Interpersonal Qualities for Good Relationships


Having strong interpersonal qualities is essential for creating healthy relationships with others, particularly at the organizational level. Sound interpersonal relationships imply that individual and collective productivity is achieved since the “we feeling” is developed to attain common interests (Canevello & Crocker, 2011). Interpersonal skills like respect, friendliness, sympathetic joy and equanimity are essential for the development of quality relationships that foster individual and collective development. This paper will focus on interpersonal qualities that promote the development of stable relationships.

Honest Communication

Honest and open communication is vital for the development of trust between parties, which improves connections with others. Honest discourse is important since it acts as a vehicle to deliver genuine feelings to the other person regarding a particular issue of mutual interest (Vertino, 2014). Thus, a connection is created when an individual can understand the thoughts and feelings of others implying that they have an interpersonal relationship based on honesty and openness.


When an individual is friendly with others, relationships work better due to the absence of hostilities that cultivate incompatibilities or conflicts. The bumpy rides experienced in relationships can be cushioned by friendliness when the parties involved decide to settle the emerging issues by choosing to stay cheerful (Canevello & Crocker, 2011). In this case, when an individual is friendly, other people find comfort in interacting with them, and they will be in pursuit of mutual, longer-lasting, and beneficial relationships. Therefore, kind words, putting on a smile, and cheering up is a great way of connecting with others for healthier relationships.


Loyalty is a crucial quality that facilitates the development of purposeful interpersonal relationships. Commitment towards loyalty is vital for allowing relationships to move forward in a positive course even in turbulent moments. A secure and robust feeling emerges when a person is aware that s/he has a relationship with others based on mutual loyalty implying that connectedness is achieved in such relationships (Canevello & Crocker, 2011).


The people’s imperfectness implies that they would fail in their relationships at times. In this case, constantly fails by others should be approached with patience since there are no perfect individuals. Understanding the weaknesses of others implies that one can tolerate imperfections at the expense of creating healthy relationships with them (Vertino, 2014). Therefore, cultivating the quality and skill of patience is essential for connecting with others effectively.

Sympathetic joy

Rejoicing in the happiness of others even in times of adversity is crucial for the cultivation of healthy relationships (Canevello & Crocker, 2011). In this essence, the feeling of satisfaction and happiness due to the accomplishments of friends, family, and colleagues is a depiction of sympathetic joy. Thus, having the fundamental goodness of all the people that we interact with considering their basic well-being and ours is necessary for the creation of support, nourishment, and strength required for purposeful relationships.


Equanimity is characterized by calmness and composure of the mind or temper. This assertion implies that individuals can apply emotional intelligence even in stressful situations to maintain their relationships with others (Vertino, 2014). The attribute of equanimity is an umbrella that covers the precious virtues of empathy, honesty, integrity, patience, and authenticity among other values. Thus, the expression of equanimity towards others is essential for balancing one’s emotions to curb stormy relationships.


The development of qualities like honesty, friendliness, loyalty, sympathetic joy, and equanimity is crucial for connecting with others. In this regard, beneficial personal and interpersonal relationships are built on the grounds of support, nourishment, and strength, which are essential for personal and collective growth and development.


Canevello, A., & Crocker, J. (2011). Creating Good Relationships: Responsiveness, Relationship Quality, and Interpersonal Goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(1), 78–106.

Vertino, K. (2014). Effective Interpersonal Communication: A Practical Guide to Improve Your Life. OJIN, 19(3), 57-63.

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