IT Engineering Solution and Development

Modern IT is used in the process of modulating police response, criminal investigations, and communications. The other objective that can be met with the help of modern technology is modulating the response to major incidents and the administration of management and personnel data. The major objective of the research is to examine problematic issues that modulate current laws, jurisdiction, and the potential unintended consequences of technology. All these issues currently exist in criminal justice management.

As an IT manager I was engage in strategic management process. The task was to develop an unique technology for criminal justice department. The technology was based on NCJIS Server. During the first stage, we identified the main problems experienced by the department and desired outcomes. The project team decided to introduce web-based information system in order to connect different department and employees from all over the country (Carr, 2004). The main feature of this system is the provision of more than 100 state and local and criminal justice agencies. The specific feature of these agencies is that they use five different state and local databases. At present, the state has implemented a common jail management system. The system exists in more than 60 countries of the world. The main objective of the system is the provision of local agencies with functional application. The main objective of he system is the provision of data collection mechanism. The mechanism can be used for regulation the work of VINE and the NCJIS servers (Raymond 2005). The solution was not easy as it required analysis of diverse types of data used by the departments. I was engaged in the actions that were aimed at improvement of the current structure and web architecture. A special attention was paid to automated fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). These systems enable police officers that work at the remote workstations to deliver the best services. A specific feature of this system is that it used the network, the main objective of which is supporting law enforcement statewide. As a result, a new Trasmission Cotrol Protocol and Internet Protocol are the things that are the best updated to meeting the needs of the end user workstations. Data sharing can be described as a very important part of the system. The peculiar thing about the system is that it shares information between different state systems, between state and local systems, or between local systems. The analysis of the recent activities shows that practice of the recent years has left much work for the people to be done in the future time (Carr, 2004).

The beneficial feature of the system is the presence of the already mentioned goals. All of these goals can be achieved in the course of 5 years. During this time people make several attempts to make the project outline. The same thing can be told about the project’s initiatives, projects, schedule, budget, and many other things that make an important role of the plan. Internal opportunities belong to the thing that are influenced by many important factors. The system has its own features. As a manager I will try to pay more attention to the analysis of things that can potentially influence thee system functioning (Raymond 2005). The specific feature of this functioning is that it can positively impact the effectiveness of the project. The primary opportunities that have been identified in the course of the issue are the following: The creation of technology infrastructure has contributed to the major changes in technology environment. The major part of the changes has occurred due to the fact that the state is no longer able to provide tools that enable the electronic creation and exchange of information. As for the enterprise application, a specific feature of this application is that it is not focused on the specific program and administration needs. Traditionally, the needs are the system is aimed at providing a common set of tools. The main objective of these tools is the provision of effective communication between criminal justice partners and the police off.


Carr, N. G. (2004). Does IT Matter? Information Technology and the Corrosion of Competitive Advantage. Harvard Business School Press.

Raymond E. Foster (2005) Police Technology. Hi Tech Criminal Justice.

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