186 WW2 Essay Topics & Paper Examples

If you’re searching for compelling World War 2 topics for projects, presentations, or essays, you’ve come to the right place! StudyCorgi has compiled a list of WW2 topics and questions to research or talk about. Feel free to use these essay topics as inspiring ideas for your writing assignments!

🔝 Top 10 World War 2 Essay Topics

đŸ”„ Hottest WW2 Topics to Write about

The Reasons the US Entered WW2

The United States has remained unaffiliated in the Second World War up until 1941. However, this changed when Japan launched an attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7th. Two days later, Germany and Italy would declare war on America, and the US, in turn, asserted war on both countries.

African Americans during World War II

African Americans have served in every US conflict and World War 2 is no exception. More than two and a half million registered for the draft, and over a million were in active service. Despite the discrimination they faced, African American soldiers would continue to fight in the war, contributing to eventual victory.

The Role of Penicillin during World War 2

During the Second World War, the penicillin saved a myriad of lives. It was among the very first antibiotics used to treat infections among civilians and soldiers. Penicillin helped cure diseases such as pneumonia and heal wound infections, decreasing mortality rates and speeding up recovery.

Nazi Experimentation during World War II

The Nazi forces have conducted hundreds of experiments on prisoners of war and their own civilians alike. They experimented with sterilization, trying to eliminate unfavorable traits from their citizens to create a master race. They have also done numerous unethical medical tests on human subjects.

The Way WW2 Affected Civil Liberties

In the United States, the fight against fascist forces has brought forward contradictions within the country. On the one hand, Americans were fighting for the ideals of liberty and democracy. On the other, their own people, namely African Americans, were simultaneously oppressed and discriminated.

🏆 Best WW2 Topics to Write about

  1. World War II: “Once Upon a Time” Book by Humphrey
    The paper reviews Humphrey’s book Once Upon a Time: The 99th Division in World War II based on the USA’s patriotism, internal divisions, and unity of purpose themes.
  2. Social Changes Caused by World War II
    This essay examines the most common social changes stemming from World War II and the reasons behind their occurrence.
  3. Russian Climate and German Progression in WWII
    The country’s climate is close to generally continental, even though as it rises from west to east, the influence of the Atlantic Ocean reduces.
  4. United States-Japan Relations During World War II
    The development of relations between the United States and Japan, which led to the outbreak of war between the two countries, was a very complicated process.
  5. World War II: The Influence on Japan
    Japan experienced a major shift in its economy, politics, legal framework, culture, and society as a direct result of World War II.
  6. The World War II Recruitment Poster Analysis
    This paper discusses a poster that was created during World War II to recruit men and women for the Women’s Army Corps and the U.S. Marines.
  7. Churchill’s Leadership as a British Prime Minister During World War II
    The objective of this paper is to analyze Churchill’s leadership qualities, characteristics, and leadership traits that contributed to his success during the Battle of Britain.
  8. World War II Was a Continuation of World War I
    WWI was a conflict between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. The former included Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary.
  9. Japan After World War II: Main Events and Modifications
    This paper aims to investigate the situation in which Japan found itself after the events of World War II and how it influenced its society, culture and economic development.
  10. Social Effects in the West After World War II
    The post-war period was marked by changes in all spheres of social life including social security reforms and employment.
  11. World War II: Why Germans Lost and Allies Won
    World War II began with Germany’s attack on Poland in 1939 and ended with the attack on Japan’s Hiroshima in 1945 with the atomic bomb.
  12. Tuskegee Airmen: The First All African-American Squadron in WWII
    Red Tails produced by George Lucas can help you supplement the luck of historical knowledge. This movie is a life action-drama about the Tuskegee Airmen during the World War II.
  13. The United States Economy After World War II
    The country’s economic conditions during this period were shaped by recessions, manufacturing, and income inequality.
  14. Pacific Theater of World War II
    The four Empires were against the Japanese as each had some interest in controlling the ocean and especially the Pacific Islands.
  15. WWII and Iraq War Comparative Analysis
    This paper critically analyzes the use of theories to compare and possibly contrast the two wars, World War II and the War in Iraq.
  16. Japan’s Transformation After World War II
    Despite the high technological level and dynamism, the economy of Japan remained as an economy of an industrial country and continued developing based on industrial dominants.
  17. Battle of the Bulge During World War II
    In retrospect, the Battle of the Bulge can be seen as one of the largest strategic mistakes made by Germany due to the false assumption of military superiority.
  18. World War II, Its Origins and Consequences
    World War II was a global tragedy. That conflict lasted for six years and led to numerous losses, atrocities, and political and ideological shifts across the world.
  19. How Did the Treaty of Versailles Lead to World War II
    The Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of World War I, was intended to be a peace treaty between the Allies and Germany.
  20. The ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Campaign During World War II
    The ‘Rosie the Riveter’ campaign during World War II played a pivotal role in shaping the future of women’s rights and opportunities in the workforce.
  21. The Cold War and American Foreign Policy After World War II
    American foreign policy in the immediate postwar years targeted both the protection of the world against the Russians’ aggression and the establishment of its global dominance.
  22. Europe After World War I vs. World War II
    When reviewing the post-war periods of both wars, it is first necessary to analyze the results of the First World War.
  23. World War II: The Rise and Fall of Female Labor Force Participation
    WWII is one of the most controversial events in history because of the damage and development it caused. Millions of people died on the front.
  24. Japanese Internment During World War II
    Japanese-American internment refers to the forced relocation of numerous Japanese Americans to detention camps by the United States Government during World War II.
  25. World War II Effects on American Women and Minority Groups
    The Second World War had a mixed impact on women and minority groups while some minority groups became even more oppressed.

