Summary of Chapter 13 of ‘Business, Government, and Society’ by Carroll


In this chapter, the authors examine the impact of industrial activities on the environment. In the beginning, they discuss how the American landscape was transformed by sawmills, ironworks, or foundries (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 436). Furthermore, they discuss various threats that arise from the activities of many companies. For instance, one can speak about the dangers related to the chemical industry. Much attention should be paid to different forms of cancer and other diseases that adversely affect the health of many people. Additionally, scholars focus on the changing practices of many companies that are pressured to become more sustainable. For instance, they have to adopt cleaner technologies.

Furthermore, this chapter can throw light on the important ideas that shaped environmental protection laws. It is possible to refer to the views of Arne Naess who argues that nature should not be viewed only as a source of economic growth because it has an “intrinsic value that must not be compromised” (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 446). To some degree, these ideas contributed to the change in public opinion as well as legislation.

Much attention should be paid to the work of the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA that regulates the work of many companies. This organization strives to minimize the pollution of air, water, and soil. Additionally, this agency can identify a list of chemicals that cannot be used by enterprises. For example, one can mention creosote (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 462).

This chapter shows that environmental regulations should be not be overlooked by manufacturing companies because they can be forced to pay heavy fines if their activities detrimentally affect the environment. These are the main details that should be considered.


The issues discussed by the authors can be familiar to many readers since nowadays many researchers and journalists pay attention to various environmental risks. Yet, this chapter can give people a better idea about many issues that are important for modern businesses. For instance, the scholars examine the functioning of the EPA and the regulations that it introduces. This knowledge is important because entrepreneurs should be able to avoid legal problems that can emerge due to the violations of norms set by the EPA. For instance, one can mention the use of prohibited chemicals.

This is one of the points that can be made. One should keep in mind that environmental regulation is the largest area of regulation in the United States (& Steiner, 2012, p. 463). Therefore, managers should know how to safeguard a company against various risks related to environmental pollution. This is one of the details that should be taken into account.

Furthermore, the issues discussed by the authors should be considered by business administrators working in international companies. They need to remember international legislation that is aimed at protecting the environment. In particular, one can refer to the Kyoto Protocol which limits the emission of carbon dioxide (Steiner & Steiner, 2012). Therefore, these professionals should make sure that the operations of their businesses are consistent with various environmental codes.

Additionally, this chapter shows that companies should strive to adopt cleaner technologies because in this way, they can better adjust to the changes in environmental legislation. The problem is that many technological processes that pose a risk to the environment can be eventually made illegal. In turn, by focusing on environmental sustainability, businesses can become more resilient. These are the main lessons that can be drawn from this chapter.


Steiner, J., & Steiner, G. (2012). Business, Government, and Society. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

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