assumptions of Realism and Why Has It Been So Influential in the Studies of International Relations?
  6. How Are the Elements of Film Style Used in the Films to Create Realism?
  7. What Are the Basic Tenets of Realism and Naturalism?
  8. Why Was Kate Chopin Known for Realism in Her Literary Works?
  9. Can Idealism and Realism Exist Together?
  10. How Does Chaucer Combine Realism and Convention Through the Franklin?
  11. What Are the Key Differences Between Realism and Neo-Realism?
  12. How Has Realism Theory Played a Key Role in Israeli and Palestinian Relations?
  13. What Are the Key Similarities and Differences Between Classical and Structural Realism?
  14. How Does Realism Affect International Trade?
  15. What Does Cinematic Realism Mean for Andre Bazin?
  16. How Does Realism Explain International System?
  17. What Is the Importance of Realism in Life?
  18. Is Realism Theory Still Relevant?
  19. How Is Realism a Useful Theory in Understanding International Political Economy?
  20. What Is the Difference Between Idealism and Realism?
  21. How Can You Apply Realism in Education?
  22. What Is the Most Important Aspect of Realism?
  23. How Did Realism Impact Society?
  24. What Effect Did Globalization Have on Realism?
  25. When Did Realism Emerge in International Relations?

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