🌍 Europe after WW2: Essay Questions

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The European landscape changed significantly after the Second World War, with many of these changes still affecting the continent to this day. In your essay on this particular title, you could discuss:

  1. What were the efforts for economic reconstruction of Europe?
  2. How did the political climate in Europe change, split between Western and Eastern regions?
  3. What was the dynamic of the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union?
  4. What were the origins of the European Union and the Treaty of Rome?
  5. Were there any social and cultural changes to the European society following WW2?

💡 Interesting World War 2 Research Topics

  1. How and Why the US Entered World War 2?
  2. Cinema During the Great Depression and WWII
  3. Why Were the Japanese So Cruel in World War 2?
  4. Jewish Resistance During World War 2
  5. Relationship Between World War 1 and World War 2
  6. How the Versailles Treaty Helped Cause World War II?
  7. Europe After World War 2
  8. American Foreign Policy Since World War 2
  9. The Battle Between Russia and Germany During the WW2
  10. Australia and World War 2
  11. Crime Rates During World War II
  12. American Families During WW2
  13. How Did American Foreign Policy Change After World War 2?
  14. The Changing Foreign Policy and Alliances During WWII
  15. Innovations During World War 2
  16. The Holocaust and the Nazi Regime During World War 2
  17. Poland Was the Aggressor in World War II
  18. How Was Air Security Changed After World War 2?
  19. Women and Society After WWII
  20. Benito Mussolini and His Impact on World War 2

⚔ Italy and Germany in the WW2: Research Questions

During World War 2, Germany and Italy linked forces to wage war against other countries. The causes and effects of this fascist alliance are fascinating to explore in a research paper. If you would like to concentrate on this area in your writing, you could talk about:

  1. How did Mussolini and Hitler escalate to power in their respective nations?
  2. What military operations did Italy and Germany launch during WW2?
  3. What were the reasons for the formation of the Axis Powers?
  4. Were there any resistance efforts against the Italian and German fascist rules?
  5. What was the extent of Germany’s and Italy’s complicity in war crimes?

