73 Sony Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Sony

🎓 Interesting Sony Essay Topics

  1. Nintendo and Sony Companies’ Financial Fundamentals
    The paper presents the analysis of fundamentals about Nintendo and Sony and the ratio analysis to complete the review of the companies’ revenues.
  2. Sony Corporation and the New Trade Theory
    The New Trade theory is referred to as an economic theory developed by several economists in the 1970s. This theory has clearly been elucidated by the Sony corporation.
  3. Sony Corporation: Technology Design
    This essay is an assessment of how Sony Corporation is designing its technology systems to meet the market demands and make profits as projected by the management.
  4. Sony: Marketing and Business Analysis
    In fact the market research of the Sony company is extremely strong and effective. Market research involves collecting information through primary and secondary sources.
  5. Sony Corporation’s Failure in the MP3 Industry
    Sony Company found it difficult to improve its technology and implement the new changes that were unfolding. They had done a lot in terms of technology.
  6. Sony Firm’s Mission, Vision and Strategy Statement
    SONY faces a downfall due to the lack of a distinct strategy statement as organization strategies advance and are refreshed to adapt to current factors over the long run.
  7. Sony: Critical Analysis, Market Opportunities
    The company is able to utilize the opportunities and neutralize dangers by focusing on its brand and product quality
  8. Sony’s Projector Manufacturing Market in 1989
    The competitive situation on the projector market considering Electrohome production in 1989 and the strategy applied by Sony will be discussed in the present essay.
  9. Sony Company’s International Business Strategy
    Sony is a giant electronic producer from Japan. It has been in the front-line in producing reliable technological devices, it should have produced machines to read the blue ray.
  10. Sony TV: New Product or Service
    Sony is a global company that continues to provide innovative and high-quality products to cut a niche in the market. This paper will focus on Sony coming up with a new TV card because it has been selling TVs.
  11. Sony Cyber-Attack: Hitting Back or Holding Back in Cyberspace
    Sony Pictures Entertainment was established in 1987 and is located in Culver City, California. The corporation is a mass media and entertainment studio.
  12. SONY: The Launch of Fingerprint Scanner
    SONY attempted to address new market gaps by offering a fingerprint scanner that individuals could use for various purposes.
  13. Australian Sony Handycam’s Advertising Campaign
    The main idea of this advertisement is to show how clear the photographs taken by the Sony Handycam camera are regardless of the age of a person.
  14. Sony Corporation’s Marketing Strategy in Action
    Globalization has both positive and negative effects on any company that operates globally. On the one hand, Sony can access new markets and gain many loyal customers.
  15. Nintendo and Sony Companies’ Financial Strategies
    The paper presents pro-forma financial statements for Nintendo and Sony, the discussion of current strategies and future investments, and the ratio analysis.
  16. Understanding Mechanistic vs. Organic Structures in Local Banking and Sony’s Strategy
    The paper studies mechanistic and organic organizational structures, centralizing and decentralizing authority at Sony and Stringer’s approach to organizing.

👍 Good Sony Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Competition Among the Big 3 Video Game Companies: Nintendo, Sega, and Sony
  2. Sony’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy & Stakeholders
  3. Corporate Strategy: Sony Restructures to Embrace Digital Economy
  4. Sony Pictures: Adapting and Remaining Relevant in the Entertainment Industry
  5. Samsung vs. Sony: Which TV Brand Is Better
  6. Sustainability in the Media Industries: The Lack of Transparency and the “Sony Hack”
  7. How Poor Corporate Governance Fueled Sony’s Meltdown
  8. Optimal Control Over the Process of Innovative Product Diffusion at Sony Corporation
  9. How Sony Can Regain Its Competitive Edge
  10. Analysis of the Vertical Integration Across the Value Chain at Sony Corporation
  11. Sony and Microsoft’s Approach to Acquisitions & Exclusivity
  12. Organizational Development & Change Management: Is Sony Turning Around?
  13. Factors Affecting the Marketing Environment of Sony Corporation
  14. University City Studios v. Sony Corporation of America as the Case Against Fair Use
  15. Consumer Markets & Buyer Behavior of Sony Products
  16. Aligning Sony’s S&OP Process With Their Corporate Business Strategy
  17. Sony Corp.: When CSR Aligns With Consumer Values
  18. Product and Service Quality Influence on Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Sony Products
  19. Microsoft Xbox vs. Sony PlayStation: What Is the Difference?
  20. Competitiveness of Multinational Firms: A Case Study of Samsung Electronics and Sony
  21. Sony: A Miracle Recovery and a Very Different Brand
  22. Corporate Governance at Sony: Innovations in the Board of Directors
  23. Sony-Zee Merger: Addressing Concerns in Corporate Governance
  24. External Environmental Factors That Influence Sony’s Innovation
  25. Optimization of R&D Investment Under Technology Spillovers: Sony Corporation

🌶️ Hot Sony Ideas to Write about

  1. Sony Corporation Under the Leadership of Howard Stringer
  2. Finance Management: Comparing Sony and Panasonic’s Financial Ratios
  3. Sony Corporation’s PESTEL Analysis & Recommendations
  4. Gamer’s Nightmare: An Analysis of the Sony PlayStation Hacking Crisis
  5. Sony Is Being Recognized as a Climate Change and Water Security Leader
  6. Evaluating Sony’s Track Record as an Innovative Company
  7. Un-Japanese Enough: Sony’s Struggle to Create Lasting Organizational Change
  8. Sony Corporation: When Globalization Meets Localization
  9. United Nations and Sony Sign Collaboration Agreement to Pursue Innovation
  10. Working Capital Management Ratios at Sony Corporation
  11. Sony Corporation Strategic Analysis: Scenario Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  12. Effects of the Streaming Deal Between Netflix and Sony
  13. Synopsis of Sony’s Strategic Management Failures and How to Overcome Them
  14. Sony Has an Ethics Problem: Why Should We Care?
  15. Management & Financial Accounting Transparency: Plans for Better Business Performance of Sony in Japan
  16. Sony-Fifa Partnership Marketing Program: The Value of Sponsorship
  17. How Sony Can Emerge as a Top Contender in the Computer Industry
  18. An Analysis of Sony’s Decade-Long Quest for Success
  19. A Brief History: Sony BMG Copy Protection Rootkit Scandal
  20. Sony Corporation: Market Leadership, Innovation Failure, and the Challenges of Business Reinvention
  21. Open Innovation Using Open Source Tools at Sony Corporation
  22. Engaging in Mobility Business: Sony-Honda Joint Venture Agreement
  23. The Main Reasons for Sony PlayStation’s Profitability
  24. Sony’s Innovation Fund to Nurture Ventures Specializing in Environmental Technology
  25. How Sony Empowers Front-Line Leaders to Drive Change

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StudyCorgi. "73 Sony Essay Topics." May 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/sony-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "73 Sony Essay Topics." May 18, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/sony-essay-topics/.

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