Lavender Landscaping Company’s Profile


Founded in 2014 in Dubai Silicon Oasis, Lavender Landscaping is a fast growing company that specializes in providing affordable, but high-quality services to customers that value natural surroundings and want to embellish their houses or officers with beautiful gardens. The company owns a plant nursery with flowers and other plants to give customers the best prices when it comes to landscaping services. Lavender Landscaping hired skilled architects to satisfy the needs of the most demanding clients; currently, the company can create designs of pools, fountain irritations, and outdoor landscaping, which are all considered essential in the context of Dubai, the city where design and architecture are deemed essential for a comfortable life.

Mission Statement

Lavender Landscaping views outdoor landscaping as one of the most effective tools for improving one’s surroundings, lifting the mood, and creating a balance between concrete buildings and soft, peaceful gardens. Therefore, the company’s mission is to:

  • Provide high-quality landscaping services that will be affordable to the citizens of Dubai and other regions.
  • Develop and maintain strong bonds with customers to ensure satisfaction and client retention.
  • Have an immediate response to the changing needs of clients and follow the latest trends in landscaping design for ensuring a competitive advantage.
  • Create a social media presence to communicate with customers, get feedback, share the examples of work, and provide online consultations.
  • Make continuous efforts to improve landscaping services and develop new skills for completing new projects.
  • Maintain professional relationships within the team and ensure that all employees are working towards a specific organisational goal.
  • Build strong connections with suppliers and other third parties that may be involved in the design and implementation of landscapes.

Company’s Vision

The vision of Lavender Landscaping, a creative, trendy, and hard-working team of designers, architects, and gardeners, ready to fulfill the dreams and desires of the most demanding customers and is quick to respond to trends and new developments in the sphere of landscaping design. Since Dubai is a city that boasts of its contemporary designs of houses, shopping malls, hotels, and entertainment arenas (NASPA), it is crucial for a landscaping company to be involved in the design of outdoor landscapes that will complement the overall look of the city.

Lavender Landscaping Mission

At Lavender Landscaping, every employee is valued for his or her contribution to providing immaculate services to customers. Every employee is a team player, who is expected to perform assigned duties to the fullest capacity and potential. The company invests time and funds into training new specialists and enhance the skills of already qualified professionals who want to improve and be capable of designing the most outstanding outdoor landscapes.

Lavender Landscaping’s objective is the commitment to the requirements and needs of customers as well as the establishment of a high standard of landscaping services to make sure that every client is satisfied and is left with a good impression to recommend the company to friends, family, and colleagues. Since the services the company provides are built on trust and mutual understanding among those involved in the design and development (both customers and service providers), Lavender Landscaping makes sure to communicate every detail of the process. By doing so, the company has achieved a high-performance indicator of customer satisfaction through providing innovative designs that do not cost a fortune.

Past Projects and Future Goals

Lavender Landscaping has already been providing immaculate landscape design services for almost three years. Among the most prominent projects are MBRSC landscaping and parking interlock, Mr. Firaz’s penthouse balcony, Villa of Mr. Al Suwaidi, villas of Mr. Al Qassimi and Mr. Al Moalla. Some of the visual examples of the company’s work can be seen in the images below:

Landscape design
Landscape design

Currently, Lavender Landscaping is working on a large project with MBRSC, which will include two pergola fountains and an outdoor landscape. In the future, Lavender Landscaping is planning to undertake even greater projects and cooperate with independent designers and constructions worker to cater to the needs of respectable clients such as shopping mall owners or hotel owners. Overall, the company is planning to expand its business, hire more professionals, establish more plant nurseries, and cooperate with foreign flower and plant distributors to have an advantage over competitors that do not have an opportunity to import plants from other countries.

Target Objective: Capturing Attention

Among the key objectives of Lavender Landscaping, the establishment of a solid reputation is the most important for the company. Because it is relatively young, the company has not had a chance to capture the attention of many customers despite providing affordable, high-quality services. The primary tool for achieving this objective will be the creation of an online image. The website will constantly be updated on the recent news, photos of the latest landscaping creations, as well as offers and discounts. Lavender Landscaping has a long way ahead of it, and it has great potential to achieve the established goals and become a well-known and reliable provider of landscaping services.

Work Cited

NASPA. “About Dubai.Zu, n.d.. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 8). Lavender Landscaping Company’s Profile.

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Lavender Landscaping Company’s Profile'. 8 September.

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StudyCorgi. "Lavender Landscaping Company’s Profile." September 8, 2020.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Lavender Landscaping Company’s Profile." September 8, 2020.

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