👍 Good World War II Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. American Women in World War II
    American women in World War II became engaged in numerous missions that’s why the importance of the role and objectives of American women in World War II should be investigated.
  2. Effects of World War II on the Economy and Culture of the U.S.
    The paper states that WWII affected the U.S economy negatively more than it positively contributed to its growth and sustainability.
  3. World War I vs. World War II Differences
    The paper states that there is often a discourse among military historians that the First and Second World Wars are one event or two different ones.
  4. World War II: Holocaust and Discrimination of the Jews
    The research paper aims to review several primary and secondary sources discussing the World War II and specifically the discrimination faced by the Jews.
  5. The Role of the Nazi Ideology in World War II
    World War II is characterized by the growth of the Nazi ideology, which became the primary factor leading to genocide, civilian murders, and violence peculiar to military actions.
  6. Changes in Practices of Warfare Since World War II
    The most important and striking trend in the change in the practice of warfare in the world is that the number of armed conflicts has significantly decreased.
  7. Las Pachucas During World War II
    World War II led to social changes and the destruction of old formations with the subsequent creation of new ones. This tendency may be traced to the example of Pachucas.
  8. World War II and Communism Impact on the US
    Over the decades, the central economic policy that contributed to the significant growth index in America has been capitalism.
  9. Fighter Planes: The Role in World War II
    Fighter planes played the most important role during World War II. These planes were the fastest and easiest to maneuver as they even could be controlled remotely.
  10. Air Defense Artillery in World War II
    The history of Air Defense Artillery as an independent branch of the United States Army started on the 20th of June 1968.
  11. “Battle of Tinian” Role in World War II
    The Tinian Island in World War II represented one of the core strategic areas that were central to the U.S. army’s success in fighting the enemy.
  12. American Presidency During World War II and the Cold War
    World War II and the advent of the Cold War taught many lessons regarding the American presidency, especially on matters of foreign military policies and strategies.
  13. “Children in the Holocaust and World War II” by Holliday
    The book “Children in the Holocaust and World War II” describes what difficulties a brother and a sister experienced in the Lodz Ghetto in Poland during World War II.
  14. World War II Atrocities: Crimes Against Humanity
    This paper focuses on the crimes against humanity in World War II. The crimes are not on the battlefield and are unconnected with specific military activities.
  15. World War II: Maskirovka Military Deception and Denials Operations
    This paper investigates the impact of maskirovka military deception and denials operations, a component of information warfare. The case study is set during World War II.
  16. The United States and the World War II: Fighting on Two Fronts
    The Second World War became the most significant conflict in human history because more than 50 million people were killed, including civilians and jews.
  17. World War II in the Pacific Region
    While it is a belief that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on February 7, 1941, was a massive success for the Axis forces, Imperial Japan failed to achieve all its objectives.
  18. The Role of American Women in World War II
    World War II empowered women and opened their liberties as equal citizens of the U.S. Women played a critical effort in the war, reducing the gap in industrial labor.
  19. The Rise and Fall of Communism After World War II
    Czechoslovakia’s communism was flawed and destined for failure, being devoted to the Russian paradigm and unsuited for a better-industrialized society.
  20. South Africa in World War II
    The paper states that without South African ports, thousands of Allies’ troops of World War II would not have reached the Middle East theatre.
  21. Battle of the Midway During World War II
    The Battle of Midway Atoll was a major naval battle of World War II in the Pacific in June 1942. The victory of the US Navy marked a turning point in the Pacific War.
  22. The Outcomes of World War II: Impact of Technology
    World War II’s scientific and technological accomplishments were among the most significant and long-lasting effects of a struggle that affected every aspect of society.
  23. The United States’ Participation in World War II
    While the United States had significant resources and influence in the West, the country could not have prevented the occurrence of the Second World War.
  24. World War II: The History of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    World War II was a global war that perpetrated the greatest struggle for mankind. This paper undertakes a critical review of why the United States deployed atomic bombs on Japan.
  25. What Effect Did the World War II Wartime Experience Have on African Americans?
    World War II was the battle of all races: white, Asian, and Black people. This essay will discover whether they were treated differently during and after the initial strife.
  26. Political, Cultural, Economic, and Social Implications of WWII for Germany
    This paper aims to analyze the transformation that happened to Germany after WWII: Political, cultural, economic, and social implications.

🌐 International Alliances and the World War II: Research Topics

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The Second World War brought about the emergence of many different alliances across the planet. If you are interested in the geopolitical climate of the time, this is the ideal area to explore in your essay. You can focus on:

  1. The way different alliances formed and for what reason.
  2. Military collaborations of Axis Powers vs. Allied Powers.
  3. Diplomatic negotiations involved in maintaining alliances.
  4. Economic partnerships established between allied nations.
  5. Espionage and intelligence sharing efforts among allies.
  6. Democratic ideologies of the Allied Powers and fascist ideologies of Axis Powers.
  7. The consequences of international alliances post-war.

