Investing in Medical Services: The Necessity of Health Expenditures


Medical services are imperative for the nation’s welfare. Life expectancy is impacted by service quality. Technological equipment and professional education are required. Public health programs are also necessary. Tremendous expenses are connected to health care (Deb & Norton, 2018). Financial input increases positive healthcare effects.

Finances and the clinical environment

Health care expenditures are considerably diverse. Medical services should be highly effective (Boachie et al., 2018). Novel equipment and training demand resources. Higher expenses are connected to better care. Curing and preventative measures become available. Longevity and mortality rates are affected (Boachie et al., 2018).

The effects of increased expenditures

Curvilinear dependence between costs and effects. More extensive benefits at the beginning. Office-based visits become more frequent (Deb & Norton, 2018). Emergency admissions are lower in numbers (Deb & Norton, 2018). Productivity decreases as expenses rise (van den Heuvel & Olaroiu, 2017). Per capita calculation is necessary for analysis.


Substantial financial support is highly essential. Health care programs should be extensively sponsored. Proper evaluation of available medical programs. Sponsoring behavior-altering initiatives prompts success. Advanced technologies as an advantageous investment. Medical service’s overtime contribution should be considered.


Deb, P., & Norton, E. C. (2018). Modeling health care expenditures and use. Annual review of public health, 39, 489-505. Web.

Kofi Boachie, M., Ramu, K., & Põlajeva, T. (2018). Public health expenditures and health outcomes: new evidence from Ghana. Economies, 6(4). Web.

van den Heuvel, W. J., & Olaroiu, M. (2017). How important are health care expenditures for life expectancy? A comparative, European analysis. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 18(3), 9-12. Web.

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