✅ Simple World War 2 Essay Ideas

  1. Divisions Between the Soviet Union and the USA at the End of the WWII
    The current paper uses examples to present the issues that led to the division between the United States and the Soviet Union after the Second World War.
  2. Communism in Europe and America After World War II
    A review of the factors leading to communist growth in Europe and its failure in the United States is valuable for understanding this critical historical period and its outcomes.
  3. Change of Population in the USA Since World War Two
    The population of the minorities since World War II experienced a notable increase. The minority group is consists of Hispanics, Asians, and the growing American Indian people.
  4. World War II: Impact on American Society
    World War II had a tremendous impact on people, and its end promoted the middle and working-class Americans to live a better life than they lived before the war.
  5. Nazi Germany’s Resources and Demise in World War II
    The efforts of different countries managed to deliver victory after Nazi Germany became unstable and incapable of supporting the ongoing war.
  6. The United States and East Asia Since World War II
    World War II changed the world forever for the key players. While the USA and the Soviet Union fought together against the Nazi regime, the relationship between the two remained tense.
  7. Atomic Bomb Technology and World War II Outcomes
    The Hiroshima bombing, the event that ultimately led to the surrender of Japan, was an indication of the level of technological advancement.
  8. American-Japanese Military and Race Conflicts in the Book “War Without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War”
    The issues of prejudice, tunnel vision and inability to see the situation from all sides are described in the present book.
  9. The Fall of the Grand Alliance Against the Axis Powers Before the End of WWII
    War is political. International politics have an influence on global wars. The Second War was a war of actions, words, and fierce battles between the UK, US, former Soviet Union and the Nazi rule.
  10. How World War Two Affected Black Immigration?
    The black population benefited from World War Two in various ways but they also faced untold sufferings at the hands of people who considered them as none or less human beings.
  11. Post World War II Artist
    Big names in the sculpture industry as David Smith of the United States of America also could arguably be named as the most influential artists in the industry general.
  12. Impact of World War II on Balkan Nationalism, States and Societies
    To the Balkans, the impacts of World War II were enormous on states and societies. The interplay of military and political events from the war affected the region both positively and negatively.
  13. Women’s Backlash in the 1950s due to WWII
    The Second World War provided many horrors of war. The perspective of a woman’s position was changed forever. During WWII many women had jobs and were gaining independence.
  14. World War II: Internment of the Japanese Americans
    President Roosevelt at the peak of World War II authorized the internment of Japanese citizens living in the United States.
  15. Social and Economic Problems After World War II
    Having borne the brunt of the Great Depression and World War II, the American people experienced serious social and economic problems.
  16. History of Aviation in World War I and World War II
    Aviation history has various periods that crafted its unique story. It began before the seventeenth century and is known for several momentous events that led to its development, such as World War I and World War II.
  17. Great Depression and World War II Impact on the United States Economy
    Both the Great Depression and World War II heavily impacted the US economy in the first half of the previous century.
  18. Great Depression and World War II for Americans
    The Americans encountered numerous problems during the period of the Great Depression. The Second World War also led to many problems in the United States.
  19. Escape from Sobibor: World War 2 Holocaust
    Escape from Sobibor is one of the many movies that focus on the mass murder of Jews in German concentration camps.
  20. Impact of WWII on African American Racial Issues
    The situation with Japanese-American internees during World War II represents a unique and distinctive experience in American history.
  21. US in WWII: Impact on Culture & Women’s Roles in 1942
    This paper examines the film “Casablanca” and the poster “It’s a Woman’s War Too!” in the context of determining the role of women, emphasizing contribution during wartime.
  22. Analyzing Women in Art: Matisse vs. Lichtenstein
    This paper analyzes two paintings representing young women performing leisurely activities and shows the differences between the painting, as well as their common theme.
  23. Vietnam’s WWII Contributions and Independence Justification
    In his Declaration of Independence, Ho Chi Minh claimed that Vietnam had rendered certain services to the Allies during the World War II.
  24. History: American Foreign Policy since World War II
    The post-Cold War era in the American society can be deemed as an essential epoch in the U.S. history, as it allowed for retrieving the answers to some of the most complicated questions.
  25. Evolution of Warfare: From Total War to Cold War
    The WWII and its aftermath resulted in the development of another opposition of superstates. The former allies were not able to able to determine the spheres of their influence and make a compromise.
  26. Women in the Workplace After WWII
    To understand how the position of women in the workplace changed after World War II was over, it is necessary to understand what conditions there were before the end of this war.
  27. Japan and U.S.: Economic Giants in the Pacific
    The paper studies international relations between Japan and the USA, Japanese aggression and its role in World War II, and Japan’s economic growth.
  28. US Economic Recovery Post-WWII: Slow Growth and Challenges
    Since the Second World War, the United States has been working hard to overcome the deepest as well as the longest recession it has ever faced.
  29. World War II Role for the United States
    World War II led to changing the women’s roles in the family and society, the general social pattern, and to worsening the economic situation in the United States.
  30. World War II: British and American Home Front Experiences
    The Civilian War experiences portray the critical role that citizens can play, even if they are not part of the military, towards tackling an adversary.
  31. United States and Soviet Union: Post-WWII Nuclear Arms Race
    This paper discusses the reasons behind the rapid growth in the number of nuclear weapons until the mid-eighties; it will focus on Russia and United States.
  32. Strategic and Ethical Implications of the US Atomic Bombings During WWII
    The decision of the President of the United States to drop atom bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the World War II has been clouded by controversy.
  33. The Crete Battle of World War II
    World War II consisted of various battles among them, the Crete battle in which Germany invaded the territory that was hitherto controlled by the British and Greece troops.

đŸ‘©â€đŸŠ° Empowered Women after World War 2: Topics

During WW2, women have played the part of soldiers, undercover agents, doctors, and many others. They have been essential in the eventual defeat of the fascist rule. Post-war, women kept on fighting for their rights and establishing their place in the world. In an essay on this topic, you can talk about:

  1. The continued economic participation of women in the workforce after the war.
  2. Increased political engagement of women post-war.
  3. Legislative reforms aimed at addressing gender inequalities.
  4. The emergence and continuance of feminist movements and feminist theory.
  5. Portrayal of empowered women in media and popular culture.

❓ Research Questions About World War 2

  1. What Happened in Egypt During World War 2?
  2. Why Did Japan Get Involved in World War 2?
  3. Who Defeated Japan in World War 2?
  4. What Role Did Military Intelligence Play in World War 2?
  5. Did the Soviets Win World War 2?
  6. What Are the Roles of African Americans During World War 2?
  7. How Did World War 2 Change the Attitudes of Women and Minorities Toward Their Status in American Society?
  8. How Did The Versailles Treaty Help World War 2?
  9. How Did World War 2 Affect Surgical Procedures?
  10. What Made Japan Lose World War 2?
  11. Why Did France Surrender to Germany at the Beginning of World War 2?
  12. How Did World War 2 Come to an End in Europe?
  13. What Was the Significance of D-Day to the Outcome of World War 2?
  14. Did Nordic Countries Recognize the Gathering Storm of World War 2?
  15. What Effect Did World War 2 Have on Life in Barking and Dagenham?
  16. Why Did Germany Keep Fighting in World War 2?
  17. How Did World War 2 Begin and End?
  18. Were the Atomic Bombs Used in World War 2 Justified?
  19. How Did World War 2 Affect Women’s Rights?
  20. What Was the Development Process of Atomic Bomb Which Leads Its Impact on World War 2?
  21. Was Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki Necessary to End World War 2?
  22. How Did World War 2 Affect Medical Treatment in Tennessee?
  23. When Did the Soviet Union Turn Against Germany in World War 2?
  24. Which Country Won the War 2?
  25. Was the Cold War Inevitable After World War 2?
  26. What Country Has the Most Deaths in World War 2?
  27. Why Were British Troops in Egypt in World War 2?
  28. Which Country Was the Most Important in World War 2?
  29. Did the Bretton Woods Conference Help the World Economy After World War 2?
  30. How Did World War 2 Transform American Society and Government?

🚀 Innovations during World War 2: Essay Topics

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Since the dawn of time, conflicts have been catalysts for great innovations. Plenty of inventions have been developed during the Second World War, more than can be covered in one paper. If you want to explore this area in your essay, consider focusing on one of the following:

  • Technological – developments in military equipment and weaponry.
  • Communications – new breakthroughs in radio, code-breaking, and cryptography.
  • Transportation – advancements in aviation and ground transport tech.
  • Computing – emergence of early computers and electronic navigation systems.
  • Medical – improvement in antibiotics and surgical practices.
  • Industrial – innovations in mass production, such as assembly lines manufacturing.

💣 World War 2 Topics for a Project

  1. The major battles of World War II.
  2. The Holocaust during WWII.
  3. The role of the Manhattan Project in WWII.
  4. Propaganda in WWII.
  5. Civilian support during World War II.
  6. Codebreaking in World War II.
  7. Resistance movements during WWII.
  8. War crimes in World War II.
  9. The Pacific theater of WWII.
  10. The impact of technology on the WWII course.

📝 WW2 Research Topics

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  1. The Battle of Stalingrad—the turning point in the Eastern Front.
  2. The impact of the Yalta Conference decisions.
  3. The Battle of Kursk—the largest tank battle in history.
  4. The challenges of the Allied invasion of Italy.
  5. The role of African Americans in WWII.
  6. WWII and the Chinese resistance.
  7. The costs of the Battle of Iwo Jima.
  8. The implications of the Tehran Conference.
  9. Long-term psychological effects of WWII on veterans.
  10. The Soviet partisan movement during WWII.

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